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Danny took Grayson's hand and pulled himself up. "Well I…" he began before getting cut off.

"My name's Johann. Johann Matthias. I'm from the Village Bridge. Maybe you've passed through it once or twice, unless you aren't exactly travelers." He rubbed his nose. "As for interests... Card tricks are always fun. And sleeping. Can't go wrong with that." He looked at the fire, which was still bright as ever. "And one more thing... Be careful around me. You don't want to know how many memories I've accidentally erased and rewritten" Johann warned. The thought sounded a bit funny, perhaps a bit cuckoo, but everyone else had powers of their own, so maybe such wouldn't be regarded the least bit crazy.

Another freak. Danny sighed while everyone's attention seemed to be thrown off of him. He recalled the mentioning of abilities and card tricks from Johann. They wouldn't have any need for a regular human. I might just get out of this!

"And I like tricks as well!" he spoke almost immediately after this other stranger finished. Danny reached for a pocket in his backpack and pulled out a bar of soap that he kept handy for dirty jobs and a bottle of water kept for emergencies. "I combine this soap and this water…" He paused while unscrewing the bottle, pouring some of the water on the soap in his hands, and lathering the mix. "And I…" He formed a ring with his thumb and index finger. "Blow like this!" He blew a wimpy bubble out. "Ta dah!"

Danny put a hand behind his head and "blushed" awkwardly. "See, I've got no magic powers! I'm nothing special!" He put his hands up in the air. "So you obviously have no need for me! I'll just go this way…" He pointed to the path that he had come from. "And stay out of your way."

"How does that sound?" Danny gave his best smile, but it was soon contorted when he had to sneeze again. He quickly moved to cover it, but something slipped out of the closed hands. It was another bubble. "That's just the soap on my hands!" he explained while moving them in the air so everyone could see them. To his dismay, another slipped right out of his mouth while he was speaking.
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"The fact that you're here is proof enough," Grayson shook his head and smiled. "Please, sit, what's your name? You might as well acquaint yourself with everyone. I have a lot to say, and you might as well listen." Grayson sat back down where he was before, the Mew joining him.

Kerin frowned again at the newcomer. Seriously, that kid was not fooling anyone. What was this kid, a germ freak? Who has a bar of soap in their back pocket? Kerin knew a kid once that ate soap, that was weird.

(ooc: sorry for the EXTREMELY SHORT POST i just want to get it all moving and this... yeah. D: )
"And I like tricks as well!" A voice emerged, it came from a newcomer. "I combine this soap and this water…" The boy paused while opening the bottle, pouring some of the water on the soap in his hands, and lathering the mix. "And I…" He formed a ring with his thumb and index finger. "Blow like this!" He blew a wimpy bubble out. "Ta dah!"

Daphne eyeballed him strangely, the boy seemed to have a problem. "See, I've got no magic powers! I'm nothing special!" He put his hands up in the air. "So you obviously have no need for me! I'll just go this way…" He pointed to the path that he had come from. "And stay out of your way." It all appeared highly suspicious. If he was transported here like the rest, he must be something special. Daphne close her eyes for a short moment, in her mind, imagining that the surroundings shifted and changed. The sounding of trees rustling with leaves moving and tendrils curling down told her everything. Using a lot of her energy into both her psychic powers and making the rest unaware, she manipulate the trees in blocking all ways of escaping for the newcomer. Branches broke and fell to the earth, vines uncoiled and slipped down, appearing unnoticed. Twigs and pebbles rattle as a force drove them into trails, they were meant to slow people down. Daphne could sense something hiding within the boy and she wouldn't allow him to go. Not so soon.

"How does that sound?" The boy smile, and then, he let out a sneeze. Suddenly, his hands rushed to cup his mouth but Daphne spotted something produced from his mouth. It was a bubble. "That's just the soap on my hands!" He explained in a queer manner while moving them in the air so everyone could see. As soon as he said that, another slipped right out of his mouth while he was speaking.She tried to subdue her laughter, but Daphne knew exactly what the boy was playing at. She wondered if everyone else knew too.

