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  • 37,467
    • they/them
    • Seen Jul 30, 2024
    Pokémon BEYOND
    Journey RP in Kanto with IRL time mechanics. Rating is T. spots are CLOSED for now!
    [S-HIGHLIGHT]OOC thread found here <<[/S-HIGHLIGHT]

    Year 2021, April:
    [PokeCommunity.com] BEYOND ic

    You (currently) live in Fuchsia City. You might have wanted to sign up in Pallet City, but for one reason or another, you became aware of a new endeavor going on in your own town. Another pokémon researcher, professor Cypress, is starting up her own battling agency called Battle Beyond, through which she hopes to rival the official monopoly on teaching new battlers how to think and train. This flamboyant figure offers a different selection of starters, bred in the local Safari Zone by her team of researchers. They are at least as strong as the classic "Kanto starters", and according to Cypress, they are even more intelligent.

    The catch? Cypress believes strongly in aura. As the existence and influence of aura in battles and pokémon growth is hard to prove, Cypress so far isn't taken seriously by other scientists. She will require you to agree to try your best to get in tune with your own and your pokemon's aura over the course of your journey, and report any unusual behavior or findings back to her. That doesn't sound too hard, does it?

    And Team Rocket isn't really big and dangerous, and you won't need to worry about them... Unless you're training strong pokémon. Then you should probably be very worried. What are they really up to, though?

    Areas open
    - Fuchsia City
    - Route 15
    - Route 14/13
    - Route 12
    - Lavender Town
    - Rock Tunnel


    Paige Perrary - played by starika


    Elise Greene - played by Godzil


    Martin Lovett - played by FireSnow


    Damien Lalune - played by MurkMire


    Sorley - played by Aquacorde


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    Fuchsia City starting April 26 ic / February 19 ooc

    The city where you make your home is relatively small compared to its northern sisters. Its main attractions are the Safari Zone and the Poison Gym, but it's also got a fantastic beach and cliffs to the south, and of course the (not so well known) Cypress pokémon lab.

    Pokémon Center
    Very standard. Pokémon healing facilities. Hostel bedrooms for free for registered trainers. Basic pokémart.

    Safari Zone
    Closed this week due to renovations!

    Poison Gym
    The gym leader has told professor Cypress that her battlers may not challenge the gym before they've been around the region and back with several other badges in their collection already.

    The Seaside
    There is a beach which is full of surfers and sunbathers in the summer, but as it's only April now, there are only a few brave surfers here. At the cliffs, which make up most of the coast south of Fuchsia, there are probably some fishermen/women. Unlike Vermilion or Cinnabar, Fuchsia lacks a big harbor.

    Cypress lab
    You have already been registered and received your pokédex and pokémon, but you may visit her again if you wish. Her laboratory is (mostly in the expanded basement of) a rather innocent looking villa.

    Nina Cypress currently has two assistants working for her - the easily overwhelmed but very intelligent Mr Ralph and the young and feisty Kath Citrus (Cypress' cousin). Mr Ralph was lured into Aura research almost by chance and now feels obliged to help Cypress realize her dreams of being accepted by the scientific community. Kath refuses to be a battler herself but has a very easy time communicating with pokémon, which makes her a prime subject for her older cousin to study. Kath also runs errands for Cypress now and then. Feel free to flesh these characters out as you wish in posts! Ask the GM if you're unsure of what's ok.
    [PokeCommunity.com] BEYOND ic
    [PokeCommunity.com] BEYOND ic

    What to do here?

    - You will probably want to say goodbye to your family and pack your things if you haven't already. Get supplies, get to know your first pokémon, basically just get ready for the long journey on foot ahead. It's Monday, jsyk.

    - There are only a few pokémon to capture in and around this city, but you can try!

    - There might be trainers in the city or by the seaside who would be willing to let a new battler have their first match against them!

    - Professor Cypress gave you a TM along with your pokémon. It will teach a special move to your pokémon, but you will need to take up an action point to do it, of course. (You decide ooc which move the TM contains)

    - It will be possible to move on to a new area on April 27 ic / February 25 ooc! Get your April 26 actions in before then :D

    Wild pokémon

    [PokeCommunity.com] BEYOND ic
    Sandygast Lv 2-5 // Harden - Absorb - Astonish
    [PokeCommunity.com] BEYOND ic
    Krabby Lv 2-5 // Mud Sport - Bubble - Vicegrip
    [PokeCommunity.com] BEYOND ic
    Wingull Lv 2-5 // Growl - Water Gun - Supersonic​


    Elise Greene
    [PokeCommunity.com] BEYOND ic

    [PokeCommunity.com] BEYOND ic

    "Are you sure you wanna do this?" Kath asked, for the third time. She sat on the edge of the porch in front of Professor Cyprus' lab, kicking her legs idly.

    Elise nodded, watching as her new Espurr slowly walked around her, looking her over and occasionally sniffing at her legs. "I... I think so. It's not going to be easy, and it might be a little s-scary, but this is the direction I need to take my life in." Espurr stopped in front of her, looking up and letting out a soft meow. Elise smiled, picking her up and letting her snuggle against her chest.

    "Besides, look how cute she is! I'm so grateful the professor let me take her with me! All she needs now is a proper name. How about... Pearl? You like that name?" She tickled Espurr under her chin, eliciting a happy purr. "I'll take that as a 'yes'." Elise chuckled.

    Kath hopped off the porch, stretching her arms over her head as she landed. "Well, at least I know you'll take good care of Es... I mean, Pearl. You've lived here for what, two years now? And how long have we been friends?"

    "Um... not very long, actually. The professor only introduced me to you a few weeks ago."

    "Exactly! And in that short amount of time, I've come to see you as good people. I may not approve of your decision to become a Trainer and battle Pokemon, but maybe I can help you out a little. You remember that TM the professor gave you?"

    It hadn't been that long since Elise had received her Pokemon and Pokedex, and the mysterious disc that came with it. "Yes, actually. I think the Professor said it was for a move called Thunder-"

    "A move called Thunder Wave, exactly!" Kath interrupted. "It's a special attack, so it plays to Espurr's strong suit, and it inflicts Pokemon with a short-lived and ultimately painless paralysis effect. It's useful for capturing Pokemon, preventing them from harming your Pokemon, or just running away from danger. It wears off on its own after a bit, so it's perfectly safe to use and a great tactic for when you get in over your head. Which, let's face it, you will."

    "Gee, thanks. I feel so confident now..." Elise muttered. Kath didn't seem to pick up on her sarcasm, so she sighed and awkwardly changed the subject. "But, um... how do I use it? The professor didn't tell me anything but its name."

    "Well that's simple! TM's can be taught at any computer, or used in your Pokedex so you can teach them anywhere! Just insert the disk, and it sends out a wireless signal that uploads the knowledge of the technique directly to a Pokemon's brain! Isn't it amazing what we can do with science?" Kath's tone of voice implied that her spiel had been rehearsed beforehand, but her enthusiastic grin seemed real enough.

    "Oh. That's... interesting! I guess I have a lot to learn about Pokémon..." Elise looked down at Pearl, who was purring happily, her eyes half closed as she started to doze off. "Well, I'm going to take Pearl home with me. Thanks for everything, Kath."

    "No problem! Stop by anytime! The professor will want to know about your progress, and we can hang out some more!" Kath waved enthusiastically, which Elise replied to with a much more subdued wave before heading off.

    "Okay, so I just... insert the disc here..." Elise fumbled with her Pokedex, not entirely used to the technology yet. Pearl was enthralled by a flower lei hanging off of Elise's dresser, batting at it playfully.

    "And then... it... it says 'loading...'. How long does it- oh. Okay, it's ready. You ready for this, Pearl?" Elise looked up from her Pokedex, seeing Pearl with flowers in her hair. She couldn't help but giggle. "You look super cute. Ready to try this out?" Pearl meowed, nodding once.

