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[Showcase] custom Gengar plush

These are soooo cool! good job! And don't worry if people don't like your stuff, just keep doing what you enjoy!^^
thanks so much, of course youre not nobody, i did see you blessed me with a little upvote on the original post, & that felt nice to see.

i just thought that with the perpetual flood of assembly line generic plushes on the market, people would be slightly more stoked to see some custom pieces that honor the original designs while pushing the envelope of realism & function... objectively (as much as i can be of my own work) if i saw someone else post these, id try to commission one from them & share them with friends who like pokemon, or least be like "cool, man".

im not a pro plusher or collector anyway, it was just a passing interest that im now over.

this crosses over media borders though,
its like for some reason, everything i like, almost noone else likes, & almost everything that people go crazy for, i think is dumb. my real passion is art & comics,
like i tried to create a comic last year thats sort of a cross between dragonball, ghost in the shell, & godzilla that i literally only sold x1 copy of the first ch.


  • [PokeCommunity.com] custom Gengar plush
    Heirs of Ashuradō ch 01 cover sm.jpg
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thanks so much, of course youre not nobody, i did see you blessed me with a little upvote on the original post, & that felt nice to see.

i just thought that with the perpetual flood of assembly line generic plushes on the market, people would be slightly more stoked to see some custom pieces that honor the original designs while pushing the envelope of realism & function... objectively (as much as i can be of my own work) if i saw someone else post these, id try to commission one from them & share them with friends who like pokemon, or least be like "cool, man".

im not a pro plusher or collector anyway, it was just a passing interest that im now over.

this crosses over media borders though,
its like for some reason, everything i like, almost noone else likes, & almost everything that people go crazy for, i think is dumb. my real passion is art & comics,
like i tried to create a comic last year thats sort of a cross between dragonball, ghost in the shell, & godzilla that i literally only sold x1 copy of the first ch.

the most popular comics right now apparently are softcore gay romance mangas...& of course the typical american superhero crap thats beens rehashed & ripped off for like 60 years now.

for some reason i just cant find my herd, & maybe never will.
Don't worry, there will always be people out there that think the stuff you do is awesome, you just have to find them! and i'll always be cheering for you!
That Muk plush looks smooth and comfy as all hell. I love that you can actually use its mouth like a pillow! It brings back memories of stuff I loved as a child lol. I would unironically buy one if I saw it in a shop.
I know the thread was meant for the Gengar plush but damn I really like the Muk one ironically xD it looks so comfy!
I feel for yuh, I'm used to being ignored on DeviantArt all the time. You have talent :smile:(y). Your sewing skills are way better than mine.

Also as far as comics go ..I feel for you too on that front. I've been doing webcomics since mid-Oct. 2011. Over 1,000 pages between two series and it's all invisible to the internet. :frown: