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~Celestial League~ T

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A girl was just about to run into Trent, but he swiftly (and surprisingly smoothly) caught her in his arms. "Hey there little lady. Where do you think you're going?" he said in a smooth voice. "I'm Trent by the way." Seconds later, the nurse returned with his pokeballs. He released Douglas and Nom. "The Sewaddle is Nom, and the Diglett is Douglas. I've had Douglas for a whie now, but Nom is new to my team." he began to ramble about Kanto and other such things, but caught himself. "Sorry about that. It happenes a lot." He said referring to his 'drifting mind'. "My name's Trent Rift, but people call me Drift. Who are you?"

Jonathan Requiescat Drent
-Route 1-
[PokeCommunity.com] ~Celestial League~ T
[PokeCommunity.com] ~Celestial League~ T
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Disappointed because the Professor had run out of Pokemon, John went outside of town, still trying to find his uncle, with Pi running behind him. The place he was was a huge road, that may perhaps take him a whole day to cross...

As he began walking, he couldn't help but look at the Pokemon lurking in the grass, being from the Kanto region, he couldn't recognize any Pokemon, there were just apes of different colors, birds and... Mudkip.

As he kept walking, he found a lonesome Pokemon of a... rather peculiar look. It looked like a dove, with big eyes that never seem to be about to be closed.

[PokeCommunity.com] ~Celestial League~ T

It looked rather inoffensive, so John commanded his Pikachu to use Thundershock, startled, the dove Pokemon turned his head in a rather creepy way, and began flapping its wind, causing strong gusts of wind to blow everything around.

"Pi!" John yelled, trying to take hold of rocks around him, "Use Charge Beam!"

Pikachu began glowing of a blue color as it was taken by the gust of wind, shooting a blue beam towards the Pidove, sending it away and ceasing the gusts of wind.

"Alright, it's time for you to meet your new owner!" John yelled as he threw a Pokeball at the Pidove, which was lying on the floor. Pidove quickly stood up and knocked the ball away with his wing, which was now of a silver color.

"Use Slam!" John yelled as the Pidove came closer with its wing, ready to slap Pi with it.

Pikachu jumped towards Pidove, and they both were sent towards the floor. Pikachu quickly stood up, hurt, but Pidove didn't, John took his chance and threw another Pokeball, which sealed Pidove inside of it this time. The ball began shaking from one side to another, and it then stopped while releasing the sound of a 'click'.

"Yes!" Jonathan yelled, raising the Pokeball in the air in excitement, he had caught a new Pokemon! Seeing how tired Pi was, as it could barely stand on its paws, John took a potion from the small bag he was carrying, and sprayed the contents over Pikachu. They both leaned against a tree, waiting the moment when Pikachu would become healthy again...​
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Fallow Walker​
Mercury City:Part 4​

Fallow watched as the girl took a drink of water from a bottle she had stored away. He was surprised at the dedication she had not just for her pokemon but for herself. It made him start to think that maybe he himself should probably take care of his body and not just that of his pokemon. Not only that but she reminded him of the gym leader type, and she wasn't even from around here.

"I'm impressed you seem to do a lot for yourself in far as training yourself and just gathering facts." said Fallow, who was now examining his pokemon as well. "And yea I got a few more pokemon since I've left the lab. The thing is my goal is to be a gym leader so for me at least I want to catch as many pokemon as I can. The hard part will be training all of them to make sure they stay around the same level, but I'm not too worried about that. These three right here will always be my go to team since they are the first three I got on this trip. I'm also hoping to run into a few more pokemon before I get back for battles sake so I can test run some tactics before the gym battle." A smile left Fallows face as he said this. It wasn't often he shared one of his dreams with people, but it made sense to since they were both starting their journeys together. Even so his excitement about the topic would have been apparent for whenever anyone mentions gyms Fallow beams with anticipation.

