Some of the sprites there bother me, so I'll rattle them off.
Blazelion's flames are shaded very awkwardly, to the extent that it looks pillowshaded. The joints on the back leg are very jagged, and there seem to be multiple lightsources.
Erhem.. to quote myself:
Have to come up with a second type for its evolution. I gonna redo that one because it's a bit awkard xd
Dremacy also looks very awkward. The wings don't look as if they could support it in flight. For example, look at Aerodactyl's wings. The arms also seem to lack joints of any sort.
I wondered why this *image removed* one can even fly with such small wings..
To correct the "no joints" problem that some of these have, use a stickfigure-type outline at first, then fill in the respective muscle.
I'm not the kind of sticky-figure-making I all make them pixel by pixel with free hand it just feels better in my opinion. And dremacy isn't meant to have muscles.. ^-^;