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Bulky-ish OU Offense RMT


Make a Wish! <33
  • 54
    After a month or so using my old OU team, I've gotten quite bored of it. Plus, it was a very offensive and fast-paced team that could do severe damage to other teams, but at the same time, was fragile and easily taken down if countered properly. So I've decided to move on to a more bulky-ish offensive team. I sat down for ten minutes or so and thought this team out, and I'm quite surprised at how well it performs. Now I just need the opinion of the general public.

    My Team at a Quick Glance:

    [PokeCommunity.com] Bulky-ish OU Offense RMT
    [PokeCommunity.com] Bulky-ish OU Offense RMT
    [PokeCommunity.com] Bulky-ish OU Offense RMT
    [PokeCommunity.com] Bulky-ish OU Offense RMT
    [PokeCommunity.com] Bulky-ish OU Offense RMT
    [PokeCommunity.com] Bulky-ish OU Offense RMT

    Detailed Analysis

    [PokeCommunity.com] Bulky-ish OU Offense RMT

    Gliscor (F) @ Yache Berry
    Jolly / Hyper Cutter
    204 HP / 88 Atk / 216 Spd
    ~ Earthquake
    ~ Stealth Rock
    ~ Taunt
    ~ Ice Fang

    Not a lead you see everyday, is it? I absolutely adore this Gliscor lead for its ability to stop Stealth Rock and other hazards from being set up, but at the same time get SR up itself. The EV spread and nature allow it to outspeed max speed Timid lead Roserade (providing it's not Scarfed, as some are) by 2 and Taunt it before it can Sleep Powder. That being said, Gliscor can also stop bulky leads such as Swampert, Bronzong, Forretress from setting up entry hazards and/or using Hypnosis. Gliscor also renders Smeargle completely useless, and it even breaks its own Sash on the first turn if it decides to Spore, and does not carry any offensive moves. The Attack EVs on Gliscor allow it to 2HKO max HP no Def Metagross (standard LeadGross), and Tyranitar (it's awesome at stopping DDTar set ups right off the bat), while at the same time not allowing them to set up Stealth Rock. I'll admit, it can't stop things like Aerodactyl and Azelf from setting up SR, but still. Aero will likely Taunt the first turn anyways, in which case Ice Fang from Gliscor is a 2HKO and Aero will not be able to do any damage to Gliscor (providing it does set up Stealth Rock). Ice Fang is also here to OHKO standard 4 HP / 0 Def Salamence after it switches into Stealth Rock. Gliscor also has the benefit of outspeeding neutral speed Mence, and not being affected by Intimidate as it has Hyper Cutter. The Yache Berry is there to ensure that I survive an Ice Beam from standard MixPert, and still manage to get my Stealth Rock up and running (of course, I will usually Taunt it the first turn so that it doesn't get up SR itself). It also gives me a fighting chance against the sweeper variant of Metagross, who will often carry Ice Punch.

    Team Synergy
    Ice - Heatran, Scizor
    Water - Gyarados, Celebi

    [PokeCommunity.com] Bulky-ish OU Offense RMT

    Scizor (F) @ Choice Band
    Adamant / Technician
    252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Spd
    ~ Bullet Punch
    ~ Superpower
    ~ U-turn
    ~ Pursuit


    In addition to being one of the greatest threats in the metagame, it is also undoubtedly a great scouter. I couldn't resist not using Scizor on this team. Everything on its moveset is essentially standard. Bullet Punch is the staple of this set because it is just awesome, Superpower to deal with Blissey, and Heatran and Magnezone switch-ins (which will definitely come because Heatran is like one of the best counters to the fearsome CB Scizor, and Magnezone traps it Dx). I originally opted for Brick Break because of its ability to remove annoying screens, but sadly the decrease in power meant I was unable to OHKO neither Magnezone nor Heatran. U-turn is there for scouting purposes. This is where I should address why I used 4 speed EVs instead of the standard 8. If I ever happen to encounter another CB Scizor (with the standard EV spread), being slower than them means that they will U-turn first, allowing me to see what they switch to. Anyhow, Pursuit is one of the best moves in the game, hands down. Easily traps and finishes off Starmies, Gengars, and other Ghosts / Psychics, because Scizor is a BEAST. It also acts as the perfect bait for Heatran, who gets the Flash Fire boost and proceeds to do some serious ass kicking.