    Elise pressed a button on her Pokedex, which scanned Pearl and displayed her data onscreen. Elise pressed more buttons, until a yellow beam emitted from her Pokedex, shining on Pearl's head. Pearl closed her eyes, taking a deep breath. After a moment, the beam turned off, and "Thunder Wave" was added to Pearl's data on the screen. "Did it work?"

    Pearl opened her eyes, tilting her head in confusion. She smiled and meowed, apparently none the worse for wear. Elise scratched her head in confusion, unsure of what just happened. She stared hard at Pearl, going cross-eyed for a moment as she focused, seeing a faint green aura surrounded the kitten. She puffed out a breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding. "Well, you seem alright to me. Fit as a fiddle! Come on, let's get you some lunch. Anything in particular you'd like?"

    Pearl meowed, reaching out for Elise. Elise chuckled quietly, picking her up. "I think we have some of that in the fridge. Let's go check."

    Actions Taken:
    #1: Teach a Pokemon a TM move.
    Pearl learned Thunder Wave!
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    Damien Lalune
    [PokeCommunity.com] BEYOND ic

    [PokeCommunity.com] BEYOND ic

    Damien had just exited the building, holding his pokedex in his right hand as he studied the device. With his left, he stroked his new partner, Spinarak, which was sitting on top of his messy, black hair. When Damien was first introduced to Spinarak, the exchange was less than normal. Damien greeted the small Pokemon, but was met with silence and a blank stare. But after seconds of this "silent bonding," Spinarak skittered onto his trainer. Up and down his legs, then around his torso, finally crawling up his spine to rest on his head.

    Damien let him rest there, seeing that Spinarak would rather rest on his soft, black hair than be confined. "Oh, that's right. I'm sure you'd like something to nibble on. Let me grab that...." Damien reached his hand toward one of the side pockets, pulling out a metal container of Pokemon food. His uncle helped Damien prepare a set, a basic recipe that any Pokemon would like. Holding up a piece, Spinarak bit down on it with his mandibles, and slowly nibbled on it, vibrating ever so slightly on his trainer's head with joy.

    As Damien walked down the steps and passed the two girls, he contemplated his next action. He already had his bag on his back with his supplies, and his uncle was already at the Safari Zone, helping with the renovations. His uncle already felt that Damien wanted to go on a personal journey, so the two exchanged their goodbyes the night before, and his parents left Damien a number, only for emergencies. His parents had a messenger Pidgey for when they needed to contact him, he remembered. "So, this is the first day of my life as a trainer. I suppose I could actually use the TM the professor gave me...." Damien rifled through his jacket pocket, pulling out a disc case, holding the technical machine. It was TM Double Team.

    He thought it would be a useful move, knowing that Spinarak could confine their opponents with their webbing, so it wouldn't hurt to try using it. "Spinarak, let's teach you a new move. But first, let's sit under that tree." Though met with no response, he wasn't met with resistance. Damien smirked, and walked away from the laboratory, sitting under the closest tree with enough shade.

    Spinarak continued to sit on his head, seemingly staring into nothing. Damien, with one hand, unclipped the TM from the disc case. Through the slot in his new pokedex, he inserted it, and was met with a message. "Please prepare your selected Pokemon to receive the data."

    He looked up at his partner, and said, "Come Spinarak, I'll need a closer look at you." Spinarak slowly skittered down, and onto Damien's left arm as he raised it. Spinarak faced his trainer and the device. "Okay... and here we are." With a small, blue beam coming from the small bulb on the Pokedex, it made contact with Spinarak's head.

    Still, from the String Spit Pokemon was no response, but closed it's eyes. Just as quick as it was to beam a Pokemon into it's pokeball, the beam from the pokedex dissipated. A message on the Pokedex read, "TM Double Team was successfully received." Damien looked back at the Spinarak, it blinked a couple of times before it made unbreaking eye contact with Damien. He stroked Spinarak on the head, and held him closer to his head. Spinarak accepted the gesture, and scuttled slowly back onto the messy black hair.

    "Now, let's take a look here... what do I need to know about you?" The small screen updated the information on his partner. "Insomnia is his ability... and he knows six moves. Poison Sting, Absorb, Constrict, Infestation, String Shot and Leech Life. Interesting." The young man placed a hand on his forehead. He was in thought as to what he needed to do next. Battling some trainers now would be too early for his new partner. And also, a new thought formed into his mind. "What do I even plan on doing, now that I'm a Pokemon trainer? I mean, I need to take on the family job and watch over Lavender Tower, but... my father wanted me to explore life for what it is." He thought this over, and over, until he felt a pinch on his finger. Spinarak softly nibbled on his index finger with his red mandibles, staring down at him.

    Damien just laughed, and loosened up his posture. He patted his partner, and said, "Yes, I'm thinking too much. Let's just relax here, and enjoy each other's company." Damien leaned back against the tree, Spinarak scuttling over Damien's face and rested on his trainer's chest, both of them closing their eyes as they listened to the sounds and enjoying the weather around them.

    Major Updates
    Taught Spinarak TM - Double Team
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    PAIGE *bulbagarden.net image removed*

    Paige actually waited until she was out of the Cypress lab, before she took the pokédex back out from her backpack and unfastened the single pokéball from her belt. The red and white orb glimmered in her hand, promising her adventure and friendship. That was what Cypress had said, at least. Paige knew which pokémon was inside. She hadn't quite chosen it herself though; Cypress had picked one for her after interviewing the girl for a while. A species she hadn't seen with her own eyes before, certainly not native to Kanto.

    "Trapinch," she said eagerly. "Come out!"

    The pokéball cracked open instantly, spraying a white light that within a second shaped itself into a brown creature that seemed to mostly consist of a head. Or mouth, even. Four short legs touched down on the pavement, and two beady eyes blinked up at Paige.

    "Groarr," Trapinch said.

    "Wow, that's. You're no dragon, that's for sure," Paige blurted out. She bent down to get to the pokémon's level. "What are you then?"

    The pokédex beeped on her request:
    Trapinch, the Ant Pit Pokémon. Trapinch dig cone-shaped holes in desert areas. Its large and powerful jaws are capable of crushing stones.

    "Powerful! That sounds good. I'm Paige, and I'm expecting great things from you!"

    The Trapinch blinked at her again. Possibly, it was thinking long and hard on what it should expect from her. Or maybe it didn't quite understand what she was saying, even. Just as Paige gave up on getting an actual response, and stood back up, Trapinch moved towards her and booped her knee with its nose. Perhaps it wasn't a nose really, it was hard to tell. It was clearly a boop, however. She rewarded it with a wide smile.

    Ensuring that the Trapinch would follow her around on its own accord, Paige made her way away from the lab, throwing a quick nod and "hello" to a guy who stood with what could be his own new pokémon under a tree. She wondered briefly if Cypress expected her battlers to collaborate or travel together. At this current time, though, she was way too excited with her new pokémon (and pokédex for that matter) to bother getting to know other humans.

    The duo spent what remained of the morning, on getting to know each other and seeing what Trapinch might be capable of in terms of battling. Battles were, after all, what they had signed up for. Paige contemplated using the TM she had received from Cypress to teach her pokémon an even stronger move... But they found that Trapinch already had a decent repertoire of useful moves. In the excitement over seeing these in action, even if they lacked a proper opponent for now, the TM was forgotten in the depths of the backpack.
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    Damien Lalune
    [PokeCommunity.com] BEYOND ic

    [PokeCommunity.com] BEYOND ic

    Damien began to lose himself to the serene sounds and comforting wind that flowed over him. He almost lost himself to it before he heard a female voice greeting him. His eyes opened up, and he looked over to see a rather cute girl with pink hair, dressed in a punk-ish manner. Still, Damien blushed for a split second before he looked down to see his partner blankly staring at him while still clung to his chest.

