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Tool: G3T for Android

Well, I was able to download and open it up. However, when attempting to give G3T permissions, I can't find it in the list of apps. May just be my phone, who knows.

Also, any chance on adding the Anti-Exploud feature? It'd be awesome to be able to use it when I see that I've missed decapping something.
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Done! ;)

Fixed the link.
Map/Script Editor are very complicated but I can add them in a distant future. For now I have to finish the core tools first! ;)

thanks for this useful apk, i hope you can add to edit NPC's text and edit Pokemon moveset or evolution method

It seems that in the newer version, when the phone takes me to the Settings Menu "All Files Access", your app is not present in the list of possible choices to enable file access.

I tried downgrading to a previous version and use Total Control but it still would not work.
Heya! currently making a ROM hack with the app, wondering how to change an item's use?
Trying to turn a potion to basically a cheaper rare candy...
Good news y'all.
TL;DR: I fixed the file permissions issue.
Just open the app and it will show you an update button.

I must apologize for this huge inconvenient, not only I had to stop working on this project due to personal life stuff, Google had also chosen to make the file access a huge mess for developers...
Besides, I had to go through a tedious process of adapting the project to the IDE I'm using right now...
Anyway, I fixed all that for now, please lemme know if you face any issues.

Note: Google in recent years started to follow strict policies of CONSTANTLY requiring new updates from developers. If this starts to get obnoxious I will just take the app from Google store and put it in a direct download platform. I personally have had enough with the file permissions change.

Note 2: Pls take some minute of your time to rate the app if you can, I noticed that the rating dropped drastically from 4.5+ to 2.5! (Understandably) Much appreciated.

I started working on Abilities Editor (only names and descriptions) before I can go ahead and start with the biggest and most tedious part, a Pokemon Editor...
Abilities Editor is live, one step closer to the Pokemon Editor.
This update is also MANDATORY as I found a huge bug caused by a slight miss-click. (Apparently I deleted an "8" from the script that saves offsets without paying attention... IDK since when this happened, probably when I added support for extended ROMs...)

Oh! I need to find abilities offsets for v1.1 of LG, FR, Ruby, and Sapphite ... and then retrieve the dynamic versions...
If anyone can help with that I'll appreciate it.
EDIT: I found em and updated the app.
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Just letting you all know that I started working on the Pokémon Editor a few days now. It will take a while to finish this one. I will probably release it in 2 or 3 parts, we will see.
I can't believe I finally did it lol: Pokémon Editor is out. (Wait for the update to be approved tho; As usual, the app will tell you when it is)
I'm grateful that I have plenty of free time at work lately to work on this while at my office, haha.

Note: Sprites data, Evolutions data and Learnset data are not yet included. Will slowly add each in future updates.
Note 2: Enjoy the overall improvements.

Note 3: I don't receive much requests regarding support for non-English ROMs, so that's staying a low priority still...
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I've been looking for a way to add the physical/special split to gen 3, and it seems like this is the best way to do it (that I have found.) I'm just curious as to how that works in the editor, I noticed people mentioning the bytes but I'm not sure what to change it to to make it physical/special. Someone said that 0-0-0 is physical but all moves have this as default. Does this mean that the editor sets every move to physical as a default? That's all I can think of, otherwise I'm completely lost as to what's needed to make the split change ^^;;
Also I attempted to download the pc version but it says I require a password?
Finally, does anyone happen to know if the hacked rom will be compatible with any randomizer? Any info would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance! ^^
I've been looking for a way to add the physical/special split to gen 3, and it seems like this is the best way to do it (that I have found.) I'm just curious as to how that works in the editor, I noticed people mentioning the bytes but I'm not sure what to change it to to make it physical/special. Someone said that 0-0-0 is physical but all moves have this as default. Does this mean that the editor sets every move to physical as a default? That's all I can think of, otherwise I'm completely lost as to what's needed to make the split change ^^;;
Also I attempted to download the pc version but it says I require a password?
Finally, does anyone happen to know if the hacked rom will be compatible with any randomizer? Any info would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance! ^^
# This byte is mainly used by the Physical/Special Split hacks
I love this, it's gonna take a bit of learning but that's fine, I can't afford a pc so I appreciate this a lot. Can't wait for what's to come.