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Combined Pokemon Solo Challenge Thread

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I completed a few solos in Platinum and one in White 2:
Pretty easy one, only Bertha gave me some actual trouble, so I popped all the Rare Candies earlier than usual.
Hall of Fame:


I did some extra training with Cheryl to evolve Darude before Gardenia. Because of that I didn't have any major problems in the rest of the game.
Hall of Fame:


I had to rely on things like Minimize or Stockpile early on to proceed, but it got easier over time.
Hall of Fame:


Let's just say that it involved a TON of grind and I was extremely bored, ok?
Hall of Fame:


It was so fun, that I rematched E4. Thing to note is that Technician + Bullet Seed/Rock Blast is still really good.
Hall of Fames:

Eevee Ultimate Solo Challenge
Kanto Update 4 (Final)


Final Team:
[PokeCommunity.com] Combined Pokemon Solo Challenge Thread

Evan (Eevee) ♂ Lv. 78
Run Away, Docile Nature
Double Edge, Dig, Shadow Ball, Sand-Attack


HM Slaves: Squirtle (Surf), Spearow (Fly), Sandshrew (Cut, Strength)
It's been awhile since i've done one of these, so let's fix that!

Username: Drackos_Flare
Partner Pokemon: Golduck
Challenge: Single
Game: Leaf Green

And that's done.

The Journey

Rive Lv.85
[PokeCommunity.com] Combined Pokemon Solo Challenge Thread

[PokeCommunity.com] Combined Pokemon Solo Challenge Thread
Quick Claw
Brick Break
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After a bit of stress from other challenges, I could use a light-hearted Solo right about now... I love solos for that reason. It's so easy to pick up and enjoy!

Username: SonicZ16
Partner Pokemon: Manectric
Challenge: Single
Game: Sapphire

Update: All done! I went out of my way to replace specifically Torchic with Electrike, just so May would have a Marshtomp because I hate myself for added challenge. but wait I just said I wanted an easy challenge what

At least I got what I wanted in the end. It was super fun!
[PokeCommunity.com] Combined Pokemon Solo Challenge Thread

Strike Lv. 83
[PokeCommunity.com] Combined Pokemon Solo Challenge Thread

Bite | Thunder Wave
Thunderbolt | Thunder​
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I have now finished my ultimate challenge with Rotom. So, a pretty large update.

Alpha Sapphire stuff:

I switched between the zap and spook plates depending on which stab move I thought I would be using more often in the upcoming fights. Then moved onto Y.

Y final stuff:

Likewise with Y, I switched between the two plates. Then finally finished the challenge up with Soul Silver. This game was the hardest, mainly due to the Red fight. After a couple of tries, though, and some luck avoiding attacks, we made it through.

Final stuff:

Challenge Details (Complete):

I'm going to start a new challenge now as well.
Challenge Details:
Guess I'll do another, why not?

Username: SonicZ16
Pokemon: Braviary
Challenge: Single
Game: White

Update: Done! It was a rough start, but once he could take stuff on his own, things became much better.
[PokeCommunity.com] Combined Pokemon Solo Challenge Thread

Bravewing Lv. 68
[PokeCommunity.com] Combined Pokemon Solo Challenge Thread
Expert Belt
[PokeCommunity.com] Combined Pokemon Solo Challenge Thread

Aerial Ace | Hone Claws
Shadow Claw | Crush Claw​

I did not expect to keep Hone Claws on him for the whole game. He learned it at such a low level, I thought it would be a cool little setup move that might help me win early on. But then it saved my life again and again. Until I was using it (along with Crush Claw) to wipe out every important battle since.
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I beat the remakes with this fella a long time ago, so now I'll try Crystal!

[PokeCommunity.com] Combined Pokemon Solo Challenge Thread

Username: ‎Blu·Ray
Partner Pokemon: Rattata
Challenge: Single
Game(s): Crystal
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Eevee Ultimate Solo Challenge
Johto Update 1


Current Team:
[PokeCommunity.com] Combined Pokemon Solo Challenge Thread

Evander (Eevee) ♂ Lv. 24
Headbutt, Tail Whip, Sand-Attack, Mud-Slap


HM Slaves: Totodile (Surf, Cut), Hoothoot (Flash)
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A couple days have passed, and I've finished the run. Rattata powered through it all, with Normal-stab OHKO'ing the majority of opponents throughout the game. First Tackle, then Quick Attack, Hyper Fang, and lastly Return. Other moves are for coverage against normal-resists and ghosts, and Hyper Fang is still there for the PP.

