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''how i can tell what pokemon heights differ from their normal heights''

  • 3,231
    for example, i want to know how big my nidorino from let's go eevee would be from the normal height of nidorino... i want to redo my ''all my pokemon'' drawing whenever :3

    he's 3'03'' while a normal nidorino is 2'11''

    Spoiler: let's go eevee - ni the nidorino, ri the nidorina, buzzy the beedrill & feli the persian
    kimiko & riala are normal height

    Spoiler: let's go pikachu team

    Spoiler: let's go eevee *playthrough 2* team - cheese, miao, icicle & cascade
    zane & alola are normal height

    Spoiler: legands arceus team - hyousuke, musu, ishi & sai
    chimaru & luoya are normal height

    Spoiler: let's go eevee *playthrough 3* team - arbo, kopa, ruby & kai
    sprinkle & guri are normal height


    baku is normal height

    Spoiler: legands arceus *playthrough 3* team - windie, yura & rampi
    kenki, nume & selia are normal height

    Spoiler: legands arceus *playthrough 4* team - ma & gachi
    min, emrit, yuku & azel are normal height

    Spoiler: let's go eevee *playthrough 4* team - hina, diggy, ainu, pory & oma
    chika is normal height

    but isn't there a height comparison tool in pokemon home for the switch pokemon games? if so, which one is it on? the free one or the Premium?

    *will continue on the next post :> *
    Spoiler: scarlet team - pamo, pimo, nami, butu & caife
    nya is normal height

    Spoiler: let's go pikachu *playthrough 3* team

    Spoiler: violet team - orth & marmo
    kuwa, gake, bram & fari are normal height

    Spoiler: scarlet *playthrough 2* team - umi & thra
    fue, kanu, sebie & trel are normal height

    Spoiler: legands arceus *playthrough 5* team

    Spoiler: violet *playthrough 2* team - gluton & paw
    nyaro, upah, mel & bow are normal height

    Spoiler: legands arceus *playthrough 6* team - taro, pae & bian
    beu, sal & yanmi are normal height