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Captace Region (Fakemon + Other stuff)

Well finally finished the latest Fakemon. I am incredibly happy with the results. Not everything is as good as I wanted, but some of it is also better than what I was expecting.

[PokeCommunity.com] Captace Region (Fakemon + Other stuff)


571 - Dratini
572 - Dragonair
573 - Dragonite
574 - Dragos: Dragon type. Evolves from 571 when it level ups to level 30 with "Evil Wish" held. "This pokemon's evolution is altered by evil, and due to this, unlocks unknown power. It is said that they gain strength the darkness of the night."
575 - Chaogon: Dragon/Dark type. Evolves from 574 at Level 55. Dragonite, but drop the speed and the attacks a little, raise its defenses. "Using the pure power of Chaos and evil, this Pokemon happily attacks all in its path, making sure to gain dominance over all."

576 - Beldum
577 - Metang
578 - Metagross
579 - Bishdum: Steel/Psychic Evolves from 576 at level 20 with "Holy Wish" attached. "This Pokemon is said to only be able to move in diagonal directions. It has a strong sense of good."
580 - Kingpiece: Steel/Psychic. Evolves from 579 at level 45. Think Metgross, but switch its P and Sp. attack, switch its P. and Sp. defense. "This pokemon fights with strategy, and likes to take command of a full army.

581 - Rocknuckle: Rock/Fighting type. Revived from fist fossil. "In ancient times its said this pokemon would make its nest out of rock, by breaking up the rock with its tail and making a place to lay.
582 - Stonefist: Rock/Fighting type.Evolves from 581 at level 35. Good P attack. Ok P. Defense and speed, bad Sp. Defense and Sp. Attack. "With it's powerful tail, it smash boulders apart and knocks trees down. Not hostile though, it could hide amongst other rocks thanks to its tough rock like back and hide from others."

583 - Anibone: Rock/Ghost type. Revived from Scrambled Fossil. "This pile of bones is possessed by a new spirit. Unfamiliar with the body though, it is unable to pull it all together.
584 Skelegeist: Evolves from 583 level 35 Rock/Ghost type. Good Sp. Attack. Ok P attack and Sp. Defense. Bad speed and P. Defense. "Gaining enough power to assemble the bones together, this Pokemon gains new confidence. Sadly it didn't quite do it right, and now has found nothing is in the right place."

Well this sheet has a lot of new odd things. The reason being, lack of requests online, and my friend was happy to fill in with all his weird requests. Well I better start explaining all this stuff.

First up we have the splice of the 4 fiends from Final Fantasy 4. It was a little hard to do, weird pixel style I'm not use to.

To the right of that, we have these little pink dudes. My favorite is the Uxie one, who I put into a contest, it won. I also gave it an advance recolor. If it were a Fakemon, I'd call it the color pokemon.

A little lower is another one of my recent contest winners. It also had to have a shiny color.

To the right, my friend asked that I spliced using sprites from green version. The first one, I chose Jolteon because for some reason its expression is awesome, plain pure awesome. It's like going "Yahh!!!". Well Raislash was just because I love those two Pokemon. The other two, more so random.

Middle left we have some kirby splices. Simple to do, but not much to work with. My friend asked for these.

Down and right, we have some Dragon Quest splices. A few colors since I couldn't find one I liked. Now that is what I call multiclassing =P. Also asked for from my friend.

Bottom left he may look familiar from my last sheet. He won his contest, but that was more so due to the fact that everyone else dropped out. I also had to make a fossil for it, which turned out great I think. I hear though that fossilization should be more so about splicing and recoloring, and that I went way too overboard, but whatever. Below I also made a quick little .gif of it too.

My friend also requested the ninja badge. I went with it since it was quick and easy.

Guess that's all I have to say, oh and another Jolteon head for safe measure.

[PokeCommunity.com] Captace Region (Fakemon + Other stuff)

[PokeCommunity.com] Captace Region (Fakemon + Other stuff)
Well in my boredom I did my next splice sheet. Since I only got one request, I had to fill it up. Well I decided by filling it up with a Raislashes, one from each game. I also made a new type Raislash. I want to say I like the old one more, but at the same time I like the new one.

[PokeCommunity.com] Captace Region (Fakemon + Other stuff)
With Deviantart's recent strictness on my sprites, a whole bunch of my images broke. Well after re uploading most, I've fixed my first few posts.

Well got the latest Fakemon done today. Not a huge sheet, but it's enough.

[PokeCommunity.com] Captace Region (Fakemon + Other stuff)

585 - Pokayman: Flying/Fighting type. Good Sp. and P. attack. Ok P. Defense and speed. Bad Sp. Defense and HP. "This pokemon stands for truth, justice, and the Captace way! A Pokemon referred to as a true hero." (This Pokemon will learn a lot of different moves, all super hero related. Things like Aura Sphere, Blizzard, Extreme speed, ,etc...)

