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Generation 5 - Drawoff!

These should be epic. Good luck to you two! :3

Also, sorry for going missing >.>

Sorry, I was extremely busy and got sidetracked by other things, so I didn't have much time really. But I will post mine up soon!

Just a note by the way, this will end up in the Art Gallery soon, so...when it is, post your entry in this thread still, just in another section. Looking forward to both entries!
Temporarily in Art Gallery! :( Apparently we aren't moving all the threads out, though I could have sworn we were. So when this is all wrapped up, it'll go back in the Get-Together forum, haha. @_@

I finally finished mine:


That is just... so amazing. o___O I'm just... speechless. It just looks so professional.

Woooooow. <3

I vmed the judges, so they'll probably get started on judging it soon, still waiting for the other contestant.

I finally finished mine:


Dude... I seriously hope you don't mind, but I saved that picture. It's so adorable I think my mind is melting...
Dr. Octogonapus has sort of given up...so... that's giving that place to Inkpuddle.

Basically, Inkpuddle needs to draw Zekrom + as many others as they can fit.

/goes to vm
Awesome! I don't think I have much of a chance, but I'll try my best.
I'm without a keyboard right now, but I don't need one to work on my entry. I just can't reply for a few days. This on-screen keyboard is torture. >>
Awesome! I don't think I have much of a chance, but I'll try my best.
I'm without a keyboard right now, but I don't need one to work on my entry. I just can't reply for a few days. This on-screen keyboard is torture. >>

Best of luck.
I remember when I had to use the on-screen keyboard too :(
I'm finally finished with my entry after almost a month. To be honest I accidentally let the contest slip my mind, but I've been working like a dog all day to finish up.

Detail shots:

It's lacking a background, I know, but between my computer freezing up every five seconds and my inability to pull one together, this is all I've got. I toyed with the idea of forfeiting, but I decided I needed a good challenge and tried my best anyway. I guess I'm just gonna go down fighting like Zoroark. xD
...you know.... I was going to decide a winner between the both of you, but all the other judges came a draw, so... there wasn't any clear winner. Both were amazing <3

Thus, Octanogapus can have 2nd place - for reaching it and you both can have first place emblems :)
...Congrats guys... after so long! XD;
