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Generation 5 - Drawoff!


used Sacred Fire!
  • 35,992
    • Seen Jul 1, 2023

    Generation Five - Drawoff

    Do you like the designs of Generation 5 Pokemon? Think you can make them better? Or maybe you haven't seen them and want to? Here's your chance! The Generation 5 Drawoff will consist of a few rounds, which will eventually determine a winner. If you want to see the Generation 5 Pokemon, click here. You're free to draw the Pokemon in any style you want, (and you don't have to use a tablet either), just as long as it reflects the original Pokemon so we can make a connection.

    How is it played?

    All you need to do is post is your first drawing (+ four words), which can be of any Generation 5 Pokemon. Then, once we announce who won round 1, you may be advancing to round 2, which'll have the top five, drawing any other Generation 5 Pokemon (yes you can draw the same Pokemon as someone else, too), then day 3 is round 3, where... we'll have the top 3! The final day, the final two will be given a Pokemon to draw each, and they'll be judged on that to decide the winner.


    This won't affect anything much - but it'll mean that you'll have about 32 hours from now to get your first entry in. A lot of people are having issues with just one day for their first entry - so we'll extend it.

    Round 1 - you have 32 hours left to enter.
    Round 2 - well, that'll still be a day, but it'll consist of 5 contestants.
    Round 3 - final two, on last day, we'll decide.

    And; post your pictures in this thread.


    The winner will recieve an emblem, and one for the runner up, too.


    Each entry will be judged by Signomi and Gymnotide and Kinarii.

    Your entries will be judged on style, colour, how it reflects the original Pokemon, etc! Each judge will come up with a score out of ten, and then from that, average that out into one score... out of ten! And basically, that's how it works. If you want actual feedback, you're free to ask the judges after the competition ends. :)

    Any Questions?

    Ask away!
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    Can I Join please :D. The pokemon I'm going to do for this competition is Gochiruzeru.

    Its ok to draw her in an anime girlish like style right :|.
    May I join?
    I am going to draw Wargle/Wooguru... in a realistic style if that is allowed.
    Anyone's free to join, just get started on your first image :)
    idk about the other judges. You two can use this if you want, but I haven't assigned point values to this yet. Anyway, this is what I'll be judging based on. Of course, I know that most of the entries will be pretty rough, given the small time-frame of the contest, but I feel everything on this list is vital so that I can rank pieces more efficiently.

    Style (35)

    • Style is consistent (5)
    • Style is unique and / or emulates a well-known style well (10)
    • Piece has good execution (aka, it looks nice) (5)
    • Piece demonstrates adept use of medium chosen (5)
    • Lines and marks are clean or fashionably dirty (no unnecessary smudges, stray marks, etc. unless vital to style) (10)
    • Coloring (or lack of coloring) does not detract from piece. (10)
      That is, it's okay to have a non-colored piece, but make sure that the fact that it's not colored doesn't make it hard to distinguish different parts. The same goes for coloring. Color is good, but make sure to keep it as clean (or unclean if you're being postmodern) as possible.
    • Shading (or lack of shading) does not detract from the piece. (10)
      If you shade, use a proper light source. If you don't make sure the piece doesn't look unartfully flat.

    Concept (50)

    • Subject is recognizable (5)
    • Concept for drawing is unique. (10)
      I guess you could draw the original designs, but make sure it's not the same pose. Also make sure the idea hasn't been done a lot already (for example, you would lose points on this if you made Wooguru a firebird).
    • Concept is not over-designed but also not overly simple. (10)
      You can have a really elaborate design, but don't try to mix too many elements together, especially if it feels like you're only putting it in there for the sake of it. An example of what's not okay is having a picture of Miruhoggu, except giving it horns, claws, and wings.
    • Anatomy feels correct (taking into account artistic license, of course). (15)
      This criterion encompasses body shape, body size, proportions (not so much realistically as much as having all the limbs be the same size, etc.), angles, and textures (if applicable).

    Presentation and Bonus Points (5)

    • Piece is of a reasonable size so that we can see everything. (5)
    • Environment is fitting.
      You don't have to do a background, but if it matches well, then props for you. Just don't do it if you're not good at that kind of thing.
    • Piece is courageous.
      I'm expecting to see a lot of similar things in this contest. Try to stick out of the crowd by doing a pixel art, using charcoal, a quick collage, or something. I dunno. I know this contest is short, but serious props for those who put their all into it.
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    im joining, im doing another version of Zoroark i guess, well, it'll be like it.. in realistic... and not as...dark..
    and more like a wolf..... hmmm
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    I'm already drawing my Tsutaaja. :D

    Shall I post it as soon as I'm done or wait 'till a later time?
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    Post it whenever you're ready; easier for the judges, so they don't have to judge everything at once.
    Not entering. I just doodled something quickly for fun because this is a cool contest.

    It's Rankurusu!
    Here's my Smugleaf drawing for the day. It's been quite awhile since I did any serious drawing and the colored pencils I have handy are a little hard to work with, but I'm proud of the composition at least. XD

    sorry for poor quality. No scanner, just digital camera. :P

    @Gymnotide Great judging criteria list you've made. I'll probably be referring to it when I judge, too :3
    Well, your idea might be more aimed at Pokehumanification, however, if you still intend to participate in this contest, then sure, creativity is nice. :)
    Okay guys; major update.

    This won't affect anything much - but it'll mean that you'll have about 32 hours from now to get your first entry in. A lot of people are having issues with just one day for their first entry - so we'll extend it.

    Round 1 - you have 32 hours left to enter.
    Round 2 - well, that'll still be a day, but it'll consist of 5 contestants.
    Round 3 - final two, on last day, we'll decide.

    Hope this makes it easier for you guys!


    (Need to let judges know, self)