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Combined Pokemon Solo Challenge Thread

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I'm just posting sign-up to complete ultimate solos. I'm studying now and I have much less free time than I used to, so I'll do them... it will just take some time.

Username: Kostucha
Partner Pokemon: Clefable, Remoraid, Dustox, Murkrow, Togekiss, Solrock
Challenge: Ultimate
Game: Sun

Also I completed Clefable already, so 1/6 done ^^
Hall of Fame:

Flaaffy, I have a question.

What's your policy on situations like Leafeon and Glaceon in B2/W2. The Moss Rock and Ice Rock are only available in post-game in those games, so could I evolve them then trade them in as such at level 1, or would you rather have a minimum level rule, like level 20 or so?

(20-25 seems like a good level if you decide to go for a min level rule).
I guess that would be up to you. Trade/hack it in at level 1 if you want or wait till a higher level if you want. All depends on how challenging you want the beginning of the game to be.

Honestly I've seen people start their solos with stage 1 or stage 2 mons like Bayleef or Meganium for example rather just starting off with the basic stage mon and evolving it because they signed up for the challenge with Meganium not Chikorita, which I don't really agree with but compared to that starting the game off with a mon that you normally wouldn't be available to evolve until post-game is fine by me.

Just using Meganium as an example by the way, not accusing anyone doing a Meganium solo for doing this :]
Hey Crystal Flaffy it's time to update the first post since Blaziken is done now. I'll probably finish off Charizard sometime soon since right now I'm just sick of Sun and Moon! ;-;

Here's my proof like always! Respect the casual don't care Saturday look. :P



Blaziken @ Fightinium Z
Ability: Speed Boost
Adamant Nature
- Flare Blitz/Flame Charge (Changed depending on power needed)
- Shadow Claw/Poison Jab/Coverage Move
- High Jump Kick/Brick Break (Why doesn't he learn CC ;-; )
- Swords Dance/Bulk Up

Most of the game just came down to being over leveled and not missing high jump miss at critical moments late game. Aside form that there weren't really any issues that Z-Moves or Swords Dance couldn't fix. Probably the easiest game to solo run aside from FR/LG. I'm just happy it's over, I don't wanna touch these games for a while. Charizard can wait.
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Hey everyone just thought I would let you all know I just got around to fixing all the sprites in the OP, if I missed anything or I put the wrong sprite on one of your challenges please let me know.

I hope to also update the OP at least a little bit today so look forward to that :]
Edit: Had it a bit backwards

Before I post my update, can I request one small edit on the champions list? There are seperate listings for my old username, Huggermugger, and my current one. Can I have my Clefable solo I did as Huggermugger consolidated into this username? (Link to the Clefable post for proof)


Username: Halcadence
Partner Pokemon: Snorlax
Challenge: Solo
Game: FireRed

Snorlax Solo Challenge (FireRed) - First and FINAL Update

Cross-posting this from the Monocolor thread

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Updating my Pokemon Ruby solo Blaziken challenge.
Delivering the Devon Goods to Captain Stern, trained my Combusken a little bit, and went to the Trick House before continuing the journey and encounter the rival at the Route 110.

Youtube videos:
#5 Slateport CIty
#6 Leveling up
#7 Second Rival Battle

Combusken (Male)
Ability: Blaze
Level: 30
Nature: Mild
- Double Kick
- Ember
- Peck
- Scratch
Hi there everyone,

With the new year and the release of Pokemon Sun & Moon the solo challenge has become very cluttered full of updates and inactive challengers and honestly going through it all and fixing it up has become very tedious. In order to remedy this I have decided it's about time we close the Combined Solo Challenge thread and start anew. I have since written up and submitted a new Solo Challenge thread which should hopefully be approved soon.

I have gone through the current thread and fixed all the spriting errors that we had and have completely updated the OP so people can still see their progress, but I feel it's about time the solo challenge got a bit of a revamp since the thread was opened almost 7 years ago.

I will not be carrying over any of the progress currently posted here to the new thread unless you all make a new post over in the new thread. This is just to avoid bringing over the inactive and outdated champions. Also, when it comes to ultimate challenges in the new thread they will all require a game from gen 7 since it's been out for 4ish months now which is more than enough time for challengers to pick up the games.

Sad to see such an old thread go but it's time for a fresh start. I hope to see you all over in the new thread :]
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