    Team Synergy
    Fire: Heatran, Gyarados

    [PokeCommunity.com] Bulky-ish OU Offense RMT

    Celebi @ Leftovers
    Bold / Natural Cure
    252 HP / 220 Def / 36 Spd
    ~ Grass Knot
    ~ Thunder Wave
    ~ Leech Seed / Psychic
    ~ Recover

    Standard Defensive Celebi, and my answer to Gyarados (Grass Knot is a 2HKO on standard Gyara after SR damage), Breloom, Swampert, Tyranitar (Grass Knot is a 2HKO, even in sandstorm, and the EV spread allows me to outspeed Jolly TTar) and other fast sweepers that can be crippled by Thunder Wave. Leech Seed and Stealth Rock make an awesome combination, as Leech Seed will commonly make the opponent switch, allowing Stealth Rock damage to accumulate. Psychic is another option over Leech Seed as it allows me to swiftly deal with Breloom and Machamp, but it also means a free switch-in for Tyranitar and Weavile D<. Recover is there for obvious reasons.

    Team Synergy
    Bug - Heatran, Gyarados, Scizor, Gliscor
    Dark - Scizor, Heatran
    Ghost - Scizor, Heatran
    Ice - Heatran, Scizor
    Fire - Heatran, Gyarados

    [PokeCommunity.com] Bulky-ish OU Offense RMT

    Jolteon (M) @ Choice Specs
    Timid / Volt Absorb
    4 Def / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
    ~ Thunderbolt
    ~ Shadow Ball
    ~ Hidden Power (Ice)
    ~ Baton Pass / Signal Beam

    My former team had a major weakness to SpecsJolt, so I decided to try one out myself. I have now discovered that SpecsJolt is a beast. STABed Thunderbolt with 478 special attack as its disposal means that Jolteon will do serious damage to any pokémon that does not resist the Electric type. Jolteon stillmanages to outspeed max speed Adamant Gyarados after a DD and KO it with Thunderbolt. It also makes a good combination with Gyarados, because Electric attacks aimed at Gyarados will be absorbed by Jolteon, as well as Thunder Waves directed at other members of the team (the problem is Electivire, however, who is not affected by Thunderbolt). Nevertheless, weakened Electivires can be picked off by a Shadow Ball. Shadow Ball is there to hit Celebi relatively hard, and is also my best answer against Gengar, Dusknoir, and the Rotom Formes. Hidden Power (Ice) is there to hit Gliscor, and Salamence and its Dragon friends. Most people expect HP Grass on Jolteon as normally it is walled by Swampert, so HP Ice makes a nasty surprise. I already have Celebi to deal with the ever-annoying Swampert, so it isn't much of a big deal. Baton Pass for dry passing to scout for counters, but I could also use Signal Beam to hit Tyranitar harder (2HKO) and OHKO Celebi (not that Tyranitar would usually switch into Jolteon in the first place)...

    Team Synergy
    Ground: Gyarados, Gliscor, Celebi

    [PokeCommunity.com] Bulky-ish OU Offense RMT

    Gyarados (M) @ Life Orb / Wacan Berry
    Adamant / Intimidate
    4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
    ~ Dragon Dance
    ~ Waterfall
    ~ Ice Fang
    ~ Earthquake

    It surprises me how a great deal of teams I see nowadays do not carry a true counter to DD Life Orb Gyarados. In the past, I've tended to stray away from it because of its weakness to Stealth Rock, and the annoying 4x Electric weakness, but there is no sense denying its sheer power if it is allowed to set up properly. Gyarados does have some very useful resistances and immunities however, and this makes it relatively easy to switch in; two pokémon on my team have a weaknesses to Ground (and one has a quadruple weakness). Gyarados also puts Scizor and Lucario (without Stone Edge) to a abrupt stop, as it resists or does not take much damage to their primary sources of offensive. Waterfall is on the set for obvious STAB, Ice Fang for switching in with Intimidate and eliminating Salamence, and Earthquake over Stone Edge because it is less common and helps when dealing with Electric-type switch-ins (unforunately, Rotom causes major problems). Life Orb is the preferred item, as it allows for important OHKOs and 2HKOs, but Wacan Berry can make setting up with Gyarados much easier, and can be a nasty surprise for Electric-types that come in expecting a swift OHKO.