"Anyway I'm sure you won't have to worry too much about type disadvantages in the gym, as long as you have some reliable moves that can take out rock types you'll be fine. Provided of course your electric type, and whatever else you caught, can hold their own and dodge attacks." Fallow stated now looking the girl in her eyes, he could tell that she was fairly passionate about pokemon just from her statement. Her general worry for her pokemon, and a possible loss showed him that she already had an emotional connection with them, and a solid idea for a battle strategy.
Evangeline "Eva" Jasmine Celine
[PokeCommunity.com] ~Celestial League~ T
[PokeCommunity.com] ~Celestial League~ T

Route 1

Evangeline looked at Fallow and grinned. "Thanks, I've always been taught that the first step to taking care of Pokemon was to take care of myself. So that's why I run every morning, and as often as I can" she smiled putting her water bottle away. "a gym leader huh, that sounds really neat, I want to be an artist and maybe a Pokemon Professor, I have an ability that would make that easier, and I'd be able to get more info about them" she said smiling slightly blushing as he looked into her eyes.

"thanks a lot, I've got my Pichu Melody and an Emolga I named Jazz, I'm gonna do my best in the gym, who knows the odds might be in my favor" she said before looking at his Pokemon and then back to him. "if I tell you something, will you promise not to laugh?" she asked.
Lauren Linda Noir
Mercury City

Lauren was suddenly caught in the arms of the boy who she was about to run into. She was mad because of that, and was about to scream when he started talking in a smooth voice that irritated her. She pulled back from him, and rolled her eyes when he called her little lady. As the boy continued to speak, introduce his Pokémon to her, and ramble about something, she looked more and more annoyed, and as if she was a bomb ready to blow up. However, she did not say a word.

"My name's Trent Rift, but people call me Drift. Who are you?" the boy asked.

"...Lauren Noir." she said, her voice tone clearly expressing annoyance.

Speaking made a hole in the wall that contained Lauren's anger. And slowly but surely she could feel some of it starting to come out, and if it didn't get covered soon, the whole wall could come down, and something bad could happen.

"Now, I got places to be, so, like," she said, "get outta my way!"

Wow, that was uncalled for. She sighed and rolled herr eyes, and proceeded to walk away from the boy towards the door, now being able to see what was around her. But, suddenly, she stopped and turned around to look at the boy.

"And, next time we meet, do NOT" she added, "call me 'little lady'. Got it?"

...Wow. This girl's got issues.
Trent was slightly appauled. "Well...she was a hater...She totally digs me!" He said aloud and noticed that people were giving him strange looks. He blushed. "Sorry everybody." He silently took his pokeballs from the nurse and gave a nodded gratefully, and left for the gym he had heard about. He didn't know who it was, but he wanted a piece of this action. He began to run around the town till he finally found it. He burst into the door and saw someone. "I, TRENT RIFT CHALLENGE THE GYM LEADER TO A BATTLE!"
Jonathan Requiescat Drent
-Route 1-
[PokeCommunity.com] ~Celestial League~ T
[PokeCommunity.com] ~Celestial League~ T
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Having acquired enough rest, John send out his Pidove, and sprayed a Potion in it, instantly healing it. Pidove then flapped until it reached John's shoulders, where it stayed...

"Is it okay if I call you Lovey Dovey?" John asked his Pidove.

Pidove just turned his head up and down, which John considered as a yes. They all stood up and began venturing farther into the Route, walking around lots of tall grass.

A blue monkey suddenly kicked John's Pikachu, sending it flying away a considerable distance, it was a Panpour, and it apparently just kicked Pikachu for fun...

"Wait, what?" John said after processing what had happened.

The Panpour then jumped over Pikachu and began scratching it over and over again.

"Ah! Pikachu, use Thundershock!"

Immediately after hearing John's words, Pikachu released sparks from its body, which then sent the Panpour flying. Angered, the blue ape stood up, a shot a spurt of water at Pikachu, which dodged it, but before Pikachu landed, Panpour kicked it in its belly, sending it flying until it hit a tree.

