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Code: [EM] Dizzy's Hacked Engine

Does anyone have an example script of the multichoice commands? I can figure out how to use all the other new special commands but these I'm not understanding, would really appreciate it!
Does anyone have an example script of the multichoice commands? I can figure out how to use all the other new special commands but these I'm not understanding, would really appreciate it!

Folder Various-EM-features-master->scripts->new special scripts.txt
You'll find some examples. I don't know if that's what you want.
Folder Various-EM-features-master->scripts->new special scripts.txt
You'll find some examples. I don't know if that's what you want.

I've looked at those and I'm pretty sure those are also included in the original post here. I know to put the arguments in the 0x8004 variables and up, the PointerArgs is where I'm confused. Do those go into the subsequent variables? And also the usage of the prepare multichoice special command, does that have to be at its own address? Because I've had issues trying to launch multiple new specials at the same address, was fixed by using a goto a new offset to run them so I'm not sure if that would be necessary here
Download devkitpro from here.
Follow the instructions.
(Note: you can only install devkitARM)

- Download the latest version of python(3.5).
After downloading and before proceeding to install make sure that the 'add to path' checkbox is ticked, otherwise you'll have to add the python path in the environment variables manually.

- Download the master folder from the github page here.
(click 'Clone or Download', then 'Download Zip')

- Place your rom it the main(master) folder.

- Go into scripts folder and open 'build.py' with a text editor and modify it accordingly to your will.
Graphical representation of what you're to do.
You can apply any features you want, they're all compatible with each other and work on their own.

- Run the cmd.exe in the main folder.
You can do this by typing 'cmd' and hitting enter in the url address or selecting 'run command prompt from here' from right clciking on empty space while holding the shift key.

- In command prompt window, type 'python scripts//build.py' and press enter.
A new gba file will appear named as test.gba along with 'offsets.ini' that provides addresses of everything that was built.

I'm open to any ideas, so if there's something you'd like to see in EM, tell.[/QUOTE]

Hi SIR!!!...im trying to do and follow your instructions though im kinda confused though in my understanding the Pokemon Emerald rom should be placed inside the "VARIOUS-EM-FEATURES" does it need to be renamed or just Pokemon - Emerald Version,,,and then i already selected the B/W Repel System in build.py,,,now this is the part im confused...Run the cmd.exe in the main folder....where is this cmd.exe?there is no cmd.exe inside the folder... or is this the windows commandprompt?....and also can you add some SCREENSHOTS sir,,,,...im trying to apply the repel system for Emerald.....thanks in advance!!!!
Hi SIR!!!...im trying to do and follow your instructions though im kinda confused though in my understanding the Pokemon Emerald rom should be placed inside the "VARIOUS-EM-FEATURES" does it need to be renamed or just Pokemon - Emerald Version,,,and then i already selected the B/W Repel System in build.py,,,now this is the part im confused...Run the cmd.exe in the main folder....where is this cmd.exe?there is no cmd.exe inside the folder... or is this the windows commandprompt?....and also can you add some SCREENSHOTS sir,,,,...im trying to apply the repel system for Emerald.....thanks in advance!!!!

You can find cmd.exe in C » Windows » System32/System64 folder and find cmd.exe inside that folder
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When i run the cmd and input the python command it says "devkit not found"
Any ideas what could that mean? I followed all the steps
my gba file has nearly 4gb and isnt a valid rom after compiling.. any solution?
Anybody know how to cancel the day and night effect? Night time makes the game way too dark.