586 - Bookergeist: Ghost/Normal type. Good Sp. Attack and Sp. Defense. Bad P. Attack and defense and speed. "The text written in this possessed book is what they say powers this spirit. Using ancient arcana proves to be an effective method of battle for this Pokemon.

587 - Shrubly: Grass type. "Newly hatched from it egg, this Pokemon goes to the first thing its sees and attatches itself to it. It then will ride along with it for as long as it can."
588 - Bushent: Grass/Dragon type. Good Sp. Attack and Sp. Defense. Ok P. Defense and P. Attack. Bad speed. "Being so in touched with nature, this Pokemon can will the growth of plants around it. (I like how even by accident, dragons end up with 4X weakness to ice).

589 - Shuppet: Ghost type. "Attracted to vengeance, this Pokemon can be found around a good deal of bitter people. It often feeds off of this emotion."
590 - Banett: Ghost Type. "This doll now haunts the planet seeking it's own vengeance. It's a good reminder to never throw things away."
591 - : Ghost type. Evolves from 589 at level 37 with "Holy Wish" attached. "When this spirit gives up on the feeling of vengeance, and instead feeds off of emotions of forgiveness, it takes this new form."
[PokeCommunity.com] Captace Region (Fakemon + Other stuff)

This is my friend's current main role play character (the one who requests stupid things like Blastoise+F-Zero machines, and splicing the 4 Elemental fiends from FF4. Also the one who made the Starmie+Electrode). His name is Shun-Yu, he is a Chinese hopping vampire, or a Jiang-Shi to some. A little about his character:

-His arms are suppose to look like that, they are longer than a normal persons due to rigor mortise. Basically he is suppose to be in the shape of a "hairless, scrawny, gorilla with good posture."
-Hair should be a lot lighter, but it didn't look good so I darkened it.
-Boots are kind of boring and all, but he doesn't even know what they really should look like himself.

Anymore questions, feel free to ask, also critique and comments happily welcomed.
Im sorry, but "Garydos" + Milodos is ugly! You took two of the most beautiful pokemon and turned them into something HIDEOUS! Besides that though, most of the other stuff looks great! Just remember, simple is sometimes better, as some of the ones you make are overdone! Keep up the great work!
HEY can you make me a rival for pokemon ruby?
No requests here mrpwnageisme, and anyways I don't do trainers for requests.

Here is the latest sheet, and my biggest. I mean, I got a ton of requests. The only non requests are the Link splice, and those recolors.

[PokeCommunity.com] Captace Region (Fakemon + Other stuff)
um... i dont know how to paste stuff on and i don't care so go on finther45/deviantart.com and go to my gallery. i have splices there. deviantart i s a great site!
Took me forever to even start doing these, much less finishing. Thanks though to me starting to develop some type of insomnia, I got some done (I really need to get to bed before 5 AM!). Well I have to say I love the Thorny Devil I made. It's now one of my favorite/cutest, at least I think so. Also I'm lazy and will be ceasing all the useless junk I had when describing pokemon. I'm now not going to bother to say level or stats of the Pokemon.

[PokeCommunity.com] Captace Region (Fakemon + Other stuff)

592 - Lighla: Psychic Type. "The markings on its body glow when this Pokemon uses it's psychic powers.
593 - Darvil: Dark Type. "This Pokemon is known for its visious style of fighting. With it's powerful arms, it can break down entire trees."
594 - Koalanian - Psychic/Dark Type. "This pokemon shares two very different personalities. It's versatility more than makes up for the lack of a sound mind though." (Currently my idea is that either the Koala or Tasmanian Tiger can evolve into this Pokemon.)

595 - Echindle: Fire Type. "It is said that you can tell the age of this Pokemon by the number of spikes on its back. No one knows how they get and or grow them."

596 - Thornz: Fire Type. "The spikes on its back aren't actual flames, they act as a warning. The warning is appropriate though as this Pokemon is a Fire type."
597 - Frillz: Fire Type. "When being threatened this Pokemon displays its crimson frill. It is said that they also absorb heat through the thrills."

598 - Smoochum: I don't feel like bothering.
599 - Jynx: I don't feel like bothering.
600 - Hexill: Psychic/Ice. "This Pokemon is capable of hypnotizing without even using its psychic powers. It's singing and dancing are said to capture the heart of anything." (Way of evolution pending)

As a bonus I've made a cool little animation of the Echidna Pokemon:

[PokeCommunity.com] Captace Region (Fakemon + Other stuff)

Oh and also I was thinking of doing something with the Echidna Pokemon involving Candle Jack but I never thou....
Those revamps aren't really revamps, they are recolors. Green sprites are terrible with anatomy, when you revamp you have to fix that, it would hone your scratch skills as well.

Otherwise you are very good I love your fusions mate.
I want that grass dinosaur. <333
Like, lots. Its so cute. TT3TT
Here is the latest sheet. For whatever reason this thing took me forever. The time it takes me to do a splice has actually increased recently, probably because I'm trying out some more advance stuff. Sadly I can't help but think I'm slowly moving into disguise territory more so than splicing =/. Well whatever, I like what I've done this time around, some cool stuff. Everything on this one was by request.