"Pikachu!" John yelled, waiting for Pikachu to give any response, but Pikachu wasn't moving anymore... It had fainted.

After watching how the Panpour had easily knocked Pikachu out, Pidove began flapping, angry, until it hit Panpour with its now silver-colored wing. Panpour was sent a small distance back, and it then jumped towards Pidove, ready to kick it again...

"Use... Um, G-Gust!" John said, stuttering, as he was unsure of what moves Pidove knew.

Much to his luck, Pidove did knew Gust, as it flapped its wings until it summoned a small gust of wind, which caught Panpour in it, and began making it spin around. The wild Panpour then fell in the floor, dizzy, and no longer able to move without tripping...

"It's time for a Pokeball!" John yelled as he took a Pokeball he had in his left pocket, he threw it at the wild Panpour, which was sealed by a red light inside of it. The capsule began spinning on the ground as John stared at it, patiently waiting to see if the Panpour will be caught by it...

Click! The ball gave a small sound as John jumped, excited, as he had caught a Panpour. He placed Pikachu back in his Pokeball, and then he and Pidove bagan doing a silly dance next to the Pokeball...​
[FONT=&quot]Helix's Adventure[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Route 1[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]"The Suspicious Bandit"[/FONT]

Helix hurriedly rushes toward the noise that was being heard. He knew the noise was coming from Relix.

"What's going on?" Helix said as he continuously increased his speed to reach where the noise was coming from.

The stream was nearby and it kept accompanying Helix along the way. The sun was also dense that afternoon and it didn't quite much gave off a tenderly ray of light. Helix on the other hand was as worried as a blind men crossing the road. Good thing he always was a good runner, but those thoughts didn't quite console Helix at the moment.

"I'm near" Helix said as the noise kept growing louder and louder.

As Helix was running, he saw in the distance, a dark shadowy figure holding a Pokémon. The Pokémon was green in a way and seemed to have a bulb. It was awfully familiar to Helix which was now trying to identify what Pokémon it was. On the other hand, another Pokémon was down and was trying to fight the big shadowy figure.

"What in all Greek's name is happening here?" Helix asked, nearly killed of curiosity. He was now standing in front of the whole scene. In a way though, helix was happy. He saw Emera and Relix, but in another way, he wasn't happy. From the looks of it, the shadowy figure was a bandit, dressed up in black "All Over" and the green Pokémon in his hand was the poor Emera, fighting her way to freedom while Relix was helping with some kicks here and there.

"The bandit must have been knocking Relix out with some massive blows to make it scream as such" Helix thought and he was now furious of the whole sequence.

"Hey you"! Helix said with quite the attitude and continued "What do you think you're doing?"

"Who me?" The bandit asked in return. He was also wearing a black mask and so Helix couldn't recognize him/her, but from the deep tone the bandit used, it was easy identifying that he was a man.

"Yes you, I believe the Pokémon that you're holding is mine" Helix replied with now a much calmer tone.

"Oh really" The bandit inquired and continued "Well why don't you come and take her away from me". The bandit smirked a little, giving Helix the appetite to crush him down.

"If that is what you really want than I guess…" Helix replied as he took his stance "It can't be help".

Helix glanced at Relix. Relix smiled and stood up firmly, ready to face that bandit. Relix was happy; knowing that he would now demonstrate his Hi Jump Kick V2 attack on a human filled his heart.

"Relix prepared?" Helix asked.

"Ty" Relix replied as he clutched his fist and took his fighting stance.

"Then shall we" Helix said with a determinate voice. The bandit laughed. He was going to devour that kid. He instantly threw Emera down harshly that made the poor Bulbasaur yield in pain and took out a Pokeball.
"You're going to regret this KID" The bandit said amused and threw his Pokeball up in the sky "Koffing, I choose you". In an instant flash, a beam of light shot out of the Pokeball and formed a round, spherical shape.

"Koffing" The creature said. It was purple and it had what it seemed as a poison alert symbol on his front body part.

