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to you ''smeargle lover''.please change it....it freakens me out!
to you ''smeargle lover''.please change it....it freakens me out!

Nuuuu! My brudda made eet fo meee. :3

Why not change yours? Link is starting to creep me out. O_o

link is the best hero ever!
what is your icon showing?who is that character
This is getting ever so slightly off topic :l

And I think SSS' Avatar looks fine.
halkyonxlll is right see'ya around guys........

link is the best hero ever!
what is your icon showing?who is that character

-pokes claims in profile- Notice anything?

That would the smexy Silver. <3 I have a fan fic about him and his love for Blue.

Oh, and you're not a mod. You don't have the power to close this, although...it really needs to be...
i just think with the moves of pokemon you've just got to let them be and do not overanylyse them because it just becomes confusing if u think to much just enjoy them
the moveset mustn't be destroyed.....if a marowak expands its type coverage where will its normal ground moves go?
*Boo used Judgment!*
(Halloween Pikachuu)

seriously, though, lots of Pokemon learn strange moves... ever see a Flareon with Curse? O_O
since curse is a ??? move it can fit to all pokemon i think, as return,hidden power,rest and more.....
ghosts handle this move differently and normal pokemon boost their attack and lower defence?(if my memory serves me correctly)
That's a bit weird, oh well Pokemon are weird anyway.
anybody heard about the ''surfing rhydon'' and flying pikachu?now that's what i call ''''''''''''WEIRD''''''''''''''
Well its not like other pokemon can learn strange moves. You know Pikachu can learn dig. So what if they learn strange moves. It could help them in the long run. So its not really ad-normal.
dragonsoftime654 is right.creators gave pokemon a big variety of moves so they can face many strong pokemon.......if a pokemon had his only normal moves(a pikachu has only electrical moves,example) it would had no coverage for ground types