The repose on the bottom was a request from a friend, he wanted me to make a repose of Pikachu in Pokemon yellow style. I used the Super Smash Bros. Brawl pose for it.I then figured I'd revamp it, which went kind of Ok, but it is a bit small by today's standards =P.

I was also requested to mix like 8 Pokemon, but since one was Wailord, another being Combee, I decided to say "Screw that", that's too many things with too many different sizes and stuff, I don't feel like tackling something like that on request yet. If I do a 8 pokemon splice, I'll be choosing the Pokemon. Also was requested to do a Dialga + Palkia + Girantina (Origin Forme), but I am not doing it since it involves Origin Forme Girantina, which I don't have a free to use sprite of it, nor do I want to go find one.

[PokeCommunity.com] Captace Region (Fakemon + Other stuff)
This guy is my Role Play character Raizou, I've done sprites for him before, but those sucked.

[PokeCommunity.com] Captace Region (Fakemon + Other stuff)

Now to be fair I didn't just do this from scratch. I did make everything on this guy though. What I'm trying to say is I didn't edit someone else's sprite, but I edited my own. I some time ago made a Hulk sprite. Well what I did was take that, change the skin color, alter the pose, make him taller, down sized the muscles, gave him some more clothing and weapons. So a good loads of heavy edits to my own sprite, so I'm pretty sure you can still call it a scratch.
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My non Poke sprites always seem to get a lack of attention. Well then maybe these Fakemon will spark some of your interest. I want to say in general I get no attention, but my view count on this is bigger than threads with more replies. I guess the people who look have nothing to say about them. Not sure if that is good or bad >_>

Well guys its been awhile and others spriting things have gotten in the way, but finally my Fakemon sheet is done. Loads of small families this time, but that is ok. I personally like Ghillie the most.

[PokeCommunity.com] Captace Region (Fakemon + Other stuff)

601 - Soots: Fire type. "Smoke comes out of its ears even as it sleeps. It's hands and feet are colored not naturaly, but by the soot it creates."
602 - Smoken: Fire type. "Smoken is said to have a raging fire inside them at all times. They themselves can control their body temperature and raise it high enough to burn enemies on contact."

603 - Ghillie: Ground/Grass type. "Laying on its belly, this Pokemon stays hidden until its prey gets near. It then rises up and burries it prey aliver underneath itself."

604 - Fruiton: Grass type. "This Pokemon does its best to avoid predators. Most can't avoid its sweet scent or juicy taste."

605 - Cometa: Psychic/Rock. "When people see Cometa from afar, they think it's a shooting star and make a wish." This Pokemon is suppose to be just like Solrok and Lunatone)
Sorry for the quad post, but I mean no one comments and I drop a few pages, so yeah....

Well here we go, the 40th sheet. Loads of requests and contest entries on here and the what not. I am missing two splices though.

It was suggested to me to do a splice of the 3 Regis, and a splice the psychic trio. Well with the many requests I've done, and the fact that splices like those I don't fancy, I've decided to deny that suggestion. I could probably make them, but I don't feel like it is the bottom line. I am not usually a fan of cliche, and those two ideas I found to be cliched. This isn't the first time I felt like doing this, there have been splices in the past I've done I just didn't like because of the idea. So a new rule is that I may just deny any suggestion that I dub cliche. Other things I could finch cliche are things like Pikachu+Lucario, Mewtwo+Deoxys, Charizard+Blastoise+Venusaur, just to name a few. Now if you do request something like these, I may do it still, depending on my load and how cliche I find it. Just don't get your hopes up. Now this doesn't mean go and try and pick the most obscure Pokemon to put together, just watch out for the really common type combinations.

Now that is out of the way time to explain a few things on this sheet.

The Bulbasaur disguise/repose if you can't tell is actually an Ivysaur. I took away Ivysaur's plant, and drew in a bulb. The two Pokemon look almost identical.

Venonat+Shuppet+Chimecho won me first place in a one on one match.

Luxray+Magnezone looked so much like a space ship, I decided to give it a background using the star from Luxray.

Breloom Fossil I did in my usual fossil style. My friend finds it hilarious that when I made my first fossil I went way farther than what a fossil is suppose to be (apparently they are suppose to be just some recoloring and editing to make it look like a fossil type Pokemon, instead of making the literal fossil/bone structure. I know Breloom may or may not have a bone structure since it is a mushroom plant thing, but I decided to ignore the logic =P

Ghastlax is way better than Licklax! Licklax was never that great to begin with! *Still is pouting at the fame and attention Licklax once got*

Xatu+Dialga has to be one of my personal favorites and best in my opinion. It was also one of the harder ones I've had to make.

[PokeCommunity.com] Captace Region (Fakemon + Other stuff)
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