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PC: Forum Moderator Staff Applications

  • 25,778

    Moderator Applications
    Open from March 18 to April 7, 2024.

    Ever fancied being a staff member? We're now looking to expand our forum moderation team with fresh faces. This is a great opportunity for you to have more influence on the community and site. It's also great fun to be part of the large group that keeps the forum going!

    As you're probably aware, the forum is made up of numerous sections, each having one or several assigned mods to keep it running well. As a mod, you are not merely a janitor for your area; it's also your job to work with your fellow staff to shape and develop your section to be as engaging and fun as it can be for its members. It's also good to have a Discord account you log into relatively often. While you don't need to be active on PC's public server, a lot of communication between you and the other staffers will happen on our PC Staff server. In short, the ideal moderator on PC is a dependable and visible leader figure for their section!

    While it is thus preferable that any new moderator knows their section well and has a good presence there already, we will still consider you if you apply for a section where you are not very active. The important thing is that you enjoy the section and give a proper motivation for why modding you there is a good idea.

    How do I apply?

    Send your answers to the questions below in a Private Message to gimmepie. Spend some time thinking carefully about your answers in order to give the mod leads as much information you can about why you are suitable for the position!

    You may apply for any number of sections, but please be aware that you might not be accepted in several. We also expect you to not randomly apply for several sections without good reason.

    Forum Staff Application

    1. What section(s) are you applying for?

    2. What makes you a good fit for moderating your chosen section(s)?

    3. Do you already have any ideas for how to improve your chosen section(s)?

    4. A good friend of yours is breaking a rule by being toxic towards another member in a thread in your section. What do you do?

    5. Your mod partners wish to decide on a big change in your forum, but you disagree with them. How do you approach the situation?

    6. How often do you typically visit the PC Forums, and how much time per day or week do you approximately spend here?

    7. Anything else you'd like to say!

    Should you have any questions or need anything clarified before you apply, don't hesitate to reach out to the moderators of each section! You may also contact any Administrator for more general questions about the forums, rules or moderation in general.

    We hope to see you join our blue ranks soon!

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