The run was surprisingly easy, and I didn't even have to resort to Swagger in order to beat Red, like I had to in Soul Silver :P
Jasmine's Steelix was definitely the hardest opponent I faced, and that was also the only place where I had to grind to beat it.

[PokeCommunity.com] Combined Pokemon Solo Challenge Thread

Rattata ♂ Lv. 85
Return, Shadow Ball, Hyper Fang, Dig
Well, I finished my Bulbasaur Solo Run, I did however catch 3 HM Slaves, I hope that isn't too many or something. It's not like I trained them at all. Anyway, for proof, here's a video of me beating the Elite Four and Chamption!


Now, I have a question, would it be alright if I did an Ivysaur solo run and set it as my starter using a randomizer? I plan on doing all 151 Pokemon in Red Blue and Yellow! (Also, I'll be doing them in sequential order, Like Bulbasaur is Red, Ivysaur is Blue, and Venasaur is Yellow, would that be okay?)
Now, I have a question, would it be alright if I did an Ivysaur solo run and set it as my starter using a randomizer? I plan on doing all 151 Pokemon in Red Blue and Yellow! (Also, I'll be doing them in sequential order, Like Bulbasaur is Red, Ivysaur is Blue, and Venasaur is Yellow, would that be okay?)
You may change your starter as you please, though I would recommend just starting with the basic evolution and evolving as you go. It makes it more fun and challenging IMO. Also you may do any of your challenges in any order and any game you want.

Also I suggest using the sign up form that's in the OP for all of your challenges. It will make things a lot easier for me when I update, which should hopefully be soon.

Hope that helps :]
Username: JOBO
Partner Pokemon: Pidgey (Not evolving)
Challenge: Single
Game(s): Yellow Version

I'll post updates when I make a dent in the game. Looking forward to the challenge :)

Managed to beat Brock, Misty, Lt. Surge so far. Using Pidgey hasn't been too bad, I'm sitting around level 39 going into rock tunnel. The toughest part so far was definitely Lt. Surge. I knew his Raichu had thunderbolt so I used my single x special that I found to tank a hit with only 2 hp lol. I used quick attack which brought him down below half (critical hit), he used growl because he's bad and then I finished him with another quick attack. Lots of luck there, but I'll take it :P
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      Hi ! I'm totally new here, and I'm very interested in doing an ultimate challenge. But, before that, I've got a question to ask :

      What do I have to do to prove the fact I've done these games with only one pokemon from A to Z ? I saw some pictures above that show any chosen pokemon at the hall of fame, but I've got the feeling it's not really the ideal proof that the game was beaten with the said pokemon. Of course I'm not saying everyone above are liars, but I want to feel, as a perfectionist that all the runs I'll make are legitimately proven. :3c

      Thank you in advance for answering me, I'm sorry for any mistake made, I'm french and my english isn't perfect ~_~
      Hi ! I'm totally new here, and I'm very interested in doing an ultimate challenge. But, before that, I've got a question to ask :

      What do I have to do to prove the fact I've done these games with only one pokemon from A to Z ? I saw some pictures above that show any chosen pokemon at the hall of fame, but I've got the feeling it's not really the ideal proof that the game was beaten with the said pokemon. Of course I'm not saying everyone above are liars, but I want to feel, as a perfectionist that all the runs I'll make are legitimately proven. :3c

      Thank you in advance for answering me, I'm sorry for any mistake made, I'm french and my english isn't perfect ~_~

The picture at the hall of fame is really an ideal proof as there is no point in lying. You enter challenges for fun and the threads are a good way to keep track of progress :). People that lie about their challenges are only cheating themselves, as there are not really any actual benefits of completing challenges.