    Apparently, Spinarak was moreso awake than his trainer. Just then, Damien realized he only looked at his current moveset, and nothing more. As Damien began to pull out his pokedex and look at Spinarak's information, the String Spit skittered back onto Damien's wild hair. It looked over at the girl that greeted them earlier, watching her train with an equally small, but brown Pokemon. it blinked, and only looked on with mild curiosity.

    "Now, the pokedex entry," Damien muttered aloud. With a beep, and a flash to a data screen, the pokedex read aloud:

    Spinarak, the String Spit Pokemon. It sets a trap by spinning a web with thin but strong silk. It waits motionlessly for prey to arrive. The web spun by Spinarak can be considered its second nervous system. It is said that this Pokémon can determine what kind of prey is touching its web just by the tiny vibrations it feels through the web's strands. Some fishermen weave its sturdy thread into nets to catch fish Pokémon.

    The dex continued on to show typing, stats of his own Spinarak, and the ability known as, "Insomnia." Spinarak is unaffected by attacks such as Sing, Grass Whistle, or other sleep inducing moves. "Interesting...." Damien looked up at his partner, and gave him a gentle pat. Spinarak, reacting to it, slightly and silently vibrated with joy. Damien felt that he could never get tired of that, chuckling to himself. "Why not say hello ourselves, Spinarak?" He was met with a tiny nod. He could feel it's head rubbing on his scalp, so he could tell.

    With that, Damien stood up from his relaxed position, straightened himself and his clothes out. He brushed off what little dirt clung to his pants, thinking for a split second he wanted to make a good impression for the pink-haired girl.

    He saw that she was training with her Trapinch, so he didn't plan on walking right up behind her and returning the greeting. Slowly, he walked around to stand not too close, and watched her train with her new partner. It was then he realized she must be one of the new trainers along with him that were from Professor Cyrpess' lab, so he found an icebreaker.

    "Ahem, hello. If I had to guess, I'd say you just came from the Cypress Laboratory and got that Trapinch, right?" Damien looked on at the Pokemon, as did his Spinarak. However, Spinarak never broke eye contact since it first saw Trapinch. If anything, it would be safe to say Spinarak was sizing up the Trapinch.

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    (Sorry for the wait. Here it is, as promised.)

    Chris was in his apartment, throwing the last of his things into the bag he was planning on taking. The house was empty save him, as his usual house companion, Zach's Lurantis Luna, was off with his trainer. Chris wondered if he'd run into Zach now that he was going on a journey of his own; it would certainly be strange, since from what Zach had said, he already had several badges, and was stopping in Fuschia to challenge the one there when they'd last spoke. With a stretch, Chris stood, slinging the single strap bag over his shoulder. He grabbed his Pokeball, but paused for a moment. He'd been around Pokeballs, sure, but all of the Pokemon he'd grown up around had spent most of their time outside of one. It felt somewhat strange to know that there was one in there right now.

    Chris had waited to open said Pokeball from when it was handed to him by a rather excited Professor Cypress. One could call it nervousness. Yet Chris figured he'd better get the introduction over with, before he put it off altogether. With a click, Chris pressed the central button opening the Pokeball and releasing his Pokemon. When the red light cleared, Chris was surprised to see a small, orb-like Pokemon floating in front of him. It was tiny--it could probably easily fit in the palm of his hand--and its face was dominated by a red diamond of some sort. Its eyes were currently staring into his. All in all, Chris thought it looked kind of cute, with how small it was.

    Of course, that thought vanished as he felt something completely foreign in his head. He could only guess by the Pokemon's reaction (was that a chuckle?) that he was feeling the Pokemon. Curious, he took out the Pokedex that the professor had also provided him.

    "So you're a psychic type, huh? And you communicate through telepathy? Huh." He looked back up at the Pokemon as he felt a stronger mental "poke," he couldn't think of any word to describe it. "Oh, I haven't introduced myself, have I? Christopher Jeffery Sorenson, at your service." He gave a little mock bow, much to the amusement of the Solosis. Glancing back at the Pokedex, Chris continued, "as for you, what should we call you? Hm…" Chris thought for a moment before snapping back to the present, an excited look in his eyes. "Got it! How's Jade?" Chris took the Solosis' feeling of satisfaction as a definite yes, and he smiled. "Alright then, Jade! We're going to be partners from here on!"


    Chris's hair billowed in the sea breeze. He always came to this spot on the cliffs near Fuschia when he was thinking. And boy did he have things to think about. What to do next, for one. Jade was tucked away in her Pokeball at his waist; she seemed to like it in there. He felt somewhat lost, thinking about what a huge task collecting seven gym badges seemed like. He'd already talked with his boss, who said to take all the time he needed for this adventure of his. He was completely ready to go. He just didn't know how to start.

    After thinking long and hard, Chris finally had a plan. He'd take today to get to know some of the other new trainers he'd seen over at Cypress's lab, and leave for Pallet town tomorrow. Smiling, Chris turned and headed back toward town.
    *bulbagarden.net image removed*
    [PokeCommunity.com] BEYOND ic

    Paige had just finished praising her tough little pokémon, when she heard a voice behind her.

    "Ahem, hello. If I had to guess, I'd say you just came from the Cypress Laboratory and got that Trapinch, right?"

    She turned around to see a boy standing in the grass a few meters away. She had been training on an empty lawn within sight from the lab. He must have spotted her walking out from it. He had a relaxed air about him, confident even? His pokémon was a Spinarak, who intently stared at her own pokémon. Trapinch leaned its head to the side with a curious look at the little bug. She realized he might be thinking about what the spider would taste like, and hurriedly bent back down to put her arms around Trapinch to make sure he stayed put.

    "Hello!" she replied. "I did, yeah. That's a nice pokémon you have there! Are you a battler too?"

    Perplexed for a split second about her action, he mentally shook it off and answered with, "So I see... yes, this is my partner, Spinarak. I'm still thinking of a name for him. As for being a battler...." Damien looked up at Spinarak. The String Spit just blankly looked down at him, unblinking.

    Damien tried to think of what he really thought about his future plan. An Ace Trainer? A Gym Leader? Maybe even a Frontier Brain? But not giving it much more thought than that, he simply shrugged off the thought for later.

    "Ahem, I'm not sure." Damien gave a half smile and chuckled. "I never really thought about it until now. What about you? What do you plan on doing during this time?"

    "Well... I just got a pokémon from professor Cypress, so now I have to be a battler, don't I?" Paige chuckled. "In case you didn't hear about it, she handed pokémon out in return for trainers to become battlers under her brand and... Oh, what more did she say again? I forgot."

    Standing up, she shrugged, deciding Trapinch could handle himself for now.

    "Wait, of course you have heard about Cypress," she then realized. "You asked me about it first! Why were you wondering?" Her eyes darted from Spinarak to the boy. "Did you get that one from her too?"

    "I guess you're right. I suppose I could just travel with my partner. And yes, Professor Cypress gave me Spinarak." Spinarak eyed the girl when she referred to it. And of course, it kept an unbreaking, blank stare. "Well, since we're battlers... why don't we have our first battle?" Damien didn't know what possessed him to ask her to battle right off the bat, not even asking her name as of yet.

    Still, Damien didn't back down from the request. His Spinarak skittered down onto his shoulder, and looked down at the other trainer's Trapinch, sizing it up once more.

    Paige's eyes widened at the request. By logic, she knew she wasn't feeling ready for a battle with another trainer yet. But she could feel her heart rate speed up, and the edges of her mouth tilt upwards on their own. There was no way she would back down from the challenge.

    "You want your bug to battle my bug-eater? Be my guest!"

    Damien smirked, and replied before he stepped back enough. "Technically, Spinarak also eats other Bug-types." He winked, and looked over to his quiet partner. "Ready to battle, Spinarak?" Without hesitation, Spinarak lept off of his shoulder, landing in front of him onto their makeshift battlefield.

