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Ditto - Pokemon Engine in Python


It's been a while since I last posted, so I thought I'd make a quick update.

Monkeyman and xGeovanni are both helping out now, so that's pretty good news.

The menus are coming along pretty nicely, but we're trying to get the game world finished in the next few weeks so we can move on to the battle engine!! Very exciting... So, if anyone can think of any major game world features that we seem to have missed, please say something before we get stuck in to the battle engine :) We just need to put in ledges and I reckon we're pretty much there. I've added a couple of new screenies showing the menu and also sliding ice tiles...

Also I finally got my 15 posts, so I've posted all the screenshots/videos. Take a look if you haven't seen them.

Not much love for this project yet is there? Still, development continues :) Ledges are in, weather is half in, and we're hopefully starting on the battle engine soon! Hopefully that'll excite a few more people.

Anyway, here's a brand new video for y'all.

This is really amazing! I'm really glad you are using pygame and python, its a really simple language to pick up. Thanks again.
This is really amazing! I'm really glad you are using pygame and python, its a really simple language to pick up. Thanks again.

Thanks! Yeah it is easy to pick up Python, although with the finished project the idea is that creating a basic game won't require any actual coding, only editing xml files, either by hand or I may build an editor at some point. Although you'll be able to extend the engine with Python if you want new or unsupported features...
Hi everyone, it's been two months so I thought I'd post to let you know that the project is still going! There's been a lot of work on the menus, and also the battle system is starting to take shape, so it's all very exciting!

Anyway, here's a new video to show you what's been happening...
hey, nice work.

I downloaded it and got it running on windows 8.
The only hiccup for me was that there was a \b in the path to the game. lol.

Are you still working on it?
hey, nice work.

I downloaded it and got it running on windows 8.
The only hiccup for me was that there was a \b in the path to the game. lol.

Are you still working on it?

Thanks! Glad to hear you got it running. Once there's a stable release we'll have to spend a bit of time making sure it works straight out of the box.

It is still being developed, basically just getting all the various menus and the battle system sorted, and we may even manage a release!
Thanks! Glad to hear you got it running. Once there's a stable release we'll have to spend a bit of time making sure it works straight out of the box.

It is still being developed, basically just getting all the various menus and the battle system sorted, and we may even manage a release!

Great, can't wait to see the new stuff you are adding. There is probably lots of tedious stuff to code in the battle system, right? These types of things often have a lot more to them than you would think.
Great, can't wait to see the new stuff you are adding. There is probably lots of tedious stuff to code in the battle system, right? These types of things often have a lot more to them than you would think.

Yeah there is. On the plus side, the battle system is at least quite fun to test and you get quite quick results. It's when it gets to implementing 100+ move effects that it'll start to drag I think...
Well, Ditto is now over a year old! To be honest I'm not sure I ever thought it'd get this far!

I've put up a new video, which you can watch here:

Thank you to everyone who has helped and supported this project. :)
Looks really good mate. I've always enjoyed Python as language, its a shame I don't get to use it more often and get better at it.
Looks really good mate. I've always enjoyed Python as language, its a shame I don't get to use it more often and get better at it.

Cheers! Python's great, the only problem when you switch to any other language you realise how spoilt you've been...
It's great to see another person working on a pokemon engine in python. Yours looks more professional than mine right now. I think I will start porting it to C++ instead of continuing to use python.
I realize this project seems to be deserted and I've watched your videos on Youtube. I was wondering where I could find the code for this project as I would like to pick it up/help continue it. I cannot seem to find the Demo/Github for this project as mentioned in some of the posts. I'm not sure if this thread is even active but, it's worth asking.
Guys this thread is almost a year old and the creator hasn't been online since April.
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I realize this project seems to be deserted and I've watched your videos on Youtube. I was wondering where I could find the code for this project as I would like to pick it up/help continue it. I cannot seem to find the Demo/Github for this project as mentioned in some of the posts. I'm not sure if this thread is even active but, it's worth asking.

I don't know if you are still interested but if you want the code I can send you a link of what I have. I was helping work on it so I have pretty much the most recent version...
I don't know if anyone still is active on these forums, but if anyone is... could i have the source? A buddy of mine and me would like to try to continue this work as far as possible.
Greets to anyone who reads this^^
How YOU can help

-If anyone wanted to do a logo etc. for the project, that'd be nice.
I created this for you :)
[PokeCommunity.com] Ditto - Pokemon Engine in Python