Though if you really want to prove that you used this one pokemon from start to finish, you could try taking a screenshot/photo each time you defeat a gym leader/league member (at the end of the battle). I think that's the best proof you could provide (other than record a video, but that feels like too much imo) :).
The picture at the hall of fame is really an ideal proof as there is no point in lying. You enter challenges for fun and the threads are a good way to keep track of progress :). People that lie about their challenges are only cheating themselves, as there are not really any actual benefits of completing challenges.

Though if you really want to prove that you used this one pokemon from start to finish, you could try taking a screenshot/photo each time you defeat a gym leader/league member (at the end of the battle). I think that's the best proof you could provide (other than record a video, but that feels like too much imo) :).

      Well, thanks for the quick answer, I suppose you're right :) I was thinking about people who make their way through the game with a complete team, then storage it to take the solo-run pokemon, give it tons of rare candies then finish the E4 at level 100. But I must be kinda paranoid {XD} Anyway I guess I'll try to take a screenshot of all defeated gym leader/league member just as you said, sounds pretty much a good proof to me {:3}

      Althrough there are still people who can smash a leader to the very end, then switch to the solo run pokemon and finish the job, after all, on the screenshot we don't see the number of pokemon in the party but nevermind, you said it all, there is no point in doing this as it would be cheating oneself ;)

EDIT : Update 1

Username: Strelok Legend
Partner Pokemon: Cyndaquil "Shiny"
Challenge: Ultimate (With Optional End Points)
Game: Fire Red (Finished by rematching the Elite Four and the Champion)


EDIT : Update 2

Username: Strelok Legend
Partner Pokemon: Cyndaquil "Shiny"
Challenge: Ultimate (With Optional End Points)
Game: Emerald (Battling Elite Four & Champion, then Steven at Meteor Falls)

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Hey guys!

Just thought I would let you all know I just finished a somewhat massive 2 page update! The OP is now updated to post 3200. I'll to finish off the last page tonight too.

And there you have it! The OP is fully updated!

Happy challenging everyone!:D
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      Well, thanks for the quick answer, I suppose you're right :) I was thinking about people who make their way through the game with a complete team, then storage it to take the solo-run pokemon, give it tons of rare candies then finish the E4 at level 100. But I must be kinda paranoid {XD} Anyway I guess I'll try to take a screenshot of all defeated gym leader/league member just as you said, sounds pretty much a good proof to me {:3}

      Althrough there are still people who can smash a leader to the very end, then switch to the solo run pokemon and finish the job, after all, on the screenshot we don't see the number of pokemon in the party but nevermind, you said it all, there is no point in doing this as it would be cheating oneself ;)

EDIT : Update 1

Username: Strelok Legend
Partner Pokemon: Cyndaquil "Shiny"
Challenge: Ultimate (With Optional End Points)
Game: Fire Red (Finished by rematching the Elite Four and the Champion)


EDIT : Update 2

Username: Strelok Legend
Partner Pokemon: Cyndaquil "Shiny"
Challenge: Ultimate (With Optional End Points)
Game: Emerald (Battling Elite Four & Champion, then Steven at Meteor Falls)


Update 3

Username: Strelok Legend
Partner Pokemon: Cyndaquil "Shiny"
Challenge: Ultimate (With Optional End Points)
Game: Heart Gold (Battling Elite Four + Kanto Gym Leaders and Red at Mt Silver)


Update 4

Username: Strelok Legend
Partner Pokemon: Cyndaquil "Shiny"
Challenge: Ultimate
Game: Platinum

Notes : I've watched some speed run videos, which provided great help before doing this run, so most of the time I was doing story, using VS Seeker and Lucky Egg to grind fast, in order to be able to defeat Gym Leaders without any harm, the E4 was tough (even though I used all the the rare candies I've gathered) but after a few tries I manage to beat it thanks to some critical hits (perhaps the only time I've gotten that much luck {XD})


Update 5

Username: Strelok Legend
Partner Pokemon: Cyndaquil "Shiny"
Challenge: Ultimate
Game: White


Last Update

Username: Strelok Legend
Partner Pokemon: Cyndaquil "Shiny"
Challenge: Ultimate
Game: Y