    He smirked again, and didn't need any other sign. Spinarak was ready.

    Paige couldn't help letting out a laugh, appreciating his confidence. She backed away too, to leave some ample space between the two of them, leaving Trapinch looking flustered in the middle. Her compassion getting to her, Paige walked back up to him and pet him on the large head.

    "I'm sorry for throwing you into a battle on our first day like this. Would you prefer not to do it?"

    It didn't even take a second before the ground type pokémon shook its head vibrantly. It definitely wanted to. Happy to have reassured herself of that, Paige moved back into position again.


    To be continued...
    Elise Greene
    [PokeCommunity.com] BEYOND ic

    [PokeCommunity.com] BEYOND ic

    "Come on, you can do it..." Elise gently coaxed, kneeling beside the table so only her head and hands were visible above it. "Just one little psychic push? For me?" She smiled hopefully, looking up at Pearl, who was standing on the table. Pearl scuffed a paw on the table, looking back at Elise and meowing nervously.

    "Please?" Elise asked, pouting a little. "I just want to see it once, so I know how strong you are. The Professor said you're a strong Psychic type, but you hadn't practiced very much. If I'm going on a journey of self-discovery, I'd like you by my side. This is as much about you as it is about me, after all."

    Pearl tilted her head in confusion, but turned back toward the can of soda she was supposed to be attacking. She nodded once, wanting to make her new friends proud. She bowed her head, closing her eyes as she gathered her psychic power. "I believe in you..." Elise whispered, biting her lip in anticipation.

    Pearl opened her eyes as she looked up, fixing a hard glare on the soda can as she released her psychic energy in a wave of telekinetic force. The Confusion attack hit hard, sending the soda can flying off the table and through the kitchen window. "Oh, my..." Elise murmured, awed by the display and nervous about what her mother would have to say.

    Pearl turned to her with a smile, hoping to be praised. "Oh! G-good job, Pearl. You're certainly s-stronger than I thought! Um... let's go outside and practice some more! Away from the windows, or anything breakable..." Pearl meowed happily as Elise picked her up and took her outside, setting her down by the swing set.

    "Okay, so let's try your Confusion on something a little less fragile. We have two swings. Can you hit them both?" Despite her dislike of battling, Elise had done her research on Pearl's techniques themselves. But there was a difference between reading about them and seeing them in action herself. "See if you can make both swings move, okay?"

    Pearl bowed her head, her ears going flat as she focused. Much like before, she gave the swings an intense look as she released her attack upon them, first one, then the other. The swings were flung forward effortlessly, and Pearl ran over to Elise happily. Elise cooed as she scratched Pearl under the chin and rubbed her belly. "D'aww, who's my powerful little kitten? You are! Yes you are! You moved both swings with no trouble at all! I'm so proud of you!"

    Pearl purred happily, while Elise had an idea. A terrible, terrible idea. "Do you think you could move bigger things, too? Say, for instance, we put something on the swing before you hit it? You wanna try?" Pearl meowed in excitement. She was enjoying this fun new game Elise had come up with. Elise set her down, then ran over to sit in the swing, her back to Pearl.

    "Okay, sweet baby!" Elise giggled. "Let's see how high you can push me!" Pearl hesitated, tapping her front paws together nervously. She meowed uncertainly, so Elise looked over her shoulder with a reassuring smile. "No need to worry, I'll be just fine! I have complete trust in you." She looked forward again, adjusting her grip on the swing. "Whenever you're r-"

    The wave of force hit Elise in the back, knocking her off the swing without even touching it. Pearl let out a startled cry, rushing over to her friend. Elise picked herself up, spitting out a puff of dust. "*cough cough*! Blegh! Okay! So you can hit big targets just as easily as small ones! And with such precision, too!" She patted Pearl on the head, laughing as her face turned red. "That must have been funny to see! Did I scream? Or did I just fall over like 'woah!', poof!"
    Pearl let out a breath in relief, patting Elise on the head.

    She picked herself up, sitting in the swing and holding Pearl, gently swinging back and forth. She watched the sky, enjoying the clouds and the cool breeze. She looked down at the little Espurr, who was smiling happily, and couldn't help but smile herself. She hugged Pearl close to her chest, letting out a contented sigh. "Yes. This was the right choice."

    "ELISE!" Her mother's voice echoed from the house, startling her. "What happened to the window?!"

    Actions Taken:
    #2: Train a Pokemon through exercise, practicing skills, etc.
    Pearl leveled up! (10+1=11)
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    Martin Lovett
    [PokeCommunity.com] BEYOND ic

    Lvl. 10

    Martin sat down on his bed, looking at the creature standing before him. His parents had signed him up for some program ran by the local professor, Cypress. He tried to talk them out of it for days but they wouldn't budge. So early that morning he walked solemnly to Cypress' lab and picked up his Pokemon and Pokedex. The Pokemon he received was called Crabrawler and boy did it look weird with one of its barely even open, like it had a permanent black eye. Quickly putting it in its Pokeball, Martin headed towards the door when he got stopped by an older, peculiar man by the name of Mr. Ralph. He handed Martin a disc, something called a TM, and told him it was for Crabrawler. Martin quickly nodded his head in thanks and proceeded towards home as fast as he could. Now he was sitting face to face his first ever Pokemon and he was terrified.

    For what felt like an eternity, the two of them stared at each other, each waiting for the other to make the first move. Finally, Genevieve walked in, breaking the silence.

    "Hey Marty! Today's the big day! How ya feelin?" She exclaimed, plopping down next to her younger brother. Genevieve is Martin's sister and best friend, to the point he allows her to call him Marty. She was the only one who ever really understood why he was the way he was and accepted him for it, never trying to push him too far and providing him unlimited support.

    Martin couldn't speak, instead opting lay his head on his sister's welcoming shoulder. Taking the cue, Genevieve put her hand on Martin's head and stroked his hair.

    "I know bud. Its a big world out there and there are a lot of scary things but there also a lot of beautiful things. You just need take that first step out into the world to see that"

    Martin continued his silence, staring out his window off into the distance. Unaware of his new partner, the Crabrawler scuttled towards and nudged his leg with one of its claws.

    "See Martin? You won't be alone out there, you'll have Crabrawler with you and you'll always have me with you and neither of us will ever let anything bad happen to you. Just remember that."

    Genevieve gave her brother a tight hug before getting up and leaving the room. Martin took a deep breath before packing up the last of his belongings and headed to downstairs.

    "You're going to do great son."

    Martin's father said, giving Martin a pat on the back while his mother gave him a hug.

    "Call us anytime honey, we're always here for you."

    Martin nodded and turned to head out the door, his Crabrawler right behind. He reached the end of the driveway before hearing a shout.

    "Hey Marty! Wait up!"

    He turned around to see Genevieve racing out the door towards him with a bag on her back and her Pokeballs on her hip.

    "I told you that you'll always have me with you didn't I? Well, here I am. We are going to explore this world together."

    Martin couldn't contain his excitement, smiling the biggest and brightest he ever has.



    She laughed and gave her brother a hug.

    "Now I won't take the exact same path as you but I'll be right out there in the world with you"

    She rustled Martin's hair and smiled before heading off towards the horizon. Martin grinned and took a deep breath. He looked down at Crabrawler and nodded towards the rest of the world. He was still pretty scared but with his sister with him, maybe it wouldn't be as bad as originally thought. With that, Martin and his Crabrawler walked down the rest of the driveway, made a left and made their way into the world.
    April 26 actions (part 1)

    #1: Train one pokémon through exercise, practicing skills etc
    +1 level to Trapinch -> Lv 11

    #1: Teach a pokémon a TM

    #1: Teach a pokémon a TM
    #2: Train one pokémon through exercise, practicing skills etc
    +1 level to Espurr -> Lv 11

    No action! it's ok tho

    No action! it's ok tho

    You will now have the option to spend an action from April 26 (part 2, 5 new action points!) to move on to the next area! However, let's consider it the same day IC.
    Route 15 starting April 26 ic / February 28 ooc

    The route leading east beyond Fuchsia City is a relatively open one, with minor hills and fields as well as patches of forest here and there. It's usually rather windy. Trainers from the city like to come here to practice and capture wild pokémon.

