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Buneary is not Pachirisu, dear nephew.


  • 6,213
    So my grandma's birthday and Mother's Day happens to be around the same time, if not on the same day some years. That being the case, I always end up goin' over there to give her a gift for both because I'm a poor college student and visit with the fam - cousins and all.

    One of my cousins happened to be sportin' a Pokémon shirt today and my nephew was trying to name 'em all. The moment he called Buneary "Pachirisu," I literally had to stop myself from correcting him mid-blurt by biting my tongue instead. Not the time, Larry. Not the time.
    You should of totally beat him to a pulp corrected him, maybe of shouted a little. I don't know. Buneary and Pachirisu are kinda hard to get mixed up. >_>
    I would have. I'm the Pokemon know it all. Not ashamed. Even when I'm 20...I will still be correcting my cousins and such. Yup. :>
    You so should have corrected him - now all the people that were there listening to him are going to think Buneary is Pachirisu too! You're allowing him to spread the disease!