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For once, a more serious blog post


  • 2,647

    It's been a while since I made a blog post. The last few were all fun and games, at least, to my knowledge. This one's a little more personal. I just feel the need to let off a little bit of steam.

    Mum broke her foot a while ago and still isn't keeping still, despite doctor's orders. I stress it to her so much but she just doesn't care. Usually I admire her strength, but this time it's a bit much. Almost as if she were a masochist. She tells me it hurts to move yet does it, even when she doesn't need to. It bothers me and even frightens me a little. I've been frightened for so long. Of losing everything. Of RNG screwing me over in the game of life. Frightened of the most irregular and unlikely circumstances, despite myself reminding my mind that these things are rare. It's just been a period of "what" for a bit, but it's not enough to break me or anything. Just wanted to open up about that random feeling.

    Meanwhile, games...err, I'm still on the PS3, but I'm planning to get a N3DS for my birthday, so hopefully I get back into the swing of things.

    Haven't been on PS since recently because 1) I just got really bored of Pokemon and recently hopped back into it, and 2) I've been busy with college.

    Pardon the strangeness of all this. Even I don't get it. Until next time, farewell.
    Yeah, my mother's just reeeeeally stubborn. She'd probably try to take a walk even if she had no legs. She'd just find a way.

    Business Management. It's the big bad of business diplomas to me.