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Gen 4 Pokémon/NPC overworlds + trainer sprites


or goloog. that works too.
  • 209
    • Age 27
    • MD
    • Seen Jun 19, 2015
    Herro errbody. I'm feeling extra generously awesomazing today, so I decided to make myshelf anova resource thread, yo.

    First of all, I've gone and taken every single gosh darned trainer class with a DS sprite, resized it, and made the shht transparent for all of you. I've also included the overworlds from the pokemon bulbasaur-arceus (RMXP Compatable), and the overworlds of NPCs. I've included Dewitty's Gen5 Overworld Template, and I think that's it.


    The battle sprites not included are:

    Every other sprite has been renamed for P. E. usage.

    Doofinshmirtz was here.


    Credits: Dewitty, Bulbapedia.Bulbagarden.net, Nintendo, Chocosrawloid, Kymotonian, milomilotic11, and Neo-Spriteman.
    If you do not give proper credits, you will get an infringement of some sort.
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    Nice. I might use this for a future project. Glad you feel good today =)
    Nice. I might use this for a future project. Glad you feel good today =)
    Sounds great, man. I've had these on my cpu for a few months, and decided to help all the people that cant do stuff for themselves.
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    Hey, Neo-Spriteman. i used the BW Sprites.
    Thanks a lot, for this, Neo!

    This saves me a lot of trouble, having to resize and index all the trainer sprites.
    This'll help a lot of people!
    At KingSnivy: Cool! Just don't forget to credit me and Bulblapedia.bulbagarden.net.

    At timE: Glad to know I'm helping :D

    (written on iPod Touch)

    At KingSnivy: Cool! Just don't forget to credit me and Bulblapedia.bulbagarden.net.

    At timE: Glad to know I'm helping :D

    (written on iPod Touch)
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    Why don't you make the 494-649 overworlds for people who are using the Essentials DS/Unova Pack?
    Why don't you make the 494-649 overworlds for people who are using the Essentials DS/Unova Pack?

    That would require spriting; B/W only made a few OWs, not for all 649.

    Tell Wichu to make it and the chat will be over.

    dude these guys work hard as it is they don't need you being a prick and adding to their workload. at the very least you could be polite about it and ask instead of making demands =/