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Beginner's guide to using devkitPro to install upgrades and resources

  • 658
    After having to spend a large amount of time tracking down the appropriate versions of devkitARM and instructions for armips, I decided to take it upon myself to gather the information and downloads all in one place. I am by no means an expert in any of this, I am trying to help out my fellow noobs :)

    How to add the EV-IV Display Screen and Dizzy's Hacked Engine to your ROM (and any others requiring devkit)

    First we download and install python 3.5 from here:

    Now we download and install devkitPro, download the updater from here:
    run the file and go through the installer, you don't need to have all the developments checked, I only checked GBA to be safe and it worked. This will cause a command prompt to pop up, just let it do its thing and when it is done finish going through the installer.

    You will now have a folder in your C:\ drive named devkitPro, open it up and either rename or delete the devkitARM folder.

    Now we need to rollback the installation of devkitARM to r45, this is a lot easier than it sounds. We will just download a self exctracting archive from:
    OR if you don't like the idea of an executable, here's an alternate link to a zip

    Extract that to your devkitPro folder, so that it becomes the new devkitARM folder we just renamed or deleted.

    Now we download armips from here:
    and extract it to C:\armips

    Now we are ready to install Dizzy's Hacked Engine (https://www.pokecommunity.com/showthread.php?t=387565) just follow the instructions.

    To install the EV-IV Display Screen (https://www.pokecommunity.com/posts/9229108/) or any others that require armips, we need to change a few things, these MUST be undone to install Dizzy's Hacked Engine, for some reason it won't work with the PATH variables edited

    1) Go to Control Panel\System and Security\System\Advanced system settings\Environment Variables
    2) Open the variable called "PATH". It'll be a long line filled with paths to different folders.
    3) At the very end of said line, add the following lines:
    4) Press OK.
    5) Back in the System Properties window press "Apply" and "OK".

    And we're all done! Just make sure to undo that last step to work with Dizzy's Hacked Engine, if I find a way to make both work simultaneously I will add that to this tutorial.

    EDIT: I have compiled all this into a single ZIP archive just in case the Python or devkit links die,
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    dearman4, there are no words in this mortal world to express how grateful I am for your tutorial! You are truly now dear man to my heart!
    dearman4, there are no words in this mortal world to express how grateful I am for your tutorial! You are truly now dear man to my heart!

    Lol thank you and you're welcome. I had tried to get help on all this before and received less than cordial responses after the first few, so I decided to be a help to my fellow noobs lol I am very happy that I have helped you at least!
    Hey man, I have followed your tutorial but upon trying to compile dizzyegg's hacked engine, but it keeps telling me the system cannot find the specified file, if you know anything about this I would be very appreciative.

    Here is a screenshot of the issue https://imgur.com/a/yzaDndY
    Hey man, I have followed your tutorial but upon trying to compile dizzyegg's hacked engine, but it keeps telling me the system cannot find the specified file, if you know anything about this I would be very appreciative.

    Here is a screenshot of the issue https://imgur.com/a/yzaDndY

    Odd, I am getting the same error, it was working fine before.. I'll look into it, maybe a clean reinstall will fix it, trying it now
    Hey man, I have followed your tutorial but upon trying to compile dizzyegg's hacked engine, but it keeps telling me the system cannot find the specified file, if you know anything about this I would be very appreciative.

    Here is a screenshot of the issue https://imgur.com/a/yzaDndY

    Found the issue! for some reason that particular resource doesn't like the PATH variable to be edited. Simply remove the
    lines and it works fine, sorry about that!
    Any tips on applying the other Emerald upgrades? I'm not sure if I'm supposed to keep track of the offsets in the ini files. I also can't tell what to do on all the "clear repointed data" parts in the .py files. does that mean it deletes the other stuff i just put in there, or is it asking about the location where the new data used to be?
    Any tips on applying the other Emerald upgrades? I'm not sure if I'm supposed to keep track of the offsets in the ini files. I also can't tell what to do on all the "clear repointed data" parts in the .py files. does that mean it deletes the other stuff i just put in there, or is it asking about the location where the new data used to be?

    When I made my Emerald Hack, I edited the ini files to point to an empty space I used the Free Space Finder to locate, and for things that specifically need to call that script, you'll need to know where they're at. Not sure on that last part, like I said in my original post, I am by no means an expert on this. You could try the Discord chat, I have gotten very quick and cordial help there :)
    Any tips on applying the other Emerald upgrades? I'm not sure if I'm supposed to keep track of the offsets in the ini files. I also can't tell what to do on all the "clear repointed data" parts in the .py files. does that mean it deletes the other stuff i just put in there, or is it asking about the location where the new data used to be?

    Use the same ini and make a backup of old one. Always make backup of your rom too. Its good to keep track of every change so you can easily fix some issues.

    When you use the engine it will create a new set of data rendering the old one useless. If you set clear repointed data to true, it will delete the old useless data. It's recommended set false as it can delete important data in some cases.

    For discord just use the Discord link on the top of the page to enter in chat.
    undefined reference to `item_to_ball'

    If you get that error when trying to move the level cap, set the value for the expanded pokeballs to True. Apparently not having that enabled throws that error.
    What do i do on this part plz help

    1) Go to Control Panel\System and Security\System\Advanced system settings\Environment Variables
    2) Open the variable called "PATH". It'll be a long line filled with paths to different folders.
    3) At the very end of said line, add the following lines:
    4) Press OK.
    5) Back in the System Properties window press "Apply" and "OK".
    What do i do on this part plz help

    1) Go to Control Panel\System and Security\System\Advanced system settings\Environment Variables
    2) Open the variable called "PATH". It'll be a long line filled with paths to different folders.
    3) At the very end of said line, add the following lines:
    4) Press OK.
    5) Back in the System Properties window press "Apply" and "OK".

    Are you on a Windows PC?
    Hello, I tried to download the files and follow all the instructions. Problem is, I run on win7 32bit pc. Sadly, devkitpro only runs on 64bit. Is there an alternative way for this?
    Thank U So much for this. I was able to successfully install both the Emerald engine and the mega evolutions. But for mega evo in the repo you need to create a directory called build and run the commands make and python seperately. First, after making folder build run make then run python insert.py.
    I was also able to compile touch's follow me, and dexnav
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