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Digimon Chosen (PG 13)

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The library was always Duke's favorite place to stay. Far away from the chitter chattering of the girls he hung out with.

Duke sighed as he opened a large leather bound book off the shelve. The shelve itself looking like it was going to crumble away from tree rot. Dust flew in all directions as the book was removed.

Duke grimaced at the title. Found Underworld. Duke wasn't really a big fan of fiction. But he decided it was time to start.

Duke opened the book slowly. However once he did he saw a slip of paper sticking out of it.

"Hello? Whats this?" He said. Taking the piece of paper into his hand.

"Is your curiosity sedated? Do you wish to do something better? Go to 555 Sanguine st."

Duke frowned. This note looked like it was written quite recently. He looked left and right, then stowed the piece of paper into his jacket. Duke placed Found Underworld back onto the shelve and started to walk

Duke walked out of the library. Down the stone steps towards a nearby intersection that read "E Sanguine road" I'm close. Duke thought to himself

Duke began walking down the street. While on the way there Duke passed by a dull alleyway. It was quite dark and musty. As if there was nothing there.

Duke heard someone whistle in the direction of the alleyway. He turned his head and felt a sharp pain inflict on the back of his head. Duke fell to the ground and fainted soon after

Duke awoke to a throbbing migrane. He didn't recognise where he was. Duke slowly got onto his knees and shook his head.

"He's awake" Duke heard a voice hiss. He waited until his vision cleared and looked around.

Duke was crouched right next to a tombstone. On the stone it read "RIP ...dice ...on.ld"

Duke got up and brushed himself. He turned around and saw a strange bat-like creature flying towards him.

"Who are you?" Duke asked the bat.

"Demi-Devimon. But enough about me. This is all about you."

"What are you talking about? What is this place?" Duke asked curiously.

"This is the digiworld. Well not the entire digiworld. Just a specific part. Think of yourself in a big vijamagame or something."

"Really? Well praytell who are you?"

"I am a digimon. Anyway to cut to the chase I have a job for you."

"Oh?" Duke mostly took orders when his friends gave them. This gave him the reputation of being a follower.

"Yeah. You see there are going to be these kids coming here see? They want to destroy this place. Now I believe this is your sollumn duty to stop them."

"Oh really? Mr...Devimon. Why me?"

"Let's not get into details. Right now lets get into how your going to do this."

"Alright." Something went through Duke's mind. DemiDevimon didn't ask him if he wanted to do it. He just assumed that he did.

The assumption was correct.

Demidevimon flew around for a while and then pointed his wing over to a large foggy area.

Instantly a strange bipedal creature began walking out of the fog. He was purple in color

"This is Dorumon. I specifically chose him for you."

"So... tell me something. How am I supposed to do this?"

"Oh that will be up to you and Dorumon. He is your partner so to speak. What I want you to do is to find every one of those kids and stop them. You think you can do that?"

"I think so..." Duke said slowly. Still a tad hesitant.

"Good. Now for the final piece of the puzzle." Demidevimon pointed his wing into the darkness again.

Instantly another digimon came out of the fog. He bared the resemblance of a grey anthropomorphic rabbit. Instantly several more appeared. One of them clutching in his paws two strange bands.

"Now to make sure you don't run out on me I created this. These bands will further connect you and Dorumon."

The Gizamon jumped on Duke. Attempts to struggle were thwarted. Soon a band was fastened to his wrist.

"Alright Dorumon. Your turn."

A Gizamon fastened a similar band onto Dorumon's neck.

"Alright Mike. Now find those kids." Duke didn't know what to do. He was still confused. Dorumon's crystal eyes bared at him.
*RP has officially begun!*

**Oh Nevarine I'll PM you when Duke can make his first appearance in the RP proper, stick with your character, Alice for now**


Ken angrily kicked aside a stone on the ground which had happened to appear at just the wrong time, at an incredibly wrong time for the stone immediately disappeared in the long grasses of the nearby field. Ken shoved his hands into his pockets, to protect them from the November chill, but came upon his vibrating cell instead. Groaning with exasperation Ken yanked the cellphone to his ear not currently occupied with an earphone.