"Koffing use Tackle now" The bandit ordered. The Koffing quickly flew towards Relix.

"It's a levitating Pokemon and that was quite an advantage when facing a ground type Pokemon" Helix thought. Helix didn't bother to take out his Pokedex for more info for his head was fully concentrated on the battle.

"Relix, side step that attack and counter with your High Jump Kick attack, now" Helix inclined. He knew that his attack would be a success for Relix had an amazing speed unlike that Koffing.

"Ty-Tyrogue" Relix nodded and jumped aside thus evading the incoming Koffing attack. He quickly made a jump from where he was and with great speed countered the purple Pokemon with a harsh foot stomp in the face. The Koffing went flying to its trainer; the bandit. Gladly it didn't faint which made Helix assured that he would introduce Relix's Hi Jump Kick V2 attack. He would make sure that the bandit would regret ever trying to steal his Pokemon.

"Grrr" The bandit growled, and was filled with anger after the attack. He quickly threw Koffing back to air and ordered "Poison Gas now Koffing".

The Koffing quickly regained control and let out a purple gas out if its mouth. The gas scattered which made it quite deadly.

"Hahahaha! There's no running for you now you pipsqueak" The bandit said with amusement.

"We shall see about that" Helix replied with ease. He had a perfectly good plan to defeat the bandit and he was about to do the practical.

"Relix, it's all yours" Helix inquired.

"Ty" Relix said and grinned. He knew exactly what he should be doing now and did not hesitate to apply his master's orders. Relix ran straight towards the purple fog which made the bandit laugh even more.

"That smirk on your face will soon disappear" Helix whispered to himself. The Koffing on the other hand was a bit confused. Why his adverse rival would ran straight to his attacks. Was he aching to be defeated or what? Relix was amused, he knew this awkward occurrence of his movements will blind his foe and thus won't see or be able to avoid his most deadly attack.

As Relix was approaching the purple fog, he quickly jumped. And it was high. The Koffing watched in amazement of how such Pokémon could jump so high. But then realize that he was in fight, meaning every move has a consequence. But sadly, it was too late. While in the air, Relix spin at top speed and with the amount of speed it gained while spinning made his fall more deadly.
"What the…?" The bandit asked with no sense what so ever of what the Tyrogue was doing "Koffing, get out of there". But it was too late. Relix was already inches away from the Koffing and while spinning, it dispersed the atmosphere of the deadly Poison Gas attack.

"What it seemed like a win, was merely just Childs play" Helix said valiantly "Relix, finish this, Hi Jump Kick attack, V2". With that, a big blow was heard, and it was Relix's Hi Jump Kick V2 attack that produced such terror. The attack landed straight on the Koffing's forehead. Sadly for the Koffing, he had 0% of evading that attack. The attack itself enforced the Koffing directly into the ground and it fainted straight away.

"K-off-in-g" The bandit said with shock plucked on face "Return". A beam of red light shot from the Pokeball and cloaked the buried Koffing.

"So, what do you have to say for yourself" Helix imposed as he walked gently towards the bandit.

"Ok, I give up" The bandit replied, and continued "But we'll meet soon enough….Helix". With that, the bandit threw a smoke bomb on the ground and disappears in the vague atmosphere.

"Hey wait, how do you know my…*cough, cough*" Helix said a bit confused of how the bandit knew his name. But anyways, that did not impose too many problems for them. The bandit did say that they would meet again. And Helix was looking forward to it.

"Next stop..." Helix said as he grabbed hold of Emera and comforting her "Mercury Gym".
I looked around and saw the time on the clock hanging on my wall and nearly freaked out. I saw a note on my dresser and picked it up accidentally dropping the six pokeballs that were near the note. It read "Dear Rafael you overslept and all the Pokemon were taken by trainers. If you still want one you have to catch one yourself with the Pokeballs next to this note" The note said and I sighed deeply and quickly got dressed in some light blue jeans and a blue shirt. I slowly walked down the stairs with the six Pokeballs in my left pocket. I nearly tripped over the first step after leaving my house but regained balance and walked towards the first route smiling when I saw a Starly. I took a Pokeball from my pocket and threw it at the Starly but the bird pokemon flew away and the Pokeball instead hit a Gothita and it bounced off its head and sucked it into the Pokeball. It shook a couple times and the button flew red signaling a successful capture.