    What to do here?

    - There are wild pokémon!

    - There are trainers! Should you choose to challenge them or meet the gaze of feisty ones, be prepared to learn quickly what it means to be a battler.

    - There is a pokémon center on Route 13 further to the north, but it's not likely you will make it there before nightfall. Be prepared to camp out and rely on potions and proper rest to heal your pokémon.

    - Remember you have max 5 actions... Choose what pokémon you want to capture, and when it's worth spending an action to battle trainers instead!

    - It will likely be possible to move on to a new area on April 27 ic / March 7 ooc! Get your April 26 (part 2) actions in before then :D

    Wild pokémon

    [PokeCommunity.com] BEYOND ic
    Pidgey Lv 5-7 // Tackle - Sand Attack
    [PokeCommunity.com] BEYOND ic
    Oddish Lv 5-7 // Growth - Absorb - Sweet Scent
    [PokeCommunity.com] BEYOND ic
    Venonat Lv 5-7 // Tackle - Disable - Foresight - Supersonic
    [PokeCommunity.com] BEYOND ic
    Bellsprout Lv 5-7 // Vine Whip - Growth
    [PokeCommunity.com] BEYOND ic
    Hoppip Lv 5-7 // Splash - Synthesis - Tail Whip - Tackle
    [PokeCommunity.com] BEYOND ic
    Shinx Lv 5-7 // Tackle - Leer - Flash
    [PokeCommunity.com] BEYOND ic
    Electrike Lv 5-7 // Tackle - Thunderwave - Leer - Howl

    Special pokémon

    Available in the wild only after you have captured 3 other pokémon here!
    [PokeCommunity.com] BEYOND ic
    Ditto Lv 4 // Transform​


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    *bulbagarden.net image removed*
    [PokeCommunity.com] BEYOND ic


    With a nod, Damien replied. "Yeah, let's battle. You can go first."

    Paige smiled with a dangerous glint in her eye.

    "Alright! Trapinch, from what I've seen, it could be a good idea to start off with a Mud Slap!"

    Trapinch squeaked in confirmation and jumped forward, turning itself around in the process. With its hind legs, it kicked up a chunk of dirt from the ground, sending it flying in the spider's direction. Paige chose to ignore the ugly hole in the lawn she just caused, and focused on hoping that it could lower the accuracy of Spinarak's moves, as her pokédex had said it would.

    Spinarak was hit by the Mud Slap, but shook it off. Desmond had to respond, and turn the tables on Trapinch and Paige.

    "Alright Spinarak, use Double Team! Multiply!"

    Spinarak flashed a bright white, and copies of of began to form. About ten to twelve of them formed around the Trapinch.

    "Oh wow," Paige said, surprised. "That's an awesome trick. Hmm..."

    She saw Trapinch's confusion rise for every millisecond. Should they simply fire and take the risk of hitting the wrong target? Although, hang on. She remembered something about another move.

    "Use Bulldoze! Just do it!"

    Trapinch was intimidated, but chose to accept the order. He started stomping on the ground, making the hole in the lawn effectively flat again, but creating cracks all around it instead, from the shaking ground. The vibrations from the pokémon's intense stomping spread out widely, in no particular direction.

    Spinarak and the illusory copies were shook up, taking a bit of damage on top of the Mud Slap from earlier. "Alright then Spinarak, we need to stop it's movements! Use String Shot!"

    Spinarak shot a thick string of webbing from it's mouth, aiming to stop Trapinch in it's tracks.

    The web effectively clung to Trapinch's body, ensnaring its legs. The Bulldoze was disrupted, and Trapinch fell to the side, much like a frantic bug on its back.

    "With the clever non-damage again! Seems to be your thing," Paige commented to Damien. "Now what can we do..."

    She didn't want to pick the pokédex back up again; she felt like she should know Trapinch's moves by heart. The only other one she could think of now, was Bide.

    "We'll... Play it cool! Use Bide!" she called out.

    Trapinch still looked panicked, but stopped struggling and shut its jaw.

    "Spinarak, while they're stuck, use Absorb!" Spinarak shot a red beam from it's mandibles and as it clung to Trapinch, a flow of energy was directed to Spinarak.

    "That's it, keep up the Absorb!"

    Spinarak kept the stare at Trapinch, it's mandibles seemed to nibble on the energy, as if it was actually eating Trapinch's very essence.

    Paige had seen it on TV, but never experienced the Absorb attack in real life before. It was fascinating, yet horrifying at the same time. She started trying to calculate for how long Trapinch could resist it and if it would be enough to make Bide ready for release.

    But a squeaking noise brought her back to the present. Trapinch was in pain! Suddenly making him suffer like that just so she could win her first battle seemed unthinkable.

    "Stop!" she called out and ran up to the pokémon. "We give up, it's enough!"

    Spinarak cut off the leeching attack as Paige called and ran to her Trapinch. Damien walked up to Spinarak and got on one knee.

    "Good job, my Spinarak." The String Spit looked up, and vibrated with joy. "Come on. Let's make sure they're okay."

    Spinarak skittered up Damien's body, up to the messy black hair on Damien's head. The two looked over to Paige and her Trapinch. Damien walked up to her and asked, "Everything okay?"

    "We're fine," Paige said, relieved to see that Trapinch wasn't as badly hurt as she had feared. She picked him up in her arms and received a thankful squeal. "Wow, seems I just lost my first battle, huh?" she added with a little laughter to Damien.

    "Eheh... well, I'm sure we'll have a rematch some other time, huh?" Damien returned the chuckle. "But... we definitely need to learn more about our Pokemon. I know I need to know more about my Spinarak." Damien was met with a tiny nod. He quirked his eyebrows for a moment, but paid no mind.

    "Well... what do you plan on doing now?" Damien asked, kinda wondering if she would be around for more than just a rematch.

    "A rematch, count on it! We'll squash you next time," Paige said with a new smile, just as much to the Spinarak as to the boy. "If we're both Cypress trainers, we'll surely travel similar paths. Now, I should head home to show this guy off to my family before I leave for the journey for real. But it was nice to battle you! Oh right... What's your name?"

    "Err... my name is Damien Lalune. I come from Lavender Town. What's your name?" He gave a smirk, he was glad to finally be talking to someone around his own age. He never really socialzed with anyone, and was glad to be apart of the research, even if it just helped him see more of the world.

    "And Trapinch, I'm sure we'll battle together again as well." Damien gave it a wink, Spinarak blankly looked at it.

    "Nice to meet you Damien! I'm Paige Perrary. Like the clothing brand. Err, not that it's particularly well known... yet! Anyways," she said, shaking her head and getting back on track. "Will you head out from the city today too?"

    "Nice, eheh. Yeah, I'll head that way after stocking up on some supplies. Pokeballs, and whatnot. I guess I'll see you later, Paige." Damien turned around and walked towards the Poke Mart, thinking of Paige, and thinking of his next move.

    She watched him go, and thought that she had actually already found another trainer she wouldn't mind meeting again. Things were looking up.

    April 26 (part 2)
    #1 Battle another player
    + 4 levels!
    Trapinch -> lv 15
    Trapinch forgets Sand Attack and learns Sand Tomb!
    Trapinch forgets Feint Attack and learns Rock Slide!

