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Hello everyone!! I've started A Pokémon YouTube Channel!!!

  • 4
    • Seen Mar 3, 2024
    Hi everyone hope your all well ?

    I've just started my own Pokémon challenge and let's play channel I genuinely hope you can check me out I'd really appreciate it!!!

    Here's my latest Story Time Video -

    And here's my current Pokémon Challenge video -
    Hi everyone hope your all well ?

    I've just started my own Pokémon challenge and let's play channel I genuinely hope you can check me out I'd really appreciate it!!!

    Here's my latest Story Time Video -

    And here's my current Pokémon Challenge video -
    Welcome to the community sparrowsblade!
    I definitely check out your youtube channel, it seems fun^^
    And make sure to ask any questions about anything here if you're confused!
    Hello Sparrowsblade Games, and welcome to the forums!
    For your first video, I think it would suit more the Travel Journals section, where users share their experiences. For the second, you might want to post it instead in the Challenges section.
    Do you have some favourite Pokémon ?
    Thanks for the feedback really appreciate it !! I have always loved -
    [PokeCommunity.com] Hello everyone!! I've started A Pokémon YouTube Channel!!!
    Ever since I saw him animated on the TV in that episode where he got abandoned. I always had a soft spot for him !!! Sorry for the late reply we ended up getting sick recently! Hope your well?

    Welcome to the community sparrowsblade!
    I definitely check out your youtube channel, it seems fun^^
    And make sure to ask any questions about anything here if you're confused!
    Thanks a lot I really want to make a real good go of it to be honest. I love all aspects of it and would love to have a little following one day that I could interact with !! Sorry for the late reply!! I definitely will ask do t want to break any rules accidentally or anything

    Hello there, and welcome to the PC.

    Do you have any favorite Pokemon games?
    I've always loved emerald!! My best memory of that game was getting it with a GameCube and a Gameboy player and finishing it on a crt TV !! Slowly trying to build my collection back all these years later but it's an absolute fortune to get certain things back !


    What got you into Pokemon? =3
    I remember watching the animated show back in the day and dreaming of being able to do that in real life going round with my team collecting badges and making memories! The minute I got a Gameboy advance sp with emerald and leaf green I was hooked on the games I love them.

    Thanks for the question!
    I've always loved emerald!! My best memory of that game was getting it with a GameCube and a Gameboy player and finishing it on a crt TV !! Slowly trying to build my collection back all these years later but it's an absolute fortune to get certain things back !

    First of all, welcome back! Sorry to hear you were sick...

    I merged your replies together since they were all in a row, but all you need to do to respond to multiple people at once is to just click the Reply button on all the posts you want to respond to at once.

    I've heard a lot of great things about Emerald. I've been meaning to play it myself at some point, but have yet to get the time. Good luck on your game hunting!