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Better Than You - ♥ Shinji/Paul Club! ♥

; __ ; I knoooooooow
You and me both Azumi, you and me both.

Glion is adorable >w<
How much you wanna bet, that Glion's newly learned Giga Impact is gonna be Satoshi's finishing move or something.
Pah, we all know he's gonna lose, there's no way he could beat Darkrai, unless the writers make him half ass something or 'magically' pull through with his speech of friendship, allowing whichever Pokemon that's fighting Darkrai to get an 'energy' boost or something and win.
Agreed, but now adays, I don't watch it as faithfully as I used to, I was seriously only in it for Shinji, like after the tag battle contest in hearthome

So, I was looking at Black and White Fanart and this green haired guy, his name is N and I believe he's the one with the Shinji like persona, well, looking at this fan art, I'm starting to love these characters, especially N 8D
I want his hat D':

I really can't wait for this game now @_@
Pics galore below, their pretty big >.<
I just noticed, that B & W have about 5 trainers O.o
I wonder what all their roles are gonna be. . . will we be able to choose between two guys and two girls?
And their introducing Triple Battles. . .
I'm really anxious XDDD

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;A; /huggles Yashi

I... kinda thought our fail monkey would bring Shinji down because that thing is, like, the only connection between the two of them.

Huh? I thought Darkrai = Zoroark D: so maybe Satoshi would "be the first" to reveal "Darkrai"'s true identity.

Yeahhhhhhhhhhh, N~
I love that man~ <3 <3 <3

Nope, the other two are your "childhood pals" and they'll get the other two starters.
BTW what's the story between Cheren and N? o3o

Uwah, them lovely pics~
I love the Shinji/Jun one <3 And everything with N in it <33333333
Why do you like Shinji/Paul: i like his attitude..
Why did you decide to join the club? i used to be in it
Who will be your partner Pokémon? Erebuu
What is your partner Pokémon's nickname? (Optional) Lectra
What is the password? >>>ShINjI<<<
...somebody DO something and let him get back in... Stop being inactive~ D':

BTW, did you peeps see DP186? o3o
Why do you like Shinji/Paul: i like his attitude..
Why did you decide to join the club? this is new account for ash chamberlain.. (couldn't name change)
Who will be your partner Pokémon? Erebuu
What is your partner Pokémon's nickname? (Optional) Lectra
What is the password? >>>ShINjI<<<
Well, everything looks great and your accepted TLO, but I can't really add you to anything, that's Hakase's job and she also gets the last word, but everything looks good on this end.

Not yet Azumi, I'll probably be watching it sometime tonight and then come back and talk about it, it 186 the first half of Shinji vs Satoshi? or was it Satoshi vs Kohei? These numbers are confusing the heck outta me XDD
That's Shinji VS Satoshi Part 1. I think part 2 is going to air tonight? MAN, I can't wait... /sob
@TLO: I honestly can't think of one that hasn't already been used before >.< all we really do now is talk about the latest episodes and such.

@Azumi: Soooo, I just watched DP 186 and 187. One more episode and its bye bye Shinji D:
I did love the look on Satoshi's face when Gastrodoon used Counter Shield, I was like haha didn't see that one coming did you! XDDD
And the moment with Hikari and Shinji made me dawww, Shinji had told her that Satoshi reminded him of Reiji and she said that Satoshi is Satoshi and Reiji is Reiji.

Toxic Spikes is like even cooler in the Anime than it is in the game o3o
I love his Drapion, like seriously, its so awesome and beastly, I like is as much as I like his Ursaring. Though in game I didn't like either of them. Changed my mind now!
Is it wrong that I burst into a fit of laughter when it slammed Staraptor face first into the Toxic Spikes?
Ninjask is so cool too!
And Froslass, too bad it got done in by Uberchu D:
@Yashi: Nuuuuuuuuuu... ;A; I hope the Shinji fandom doesn't die... He's my favourite character in Pokemon...

Actually Shinji said he hated Satoshi because he reminded him of his ANIKI so much, and Hikari said that Satoshi is himself and stuff.
But goodness, it was nice that they get to talk. : D

This battle is, like, the livesaver ring to the whole Sinnoh League because it was rather disappointing, the whole league.

Drapion - Oh. God. That thing is a frigging beast. It's, like, the new Ursaring or something?
I was actually, like, "No wait Satoshi, you should never use physical moves here-!"... And then Staraptor just hit the floor. I facepalmed.
How Infernape used Flare Blitz to take away the Poison Toxic Spikes was awesome. Ash's tactics are actually effective, to be honest. : D Although he's somewhat of a loser.

Froslass was awesome too. Did she use Hail? Her ability seemed to work with it, right?
I liked how Shinji yelled Yukimenoko. XD Oh, it ttly wasn't eargasm or anything, srsly. ...y-yeah.
But poor thing, it was pwned by Uberchu... ;A;

Which reminds me, you know that the Japanese DPPt and HG/SS Wi-fi event gives you Satoshi's Pikachu? It's LVL 50 with Volt Tackle and Iron Tail and Thunderbolt and Quick Attack. It was... kinda cool.
Sooner or later they really need to give us Shinji's Pokemon, really. That'd be so cool... ; D
I hope so too, Shinji is seriously the only reason why I still watched the show and to an extent Hikari. I'll still like Shinji, but I'll be sad to see him go and the fact that Takeshi isn't gonna be in the new series makes me sad D: but I'll get over it XD

Ohhh. That's even better! Yes, seeing Shinji and Hikari just talking was nice. Satoshi's arrival ruined the moment >:U but it was still nice none the less.

Yes it was, this league was really corny, all the battles were only like one episodes, save for Satoshi and Shinji, which is sad really, because all his previous league battles were at the most 2 parters.

I believe so.
It made me laugh, I really wasn't expecting that, but does Staraptor even have any physical moves that don't need him to get in close?
That was pretty cool, but a small part of me seriously wanted Pikachu to get poisoned first >_>;;;
Yeah, Froslass used Hail first, to activate Snow Cloak.

Yeah, I heard about that.
I can't hook up my Wi-Fi to our new modem, it uses WPA instead of WEP, so I can't connect, without messing with my connection and I suck at that stuff, so I'm not even gonna try.
If they gave out Shinji's Pokemon, I'd want it, seriously, they should give out like an Elekid, Ursaring and Drapion or Torterra.
Satoshi didn't really ruin the moment, Jun started it >:U
And besides, Shinji STILL talked nevertheless, right? I mean, while Satoshi was running over. He still threw down a sentence before the others came to them.

...AND the Takuto battle is a one episode battle too. It'd either go down cheaply with Satoshi's Pokemon pwned with a SOLE Darkrai, or that thing is a Zoroark and that also gives motive to go to Isshu.
This league conference is really, really lame. -sigh-

Hrmmm, I don't think Staraptor has any special moves, since I was like "SATOSHI YOU IDIOT-- wait wait, does Staraptor HAVE special moves?" and went to check. XD

Aw, that sucks.
Although the DP series is ending (and in MY place, starting), part of me still wants to have his Pokemon... ;A; Or ANY other Pokemon...
If its a Zoroark, I'm going to introduce my face with a wall, seriously D:<
I'm so sick of that thing and it hasn't even hit the US yet, its fanbase is annoying me, kinda like the Lucario and Riolu fanbase, they totally killed it for me, and the movie didn't help at all.

Takeshi's a doctor. . . first Shigeru, now Takeshi, what is it with these guys and donning the white coats. Shigeru's reveal just seemed a bit out there, but with Takeshi.

What was the freaking point of him repeatedly saying he wanted to be a Breeder, yet there's hardly any information to back up his claims, we still don't know squat about Breeders, aside from the fact that they are better with Pokemon than trainers and apparently they make really good Pokemon food D: Contests got fleshed out for 2 whole seasons and Takeshi gets like less than 20 episodes with his shtick. I'm gonna miss him though and Hikari too.

Shinji D'''':

Hmm Oh! I know a new question!

Well, there goes Shinji - my favourite character in the whole series.
YES, whole series. I just realised that. Haha~

I'm rather hopeful that Satoshi be given the MERIT that he reveals that the Darkrai is a Zoroark becaause, I mean, it would be very cheap to have him lose to a legendary when he has actually beaten a bunch of them. >P

...damn, the Sinnoh series might have been crap, but it will really have a special place in my heart... <3 I'm going to miss everyone... Everyone! /weeps
Takeshi... Hikari... and Shinji too.
Wow, just watched their battle last night.
It wasn't as awesome as I hope it would be, I mean Electivire was cool and all but against Infernape, he just seemed bleh D:
He gets point for knocking out Pikachu though :D

Shinji's finally gone *sigh* and what only 2 or 3 more episodes and DP is over and BW starts. Hope N makes an early appearance 8D
The Infernape part was waaaaaaaaay too predictable. The things that happened AFTER the battle was rather surprising. (i.e. Shinji's reactions - I swear I hit the fangasm button there)

N and Cheren and our BW male might be handsome, but they will NEVER beat my love for Shinji! >A<
It will neverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr~! /weeps

And yes I perfectly know that our BW male (or possibly Cheren) would not appear, but I tend to merge fandoms sometimes so that's why I said that
Damn Infernape for faltering, I wanted to know what Shinji was going to say D:
Yeah, way too predictable all Shinji's haters probably jumped for joy. . . junding by some of the comments I read, I know they did :/

Yeah, Shinji's a rival I really liked and aside from Shigeru and to an extent Ritchie and Jun, all his other carbon copy rivals were bleh and we never see them again D:<

Who knows, maybe they'll make a cameo appearance or something XD
He was obviously going to say "you've gotten stronger" or along those lines.
This is why I never read the comments when Shinji is involved. They're... too unbearable.

I never liked the other rivals. Shigeru and Jun (and Shinji) are another matter. Other than that, everyone hits the bottom of the list. </3

That would be AWESOME. Just seeing a cameo would make my life, even if it's a non-speaking role.
Why do you like Shinji/Paul?

He really irritates Ash. He also has pretty good taste. I really liked how he waited for Cynthia to use Giga Impact before using his Torterra in that battle...

Why did you decide to join the club?

For the banter :P

Who will be your partner Pokémon?

Don't want one, but...Electabuzz

What is your partner Pokémon's nickname? (Optional)


What is the password?

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Yay, Shinji got very little (but very much to me) screentime in the latest episode, when Satoshi lost to Takuto!
Jun was funny when he ran off at the end. Which ALSO means he's leaving as of today... Sigh.

Let's see how the last episode goes and if we get to see everyone again, flashback or not... -tears up- I-I'll really miss DP, it's the first Pokemon anime series (aside from original and Kanto BF) I actually "walked together with" the whole time, so I'll miss everyone...!

O-oh BTW, wrong password. Go change it before SL-sama sees it. -returns to emo corner-