"The fact that you're here is proof enough," Grayson shook his head and smiled. "Please, sit, what's your name? You might as well acquaint yourself with everyone. I have a lot to say, and you might as well listen." Grayson sat back down where he was before, the Mew joining him. Daphne eyed the people around her cautiously, hoping fervently nobody knew it was her who set up everything.

(Sorta bland, but I want this to move on. x3 How ya like my plan of no escape? :P)
"Okay, well, it's just about time you all knew the truth about yourselves," Grayson sighed deeply and pushed down onto his knees. "Where should I start? The beginning is probably the best place."

"I'm sure you've heard many stories about the creation of our Earth. Arceus, the god of all Pokémon, was borned from an egg that appeared from the black abyss that was the Universe. It is said that Arceus a being of everything and with that being, created a being of time, a being of space and created this Earth and inhabited it with Pokémon. He created our world for us to live in and watched us from above. At first, humans lived in peace and harmony with Pokémon. Arceus and its creations were happy.

"The peace did not last for long though. A small quarrel between human and Pokémon grew into a war, where some from each side worked together. The humans though, are known to be manipulative creatures and saw the untapped, awesome power that Pokémon possessed. They used Pokémon and warred with eachother. Arceus was not happy.

"To counteract the war, Arceus and the being of life created another set of beings; one of the skies, and one of the seas. These beings were meant to create a peace, which they did. Using their powers, they subdued the quarrels and created an order. Using their own powers, they created their own beings, one a set of legendary dogs and one a set of legendary birds to help ensure the peace. The humans though, became aware of Arceus and its ability to create so they too tried to play god. The humans, using the DNA of the being of life, created their own being of power. This being wasn't pure though, and rebelled against the humans. Again, another war broke out.

"Arceus counteracted again with more beings. One to expand the land, one to expand the seas, one to expand the skies. Peace came again, though did not last as long as the last time. The humans began to attempt to control the awesome power of these new beings. For a while, they succeeded. They attempted to create another being, which worked better than the last. Instead of using the DNA of something Arceus had created, they used the DNA of something that wasn't meant to be; a virus. A rebellion of humans though, with the help of the other legendary beings, took back the power and peace reigned once more. Arceus created more beings as a countermeasure; two that represented balance and peace. Surely this peace would last.

"It didn't.

"Now, I'm sure you all know of the war that took place eighty years ago? This was indeed another war about power and control. Soon after it started, a leading authority on Pokémon from the North, Professor Samuel Oak, was rumoured to have knowledge to find and control these beings. Apparently, it was found by accident, though Oak was planning on using this knowledge on creating a peace, though no one was really sure how. During a nation-wide conference, he was assassinated by Southerners, known as The Cause. They were captured afterwards, but not before they had given their information they had discovered in his laboratory onto their leader. The North and the South began to riot and war, using the power of the legendary beings to destroy each other. This war lasted at least fifty years.

"Arceus grew angry until finally it could take no more. Arceus decided that the human race was a threat to its own life and decided that the human race should not go on existing, as anything we did ended in war and corruption. Arceus came to our planet and went on a rampage and decided to destroy Earth and everything inside it, including its creations. This was twenty years ago.

"Arceus' creations did not react as it expected. The beings it created came to love the Earth it lived on and though there was war and violence caused by the humans, they were only manipulated by a small amount of evil; the majority of humans were good and only fought to find peace. Arceus, feeling betrayed, unleashed a massive attack but the beings rebelled. They fought and fought hard, though when it seemed that Arceus would win for sure, the beings made a new plan; instead of defeating Arceus, to seal it so that its rage could be subdued for a while. Each being that Arceus created, plus a number of other legendaries, used all of their powers to create a number of seals to put Arceus in a sleep for a good 100 years, to give time for Arceus to calm and for the world to change. Though, in case this didn't go to plan, the being of life, Arceus' original partner, had a plan B.

"Using its DNA, which also contained the DNA of all Pokémon, it made hundreds of spiritual copies of the different Pokémon of the world and sent them out to merge themselves with human souls and create powerful beings in their own right. Though merging two developed souls together would take time and time was not something they had. Instead, the Pokémon souls were temporarily fused with the humans and… as vulgar as this is, were sent to mate with the closest human female. Then, the possessed died after the Pokémon soul was transferred to the fetus.