"Not what I originally intended but it will do. I just caught a Gothita" I said smiling softly and I threw the Pokeball up letting it out the Pokeball. It looked at me briefly and a pink energy surrounded me and I was slightly lifted into the air and dropped on my back softly. I slightly giggled and got up and softly grabbed Gothitas hands.

"Hey there Gothita can I call you Waffle?" I asked and it nodded signaling that it liked its new nickname.
Hermes laughed heavily. "I accept your challenge kid. I'm Hermes, gym leader of the Mercury City gym. What would be your name?"

"I am Trent Rift of Viridian City...uhhh....cave? You know what, just call me Drift." Trent couldn't think of a title then and there, so he just went with it. Hermes showed him to the arena and they took their places. "Go Nom!" Trent sent out the Sewaddle and wondered what pokemon Hermes would use.

"Go Roggenrola!" He threw his pokeball to reveal the little rock thing. "Since you are the challenger, you will go first. Does that sound good?"

Trent laughed. Of course it would be! "Yes sir." He studied the field. It seemed to be a flat plain with boulders sticking up everywhere. He knew his plan immediatley. "Nom, use String Shot!" Before the Roggenrola could react, it was cocooned with silk...butt silk. "Now use Silver Wind!" Nom shot out multiple slashes of energy at it, knocking it over. "Good job, Nom!" Trent called out. This battle wasn't far from over, however...
Lauren Linda Noir
Mercury City

After several minutes of frantically walking the streets of Mercury City, Lauren reached a huge building that stood out from the rest of the buildings in that city. And what was it that drew the honey-haired girl's attention? Three letters, three huge letters that formed a word that was above the door.


She smirked. She had finally found the place she was looking for, and sighed in relief. The search for that building seemed like forever to her! Having regained her good mood and energy, she walked inside the building. There were two pillars with Pokéball statues on top, and it had some plaques that had something engraved on them.


That was definitely the place. She was ready, her Pokémon were ready, and her first Gym battle was about to begi-now hold on a minute. As she stepped into the room with the battlefield, which was rocky as one would expect in a Rock-type Gym, she saw two people battling. She figured that one of them was the Gym Leader, but when she paid more attention to the other guy, the challenger...

Her smirk turned upside down. Not only she looked sad, she also looked horribly annoyed, and wanted to throw something at that kid. How the hell did he get there so fast? And before her! She huffed and took a seat on one of the benches outside the battlefield, glaring at the boy who was challenging Hermes at the moment.
Fallow Walker​
Mercury City:Part 5​

"I'll have to do the same for myself, I'll probably work on stuff with my Treecko. She is actually quite the training buff for being so young still." Fallow said with a small laugh.

"And ya, I do want to be a gym leader for a couple reasons but, the main being that I do like the challenge. But as far as you being an artist, you're already well on your way to becoming a great one. From what I saw of your last drawing I don't think there is that much for you to improve on, so you're sure to reach your dream by the end of your trip."

Fallow then watched as Eva looked over his pokemon before looking him square in his face to ask the question "if I tell you something, will you promise not to laugh?".

"Why would I laugh at you, that's not like me at all, especially if it is something you are trusting me with." Fallow responded, being as collected as he could for the news she may deliver.
Evangeline "Eva" Jasmine Celine
[PokeCommunity.com] ~Celestial League~ T
[PokeCommunity.com] ~Celestial League~ T

Route 1.

"It really helps, makes it easier to keep up with your Pokemon that's what my father told me, plus if you feel good about yourself you can be an even better trainer" Evangeline said excitedly as she blushed at his praise of her drawing skills.

