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[Eventing Question] How to set the start page on a map using Bootleg Firered

  • 112
    • Seen Jul 20, 2024
    It apparently doesn't have UI_SplashesAndTitleScreen script area. I thought I would just transfer player from default page but that created a lot of syntax errors or at least seems to have. I can't find the error log for this game. I know to search in Users/Appdata/ Local or Roaming but the games errordata I can't find. Script or events- how to set to the map because I want the intro etc to be have player agency and skippable.
    Bootleg Firered is made in a much older version of essentials, v16. This means much of the advice and help you'd find now for essentials don't apply to it.
    The intro is Scene_Intro, but all that script section does is plays the title screen and the splashes before it.
    The save file is in the Saved Games folder, which is either in your user folder (C:\Users\cloa513\Saved Games), or in your Documents folder (C:\Users\cloa513\Documents\Saved Games). I've seen it in both places on different computers, it depends on your Windows version I believe.

    If you want to change the starting area or the intro, you'd need to adjust the events on the Intro map. That hasn't changed (make sure that you have the starting tile there, as well as the intro event set to Autorun).
    It fails with cannot convert Fixnum into String. What in events is a Fixednum? It is still basically only using the code from the Start menu just in branch.
    Fixnum is an integer, so like 5 or 48 or 7467. Numbers without a part after the decimal point (those are Floats).

    You'd get better help if you showed the event and the full error message though.
    Fixnum is an integer, so like 5 or 48 or 7467. Numbers without a part after the decimal point (those are Floats).

    You'd get better help if you showed the event and the full error message though.
    Message: cannot convert Fixnum into String
    PField_Field:1411:in `+'
    PField_Field:1411:in `pbGetPlayerCharset'
    PField_Field:1427:in `pbUpdateVehicle'
    PField_Field:1438:in `pbCancelVehicles'
    Scene_Map:231:in `transfer_player'
    Scene_Map:110:in `update'
    Scene_Map:101:in `loop'
    Scene_Map:114:in `update'
    Scene_Map:68:in `main'
    Scene_Map:65:in `loop'
    Error log
    Can you post the bottom part of the intro event? The part where you set up the player? You need to set up the player with pbChangePlayer(0) and pbTrainerName before you move them around.
    The real intro event - you mean. In the intro event, the player is just an event image. [PokeCommunity.com] How to set the start page on a map using Bootleg Firered
    Can you post the bottom part of the intro event? The part where you set up the player? You need to set up the player with pbChangePlayer(0) and pbTrainerName before you move them around.
    Even though I don't need a player sprite at that point, it seems the game need phChangePlayer(0) to change maps. Also the game sometimes crashes when pressing escape (to enter the menu) after entering the game's initial story map. How to get around that?
    The real intro event - you mean. In the intro event, the player is just an event image. View attachment 157860

    Even though I don't need a player sprite at that point, it seems the game need phChangePlayer(0) to change maps. Also the game sometimes crashes when pressing escape (to enter the menu) after entering the game's initial story map. How to get around that?
    you need both of those method calls i mentioned to keep the game from crashing.