"That is what happened 20 years ago. That is how you came into being. Your mothers' all died at birth at the overwhelming power. We could do nothing but watch them suffer, though your bodies were too small to carry such mass quantities of whatever. So, we sealed the power away. You weren't meant to see it until the first seal of Arceus began to break, which in turn, would cause a small amount of your own power to surface.

"The legendary beings that sealed Arceus away were successful but were heavily damaged and hid away in the corners of the Earth to recuperate. The seals are located across the Earth and are contained within an item. If the item is moved from its original location, a fragment of the being's power is released and attacks those who remove the seal. If the Phantom, as we call it, is not 'broken' properly, that seal could become unstable. Breaking it subdues the seal, but it is inevitable the seal will gradually dissolve at a much faster process than was originally intended.

"At the moment, all we know is that a group from the South are taking these seals. We're not sure what they plan on doing, but breaking Arceus from its seal now will lead to the destruction of the Earth. This is why you were created; to stop anything from happening to these seals. The seals on your power and the seals of Arceus are directly related and as the seals of Arceus are moved, so will yours. Even if you have opened your PokéBall, you still have seals on your power. Of course, this was intentional but it's happening at a much too fast rate, which could cause your body to slowly shut down because of the amount of power, though nobody is entirely." Grayson sighed heavily and lowered his head. He had said a lot in a short amount of time. He raised his head again. "Oh, I did forget to mention that you have quite a long lifespan as well."

Grayson sighed again. What were the beings thinking, using humans to try and sway Arceus decision? Well, now they knew everything. Hopefully all of the orphans would be able to take the news well; that they were created for such an objective.

"Okay, well, I don't think I forgot anything. If you have any questions, go ahead."

(OOC: long post is long. POST AWAY~!)
(OOC: Long post is definitely long.)

Lucas didn't expect the group to be hit by a history lesson. Well, some of the Pokémon he hadn't heard of, like the two man-made Pokémon. So he at least learned something from that.

As soon as questions were offered, he practically jumped off the ground at it. "So the South is trying to force the seals to degrade? Are they on a suicide mission or something, or do they just think they can collect them all into one place and hope nothing happens?"

The kid only had to take a millisecond of a pause before he went onto his next questions. "And if our seals are related to Arceus', wouldn't opening them be KIND OF a problem? One more thing: What would happen if we don't open our Pokéball? Would it open itself eventually, and what would happen if it did? Are we going to overload on that, then die or frenzy or something?"

Of course, he disregarded the "long lifespan" at the end after recalling the notice that their bodies would shut down; the shutdown would probably happen before they die of old age. Whether it meant coma, death, or whatever, it was obviously not good; but Luca asked enough questions for now. Maybe someone else would notice and bring it up.
Lyle only listened to Grayson with one eye open, ready to pounce on the opportunity for a nap. Fighting giant monsters was tiring work after all, and from his perspective he practically took his down singlehanded. Regardless, Lyle was able to keep himself awake for a few more minutes. Smoking the cigarette helped a bit. He once fell asleep with one in his mouth and woke up with a few burns. It stung for a few days, and luckily left no permanent scars. In hindsight, he wondered if it had anything to do with his Pokemon lineage. He suspected he was a fire type and possibly if it gave him a minor resistance to fire and its effects.

Grayson's history lesson, in general, was hard to stomach. It reminded Lyle too much of his years in high school, listening to older teachers lecturing students on the glory days of the past and how his generation was going to ruin everything. At least that is what he heard. Grayson seemed to spice it up with apocalyptic imagery and speaking of Arceus wanting to destroy the world due to feeling betrayed by his creations. And somehow, Lyle and his newfound friends had to stop a group called the "South" from breaking the seals that bound Arceus in some prison. It was this group's destiny to stop them before Arceus could run amok again.