"t-thanks" she said smiling. "I've been drawing Pokemon since I was really little so I've had a few years of practice" Evangeline said before nodding looking back at Fallows Pokemon and nodding before looking back at Fallow, though she avoided eye contact.

"w-well, when I was little there was an accident were I lived. I'm from Nimbasa City in Unova. Eight years ago, I was watching a gym battle when an attack from Elesa's Zebstrika ended up hitting me, ever since then, I've been able to understand what Pokemon are saying."
Lauren Linda Noir
Mercury City Gym

It wasn't long before anxiety attacked Lauren's brain. She was getting more irritated with every passing second, and she hated that kid even more for taking so long. Not only he upset her at the Pokémon Center and beat her to the Gym, now he was making her waste her, in her opinion, valuable time. After a while she huffed, and knew that there was no point in sitting there and watching the battle as it would make her angrier.

She looked at both of her Pokéballs, and pressed the buttons on both of the to send the two Pokémon out. As soon as they got out, Curt and the Mudkip looked at each other, and it was certainly awkward between the two given how they'd met.

"Quit it, you two." Lauren scolded, "You work together now, okay?" Both Pokémon nodded, and Lauren turned to Mudkip. "As for you...I will call you...Manny." Mudkip nodded in agreement, then both Pokémon hopped on the bench Lauren was sitting on.

"Dammit, how longer is this going to take?" she muttered.
(OOC: So sorry about the delay. Lot's of Latin homework.)

Trent noticed that girl from the pokemon center. She must've been waiting for a battle. Damnit! Now I look like a jerk! "Nom, use Silver Wind!" The Sewaddle shot waves of energy at the Roggenrola. It fell down, fainted, for its special defense was very low and it could not take more than a few blows.

Hermes returned the Roggenrola, then sent out his second pokemon: a Larvitar. "Thay was a good move, but it isn't enough. You can't beat me!" He smirked. "Larvitar, use Sandstorm!" The Larvitar kicked up sand and the room began was filled with sand, buffeting Nom severely. "Now finish it with Iron Tail!" The Larvitar ran straight into the storm. Seconds later, Trent saw a white glow where he had last seen Nom, and the next second he saw the Sewaddle fly out of the storm landing feet in front of him.

"Return Nom. Good job." He said encouragingly although the pokemon couldn't hear it. He pulled out his pokeball and returned him. After putting it back on his belt, he pulled out Douglas's pokeball. "Go Douglas!" Trent through the pokeball to reveal the Diglett. It was a good thing he was a ground type. The Larvitar didn't stand a chance! "Douglas, use Magnitude!" The Diglett disappeared under the ground and a second later the ground began to shake with the power of a Magnitude 7. The Larvitar fell over, obviously injured but with plenty of fight. "Larvitar, as soon as it comes up hit it with an Iron Tail!" Hermes shouted at his pokemon. Sure enough, as soon as Douglas came up from underground the Larvitar smacked it across the face with his tail. It had injured him, but he was still ready to go. "Keep using Sand Tomb!" "Keep using Iron Tail!" The two pokemon started to exchange blows. Neither would give up until the other fell.
Lauren Linda Noir
Mercury City Gym

Lauren turned her eyes to the battle when he heard a loud sound. She could see that different Pokémon were standing on the battlefield, and he figured that they were forced to switch out because of their Pokémon being unable to keep on going. Then, all of a sudden, a sandstorm kicked up, and a few grains sand got in the girl's eyes, forcing them to close them. And although the storm didn't reach her two Pokémon, she wanted to make sure they were a hundred per cent ready for the battle, so she blindly called them back inside their Pokéballs.

Now all there was to do was wait until she could open her eyes and see who ahd won. She secretly hoped it was Hermes, but that challenger (who she disliked) looked like he was giving him a good match.
Fallow allowed the girls words to resonate in his head for a moment. It was a very weird thing for her to be telling him, especially as they had just met. But it did not change everything that was going on in his mind. He was excited, skeptical, upset at the fact he couldn't talk to them, but also curious as to how that would affect her while battling. Despite knowing that she was telling the truth, since Eva had no real reason to be dishonest with him Fallow devised a test.

