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PSA: Blossom Shower theme is BACK ♥
  • 33,339
    It's been a while and I was really inactive last month and I feel bad about it. So here's what I've been up to.

    I started school again.
    I took a term off of school last winter and worked over the summer, but because I was kicked off my dad's drug plan for not being in school I wanted to get back to doing something so I registered for classes this September and I'm back as a full-time student. I decided while I was down that I wanted to take on a minor so now I'm aiming for an East Asian studies minor. :3 The classes I'm taking this semester are Statistucs, Logic for Computer Science, Japanese Religions, and East Asian Culture. I love all of them except Statistics and I hate my prof for Logic, though I love the TA which almost makes up for it. The two EA courses are my favourites though.

    My parents are crazy and bought another house.
    (Don't mind me, my upper middleclass is showing... ._.) My brother got accepted to the same university as me so we're both out of the house in Toronto now... and since I gained a new roommate and had to look for a new place to live, my parents kind of... ended up buying a townhouse. Since I have some medical issues, we aren't sure exactly how long it's going to take me to finish my degree and my parents didn't want me moving around all the time or having to look for a residence every term I take at school, plus once my brother is out of residence, he'll need a place to live, so they bought a house in the area. We got possession of it on September 1st and spent the first week cleaning and painting and moving in. I have the smallest room, in the basement, somehow, but I really like it. We painted it bright pink! ♥ It's also like 30 seconds from a bus route that goes right to school and a short walk from the express route through the city so I love living there.​

    I met my roommate at PC.
    That seems like such a ridiculous concept but it's true! My roommate of the last few years has been SonicThrust (Dean, who has an account here at my demand, but never uses it) and he's still around but we're also living with Aegis (Jeff) now. He used to mod Pokémon General (and a handful of other forums) and he's not around much anymore but we still met on PC which is pretty awesome. We've known each other for years and meet up a few times a year and he decided to come to university in Canada, getting into the one Dean and I go to. So now we're roommates! It's awesome and so much fun.​

    New family member!
    My pet died soon after I moved in, I think because I didn't put enough water treatment in the bowl I brought him in. So RIP Xemnas, I'm so sorry if it was my fault. ;~; He was just a betta fish but I get really attached to my fish because they're my favourite animal and I've never been allowed to have other kinds of pets, so they're all I get. :P A few days later, Jeff and I were at the mall and we ended up in the pet store and saw this ADORABLE little double-fin betta. He was so, so tiny and we fell in love and had to get him. With an empty, ready tank to put him in, there was no issue. We named him Ventus (but you can call him Ven!!!) and he's fully grown and doubled in size now but he's just as active as he was when we got him. He adores corners and spends most of his days swimming between them to make sure they're still there. We named our wifi network for him ("CornersAreAwesome"). 8D;;​

    Yay tests and tests and tests
    My health is so-so. Hasn't changed much and my insomnia is still pretty rampant... but I got into a renowned pain clinic recently and they have a bunch of tests lined up for me to possibly diagnose my issues, finally. And my regular doctor recently gave me a referral for a sleep clinic so I get to go overnight for that one and maybe I can find a way to deal with that too. So I have the sleep thing, a specific kind of ultrasound, a special MRI, and blood work on the way. On the whole, I'm pretty optimistic. Even though right now I'm at the low of my painkiller high. But we'll see how everything goes! (And apologies for my behavior the last few days... I usually try to keep myself off PC when I'm high. xD) [tmi bonus: my current diagnosis, if anyone's interested in it, is endometriosis...]​

    I think that's about it. I missed you guys! I think I'm finally getting settled into my blissful twice-a-week school career so I should be able to get on PC more regularly now. ♥
    Don't hog all those pain killers to yourself. I need something to stop my brain from hurting :( Also I bet learning about Japanese Religions will be fun.
    :( I can't share my percocet, even if it's apparently a fairly popular street drug. But you can have my stash reject drugs that never helped... like Tylenol 3, varying strengths of Advil, and so on! :P

    JP Religions is fascinating. I never had that much interest in it in the past but it's by far my favourite class now and I've never wanted to go to Japan more in my life... except this time it's to see shrines and temples rather than just Pokémon Centres. xD
    It's good to see that you're having a nice life, aside from the health problems. But I hope those disappear one day.
    Ahah, whats it like having Jeff as a roommate? I think it'd be interesting, to say the least.
    well you have to feed him three times a day and then he eats all your cookies.

    but he drinks lots of milk so i have an excused to buy bagged milk again since it all gets consumed instead of crappy carton milk. :DDD
    I bought a fish yesterday! I will probably forget about him though... he is black and I have no idea what type of fish he is, but hes in my brothers room.

    I'm not exactly crazy about the courses you are doing, but the East-Asian culture sounds heaps fun! Hopefully it will allow for lots of travel :)
    Aaaah, you're life sounds so neat. Taking a couple of my dream courses, living with roomates you met on PC, naming betta fish after Kingdom Hearts characters.. XDD

    The endometriosis thing still sucks, but at least you're managing to get back to school now. :D
    That minor sounds like it might actually kill your chances at a post-college job :(