Additional Note : Pictures are in French since it's my native language so I have a french copy of the game. Moreover, this time there isn't any picture of each Gym Leader/Member of the Elite Four beaten because it's somehow difficult for me to take the right shot at the right moment :( I can only say that the 2nd gym leader was painfull for my Cyndaquil, it took me a few tries to take all the gym down, and I definitely hate the Elite Four of Kalos... the first two member destroyed my Cyndaquil in a blink of eye countless times, I had to be smart more than I ever was ~_~o_O


    Now, the stats of my dear Shiny per games :


    Final Note : Finally, it's over, it was quite an amazing experience, and I can say two things, first, I'm now bored of Cyndaquil for a lifetime, secondly, the one I hated the most to do was Y, despite the amazing 3D, it was way to slow to get to the credits, and one thing I hate about this game is the fact they hold you hand at every step you make... Well, I don't care because... it's over !!! (Nine thousand) {:3}
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Did another red random solo run :D Goodra this time around - it was a fun one to do for sure ^^

Hall of fame:

Final stats:

[PokeCommunity.com] Combined Pokemon Solo Challenge Thread

Hinata|Lvl 73
Body Slam
Ice Beam
Rock Slide
My husband (username was "Alex Taylor" here on PC) passed away about a week ago, so I want to do an ultimate challenge of his favorite Pokemon.

Username: Volga
Partner Pokemon: Gliscor (Gligar for FR and C)
Challenge: Ultimate
Game(s): Fire Red, Crystal, Alpha Sapphire, Platinum, Black, Black 2, Y

I'm doing both Black and Black 2 because they are two different games with different stories.
Username: Dyingwillflareon
Partner Pokemon: Typhlosion
Challenge: Single
Game: Crystal