    Team Synergy
    Electric: Jolteon, Gliscor, Celebi
    Rock: None =(

    [PokeCommunity.com] Bulky-ish OU Offense RMT

    Heatran (F) @ Expert Belt / Choice Scarf
    Naive / Flash Fire
    4 Atk / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
    ~ Fire Blast
    ~ Earth Power
    ~ Dragon Pulse
    ~ Explosion

    While having annoying weaknesses to Ground and Fighting can hinder its performance, Heatran can easily abuse its plethora of resistances when it comes to switching in safety. Choice Scarf Heatran has become the standard variant as it solves Heatran's only real obstacle that prevents it from sweeping effectively: its speed. In fact, it's become so standard that many people will automatically assume a Heatran is Scarfed as soon as they see it. In thinking this, they will often make the mistake of sending something in that would normally not be threatened by one of Heatran's moves, but severely threatened by another. I normally use the "faux-Scarf" variant of Heatran and slap an Expert Belt on it because it gives me the freedom of switching moves. I've fooled so many people with this, and it usually takes a while for the opponent to catch on. However, one cannot deny the usefulness of a Scarfed Heatran, so this is why I left my options open. Anyways, onto the set. Fire Blast is a better option than Flamethrower because whearas the accuracy drop is not significant, the power boost comes in handy in many situations, as I lack a Life Orb. Earth Power to hit opposing Heatrans, that will switch in expecting to get a Flash Fire boost. Dragon Pulse to hit Salamence and company, and more importantly, Kingdra locked into Outrage. Explosion is on the set to eliminate Blissey if Scizor is not there to finish it off, and can also be used in other times of desperation.

    Team Synergy

    Ground: Gyarados, Gliscor, Celebi
    Fighting: Gyarados, Gliscor, Celebi
    Water: Gyarados, Celebi

    *Credits for the images goes to Arkeis.com and Bulbapedia
    Wacan Berry is not useful on Gyarados, Stealth Rock it causes a 25% to Gyarados that totally makes useless Wacan Berry, on Heatran you choose Choice Scarf because Lucario after a Swords Dance in combo with Stealth Rock could give you a lot of problems.
    After a month or so using my old OU team, I've gotten quite bored of it. Plus, it was a very offensive and fast-paced team that could do severe damage to other teams, but at the same time, was fragile and easily taken down if countered properly. So I've decided to move on to a more bulky-ish offensive team. I sat down for ten minutes or so and thought this team out, and I'm quite surprised at how well it performs. Now I just need the opinion of the general public.

    My Team at a Quick Glance:

    [PokeCommunity.com] Bulky-ish OU Offense RMT
    [PokeCommunity.com] Bulky-ish OU Offense RMT
    [PokeCommunity.com] Bulky-ish OU Offense RMT
    [PokeCommunity.com] Bulky-ish OU Offense RMT
    [PokeCommunity.com] Bulky-ish OU Offense RMT
    [PokeCommunity.com] Bulky-ish OU Offense RMT

    Detailed Analysis

    [PokeCommunity.com] Bulky-ish OU Offense RMT

    Gliscor (F) @ Yache Berry
    Jolly / Hyper Cutter
    204 HP / 88 Atk / 216 Spd
    ~ Earthquake
    ~ Stealth Rock
    ~ Taunt
    ~ Ice Fang

    Not a lead you see everyday, is it? I absolutely adore this Gliscor lead for its ability to stop Stealth Rock and other hazards from being set up, but at the same time get SR up itself. The EV spread and nature allow it to outspeed max speed Timid lead Roserade (providing it's not Scarfed, as some are) by 2 and Taunt it before it can Sleep Powder. That being said, Gliscor can also stop bulky leads such as Swampert, Bronzong, Forretress from setting up entry hazards and/or using Hypnosis. Gliscor also renders Smeargle completely useless, and it even breaks its own Sash on the first turn if it decides to Spore, and does not carry any offensive moves. The Attack EVs on Gliscor allow it to 2HKO max HP no Def Metagross (standard LeadGross), and Tyranitar (it's awesome at stopping DDTar set ups right off the bat), while at the same time not allowing them to set up Stealth Rock. I'll admit, it can't stop things like Aerodactyl and Azelf from setting up SR, but still. Aero will likely Taunt the first turn anyways, in which case Ice Fang from Gliscor is a 2HKO and Aero will not be able to do any damage to Gliscor (providing it does set up Stealth Rock). Ice Fang is also here to OHKO standard 4 HP / 0 Def Salamence after it switches into Stealth Rock. Gliscor also has the benefit of outspeeding neutral speed Mence, and not being affected by Intimidate as it has Hyper Cutter. The Yache Berry is there to ensure that I survive an Ice Beam from standard MixPert, and still manage to get my Stealth Rock up and running (of course, I will usually Taunt it the first turn so that it doesn't get up SR itself). It also gives me a fighting chance against the sweeper variant of Metagross, who will often carry Ice Punch.

