- 11
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- 5
- Years
- Seen Nov 16, 2022
PokeEmerald Decomp Tools
Hi all,
I've lurked for a while, but decided that I should actually maybe give something back. I've been working on a rom hack in my spare time and developed a few tools to make it easier to interact with the decomp codebase. I've done some testing in my own rom hack, but I'm not perfect so I would still recommend being cautious.
Overworld Editing
The first tool is an editor for overworlds, i.e. event objects. It allows for modifying all of the properties of overworld sprites(adding overworlds, new spritesheets, new palettes, etc.), and effectively gui-ifies the pret tutorial. It can also auto-generate a new palette from the sprite image(shameless plug that you should use dynamic overworld palettes, palette slots are annoying)
It also allows for modifying/adding new sprites to the sprite sheet.
Here is a simple demo I put together for a friend of replacing the totodile doll with an animated version:
Trainer Editing
(Unfortunately for me I made this before Disturbo released theirs, but I'll document it here anyways)
The tool also contains a builtin trainer editor that allows for modifying all of the different properties of a trainer, e.g., name/C identifier/class/pokemon/etc.
The list of trainer classes can also be modified/expanded.
Lastly, there is some support for adding/editing the front pictures of the trainer sprites. It will automatically handle the palette and file copying.
For those interested, I would treat this as an alpha-ish release as there are still things that need to be cleaned up(e.g. documentation, sanitizing names, etc.). Just about everything has a tooltip, so hovering if you get lost can help. The current code can be found at https://github.com/River707/decomp-editor
Hope this helps someone.