However, Lyle wasn't sold. At least not completely. First off, the whole story…it seemed like something out of a comic book. Lyle will readily admit that he is absent minded at times and daydreams more often the next person. And often in these dreams, he fancies himself a superhero, but for it to actually occur seemed too good to be true. Lyle found pinching his arms and face to see if he was actually dreaming. Well, it hurt. So it must be real life. Perhaps then Grayson was just a crazy old man. No, that can't be right. Grayson seemed almost too serious and spoke with a matter of fact kind of tone. He was open to questions at least. Perhaps Lyle could ask a few and see what else is going. If Grayson was not pulling his leg, there was nothing Lyle could do but believe him and take it from there.

Lucas, if Lyle remembered his name correctly, jumped on the opportunity to ask questions. He asked some pretty legitimate ones as well, mostly about the seals and how it related to Arceus and themselves. Lyle didn't really understand how they worked, so he hoped Grayson could clarify that while he answered Lucas.

Lyle backtracked and tried to see if there was anything else that he wanted cleared up. Bits and pieces of Grayson's exposition came to him. Long lifespan…repeated uses of "we"….body shutting down…all these sounded suspicious and potentially worrisome.

Lyle decided he was going to speak out. He rarely does in large groups, but this time too many things actually affected him.

"How long of a lifespan are you talking about? A few hundred years or will I make it to 100 instead of 99? And what do you mean our bodies will slowly shut down? And most importantly, who is this "we" you keeping talking about?" The cigarette burned out and Lyle tossed to the side, not bothering to light up another until Grayson answered him.
Destiny Saviouer
Entralink Island
Q & some really needed A


I listened to Grayson's speech and found myself mumbling the names of some of the Pokemon he mentioned. I wasn't sure how I knew some of the names, but that didn't really matter to me right now. Right now it was everything Grayson had said that mattered. So basically, Mew created us mutants to protect the world in case Arceus ever got out. And Mew was, of course, here, right now. I wasn't sure whether to be angry at the little thing or not. It was, after all, responsible for the deaths of all of our parents and for us becoming the freaks we were. I decided to let it go, it wasn't like there was anything I could do to change the past, and I doubted Mew could either.

One boy, Lucas, jumped up and asked about six questions. I was about to say something about the 'long lifespan,' but Lyle got to it first. I was surprised I even listened to any of their names, I wasn't paying attention to the little first grade introduction session, and because of that I hadn't even introduced myself yet.

I then realized that I had been covering my nose and mouth with the end of my hoodie's sleeve. Stupid cigarette smoke. Stupid Lyle for smoking. It bugged me, but I tried to ignore it for now.

I also realized that my little projection theory was pretty darn accurate. They were some sort of phantoms to do with the seals. I decided to ask a question of my own. "Also, Grayson, do you or your little pink companion over there even know where all the seals are? It won't be easy to protect something if you don't know where or what it is that you need to protect."
"So the South is trying to force the seals to degrade? Are they on a suicide mission or something, or do they just think they can collect them all into one place and hope nothing happens? And if our seals are related to Arceus', wouldn't opening them be KIND OF a problem? One more thing: What would happen if we don't open our Pokéball? Would it open itself eventually, and what would happen if it did? Are we going to overload on that, then die or frenzy or something?"

"Well, Luca was it?" Grayson nodded at him. "Yes, the Southern government are stealing the items which hold the seals, causing the seals themselves to disintegrate. We don't know what they're doing exactly, but knowing the Southern government and their leader, it will have something to do with controlling the beings. Or Arceus himself. Something of the like. So, yes, opening the seals that hold Arceus would be bad for everyone. And we're not... sure. It is guessed that as the seals start to break, your PokéBall would break on its own. You are the first that this is to happen, we can only make guesses. Everything is a possibility at the moment. Actually, the first," Grayson's eyes flicked over to Kerin, "is you, the Zoroark. Kerin, was it? You were first born."

Kerin blinked at his own name. He was the first born? Well, apparently, he was six weeks early according to... yeah, okay. Kerin kept quiet as others asked question; he only really had one. But his would wait.

"How long of a lifespan are you talking about? A few hundred years or will I make it to 100 instead of 99? And what do you mean our bodies will slowly shut down? And most importantly, who is this "we" you keeping talking about?"

"You were meant to come of age as the last seal is opened. The age process to 18 was per normal, but it was meant to be spread out after then. You are meant to be 21 as the last seal of Arceus is opened. Which was meant to be 100 years. So, at least 400 years. But the acceleration of the seals also causes the acceleration of your age. These seals are not the first, the first was actually Victini's seal on Liberty Garden. Which should have been when your powers first started emerging. And your body slowly shutting down? The power running through your veins could overload your organs and cause them to shut down. Still, this is only hypothetical, we're not entirely sure." Grayson gave a small smile as someone picked up the 'we'. At least there was one bright one around them. "We are the ones that sealed your power, the ones that cared for you and raised you and the ones that are fighting for the protection of the Earth."

"Also, Grayson, do you or your little pink companion over there even know where all the seals are? It won't be easy to protect something if you don't know where or what it is that you need to protect."

"The locations were kept secret, but we do know some of the locations of the remaining seals. Which, I will discuss later," Grayson nodded at Destiny and then at the Mew. The Mew squeaked gently.
"Okay, well, it's just about time you all knew the truth about yourselves," Grayson stated. Johann had a feeling he was about to go into some big speech. This...wasn't a good thing, not only because Johann was feeling tired, but he had a tendency to fall asleep every now and then, something he was very well aware of. "Where should I start? The beginning is probably the best place." Johann groaned a little, then rested his head against the trunk of the tree. "I'm sure you've heard many stories about the creation of our Earth..." At that point, Johann was fast asleep.

((OOC: Feel free to skip Johann's point of view on the speech.)))

For a while, Johann hadn't had many dreams. And when he did, he couldn't remember them But this time, this dream was vivid. There was a horse-like creature, or something similar, then three dragon-like creatures. They all watched the earth from above. Humans were fighting each other using creatures--Pokemon? The view shifted back to the horse-like being, who seemed really angry. But rather than destroy the earth altogether, it created more creatures: A rainbow-colored bird and a monochrome-like bird, three birds of the primary colors, and three cat-like beasts.

Then the humans had become aware of the horse-like creature and created their own being. That didn't seem to work, and another war broke out. This time, the creature (a "god", Johann decided) created a being of the sky, a being of the land, and a being of the sea. The humans then made another creature of their own, but ended up creating a virus instead. The humans and creatures the god created rebelled against this virus. Finally, the god created a black and a white dragon.

Things became blurry for a bit, but when they cleared, the god was furious. This time, it sought world destruction. But its creations seemed against it. In the end, the humans and the creatures (they must've also been Pokemon, Johann thought) managed to seal the god. However, something seemed to make spirits of the Pokemon, and they were shown to possess a human male and mate with a human female. Both beings died, the male after the Pokemon left his body, the female after giving birth.

((OOC: End Johann's point of view.))

Johann snapped awake, the dream still clear in his head. Grayson seemed to still be talking, so Johann decided he had not yet finished.

"At the moment, all we know is that a group from the South are taking these seals. We're not sure what they plan on doing, but breaking Arceus from its seal now will lead to the destruction of the Earth. This is why you were created; to stop anything from happening to these seals. The seals on your power and the seals of Arceus are directly related and as the seals of Arceus are moved, so will yours. Even if you have opened your Poke Ball, you still have seals on your power. Of course, this was intentional, but it's happening at a much too fast rate, which could cause your body to slowly shut down because of the amount of power, though nobody is entirely." Johann decided that "Arceus" was the god he had seen in his dream, though he still wasn't sure what was going on. Maybe that dream was related, and he subconsciously absorbed the speech while he slept. Such a thing wasn't too uncommon; the human brain was an amazing thing, after all. Johann's now more amazing than before since his powers seemed to revolve around it.

"Oh, I did forget to mention that you have quite a long lifespan as well. Grayson added. Johann tilted his head at this. Longer life, huh? Wonder how old I'll get to be, then... He then listened as Grayson asked for questions, but decided to wait his turn. One person asked a bunch of questions, in fact, so many that Johann almost slammed his palm against his forehead. He was surprised the kid didn't even ask about how long they'd live, since that seemed pretty damn important. Needless to say, a cigarette-toting guy asked the question. Johann almost coughed; he couldn't stand the smell of such smoke. Finally, a girl asked about the location of the seals. Rather than ask any questions himself (though Johann couldn't come up with any that hadn't been asked already), he awaited Grayson's response.