"Hello?" he said attempting to sound happy, well at least less miserable than he was...

"Ken! Where have you been I've been trying to call you for half an hour!" Ken's mother shrieked into Ken's ear, causing him to jerk it quickly away.

"Mom...mom... calm down. I'm on my way home, had to stay to do some extra work and left my phone on vibrate, couldn't feel it through my coat..."

This led to a quick 'Oh' from his mother and a 'Well come home soon', which Ken gratefully accepted before he said goodbye an hung up. Ken hated lying to his mother, but how would she like it if she found out that Ken had had detention at least three times a week for the last two months... Ken didn't dwell on it and continued his four kilometer walk home, which could be quite arduous this time of year. Deciding that running would heat him up more efficiently Ken began to trot steadily, he made it little more than a few meters before he fell flat on his face.

Cursing under his breath Ken pushed himself up, trying to ignore his stinging palms. Once again in a standing position Ken saw that he had grasped a small piece of paper while getting up. He unfolded the paper and had to squint to read the fine print scrawled across its length. 'Come to 26 Deer Street at 4:15 ... Ken Sanders...'

Ken was intensely curious, glancing at his watch he saw it was 4:05, just enough time to get to 26 Deer and see what awaited there...

(A little rushed but it'll do the job)

It is not what I would like in a Sign up sheet.... T-T Not my best work...

Name: Brenda "Blank" Shepard (Alice's sister)

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Partner: Renemon "Zorra de Fuego"

Appearance: Blank Ignor Ditmon in the background.

Personality: Just because Blank is Alice's twin doesn't mean she's like her, Blank can be a sweet as anybody,but she enjoys being not to nice most of the time. Meaning that she acts nice to everyone but isn't realy nice to everyone. She makes Insults that sound like complements until you think about them for a while. She loves the Gorillaz and makes sure that everyoen knows it, having them on her cellphone and even has a Gorillaz Pendant attached to the chain on her skirt. She has a habit of singing Gorillaz songs when somehting reminds her of them. (which is pretty much everything)

History: Being Alice's twin sister, she has been there when Alice has been there, for they were pretty much forced to stay together all the time. Blank however grew to respect everything around her, (save for people), much faster then Alice did giving her more of an air of repsonsalility. She found her one and only love, (Stuart Pot), one sunny summer afternoon while cleaning out her gerage, she found a CD intitled, 'Demon days' Needless to say the poor girl was hooked. She buaght everything Gorillaz she could find, and found herself meorizing the songs by accident.

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"Get out of my store you greasebag!"

That voice belonged to Mr.Sukimoto, the owner of the small corner store Lee often hung around at. Mr.Sukimoto hated Loiterers but his Granddaughter, who had a crush on Lee, often allowed him to stay. However she was at school and Lee had dcided to skip school that day. As Lee went to the sidewalk, he picked a folded shet of paper.

"It says, "Go to 225 Riceball Street."

Lee knew that he shouldn't go to strange places, but he knew that if he was caught by a passing police Officer, then he would be taken to school and since Lee was not going to have that, he made his way over to the address.

Lee began to get closer and closer to Riceball Street, when he noticed his surroundings changed. Instead of the big, tall buildings that he was used to, he began to see run down houses and abandoned buildings. Lee knew that this was where drug deals and gang fights occured and it was rumored that his father was a drug lord here at one time. Lee believes that to be a myth, but part of him believes it, however that is another story for another time.

Lee then got to the address 225. Lee looed at the place, it looked lie a run-down house that was abandoned at least fifteen years before. Lee knocked on the rusty door but the door flew straight open. Lee looked inside and realised that nobody lived there. The place was matted with Spider Webs and rats and roaches scattered all around the place. The floor squeaked at every step. Lee flipped a Light Switch and the door suddenly closed behind him.

