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I've had tons of deja-vu... it mostly happens so that i experience an event, and then afterwards I get the feeling that i had done it before. A lot of the time it happens with tv shows. But sometimes i manage to gleam the future when I'm sleeping.

My theory is that we might actually exist outside of a rationally numbered dimension, so when we sleep, we are more susceptible to existing outside of a 3-d plane/4-D plane (whatever you prefer) and can see a little ways into the future, but our minds can only comprehend 3 dimensionally so we don't remember it.
i had once had dega-vu in a drem about a year ago about my dog dying from an axe idk i didnt believe it an then me and my brother a month later where making a garden in my back yard and there was a tree stump so i got an axx to get it out then my dog ran infront of me becaus my little brother was chasing it and it was the same image as in my dream it DIEDDDDDDD

so you had deja-vu of you killing your dog?

what the?

i still get deja-vu
I get the exact same feeling. Sometimes I see things happening, and then, a sudden... "Pang", the only word I can think of to describe it, of realisation, like I've seen it before but I can't remember where. It's odd.
Yes, I've had deja vu a couple of times. Its pretty wierd but also cool in a way. If I see or do something or just think of something I feel like I've done that before somehow. Creepy....xD
Most of the time I feel like I have had deja-vu. I think it's really weird.