    Team Synergy
    Ice - Heatran, Scizor
    Water - Gyarados, Celebi

    Ok ....

    [PokeCommunity.com] Bulky-ish OU Offense RMT

    Scizor (F) @ Choice Band
    Adamant / Technician
    252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Spd
    ~ Bullet Punch
    ~ Superpower / Brick Break
    ~ U-turn
    ~ Pursuit


    In addition to being one of the greatest threats in the metagame, it is also undoubtedly a great scouter. I couldn't resist not using Scizor on this team. Everything on its moveset is essentially standard. Bullet Punch is the staple of this set because it is just awesome, Superpower to deal with Blissey, and Heatran and Magnezone switch-ins (which will definitely come because Heatran is like one of the best counters to the fearsome CB Scizor, and Magnezone traps it Dx). I originally opted for Brick Break because of its ability to remove annoying screens, but sadly the decrease in power meant I was unable to OHKO neither Magnezone nor Heatran. U-turn is there for scouting purposes. This is where I should address why I used 4 speed EVs instead of the standard 8. If I ever happen to encounter another CB Scizor (with the standard EV spread), being slower than them means that they will U-turn first, allowing me to see what they switch to. Anyhow, Pursuit is one of the best moves in the game, hands down. Easily traps and finishes off Starmies, Gengars, and other Ghosts / Psychics, because Scizor is a BEAST. It also acts as the perfect bait for Heatran, who gets the Flash Fire boost and proceeds to do some serious ass kicking.

    Team Synergy
    Fire: Heatran, Gyarados

    you might also get the use of brick break to smash screens

    [PokeCommunity.com] Bulky-ish OU Offense RMT

    Celebi @ Leftovers
    Bold / Natural Cure
    252 HP / 220 Def / 36 Spd
    ~ Grass Knot
    ~ Thunder Wave
    ~ Leech Seed / Psychic
    ~ Recover

    Standard Defensive Celebi, and my answer to Gyarados (Grass Knot is a 2HKO on standard Gyara after SR damage), Breloom, Swampert, Tyranitar (Grass Knot is a 2HKO, even in sandstorm, and the EV spread allows me to outspeed Jolly TTar) and other fast sweepers that can be crippled by Thunder Wave. Leech Seed and Stealth Rock make an awesome combination, as Leech Seed will commonly make the opponent switch, allowing Stealth Rock damage to accumulate. Psychic is another option over Leech Seed as it allows me to swiftly deal with Breloom and Machamp, but it also means a free switch-in for Tyranitar and Weavile D<. Recover is there for obvious reasons.

    Team Synergy
    Bug - Heatran, Gyarados, Scizor, Gliscor
    Dark - Scizor, Heatran
    Ghost - Scizor, Heatran
    Ice - Heatran, Scizor
    Fire - Heatran, Gyarados

    Not bad Eh ..

    [PokeCommunity.com] Bulky-ish OU Offense RMT

    Jolteon (M) @ Choice Specs
    Timid / Volt Absorb
    4 Def / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
    ~ Thunderbolt
    ~ Shadow Ball
    ~ Hidden Power (Ice) Hidden Power Grass
    ~ Baton Pass / Signal Beam

    dont use Baton Pass =/ , Hidden Power Grass Over Hidden Power Ice to lol at Swampert

    My former team had a major weakness to SpecsJolt, so I decided to try one out myself. I have now discovered that SpecsJolt is a beast. STABed Thunderbolt with 478 special attack as its disposal means that Jolteon will do serious damage to any pokémon that does not resist the Electric type. Jolteon stillmanages to outspeed max speed Adamant Gyarados after a DD and KO it with Thunderbolt. It also makes a good combination with Gyarados, because Electric attacks aimed at Gyarados will be absorbed by Jolteon, as well as Thunder Waves directed at other members of the team (the problem is Electivire, however, who is not affected by Thunderbolt). Nevertheless, weakened Electivires can be picked off by a Shadow Ball. Shadow Ball is there to hit Celebi relatively hard, and is also my best answer against Gengar, Dusknoir, and the Rotom Formes. Hidden Power (Ice) is there to hit Gliscor, and Salamence and its Dragon friends. Most people expect HP Grass on Jolteon as normally it is walled by Swampert, so HP Ice makes a nasty surprise. I already have Celebi to deal with the ever-annoying Swampert, so it isn't much of a big deal. Baton Pass for dry passing to scout for counters, but I could also use Signal Beam to hit Tyranitar harder (2HKO) and OHKO Celebi (not that Tyranitar would usually switch into Jolteon in the first place)...

    Team Synergy
    Ground: Gyarados, Gliscor, Celebi

    dont use Baton Pass =/ , Hidden Power Grass Over Hidden Power Ice to lol at Swampert

    [PokeCommunity.com] Bulky-ish OU Offense RMT

    Gyarados (M) @ Life Orb / Wacan Berry
    Adamant / Intimidate
    4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
    ~ Dragon Dance
    ~ Waterfall
    ~ Ice Fang
    ~ Earthquake

    It surprises me how a great deal of teams I see nowadays do not carry a true counter to DD Life Orb Gyarados. In the past, I've tended to stray away from it because of its weakness to Stealth Rock, and the annoying 4x Electric weakness, but there is no sense denying its sheer power if it is allowed to set up properly. Gyarados does have some very useful resistances and immunities however, and this makes it relatively easy to switch in; two pokémon on my team have a weaknesses to Ground (and one has a quadruple weakness). Gyarados also puts Scizor and Lucario (without Stone Edge) to a abrupt stop, as it resists or does not take much damage to their primary sources of offensive. Waterfall is on the set for obvious STAB, Ice Fang for switching in with Intimidate and eliminating Salamence, and Earthquake over Stone Edge because it is less common and helps when dealing with Electric-type switch-ins (unforunately, Rotom causes major problems). Life Orb is the preferred item, as it allows for important OHKOs and 2HKOs, but Wacan Berry can make setting up with Gyarados much easier, and can be a nasty surprise for Electric-types that come in expecting a swift OHKO.

    Team Synergy
    Electric: Jolteon, Gliscor, Celebi
    Rock: None =(

    Epic Nice , but Wacan berry isnt good for Gyara >.>

    [PokeCommunity.com] Bulky-ish OU Offense RMT

    Heatran (F) @ Expert Belt / Choice Scarf
    Naive / Flash Fire
    4 Atk / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
    ~ Fire Blast
    ~ Earth Power
    ~ Dragon Pulse / Hidden Power Ice
    ~ Explosion

    While having annoying weaknesses to Ground and Fighting can hinder its performance, Heatran can easily abuse its plethora of resistances when it comes to switching in safety. Choice Scarf Heatran has become the standard variant as it solves Heatran's only real obstacle that prevents it from sweeping effectively: its speed. In fact, it's become so standard that many people will automatically assume a Heatran is Scarfed as soon as they see it. In thinking this, they will often make the mistake of sending something in that would normally not be threatened by one of Heatran's moves, but severely threatened by another. I normally use the "faux-Scarf" variant of Heatran and slap an Expert Belt on it because it gives me the freedom of switching moves. I've fooled so many people with this, and it usually takes a while for the opponent to catch on. However, one cannot deny the usefulness of a Scarfed Heatran, so this is why I left my options open. Anyways, onto the set. Fire Blast is a better option than Flamethrower because whearas the accuracy drop is not significant, the power boost comes in handy in many situations, as I lack a Life Orb. Earth Power to hit opposing Heatrans, that will switch in expecting to get a Flash Fire boost. Dragon Pulse to hit Salamence and company, and more importantly, Kingdra locked into Outrage. Explosion is on the set to eliminate Blissey if Scizor is not there to finish it off, and can also be used in other times of desperation.

    Team Synergy

    Ground: Gyarados, Gliscor, Celebi
    Fighting: Gyarados, Gliscor, Celebi
    Water: Gyarados, Celebi

    dont ever use Expert Belt on Heatran as long as its speed is damn low >.< , you might need Hidden Power Ice over Dragon Pulse to freeze Mence's wings , you might stick with Dragon Pulse for Kingdra .