"Wow." stated Fallow finally taking all of the information in. That is a really cool skill. "I'm assuming that means you would have the same type of relationship with your pokemon that people do with each other, right? For regular trainers we have to just interpret the feelings of our pokemon by their actions, but you have communication on a whole other level…well not if you count psychic types since they can help with that. Otherwise that is amazing." Fallow said excitedly. He looked over to his pokemon and signaled Shiva to come over. The green Gecko stood up and trotted over next to its trainer.

"Shiva I want you to say the name of the attack I want you to perform so I can see something." The grass type looked slightly puzzled but nodded in agreement anyway. "Okay Eva, I want to put your ability to the test. I've been working on a strategy for battling that involves rotations of moves that my pokemon have to memorize, at least to put it simply. So Shiva will say the name of the attack I want her to do after my commands."

"Shiva Leaf Storm" said Fallow after snapping his fingers.

"Tre-Treecko Tre (Quick Attack)." Replied the pokemon calmly.

Fallow then turned his attention back to the female trainer. "So what did she say?" asked the boy anxiously.
Lauren Linda Noir
Mercury City Gym

Lauren was still covering her eyes. It seemed like a lot of time had passed, and she was getting more nervous with every passing second. She wanted to open her eyes so badly, but at the same time she was too afraid that more sand would get in her eyes. What to do indeed... All she could do was wait for the referee's words. Then, she'd have her own permission to open her eyes again.
Helix's Adventure
"The Return to Mercury"

Helix, Tyrogue and Emera walked down the path to Mercury City again. They had enough with training today and they all decided to go straight to the Pokemon Center. It was a rather an unusual day and past night they had. After seeing the 3 Legendary Dogs; Raikou, Entei, and Suicune the other night they were surely amused to see what would cross their path this time. Though, nothing happen.

They reached Mercury City quite exhausted and went straight to the Pokemon Center. Emera was delighted; she had a very much unexpected day, after being caught by that eerie bandit. They approached the nurse that was at the counter and was greeted.

"Why, Hello there" Nurse Joy greeted" Now don't you look exhausted!"

"Very" Helix replied with a tiresome face. "We had superb day training and tomorrow, we shall bring the gym down".

"Oh! Now that's interesting" Nurse Joy said "Well I wish you the best"

"Indeed, thank you" Helix replied back as he straightened up. He looked down at his two Pokemon. They were awfully worn-out that's for sure. "Now come on you two, time to heal you up". Helix took out two Pokeballs and withdrew his two fatigued Pokemon. In a flash, they were both safely inside their Pokeballs.

"Can you please?" Helix asked as he handed over the Pokeballs.

"Sure" Nurse Joy replied and took the Pokeballs. She placed them in a somewhat of a platter and walked up towards a big machine. "You know, today was astonishingly busy in here. Two kids at your same age I guess crossed pass in here. One was a girl. She had an eye for determination I can say and from the looks of it, she seemed to be heading for the Mercury Gym. The other was a boy that was immensely impatient. He came in here with two Pokemon to heal and the next thing you know, he's racing out the door steadfast to the Gym too. Well, that's what I think he said after he bumped into the girl I was telling you about."

"Oh really?" Helix exclaimed as he listened to Nurse Joy. It was not too late, and Helix wandered if they were still there. "It seems to me as they are my comrade, or as competitively said, Rivals".

"Oh yes" Nurse Joy implemented as she came back with Helix's Pokeballs. "They may still be there. Why don't you just drop by there and see if they are rocking the Gym out?"

"Gladly" Helix replied. He had made up his mind. And that would be heading straight to the Gym.

"Now shall we see what my comrades have made of their Pokemons" Helix grinned as he walked out of the Pokemon Center.

To Be Continued…
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