"Yes, the Southern government are stealing the items which hold the seals, causing the seals themselves to disintegrate. We don't know what they're doing exactly, but knowing the Southern government and their leader, it will have something to do with controlling the beings. Or Arceus himself. Something of the like. So, yes, opening the seals that hold Arceus would be bad for everyone. And we're not...sure. It is guessed that as the seals start to break, your Poke Ball would break on its own. You are the first that this is to happen, we can only make guesses. Everything is a possibility at the moment. Actually, the first," Grayson turned to the boy called "Kerin". "is you, the Zoroark. Kerin, was it? You were first born." A "Zoroark", huh? Johann wondered what kind of Pokemon that was.

Grayson went on to answer cigarette-boy's question. "You were meant to come of age as the last seal is opened. The age process to 18 was per normal, but it was meant to be spread out after then. You are meant to be 21 as the last seal of Arceus is opened. Which was meant to be 100 years. So, at least 400 years. But the acceleration of the seals also causes the acceleration of your age. These seals are not the first, the first was actually Victini's seal on Liberty Garden. Which should have been when your powers first started emerging. And your body slowly shutting down? The power running through your veins could overload your organs and cause them to shut down. Still, this is only hypothetical, we're not entirely sure." Johann whistled at the age. I could do a lot in that period of time. Maybe even travel the world.

"The locations were kept secret, but we do know some of the locations of the remaining seals. Which, I will discuss later," Grayson concluded. Johann sighed. All the significant questions seemed answered. Johann wanted to ask about what he had missed, but he had a feeling the dream was a visual example of the speech. Though, if that were the case, how did he know what the various beings looked like? Could it have just been something his brain thought up so that each being had form? Or was it something the Pokemon he was fused with had seen?
OOC: Bah -.- Danny spazzes out.

Danny sighed deeply upon taking all of the information in.

"That's great and all! Who wouldn't want freakish and inhuman abilities growing up as a kid? But, what exactly are we supposed to do and how can I get out of it? I never signed up for this! I couldn't read until I was four so I doubt my fetus could read some silly "Pokemon" contract back then! I just want to live my own life and stay out of whatever crazy scheme that "mother nature" has planned!"

Danny got up from the spot that he had taken from the ground and remained standing. He couldn't leave of course because of the pesky trees, but he still felt more comfortable standing up.

"The second that I have a moment to escape, I'm leaving, I'm sorry, dude, but I'm no hero. I'm just some freaky bubble kid from a carwash a few months ago and nothing more."

He suddenly regretted everything. Why did he have to be born some freak? Why did he have to let his brother die? Why did he have to end up here? And why is he the only one who wants to go home?

"Don't you guys want to go home too? To be safe and not stranded out in the middle of nowhere with some crazy man!" He rest his back against a tree with no more to say.
Lana remained silent as her mind processed the information and created several different trains of thought in a handful of seconds. She could only focus on one at a time, but she felt herself grow excited at the prospects of the situation, what it meant for her.

They would live for almost half a century. In that amount of time, technology would undoubtedly advance beyond anything they could imagine in their current era. It had to, history often repeated itself (this being the only tenet of history that she remembered beyond place names and basic events). She could surpass her adoptive parents and many other scientists in terms of knowledge about the world around them - she would have enough time to complete several lifetimes' worth of learning, if she had the means and motivation to do so (and if they survived the inevitable ordeals ahead of them).

Yes, she did mull over the political aspects, and considered Kerin for a moment when he was highlighted by Grayson. Then she realised that Lyle was smoking again, but the fumes did not bother her.

For a while Lana simply continued to listen, absorbing the words and sights around her while still considering her situation. Her seal could be opened at any time, and that was only the first of a few. What kind of Pokémon was her father? A strong one? One that could fly? Was she a Zoroark like this other guy? No, she couldn't really imagine herself with arms like that, and it would be silly for this Arceus creature to 'create' two of the same type. That was her logic.