    *Credits for the images goes to Arkeis.com and Bulbapedia

    Comments in Bold , It only needs some changes , otherwise its a good team ...
    The Expert Belt on Heatran is for faking a Choice Scarf. ScarfTran is so popular in today's metagame that every assumes a Heatran is Scarfed whenever they see one.

    I was also thinking of using the BulkyGyara set with Taunt, as it gives me more survivability, and using HP Fighting on Jolteon instead of Ice / Grass. As I would have Lefties recovery on Gyara, Stealth Rock would no longer be that much of an issue, so I was considering replacing Gliscor with a Lead Mamo. Why? Because it's awesome. It makes revenge killing Salamence seem like a piece of cake, and it's got that beastly Earthquake to boast. Anyhow, as I don't seem to be that weak to Mence if I make this addition, I was considering HP Fighting on Jolteon over Ice or Grass because I'm a bit Tyranitar weak and even after a DD it can't outspeed Jolteon. Celebi essentially stops Swampert in its tracks, so there isn't much to say there. HP Grass is sort of too obvious on Jolteon anyways.
    [jq]dont use Baton Pass =/[/jq]
    What? Baton Pass is great for scouting, and you have the ability to see what the opponent's initial switch-in is.
    [jq]-I was considering HP Fighting on Jolteon over Ice or Grass because I'm a bit Tyranitar weak and even after a DD it can't outspeed Jolteon.[/jq]
    Yeah, it OHKOs after SR iirc.

    Consider Bounce Gyara, it may look bad on paper, but it's really awesome (and no one expects it). Water and Flying is only resisted by Empoleon and Lanturn outside of Ubers.

    This looks almost like my team except I have Swampert over Gliscor, two other Pokemon replacing Jolteon and Scizor. :P I will come back later when I have time to do a full rate (or is this even a rate lol).
    I notice that every time you mention Gliscor as a counter, you have at least 2 others, so I'm thinking replacing him for something that isn't scared of Starmie, or even Rachi.
    [jq]dont use Baton Pass =/[/jq]
    What? Baton Pass is great for scouting, and you have the ability to see what the opponent's initial switch-in is.
    [jq]-I was considering HP Fighting on Jolteon over Ice or Grass because I'm a bit Tyranitar weak and even after a DD it can't outspeed Jolteon.[/jq]
    Yeah, it OHKOs after SR iirc.

    Consider Bounce Gyara, it may look bad on paper, but it's really awesome (and no one expects it). Water and Flying is only resisted by Empoleon and Lanturn outside of Ubers.

    This looks almost like my team except I have Swampert over Gliscor, two other Pokemon replacing Jolteon and Scizor. :P I will come back later when I have time to do a full rate (or is this even a rate lol).

    it might be good but on SpecsJolt would be hard =/

    I stopped using Bounce Gyara , and it doesnt deal tremendously damage like DD Gyara =/

    HP Fighting will do , as you already have 3 pokemon packed with Ice type moves to deal with mence ( Gliscor , Gyarados , Heatran ) and 1 Pokemon packed with Grass type move to lol at Swampert ( Celebi ) , so your team got no problem with stuffs currently =)
    [jq]it might be good but on SpecsJolt would be hard =/[/jq]
    What about U-turn on CB Scizor? Sure, it doesn't damage, but one of the main reasons why it's used over X-Scissor is to scout so you have the upper hand.
    [jq]I stopped using Bounce Gyara , and it doesnt deal tremendously damage like DD Gyara =/[/jq]
    How does it drop in power? You actually hit harder majority of the time with a second STAB. Unless, you are using Leftovers with Substitute, so you lose the 1.5 boost from LO. If you are against Celebi, it would probably try to TWave you, letting you set-up a Sub, and DD again, so that is about the same as once DD'd LO Gyara. Even if Bounce is a two-turn move; the types that resist Flying are Electric, Rock, and Steel, Electric can dealt with Waterfall (unless it something like Jolteon, Lanturn, bulky Zapdos, etc), majority of the Rock-types are crippled with Waterfall (but you have to switch out from Aero unless you're Jolly), and most of the common Steel-types are set-up on unless they run something that is specifically for Gyara (e.g. Lucario -> Stone Edge, Metagross/Jirachi -> ThunderPunch/Thunderbolt, Heatran -> HP Electric). I am not saying Bounce Gyara is better than original DD Gyara, I am just stating it doesn't suck like people make it out to be.

    But, yeah, I don't want to spam the OP's thread further, so I will stop.