Could really use a plowthrough of Johto again rn. :3

Dangit mustve forgot I signed up for this, welp starting a little later but here we go!
Spoiler: Upsates!
Badge 1: Named myself Al cause I accidentally chose boy instead of girl and was too lazy to change it back, got Cyndaquil and contemplated lots of names including Hurry :') and settled with CLOUD. Like an explosion cloud. Took him all the way through to Cherrygrove and named my rival JB after my bf and continued to Violet. Beat Sprout Tower and Cloud evolved part way through. He easily beat Falkner after without any faints at all in the game so far.
Badge 2: Got the Egg from Prof Elm and since I didnt need to hatch it we left Violet City. Pushing our way through the next Route and Dark Cave, we picked ul the TM for Swift and went on. Once in Azalea and the Slowpoke Wells we ohkod all the grunts Pokemon and easily beat the admins Koffing. Gave Kurt the Wht Apricorn and went back to the Wells to catch a Slowpoke for later when we need a Surfer cause i really like slowpoke its so cuuute. Hurried see what i did there back to the Gym and set everything on fire victoriously. Bugsys Scyther actually managed to live but was killed with Swift on the second turn.
Badge 3: Immediatly beat JB and had trouble finding a Pokemon to learn Cut after getting the farfetchd. Appearantly Rattata cant learn it but Oddish can. Well I caught Dave the Rattata for Cut but since he cant learn it I guess Ill keep him for something else later. I was watching Gayle today, thats where his name came from... Caught an Oddish after looking it up on pokemondb to find out who could learn Cut and finally got through the forest, picking up Headbutt TM along the way. Trained on both sides of Goldenrod City since its currently nighttime and the guards would want to fight me before going into the Gym.I really do not like Whitney, so being almost 10 levels higher than her lead and 2/3 hkoing her Pokemon was fun.
Badge 4: Went into the park and got the TM for Dig which I finally decided to use on Cloud, and sped through the somewhat annoying Squirtbottle/Sudowoodo event. Togepi hatched too.~ Fought all the trainers and got to Ekruteak in time to fight all the trainers there. Dont I live an exciting life. Did the Tower stuff, and I have the music on this so Im starting to notice weird things, like 3 out of the 4 times Ive seen JB his music is just silent. Emo child? Like I said, did the Dance Studio/Surf HM fights and easily got rid lf Morty ohkoing everythig but one Gengar who fainted after one Dig and a Flame Wheel. Revenge is sweeeeeeet. And then Cloud evolved after we got the badge so yeah. :D
Badge 5: Rand through the Route to the left and fought all the trainers, ending up in Olivine City and meeting JB. The tower wasnt difficult though we lost all PP in Swift and Head utt at the top cause I forgot to heal first. XD Talked to Jasmine and taught Surf to Lucy finally. Went to Cianwood and fought Eusine before going into the Gym. Halfway through I got stuck cause I realized I forgot to grab Strength HM.....again. My biggest flaw when I play Johto is that stupid HM Strength... Took the Secretpotion and gave it to Jasmine and went back down to the cafe to get Srength and taught it to Lucy as well. Surfed back to Cianwood and easily beat the Gym in less than 5 moves. Though that Eusine battle earlier went a little bad at the end cause I kept trying to use Swift on a Haunter.... -_-;;;;
Badge 6: Surfed back to Olivevine and got lost, almost going into the Whirl Islands I think. Went back in to fight Jasmjne and easily ohkod her Magnemites, used Dig on Steelix and it barely did anything but Flame Wheel did much more after so 2 hits and were good.
Badge 7: Crashed through Ekruteak back to Mahogany Town. Caught Fesh the Red Gyarados because less HMs that Lucy has to learn plus shiny? Bought like 3 Ragecandybars out of curiousity to see if i could buy more than one and thats actually the only money that I believe I spent so far, over like 60,000P i think. Set Team Rockets base on fire and swiftly threw ninja stars at them gedditswiftstars. Easily wiped them out and went to the Gym. The trainers were a bit annoying with Protect and the stinking Dewgong/Seel line's resistance againgst Fire and high defenses. Against Pryce we still managed to win in under a minute but he gave us a little more of a fight than the rest.
Badge 8: We went through the Ice Path an- OH $&¥%#€@!!! Cloud caught Pokerus, the first time Ive ever gotten it in the wild! :'D I feel so blessed... I healed at the PC in Blackthorne and only say Nurse Joy say something about not being able to do anything more and freaked out before remembering about the virus. Sure enough every on the team has got it. :D Anyhow, went back to New Bark and caught a Pidgey mamed Drib for flying, went alllll the way back to Cianwood bc I forgot to get Fly -_-, went to Goldenrod and did the Rocket Tower event + fought the trainers in the Underground cause I always forget them. Beat Team Rockets out and saved the real mr president before flying back to blackthorne. Actually, that rival battle in the basement was a bit more challenging than the reat, thanks Silver/JB. And we also did the Suicune thing. The Gym trainers and puzzle were pretty easy this time and Clair was ohkod on the Dragonairs and Kingdra was flinched out for a 2hko. Ive never been more proud Cloud. Did the test in the Dragons Den and accidentally said Weak Pokemon, the opposite of what I accidentally clicked my last Crystal challenge. XD whoops. I did give Cloud the Amulet Coin but then thought the Pink Bow was a better choice plus its cute. Went back to New Bark Town...
POKEMONE LEAGUE DUN DUN DUHHHN...!: We talked to Elm for the Masterball and rushed through to Kanto and Victory Road. Easy enough, we had to fight JB again at the end which took more power than any other trainer so far. I applaud you Silver/JB. Went to buy Full Restores just in case, first time I bought anything other than Ragecandybars. I barely spent ang money the whole game and still didnt have enough for 99x Full Reatores... Then again Mom had half my money. I bought 50 for whatever reason and went in. Beat Will with ease, Koga was a since with Dig, Bruno was the easiest, had a slightly rockier time with Karen but pulled through fine. Used one heal after her and went in to fight Lance. His Gyarados fainted easily, then Aerodactyl gave some trouble but qwnt down in three hits. Used two more heals because of his Dragonites Thunder Waving and Hyper Beaming. In his last attack he locked into Outrage, allowing us the final Swift to beat his last Dragonite. He didnt even use any healing items at all, no e of them did. Went to Hall Of Fame.~ <3