Danny's outburst caught her attention. He had been making bubbles before, and she'd been tempted to ask for him to blow some her way later if they couldn't find a place for her to wash in.

"What's the point of going home? We'd only be persecuted once they knew what we are. Better being with a stranger than with people who want nothing more than your body dead and cold on a slab.

"I mean sure, some of us-- you, will have families who'd protect you. But is it really worth causing them pain as well? Better they worrry than die with you. And I don't think Grayson is crazy. Believe me, I know crazy," she half-smiled, remembering some of the things she used to get up to in her heyday. "He probably coulda wiped the floor with us if he wanted, and this would have to be some really expensive, elaborate scheme if he's trying to dupe us.

"Besides, he's told us things which make sense. Not many people would know about our existences beyond our families, and that pink thing behind him looks like a good judge of character.

"If you wanna leave, go ahead. I'm just explaining things how I see 'em."
"I don't want to be here either," Kerin said to the bubble kid a little curtly, then turned to Grayson. "Is there a way to not be... this?" He wiggled his so called fingers. He didn't want to be like this. He didn't even like Pokémon, let alone wanted to be half of one. Grayson shook his head at Kerin.

"You were born like this. There is no escaping it," Grayson said, talking to Danny as well. "You can't run from it, because it will only catch up to you."

"As much as I want to go home," Kerin stared at his shoes, "I can't. There is no home for me to go back to." Grayson nodded slowly and sadly. They were just kids, anyway. This wasn't meant to be their war, but it was anyway. His eyes flickered over to the Mew bobbing up and down over the fire; what exactly did it have in store for them all? Though, Grayson had no hard feelings for Mew. They had been friends for a long time.

"I'm sorry. To all of you. This wasn't meant to be your fight, but it has to be. Your guardians knew that. I'm sorry, again, but yes. I think it's about time we sleep, hmm? We have a lot of work to do tomorrow," Grayson stood to his feet and walked over to a large bag, sitting under the camp they had set up. He pulled out several sleeping bags and began to pass them around. There was more than enough for everyone. "We have found the location of two other seals. We rise early tomorrow. I'll take a little time to run you through some protocols, maybe see if we can help you control your power, and then we leave. We must split into two groups, but don't worry, we'll be safe. I'll go with one group, Mew with another. We'll find the seal items and put a protective barrier around them. Then we'll regroup and discuss."

Kerin took his own sleeping back and looked at it. This was all for the protection of the world, to save everyone, right? So it had to be done, yeah? As long as he kept that mindset on track, he would comply. If it ever swayed for the good of Pokémon or to earn an extra dollar, he would leave. Sighing, he whipped out his bag over a patch of grass around the fire and crawled inside of it.

"Do not worry," Grayson smiled at everyone. "We are safe here. Nobody who has not been to Entralink Island does not know the way. And Mew here will keep us safe, won't you my friend?" The Mew nodded and squealed, flying up into the sky. "Goodnight everyone."

Kerin grunted and turned over in his bag. He was tired and sleep would come easy. The only thing he worried about was his dreams.
Lana was not perturbed by the notion of fighting, though she had a feeling that it would be a little more than a scuffle between delinquents or a cat-fight with a fellow five year old girl. Pokémon were dangerous, as indicated by the human race's incredible fear of them. As an oddball of sorts, she actually preferred this scenario to her prospective life back home, however much she enjoyed spending time in the museum.

The entire group was reassured that they were safe, not that it really mattered as sleepiness hounded her body, grabbing hold of her eyelids and making them feel heavier than she was aware of. Then came a slight stretch skyward and a loud yawn, Lana smacking her lips and hauling herself over to an area that would not compromise anyone's personal space, including her own.

Having spent time in Mount Moon for countless days, Lana was grateful for the blades of grass cushioning her body (she'd refused her adoptive mother's suggestion of a roll-up foam mattress and a sleeping bag and did regret the decision somewhat). She wouldn't ache so much in the morning, she thought, and wouldn't have to spend time cracking her back into a comfortable position.

"G'night guys and girls," she called after curling up in the foetal position and sneezing - the grass was tickling her nose. "Don't let the Pokémon bite."