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3rd Gen Did Any of You...

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I ditched my Torchic in my Ruby for a Typhlosion.
(I got the Cyndaquil in Emerald, for those who are wondering)

I usually keep them, though, since most of the time I'm playing the game through the first time, and almost all of the Pokemon in the earlier routes are kind of ugly IMO.
Well i just started my fire red over again and i ditched my squritle.The only reason i chose him was so i could get a Raikou at the end of the game.my team is attually really good and better off without him i have a Lv:57 Pidgeot a Lv:43 Pikachu a Lv:47 Arcanine and a Lv:39 Rhyhorn i atually help me out by ditching him

P.S. i trained pidgeot from Lv: 2 route 1 Pidgey Ftw!
I've ALWAYS ended up ditching my starter pokemon. I've just never been keen on them.
Except now in the new generation I'm using Blaziken and Blastoise. I never seem to use the starter I picked for each respective game though.
I'll occasionally ditch the starter, when I'm doing weird things with my carts (Speed runs, Only Bug types, Only Pokemon with names starting with Z, whatever.)

However, if I'm not doing stuff, I keep it and cherish it.
Never, not that I would mind, but starters are usually great with backup.
I never ditched a starter, because most of the time i pick fire types because of the lack of them, and because by the time you come across any good Pokemon you have already trained them up so much that it seem a shame and a waste of time not to use them.
After time, you bond with your partner. Through thick and thin, for better or for worse. After a few times of battling and defending from Team Rocket/Galactic/Magma/Aqua, you begin to like your pixels, and the pixels like you back. Abandoning is like leaving your friend you had since you started, your best pixelated friend, alone in the dirt to suffer. Why do that cruel thing that didn't deserve such harsh treatment?

By the way, I do ditch my partner not ditch, not ditch my partner.
Yes, I do it all the time. It's gets kinda old playing with the same 3 Pokémon over and over again.

I remember I replaced my starter with a Rattata...pure fail.
Never really got rid of my starter. I always found a use for them.
I usually ditch my starter on my second run through the game, just to see what it's like without it.
yes, i usually abandon my starter, since i use 3 pokemon in each game, i don't think they worth raising, there are many much better pokemon
In LeafGreen, yes. I already have Blastoise and Charizard at level 100 in Platinum that I migrated. (Venusaur is level 85.) I replaced Wartortle with Kingler. I'm happy with that decision. It knows X-Scissor, Guillotine, Crabhammer, and Protect. I recently found out that Bug moves are super effective against Psychic and Dark types. (It's a good thing I found out, too, because now I can use an Ariados against Karen of Johto's Elite Four. :D)
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