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EM's Trading + Give Away Thread

here's my fc- 6026-3830-6873

thanks so much
Alright, I'll level it up to whenever it learns that for you. Shouldn't take too long =)

I'm getting online to trade the totodile addpikachu *edit*my game is saying your friend code is wrong
ok im on and ready to go...

oh um srry lemme check it again.

edit **o whoops. i messed up the 1st number. it should be- 5026-3830-6873**
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Espeon_Master, please PM once the Corsola is ready, thanks. :)
I'd like your UT shiny registeel.

I have a shiny Nidoran, but I'm not sure of the nature.. I also have a totodile with ice punch and dragon dance, but not crunch.. :/ are you interested
FourFourTwo- Yes, very actually

Red Rain- Will do =)
Criceto- You go to the meseum in Oreburgh I think. I would still like the anorith, but if it's promised to someboy else then that's ok. How about mewtwo or latias and then one or two of the egg move pokemon I have?
That sounds good. ^^ (either legend/any egg move?)
I've got The Pokemons and berries ready~
Lemme know when you wanna trade?
to many shinies O_o............
Totodile-- hand one over to me please! Preferably the naughty natured one if you still have it.
Criceto- Yup. The next time we're both on we'll trade =)


CaptainKat- I'm pretty sure I do. I'll need your friend code
I could use one of each of those free Gilgar and Totodile.

I can breed you a Skorupi and a Heracross if you still need them.

Also what do you mean by "will not trade normal pokemon for events" Cause I could use those 2 of those eventies (although a non-event Raikou would be fine). Anyways does that '"no normal pokemon" include egg move pokemon? Cause i would take some time and breed some of those 3 you want for a celebi.
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Can I have a quiet gligar plz? ^^
fr3shb0y1- Could i get the info on that Metagross?

ShadowofTime01- If you could breed those guys that would be amazing. Either way, next time you're online I can give those two to you.
By no normal pokemon I just mean I don't want people saying 'Heracross for Raikou!' and stuff like that. It's just extremely annoying.
I would definately trade you Celebi for those egg move Pokemon.

Ninve- Sure thing, PM me when you get online again

Lahtiirah- Sorry, I actually have a Suicune

perrinaybara- yes, but not that I'm willing to trade, sorry
do you still have a brave or hardy gligar???
Would you trade one of those for my bagon??? :)
I'm bumping this thread back to the top since I'm willing to trade again.
Repost your offers if you're still interested.