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Haunted House -- Ghost Type Fan Club

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New Topic: How would your partner react if aliens appeared on earth?
Huzzah! Nice topic! Well for starters it would depend on the type of aliens. If the aliens were those "we come in peace" kind then I guess me and tom (rotom) would gladly welcome them to the world and would quickly befriend them. Also all the advanced technology we'd get from them would be pretty sweet~.
Now if the aliens were like Alien then there would be a problem. It would be armaggedon, with every man, woman, child, and pokemon for themselves trying their best to survive. Groups would be formed, millions would die, all on a struggle to get out of this alive. I for one would definately find and obtain food and rations and do all possible to rid the world of this palgue eventually reamining as an only survivor when the government decides to nuke the small area that was first inhabited by the beings in order to prevent the worst possible scenerio (that or I would have been mauled to bits ><). Yeah but I'm sure me and rotom could make it out alive.
As you can tell I went a little looney towards the end but I'm a fan of sci-fi so yeah. I'll answer the side topic later ok.
New Topic: How would your partner react if aliens appeared on earth?
It depends on the aliens, like Tyknight said. Either way though, one of the awesome uses of ghost types is data collection and stealth. I'd have Phase go in and find out what they're up to, if they're cool we go in and befriend them and it's all good. Or... rather it's all good until Phase decides to start messing with them. Hopefully we don't start an interplanetary war over a few ghost pranks. If they're evil, then we don't get involved unless we have to. Phase probably'd react the same way no matter what; oh look, never seen one of those before, let's see how it reacts when I do this... *chaos ensues*

New Side-Topic: Where is your favorite place to study/read?
When I was younger I used to lay on the sofa with my feet on the back and my head on the floor, kinda flipped over. Now it makes me dizzy so... I suppose anywhere comfortable. I prefer to be left alone while I'm reading though, can't focus with someone talking to me or trying to read over my shoulder, so not the library or something... someplace cozy and private.
Username: FelixAltor

Why do you want to join?: Because I have never ended a Pokemon game without first filling my party with ghosts. Also: Gengar has and always will be my favorite pokemon (when i get heart gold or soul silver, he's leaving the pokeball and following me for the whole game.)

How active will you be?: I already have this thread bookmarked. I am in college, and thus have way too much free time. Expect plenty of participation.

Partner Pokemon?: Gengar
Partner's Nickname [optioTERRORnal]?: My Gengar has been nicknamed Mephisto since Blue version (January 2nd, 1999). So i guess he's 10 years old now. Mephisto is derived from the Faustian Mephistopheles (which obviously would not fit).

Side note: can I put your banner in now, or do I have to wait until I am accepted?
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Good :)FelixAltor:
You are now a member for all intents and purposes! :D *Hands the obligatory candy corn over*

As for the topic. Well, I don't think Hume would be stressed. He simply looks too strange himself :)
I absolutely LOVE everyone's answer to the alien question!! I'm glad that everyone would try to be nice to the aliens if they were the "we come in peace" kind! We must be friendly towards all species, even those of alien origin!

Tyknight3, since you like the subject, would you like to be our official resident Sci-Fi Guru? =D

New Side-Topic: Where is your favorite place to study/read?
When I was younger I used to lay on the sofa with my feet on the back and my head on the floor, kinda flipped over. Now it makes me dizzy so... I suppose anywhere comfortable. I prefer to be left alone while I'm reading though, can't focus with someone talking to me or trying to read over my shoulder, so not the library or something... someplace cozy and private.
I'm exactly the same. If people are making a bunch of noise or looking over my shoulder, I just can't concentrate on what I'm reading. I usually end up down in my room where it's cold.

Side note: can I put your banner in now, or do I have to wait until I am accepted?
First off, welcome to the Haunted House! I will add you and Mephisto to the member's list momentarily! =]
And, since you were accepted by our lovely co-owner Vorteld, you are free to use one of the club banners however you like!!
Cool Beans.

I made a Sig to fit my gengar theme. Would it be ok if i used it? (it links to The Haunted House too)
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A very nice banner indeed, FelixAltor :D

My favourite place to study/read? Complete solitude. No one to disturb me. that would be ideal.
Hey there guys and welcome Felix! Nice banner.

Tyknight3, since you like the subject, would you like to be our official resident Sci-Fi Guru? =D
I'm not exactly sure what I'd do as a sci-fi guru but I sure do like the idea. I would gladly take it if ok (and I get a bit more clarification), after all sci-fi's the best!

New Side-Topic: Where is your favorite place to study/read?
Let's see to study I'd have to say my room. Good place to get away from it all and really sit down and study. Only problem is that I have too many distractions and can hardly focus half the time. To read I'd say the same thing but then again reading and talking about a text with my friends is always enjoyable at school but I'd still have to say my room's the best place.
So, I was soft reset shiny hunting today and I got myself a fair number of shiny ghastly. If any of ya'll have wi-fi and you want one PM me, yes? Free to my fellow ghost fans. Oh, and I'll level them to Haunters if you guys want Gengar.