"Why does the electricity still work, I guess the company is too scared to come out here."

Lee then went into a room, it was thought to be a bedroom or an office at one time. In front of Lee was a computer, and it was dimly flashing, Lee stared at the computer, beginning the adventure of a lifetime.

OOC:Sorry if I went a little far ahead, just thought I'd get ready to enter the Digital World.
OOC: The boss man said I can't go to the digital world with you guys, so I'll just hold fort in the physical world.

Blank sighed, once again she was forced to clean the garage. she hated cleaning but luckly she had four good friends to help her get he job done, "I ain't happy I'm feeling glad I got sunshine in a Bag I'm useless but not for long the future is commin' on!" Blank sang along side her one and only Love 2-D. the stario was on really loud and she was sure everyone in the house was hating it, but then she always had Gorillaz music playing whenever she did anything. She danced with the broom for a good while before something caught her attencion, "Who's there?" she asked turning and almost falling over.

There standing near the door was a tall yellow fox, she was thin and her tail was as full as the breasts that could be seen under the tuff of fur under her neck, She smiled for a moment then walked over, Blank observed that she wore a pair of green gloves that reached her upper arm, "I'm Renemon.. I'm here to help you."

Blank was stunned, no one had ever offered to help her before, "You're who?"

"Renemon, a ninja digimon..." she walks close to Blank, so close that Blank could smell her, she smelt of furr and cinimen cookies, "I'm yours to Comand Blank."

Blank smiled, "Help me clean?"

Renemon giggled and picked up a rag, "just tell me what to clean..."

Blank giggled, "Looks like I have a new friend!"

Renemon nodded and they started cleaning the garage as they both sang to the same song.

OoC: Not much happened but... hey... nothign much ahs to huh?
Kai was walking home after another long council meeting. On his way to the house he was stopped by some thugs that demanded money. Kai looked at them and started to question them if they had any sense. The thugs grabbed him byt the neck and threw him into the alley. The men grabbed some pipes and prepared to smash his face in. As he layed on his back Kai realized that his mouth was always the thing that got him into these situations and his fists had to get him out. Kai jumped to his feet and punched the first of the three thugs in the face. After he had successfully put him out, he grabbed the pipe and entered combat with the other two thugs.

When Kai looked at his watch it realized it was 4:00 p.m. and he had missed his bus home. He blamed the thugs and started to check their pockets for money as an apology. Kai went through all their pockets then found that together they had seven dollars and a piece of paper. He opened the paper and saw that their were instructions to meet him at that spot then carry him to the address written on the paper. Kai had become someone's target so he decided to take the pipe, put it in his backpack, and go to the address. Kai stormed down the street ready to use the lead pipe on anyone he saw as untrustworthy. When he finally reached the address Kai found a abandoned game designing building. Kai remembered who owned the bulding and went straight in without his pipe.

On his arrival to the fifth floor, Kai found that his uncle was waiting for him. His uncle ran over to him for a family hug, but Kai gave him an uppercut. "You could have called rather than send thugs to get me here!" he yelled to his uncle. His uncle fell to his knees and apologized for his actions. He explained that he had a new game that could take him back to the top, but he needed Kai to test it and see if it was any good. Kai thought about the games his uncle had made in the past and decided to throw him a bone. His uncle rejoiced and led him to the room where the game was being held. Kai grabbed the helmet to the game and began to play, but before he knew it his body had left the real world and joined a new world.
Alice sighed as she walked. The nice gravel road crackling as she walked on it.

She was glad she wasn't stuck with garage duty again. This sad unfortunite chore was forced upon by her twin sister Brenda. Or by her assumption "Blank." Blank broke a few more rules... yet again and now it was her time to clean out the garage. Alice was glad she didn't have to do it. She loathed cleaning, especially the garage.