    April 26 (part 2)
    #1 Battle another player
    + 4 levels!
    Spinarak -> Lv 14
    Spinarak wants to learn Scary Face! But it chose not to.
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    PAIGE *bulbagarden.net image removed*

    Showing Trapinch off to her siblings didn't go quite as Paige had expected. Her brother became disappointed in that it wasn't a very beautiful pokémon, and her sister was disappointed in how weak it looked. They eventually seemed to appreciate its aloof cuteness though, and after lunch when Paige finally left home for real, the kids were really sorry to see both her and Trapinch go. Paige reassured her pokémon that it was a good sign and that he was doing well.

    Route 15 to the east was windy today. Trapinch didn't notice it from inside his pokéball, but Paige's pink hair was absolutely everywhere, making her first few minutes on the road practically unbearable. Her sudden groan caused some Pidgey who were gathered on a fence by the roadside, to take off in a hurry. Pity, Paige thought, as she realized they were pokémon able to battle, and battling meant making Trapinch stronger. Or even better... She could capture them!

    Trying to follow the Pidgey flock over a field proved difficult though, and ended with the girl running into something completely different. Three Oddish were doing their best to chase off a dog like green and yellow pokémon with their spore attacks. Or were they trying to halt it? Paige managed to cut the dog off behind a big rock, pokédex ready in her hand, and learned that it was an Electrike. It was startled by her sudden appearance, and looked panicked at where to go, between the human and the angry grass pokémon catching up to him from behind. She could spot a small twig carrying some berries, clenched between his jaws. So he had been stealing food from them.

    Paige let Trapinch out, and when the gang of Oddish caught up, they were greeted by a Bulldoze shockwave through the ground. Not heavily damaged, but greatly startled and demoralized, they all turned around and ran back the way they came.

    In the meantime, Electrike had obviously tried to sneak away. Alas, as Trapinch came out from his pokéball, he had triggered the earth to form a hardly noticeable cone, with him in the center. One of the tricks of his breed. Paige was luckily outside of it, but Electrike had not been, and the wild dog now found it very difficult to step further away without sliding down towards the ant-eater pokémon again.

    After a short battle, where the ground type easily overpowered the electric opponent, Paige threw her first pokéball and successfully captured the Electrike. She figured it was better she taught him some honor and decency, and fed him properly, than him sneaking around stealing food from others.

    April 26 (part 2)
    #2 Move to a new area
    Fuchsia City -> Route 15
    #3 Battle a wild pokémon (technically he battled 4, but I'm not counting the one attack against the Oddish gang)
    + 2 levels!
    Trapinch -> Lv 17
    #4 Capture a wild pokémon
    Electrike! Lv 5 (because I didn't write out the battle at all, it gets the lowest possible level)
    ((I see a Shinx. Not sure if that was intentional. Either way I want it.))

    Chris had walked for a while, but so far hadn't really ran into any trainer-looking people, save a pair he recognized from Cypress's office. As those two were in the middle of a battle, he decided he would not intrude. He kept walking until he found himself at the end of the city, facing route 13. The breeze tousled his short hair, but it wasn't much of a problem for him. Well, I have a Pokemon now. No reason to stay here either, since I can't challenge the gym, he thought.

    As such, he took his first step out of town as a Pokemon trainer. It was exhilarating. Yet he hadn't gone ten feet when he hear d a kid shout at him, "hey mister! You're a trainer, yeah? That means you have to battle me before you can keep going! I'll warn you, I'm tough!"

    The kid didn't even give Chris a chance to respond before tossing his Pokemon out. It was nothing he'd seen before, so he quickly pulled out his Pokedex. Beedrill, huh? Looks like it has a type advantage against Jade… But it's weak to Jade's attacks too, and it looks pretty frail… "Alright Jade," Chris replied, smiling competitively, "let's win our first battle then!"

    He threw the Pokeball, Jade materializing a moment later. This would be a tough battle he knew, but if he played his cards right, there was certainly a chance. The boy, obviously impatient to get this battle started, gave the first command, telling his Beedrill to use Agility. The Beedrill was fast according to his Pokedex, but that would only boost that speed even more. In response, Chris shouted, "Perfect, Jade use Reflect!"

    The mystical barrier formed between the two Pokemon, and Chris felt even more confident. That would make Jade take less damage from physical attacks, of which this Beedrill primarily used. As such, he was not surprised when the opponent's Twinneedle attack barely glanced off of Jade. But… The Beedrill attacked three more times! How was that fair! Jade had taken more damage than he'd expected, but they were't out of this yet. "Alright Jade, counterattack with Rollout!"

    Forming a barrier around herself by telekinetically lifting rocks from the ground, Jade slammed into the Beedrill. Jade picked up more stones from the impact, and though it looked spectacular, they were't about to deflect any attacks. Nor were they going to allow Jade to do anything else for a few turns. Rollout may be a powerful move, but it locked the user into its attack. Judging by the damage the last hit had done, he'd have to hit two more times… It was going to be close. The Beedrill quickly recovered, and used Twinneedle again, hitting another three times. It was at this moment that Chris realized the error in using Rollout. Had he used Psywave instead, he could have won, but as it was there was no chance. He still needed another hit after this one, and the Beedrill's next attack would KO Jade.

    Yet it seemed Jade felt this, as she focused intently on her target, and rocketed forward. The Beedrill fell to the ground knocked out, it had been a critical hit! Chris and the boy shared the exact same surprised expression, for completely separate reasons. "Alright mister," the boy said, his previous gusto gone, "you win this time. Here's your prize money…"

    Chris was ecstatic. He'd won his first battle! He was mentally poked by Jade again, and he grinned wildly. "Yes, you did your part too, Jade! Heck, I couldn't have done it WITHOUT you! Great job!" Jade was happy at the praise, but the previous battle had hurt, that much was apparent. Chris returned Jade to her Pokeball, and began walking back toward town. There was a Pokemon center in there, where he could heal up Jade.

    As he was walking by, he noticed one of the two trainers he'd seen earlier walking by, the older girl he'd seen who looked like she knew what she was doing. He made a mental note to find her after he'd healed Jade. Now that he thought about it, he should probably also purchase some items like Potions and extra Pokeballs.

    -Entered Route 13!
    -Battled Youngster Miles, and won! (+3 levels to Jade)
    -Entered Fuscia City!
    Elise Greene
    [PokeCommunity.com] BEYOND ic

    [PokeCommunity.com] BEYOND ic

    Elise had left in a bit of a rush, before it got too much later. Her mother had informed her off a Pokemon Center not too far away, and Elise wanted to get there before nightfall. She looked over the Town Map her father had given her, looking at the route she would have to take. "Hmm... I think we're lost, Pearl. According to this, we should find a bridge or a path going over the water, but I don't see anything like that."

    Pearl gently grabbed the map, turned it over, and handed it back to Elise with a soft meow. "Oh! Yes, I suppose that does make it easier to read. Oh, I think that's the Center over there? We just have to go along... oh, I can't make heads or tails of this thing!" Elise folded the map up rougher than she needed to, stuffing it into her bag. "Let's just head east, and follow the road signs toward Lavender!" She picked up Pearl, holding her close as she set off down the road.

    Elise found herself avoiding the grass, worried that Pokémon would attack her. She also avoided the trees, in case any Pokémon dropped out of them. And she was worried about the road, in case a Trainer saw her and challenged her to a battle. Which meant she was cowering behind a rock, Fuchsia City still visible behind her. Pearl peered out from behind the rock, eyes wide as she looked at the vast expanse before her. She looked back at Elise, who was hugging her own knees while she stared at the sky.

    "I was foolish for thinking I could do this, Pearl. I can't go out there, where battles lurk around every corner. And sometimes just out of sight, or in plain sight, blocking the path! I didn't think it would be this hard!" Pearl meowed softly, rubbing up against Elise.

    "Oh, but that's just it! I'm not scared for me, I'm scared for you! I don't want you to get hurt, especially not to protect me. Battles are fierce, and scary, and I've seen what Pokemon look like after a fight. Not even the winner comes out unscathed! I don't want that life for you!" She hugged Pearl close, but Pearl frowned, meowing inquisitively.