Spoiler: Kanto Updates!
Lt Surge: Got the ticket form Elm and decorated my room with the Charmander and Clefairy dolls mom got me. Went to Olivevine and got on the ship. Beat everything possible on the ship and immediately went to the Gym when we landed in Vermillion City. Beat Surge with lots of Digs. His Double Teams did nothing on us.
Sabrina: Went up north with very few battles and fought Sabrina. Very easy.
Erika: No battles inbetween and also very easy to burn down their gym. Almost as fun as burning down Bugsy's Gym.
Misty: Went to Lavender Town with little problem and went to the Power Plant for the Radio Tower there. Headed to Cerulean to get the Machine Part and fight Misty. Gym was very easy too.
Janine: Immediately gave the Machine Part back and flew back to Lavender and explored around a bit. Appearantly I have forgotten the Radio Card.... So I sent to Fuscia first and then aim gunna Fly to the League and go back to get it. Get ready Drib... Anyhow went to beat Janine first, accidentally skipped two of her trainers again, and got the Badge with ease.~
Brock: Ran through Victory Road back to New Bark cause appearantly Abra man is no loner there and the SS Aqua or Tidal or whatever only goes on Wednsday... Got the Radio Card finally and went back to Vermillion. Beat the Snorlax before seeing it had Leftovers and I shoulda probably caught that. Went straight to Pewter and beat Brock, who actually threatened Cloud with his Omastar but still went down with some Digs. Cloud was in the Yellow for once, pretty hard battle for a moment there tbh.
Blaine: Ran down through and met Blue, found another Rare Candy on Cinnabar Island and used it since he was only a few exp into lvl 79. Surfed over tto the smaller island and beat Blaine pretty easily enough.
Blue: Flew back to Viridian City and healed, went into the Gym and fought Blue. Almost fainted a couple times actually, and had to use a Full Restore after his Rhydon and Gyarados teamed up with Sandstorm/Earthquake and Hydro Pump. Barely won but we still made it! Going to Prof and Mt Silver...

Spoiler: *hums Red's battle theme*
RED: We traveled to Mt Moon and fought Silver/JB in his precious form™ and then back to Mt Silver itself to find Red. Desposited everyone but Cloud and used a walkthrough to get through the Flash part and found Red finally. The thing is... We still lost to Red twice. Both times to his Blastoise. The only trainer to ever beat us in that game. The third time we ended up using 7 or more Full Restores in the whole battle, and finally Blastoise went down and we used the Dire Hit we found in Kanto. Everyone else on Red's team fainted a little easier. Pics are added below, we did it. Good job, Cloud.

Cloud the Male Typhlosion Level 83 @Pink Bow
Berry the Male Togepi Level 5
Lucy the Female Slowpoke Level 6
Dave the Male Rattata Level 6
Lan the Female Oddish Level 5
Fesh the Male Sh Gyarados Level 30
Drib the Male Pidgey Level 3
Spoiler: Pics
Spoiler: Evolving+Hatching
[PokeCommunity.com] Combined Pokemon Solo Challenge Thread

[PokeCommunity.com] Combined Pokemon Solo Challenge Thread

[PokeCommunity.com] Combined Pokemon Solo Challenge Thread

Spoiler: Pokerus
[PokeCommunity.com] Combined Pokemon Solo Challenge Thread

[PokeCommunity.com] Combined Pokemon Solo Challenge Thread

Spoiler: Its a face- Nom nom nom nom
[PokeCommunity.com] Combined Pokemon Solo Challenge Thread

Spoiler: Hall of Fame!
[PokeCommunity.com] Combined Pokemon Solo Challenge Thread

[PokeCommunity.com] Combined Pokemon Solo Challenge Thread

Spoiler: Red and Cloud's Final Stats
[PokeCommunity.com] Combined Pokemon Solo Challenge Thread

[PokeCommunity.com] Combined Pokemon Solo Challenge Thread

[PokeCommunity.com] Combined Pokemon Solo Challenge Thread

[PokeCommunity.com] Combined Pokemon Solo Challenge Thread

[PokeCommunity.com] Combined Pokemon Solo Challenge Thread

[PokeCommunity.com] Combined Pokemon Solo Challenge Thread

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