Alice continued walking. The nice air felt good against her skin. The trees that hung over her. Had shadows that danced all around on the sidewalk. Alice smiled as she continued to walk.

Alice reached into her saddle bag and pulled out a small note. She discovered the note at the end of her writers club meeting. She was just about to finish the final chapter of her fiction for the club. When she spotted the note. Alice's overall curiosity overcame her as she took the note.

"Is your curiosity sedated? Well meet at 555 Sanguine st". Something puzzeled her slightly. But she ignored it and continued to walk. Alice was glad that Blank wasn't following her... again. Whenever Blank was punished she would sometimes skip the punishment to see what she was doing. It became an annoying habit.

Alice made it farther into the urban district when she finally found Sanguine St. She slowly made her way to the building marked 555 Sanguine St.

"Well lets see what this is all about." Alice said.

The building itself seemed to rot away as she walked into it. Strong amounts of dry rot clung to the frame of the building. The door she had walked through almost snapped off it's hinges from when the police or some mobster kicked it in. Alice felt the building was about to get torn down. The only logical course of action was to flee.

But of course she had to sedate her curiosity

She slowly walked up. Most of the rooms were all empty. She continued to walk up the stairs until she made it to the top floor. At that point she was ready to give up.

The room was marked with a strange infinity symbol. She stared at it curiosly and placed her hand on the door handle. Ready to twist it open.
This was the house? Ken thought looking at the house he had been asked to come to; it was dark, dirty, and altogether unassuming. It looked like any of the other old houses in the neighborhood, the only major difference was the wide open door and the empty spot which was filled by vehicles in the nearby homes.

Glancing at his watch yet again Ken saw that it was near the time he was to be here 4:14 and some seconds, not seeing anyone in the vicinity Ken decided to enter the dark residence. Once inside the building Ken was surprised at the room's brightness, outside there had appeared to be no lights on inside, but inside it seemed as if a bright light was shining directly into his eyes...

With his eyes closed against the light Ken reached into his left pocket and pulled out his reflective sun-glasses, which he then placed upon his face. Now able to see the room he was in, he realized that he wasn't where he was before, this wasn't the house he had entered... The walls seemed to run downward as if they were liquid, but when he touched it it simply passed through his hand...

Suddenly from seemingly all around him, Ken heard a voice boomed out, "Chosen Retrieved! Disembarkation will begin in 5 seconds. Digitization has begun." As Ken heard this he felt himself grow much lighter until he finally could not feel his body at all... And then he felt as if his mind were dropped down an elevator shaft, and he thought he heard whisper to him, "...Commandramon..."

OOC-- Come on guys we need all of you to introduce yourselves!! Oh yeah and no one go much farther than this we all want to be at the same place.
Lee then watched the flashing computer. It looked to be somewhat of a newer model, but it was not a flatscreen computer. The bright white flash was tooo much for Lee's eyes, he slid down the Light Brown shades on top of his head over his yes. HE then heard a woman's voice that said "Digitalization Complete.

He then heard a voice that said "Wormmon." Lee then opened his eyes and sen he was at a strange place he never been before, it was something he couldn't describe, he turned to see anotheer boy beside him, he was about the same age and he also seem to have sunglasses as well. He then introduced himself, "Hi, I'm Mitsuko Lee."

OOC: Wait, so when do we meet our digimon?
(OOC: We all have to gather here then we get our eggs, and soon after they'll hatch.)

"I-I-I'm Ken," Ken said while still reeling from his Digitization. Trying to get his bearings Ken saw the room was circular in nature and contained nothing but a strange computer in the center with a semi-circle of a table on one side. "Ummm.... Lee was it?"

The other boy who stood but feet away nodded at that, "Well... do you... do you know where we are right now?" Suddenly before Lee could reply the walls seemed to shine with an otherworldly light, and others arrived...
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