Slightly off topic, but I thought I'd offer as I have five or six of them. So happy right now. :D
New Side-Topic: Where is your favorite place to study/read?
I always study in my room, usually just before the class. I'm not sure why i procrastinate so much :(. I like the solitude though, and it's usually easier to get things done. I don't know what I would do if I had to read in a busy loud environment.

I would kill for one of those ghastly. But sadly, even that wouldn't help. My DS has been broken for some time now, so I've been playing roms on emu's to satiate my pokemon hunger. I really miss my working DS :(

If you really think the banner is on par with the others, add it at your leisure.

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I'm not exactly sure what I'd do as a sci-fi guru but I sure do like the idea. I would gladly take it if ok (and I get a bit more clarification), after all sci-fi's the best!
Well, if anyone here has questions relating to aliens/general sci-fi stuff, you could be the all powerful expert who helps shed light on the subject for us unlearned peoples. Or something. :D If you can think of anything else you'd like to do as Sci-Fi Guru, just tell me and I shall grant your wish! :P

So, I was soft reset shiny hunting today and I got myself a fair number of shiny ghastly. If any of ya'll have wi-fi and you want one PM me, yes? Free to my fellow ghost fans. Oh, and I'll level them to Haunters if you guys want Gengar.

Slightly off topic, but I thought I'd offer as I have five or six of them. So happy right now. :D
Awesome! If you still have a Gastly, could you hold it for me? I'll send you a PM after I figure out how to get my friend code thingy [I've never connected with anyone over wi-fi before, but I do have the ability to].

FelixAltor said:
If you really think the banner is on par with the others, add it at your leisure.
It is! Oh yay! I'll add it soon! =]
Well, if anyone here has questions relating to aliens/general sci-fi stuff, you could be the all powerful expert who helps shed light on the subject for us unlearned peoples. Or something. :D If you can think of anything else you'd like to do as Sci-Fi Guru, just tell me and I shall grant your wish! :P
Oh alright then. I gladly accept the offer and shall do my best to clear up any sci-fi related questions. Not really sure what else I can do but I guess I'll learn some new abilities in the future.

@Thorazine: Oooooo a shiny gastly. Me wants but it's cool I'm sure there are others out there who want them more. So thanks but it's cool.
New Side-Topic: Where is your favorite place to study/read?
I prefer to read by myself on my bed, or on the train. I don't get distracted easily so i don't mind the noise. I don't really study much.

A shiny Ghastly would be cool, if theres another you can trade i'd like one, but my WiFi isn't working now, so I shouldn't be top priority.
What is your favourite Ghost moment in the anime? Why?

When ash convinces haunter to help him out against sabrina. During the whole episode, ash is pumped and ready to go. He is flying high, but when the battle comes aroudn, haunter is nowhere to be found. Later on, ash confronts haunter, and reattempts the battle, but still to no avail. Haunter then makes sabrina laugh, freeing her from her hard shell, and winning Ash the badge.


This pertains to an earlier topic. When we discussed whether or not ghost types were actually ghosts, to be specific. I believe they are for 3 reasons: 1, They are regularly seen conversing with or acting on behalf of things which we know to be ghosts. Example: In one episode, the team travels to Maiden's Peak, and at the end of the show, gastly is shown clearly to be conversing with an established ghost.
2, They posses the qualities of ghosts (if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck etc). They are intangible at will, invisible at will, some are shown to live an immensely long time, they have been shown to posses people and pokemon, congregate in burial places, and shape shift at will.
3, It would be so awesome.

You guys are probably right though, but i can still hope.

Anyway, back to haunter. It is my favorite moment because hanter exhibits qualities of a creature not bound to this reality (i see him acting as an actual ghost would). It disregards his petty contest and does what it wants to. I like to imagine if i were in the haunter's situation that i would do the same exact thing.
Side note: I see the position of night terror is open.
I understand this would be a big leap, but that doesn't mean I can't try.

My résumé:

Group Experience: I have run a total of 3 guilds in World of Warcraft. Each totaling more than 50 members at any given time. I have run a total of 5 groups on steam for both counterstrike and team fortress. I have been an officer in dozens of guilds, groups, and clans in just as many games, enforcing rules and mediating between members.

Pokémon experience: I have been playing for more than a decade now, and have owned every pokemon game released in the United States (i still have most of them). I have completed every pokedex, both regionally and nationally. In Diamond version I had all 493 pokemon in order in my PC. Without cheating (thank god for the Wi-Fi trade system).

I would appreciate the promotion, and would love to serve the group in any way that i can. I am on from noon to midnight (usually in the background) while i study.

Also: Social group here i come!
Night Terror is more of a rank than a position, one you earn through being a faithful meber of the group :P I'll let the boss decide.
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