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Friend Code Sharing Thread

Share your Nintendo Switch Friend Codes in this thread!

I (and other staff) will be updating the OP with a list of everyone's FCs. Share your profile name and code, and we'll do the rest! Your post will be 'liked' when it is updated into the thread.


FlyingBeastie: 4509 1868 4677
Sheep: 2145 4678 8500
Her: 7267 2569 9683
Frankenstein_Gaming: 6558 0854 8683
WereSquatch: 1774 6951 9009
Teir: 6371 3135 2728
thephoenix: 2562 0361 5824
Neil Peart: 7702 9994 3200
lillipup03: 0318 2816 1896
IStreamSandwich: 6640 3615 0423
Purrform: 4280 4436 0239
KingSmoker: 8052 4203 3544
lamby101: 4216 6433 3329
poketrainer48: 5420 2152 8251
TheeWizard: 2582 4204 8136
Megatom1993: 4602 4643 6710
Takieya: 0210 7003 2075
SubzeroSongbird: 4358 8738 1392
Blodfan356: 4618 7381 8797
JynxedOne: 3033 1454 0928
Shawn states: 6694 8915 4294
NeverThere: 4193 1414 4045
Zorn: 2737 6576 1494
RagDoll: 1133 3453 9531
Evie: 6307 0297 979
Trip: 4174 2303 2246
SilverCrown: 2450 4744 6422
PokemonMasterRy: 7387 3333 3513
Leasha: 6519 3178 5300
trundle: 8490 2829 0699
cvpiid: 2037 2467 4417
Dark_angel1: 8020 9189 2235
ShankYusko: 3162 5515 3819
Fairy: 7755 1826 2784
bobandbill: 7390 6897 5692
Kazetori: 2006 3329 1232
Kiff: 3314 1960 4134
I'm on sword and looking for competitive battles. Friend code is SW-7412-9387-5313
I added you. My collection of battle ready pokes are still a bit slim, but I'm working on it. Hope to do battles and add on discord if you have it.
Hello, long shot but anybody could help me to do a double trade for evoluting spritzee it is the last Pokémon I need to complete my pokedex help please…
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Trying to get more friends on my Switch to hopefully boost my lost satchel rates in Pokemon Legends Arceus!

My friend code is 4403 2280 1834. ^^ Will happily accept anyone~
I am playing shield and just wanting trades to complete my dex. In game name is kenji
Friend code is: SW-4396-0214-6035
Shiny or not doesn't matter.
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I am playing shield and just wanting trades to complete my dex. In game name is kenji
Friend code is: SW-4396-0214-6035
Shiny or not doesn't matter.

I have just added you. I have Sword and am trying to do the same
My name is xxKCxx, my friend code is SW-2531-6284-0530
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New around here. I originally avoided picking up Sword or Shield when it came out, but I stumbled on Shield the other day and figured I'd try it. Anyone is free to add me to their friends list. I'm looking for someone willing to help me with trade evolution.

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I mostly play shield but I do have sword btw

I added you. I'm currently looking for help with a trade evolution if you're up for it. I've only got Shield though.
I'm currently playing Pokémon Shield, and I would love to have some friends to trade with and do Max Raids with! My in-game name is Marshall.

My friend code: SW-7884-1651-2214

Request sent! Don't know if you're still playing though but I also need help with some Pokemon that I don't have.

New around here. I originally avoided picking up Sword or Shield when it came out, but I stumbled on Shield the other day and figured I'd try it. Anyone is free to add me to their friends list. I'm looking for someone willing to help me with trade evolution.


Request sent!