    "Huh? Well... no, I guess living in fear isn't any better. And that not all Pokémon are big and scary... but are you sure you can handle a fight? You're so small and frail compared to other Pokémon!" A Pidgey flew by overhead. Pearl watched it fly away, quirking an eyebrow at Elise. "Okay, that's not fair. Birds are usually smaller than cats."

    Pearl rolled her eyes, pointing at the road. "B-but...You've never battled before! And neither have I!" Elise protested, leaning against the rock for support. Pearl frowned again, meowing in annoyance. "I know we can't get better unless we try! But I don't want to try! Do you?" Pearl thought about it for a second, then nodded.

    Elise stared in surprise, her wide eyes making her look like an Espurr herself. "You do? But what if I don't do a good job?" Pearl shook her head, giving Elise a smile. "You have faith in me, huh? And what did I do to deserve that?" Elise teased, hiding her fear with humor. Pearl shrugged, tugging at Elise's hand.

    "Okay, fine. You've convinced me. But we're going back if it gets rough, agreed?" Pearl nodded, leading the way down the road to Route 15. Elise slowly stood up, following behind. "Pearl, wait up! You don't want to get too far ahead..."

    Pearl turned back to Elise, encouraging her to hurry up. A faint rustling and Elise's gasp if surprise made Pearl turn back, and she found herself face to face with another cat. Startled, she stepped back, but the other cat just laughed. Elise wanted no time pulling out her Pokedex. "It's a Shinx! Look how sleek he is, Pearl! But he's a quadruped, not a biped like you."

    Shinx looked back and forth from Pearl to Elise, looking confused, but he soon broke into a smile. He crouched down, shaking his backside as he prepared to pounce. Pearl just stared, and Elise watched in fascination. "I think he wants to play with you, Pearl. Oh, wait... do you think... *gasp!* he wants to fight?!"

    Elise's guess turned out to be correct, and Shinx Tackled Pearl, knocking her down. "Uh, um, I... use Confusion?!" Elise panicked in the background. Pearl unleashed her psychic power, knocking Shinx off of her. He grinned as he landed on his feet, squeaking out a happy little roar. He prepared to pounce again, but Elise was slightly more prepared this time.

    "Use Scratch! Don't let him knock you down again!" Shinx pounced again, ready to Tackle, but Pearl was faster, Scratching his face. He still Tackled her, but jumped back afterwards, grinning and chuckling. Elise looked at the two, noticing their auras without even trying. Both had been hit, but neither was hurt yet. She noticed that Shinx's aura wasn't as strong as Pearl's, leasing her to guess he was weaker than her. "Pearl, use Scratch!" Pearl dashed forward, raking him with her claws, and Elise noticed his Aura darken from a healthy green to yellow-orange. He looked hurt, but he was still smiling, loving every minute of it.

    Shinx roared, the star on his tail glowing. He turned, lashing out with his tail and projecting a beam of light at Pearl. The light didn't appear to do anything, but the PokeDex identified it as Flash. Presumably, he had just missed Pearl's eyes. "Watch out for that light, but use Confusion!" Pearl released a wave of force, striking Shinx and knocking him off his feet. He growled as he got back up, his smile faltering, but his grin returned as he blasted Pearl in the face with a ray of light.

    She hissed in discomfort, momentarily blinded by the Flash, blinking rapidly to clear her vision. Shinx grinned, but was breathing heavily after that last attack. Elise knew he wouldn't be able to fight if Pearl hit him again, but she didn't want to hurt him. "I'm sorry! We didn't mean to hurt you! Oh! I have an idea!" She pulled out a Pokeball, tossing it at Shinx. The ball hit home, opening up and absorbing Shinx. The ball shook, as though Shinx was trying to get out and keep "playing" with Pearl. After a moment, the ball clicked shut, Shinx successfully captured within.

    Elise ran up to check on Pearl, who seemed unharmed, then recovered her Pokeball. "I... I did it... I just got into a Pokemon battle! And won! Pearl, you did great! And look! We have a new friend! My first catch!" She looked at the Pokeball in awe, grinning almost as much as the jolly little kitten contained inside it.

    Actions Taken:
    #1: Battled a wild Pokemon (Shinx)
    Pearl leveled up! (11+2=13)
    Pearl learned Light Screen!

    #2: Captured a Pokemon (Shinx)
    Last edited:
    #1 Moved to a new area
    Fuchsia -> Route 15
    #2 Battled a NPC trainer
    +3 levels!
    Jade (Solosis) -> Lv 13
    #3 Moved to a new area
    Route 15 -> Fuchsia

    #1 Battled a wild pokémon
    +2 levels!
    Pearl (Espurr) -> Lv 12
    #2 Captured a pokémon
    Shinx Lv 6 Choose a nature!
    Martin Lovett
    [PokeCommunity.com] BEYOND ic

    Lvl. 10

    Martin looked out over the road ahead of him. He was on the edge of the city now and had decided to take a rest on top of a hill. From there he could see everything. The hustle and bustle of Fuchsia behind him, the little explosions and movements, that he assumed were Pokemon battles, ahead of him. This was the farthest he had ever been from home already and he wasn't really sure what to do at this point.

    "What now Crabrawler?"

    He looked over to his partner, who idly looked out over the landscape. Then Martin remembered something the professor had told him. He had that little disc looking thing, a TM. It could teach his Pokemon a move that it normally couldn't learn on its own. Figuring it was better than doing nothing, Martin reached into his bag and pulled out the disc and his Pokedex. Finding the slit on his Pokemon encyclopedia, he inserted the disc and immediately it shot out a light at the Crabrawler. Taken aback, Martin almost dropped the Pokedex. Calming himself, he looked at the screen to see what move he was teaching his partner.

    "Earthquake huh? Sounds pretty powerful but incredibly dangerous..."

    Martin gulped as he imagined the damage that was bound to happen from such a move. It was not a pretty sight. Quickly, the light disappeared and the word "Success!" appeared on the Pokedex.

    "Well it looks like you've learned a new move."

    Martin looked at his partner. By looks of it, one would never guess the little crab had just learned such a devastating move. Figuring it was about time to move on, Martin knelt down to put things into his bag. Meanwhile, Crabrawler had other things it mind. With a little twitch in its antennae, horn thing on its head, it quickly scuttled off down the hill and towards the route.

    "Hey! Where are you going!? Get back here!"

    Martin hurried up his packing and shot off down the hill after his pokemon. Barely keeping up, he saw his Crabrawler jump through the underbrush and into the trees. Martin froze as flashbacks of the past raced through his head. Though it'd been years, he still could vividly remember that day. A loud crash snapped him back to reality.

    To think I would have been so lucky to have a peaceful, quiet Pokemon... He thought, making his way into the trees. Following the periodic crashing sounds, Martin finally made his way into a clearing and he couldn't believe what he was seeing. Rubbing his eyes to make sure he wasn't hallucinating he ound he was indeed seeing things correctly. Before him was his Crabrawler, scuffed up a bit and another Pokemon, a Bellsprout. It seemed like the two were locked in quite the battle. Based off the Bellsprout's body language, or whatever it would be called for a Bellsprout, Martin guessed his Crabrawler had ticked it off.

    "H-Hey guys...lets um...calm down and talk this out, No need for a fight..."

    Martin held up his hands and gave a sheepish smile. The two did not approve though, both giving him death glares. Martin gulped, unsure of what to do now. With the human frozen now, the Pokemon went back to their battle. It seemed the battle was never going to end as each Pokemon dealt blows but neither side giving in but then the little crab dealt the finishing blow. The move Martin hoped he'd never have to use was now shaking his body so hard, he thought every bone in his body was going to disintegrate from the vibration. Stones flew by as boulders cracked, tree branches fell, the ground itself gave way. Martin just closed his eyes and prayed it would end soon.

    Martin didn't want to open his eyes. The battle was over but Martin was scared to see what the results were. Holding onto his legs in an upright fetal position, Martin decided that maybe he could just sit there like that for the rest of his life. Crabrawler had different ideas. Scuttling over, it reached out its claw and pinched Martin's leg.


    Martin jumped up and away from the Pokemon, his eyes opening to make sure he didn't crash into something. The pain was shortlived though as he processed the environment around him. To put it simply, it looked like a warzone with tree branches everywhere, a couple trees actually downed even. Boulders had been turned to small rocks and even a small crater formed in the middle of the clearing where the ground had given way. Martin's eyes widened in fear and amazement. The power was more than Martin had originally imagined.

    Standing there in amazment, it took a little nudge from his Pokemon to notice the Bellsprout in the middle of the small crater, clearly defeated.

    "What do you want me to do?"

    Crabrawler nudged him again with a look of what Martin took as begrudging respect. He must want me to catch it... Martin thought. Taking the cue, he pulled out one of his pokeballs and walked over to the fainted Pokemon, touching it to its head. In a bright flash, the Bellsprout disappeared into the Pokeball. After only a couple wiggles, the ball clicked shut. Martin held the ball in his hand and just looked at it. He had a new, resilient Pokemon and Crabrawler was incredibly strong itself. A look of apprehension formed on Martin's face though. Crabrawler was strong but that move destroyed the clearing and it was only going to get more powerful the stronger the Pokemon got too. Realizing now was not the time to think about such things though, Martin made his way to his feet and gestured towards his Pokemon.

    "Lets...um...head back to the main road and rest up"

    The Crabrawler clicked its claws in agreement and scuttled after its trainer.
    #1 Teach a pokémon a TM!
    Crabrawler: Earthquake
    #2 Battle a wild pokémon
    +2 levels!
    Crabrawler >> Lv 12
    #3 Capture a pokémon
    Bellsprout Lv 6! Choose a nature!
    Damien Lalune
    [PokeCommunity.com] BEYOND ic

    [PokeCommunity.com] BEYOND ic

    Level 14

    Two glass doors slid open, and Damien walked out, Spinarak accompanied with him clung to his skull. Damien was slipping a few potions and stored extra pokeballs different parts of his bag. Spinarak's eyes were glued to the side compartment of his trainer's bag.

    After he was done, he slipped the plastic bag into a recycle bin for plastic, and looked on at the route ahead. "I'm sure Paige and other trainers have begun to head through Route 15. Time to set off." Damien silently walked forward, onward to Route 15, with Spinarak in tow.

    Passing buildings, Damien looked over to the Poison-type gym. "Koga, hm... it'll be quite jarring to come back and face this gym where we first started." Spinarak still held his eyes at the side compartment. That was where Damien held the same Pokemon food that he fed when they first met.

    He noticed that his partner was hungry, and he smirked as he crossed the border into Route 15. He could see various Pokemon in the area. However, none of them really caught his eye. Moreover, Damien had plans to train his Spinarak. He reached a hand, and slipped out the canister that held the Pokemon food.

    Spinarak never left it's gaze. "Okay... I was thinking we should try a training exercise. Accuracy and speed. Want to give it a try?" Spinarak gave a tiny nod, knowing what the training entailed. He skittered down the trainer's spine, down his leg, and ended up in front of him, waiting for directions.

    "Okay, so we're going to practice your coordination and your accuracy, as well as your String Shot. This way, other attacks like Poison Sting and Aborb can hit much harder and easier. Now, to do that," he paused as he held a piece of Pokemon food in his fingers.

    "We're going to catch them in the air, and I'll want you to try to snatch them as soon as you see them. Make sense?" Spinarak nodded, then vibrated slightly. Damien chuckled, and readied his right arm, ready to cast the first block.

    "Alright, let's go," with a shout, he tossed the first one in the air. Spinarak's eyes skimmed above until he saw the piece of food. With a hiss, it released a thick String Shot, landing a hit on it, and quickly pulling into it's mandibles. It nibbled away with much haste. "Alright, once more!" And again, another piece of Pokemon food was thrown into the air, higher this time. Spinarak's head snapped up, shot another String Shot, and reeled it in for lunch.

    Sometimes, the wind would pick up and knock off Spinarak's String Shot. "Alright then, try leading your shots! See where they'll fall and shoot them!" Spinarak complied, and as he threw more, they ever so slightly turned off course. With ever watchful eyes, it shot another String Shot, the block landing onto the String Shot. Damien smirked, and said, "Nicely done!" Spinarak once again reeled in the treats of it's labor.

    Damien and Spinarak continued this training for several minutes, until a young trainer stepped a few feet behind him. "Hey, you! Let's battle!" Damien paused, and turned around. He met eyes with a youngster, with messy brown hair, shorts, a plain t-shirt, and a baseball cap. "I'm known as Youngster Joey, and since we met eyes, we gotta battle!"

    Damien was a bit shocked by the energy, but regained himself and realized where he was. "Of course there are other trainers here, the other Cypress trainers and I aren't the only ones on a journey." He smirked, and said to the youngster, "Sure, let's get battle." Spinarak hopped forward, landing in front of his trainer and eyeing the other trainer. "So, a spider Pokemon huh? Go, Rattata!" "Ratt-ata!" It was a rather small, ordinary Rattata. Still, Damien knew it might be pretty fast, but Spinarak has an advantage.

    "You can go first, Youngster Joey." "Fine, Rattata, use Tackle attack!" The Mouse Pokemon charged forward, but Damien had an idea. "Spinarak, let Rattata come in close." Spinarak stayed still, waiting. Joey wasn't perturbed by his opponent staying still, however. Closer and closer, the Mouse pokemon kept it's charge. Just as Rattata tackled and rolled into the String Spit, Damien called out, "Now, use Constriction and String Shot!" Spinarak clung onto the Rattata, and spun it's String Shot around the Rattata, tightening around it.

    "Wh-what?! What kind of strategy is this?!" The youngster's eyes bulged, in a stupor as to what just happened. "Rattata, use Bite!" The Mouse Pokemon bit down on one of Spinarak's legs. It screeched for a second, but continued. It bound the Rattata for a good few minutes, before Damien called out again, "Alright, send it off with a Poison Sting!" Spinarak opened it's mandibles, and shot a barrage of poisonous darts from it's mouth, onto the Rattata's back. It jumped off, though limped because of the Bite attack.

    However... Rattata struggled where it laid. It was trapped by String Shot, it's movements made the webbing tighter, and the Poison Sting really hit hard at close range. "Rattata, no!" But soon enough, Rattata fainted. "Oh no! Rattata!" Joey ran up and undid the webbing with his hands, with a bit of difficulty. But, after that, he freed his Pokemon, and gave it a potion, and a pink berry. Damien gestured Spinarak back to his resting spot. "Hey, everything okay, youngster?" He walked up to Joey, making sure he wasn't upset or tearing up. But no, Youngster Joey and his Rattata were fine.

    "Hey, good battle, fellow trainer! What's your name?" The youngster peered up at him, with curiosity. "Err, that's right. I didn't even say my name. Damien Lalune is my name." "Well, Damien," Joey paused, after returning his Rattata and patting dirt off his shorts. "Let's battle again someday!" He held out a hand with a toothy, stupid grin. Damien sighed, and returned the gesture. After exchanging info, both Damien and Youngster Joey split up. Spinarak looked off into the distance, at the sights before them as the two walked forward.

    Before long, Damien thought to himself as he trekked through Route 15, "I wonder if I'll have to set up camp... will I make it to town before dusk?"

    #2 - Train one pokémon through exercise, practicing skills etc (+1 level to one of your pokémon)
    #3 - Battle a trainer (+3 levels to assign to your team as you see fit)

    Spinarak is able to use Night Shade!
    Spinarak forgot Absorb, and learned Night Shade!

    Spinarak is level 18!