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I bought a Nintendo Switch today!


mrs. van mccann
  • 324

    today has been a good day~​

    Started the day at 5:30am, I do love it when my alarm wakes me up -_- luckily I got a Google Nest recently and figured out how to have my favourite radio station (Triple J represeeeent) wake me up, so it's actually not that bad despite how sarcastic my statement may have read. After procrastinating in bed for half an hour I was up and atom, made my breakfast and hopped in the car to go to work! Big 40 minute commute later and I was there, the only person in the office, and ready to start the day. The factory workers all got in at 7, and it was time to go!

    Now, I was a bit miffed that a few of the factory workers decided to make fun of my hair today. I dyed it bright orange recently, and they kept calling me "Chinese Tenille" all day, saying that I look like "an Asian who wants to be Australian"... I AM Australian! I may look a bit Japanese (not Chinese) but it was still a bit mean. Spirits perked up quickly when I saw that EBGames had an Animal Crossing edition of the Nintendo Switch in, so I made a mental note to buy it after work because PAYDAY and I've been wanting to buy one for Legends: Arceus anyway.

    10am rolled by quick enough and I punished an Up And Go, yummy protein and awakeness, and carried on with my paperwork. I can't lie I may have also been watching YouTube videos and talking in the PC Discord, but I was still working! Rather uneventful until 1pm, lunch time baybee, and I'd ordered a chicken ceasar burger and some chips and a Redbull from the shop across the road from the factory. 10/10 lunch did not disappoint.

    3:30pm came before I knew what hit me, and I began the slog back home to shower and sort my house (and life) out before I went to the shops. Did absolutely nothing after my shower, just sat in front of my fan letting the cool b r e e z e hit me and listening to some dope songs on YouTube, but then I remembered that I had to eat food and didn't want to be out at the shops too late, so I threw some clothes on and drove the 35 mins to the shopping center. Forgot to do my make-up or hair, looked like a troll, decided to just buy some manga from shopping center A and drive to shopping center B, which is about 5 minutes from my house. Mum sent me a $50 voucher for the book shop I was at, so I got Vol 2. of Tokyo Ghoul and Pokemon Adventures and Vol. 1 of Platinum End, with $1 left to spare (rubbish bookmarks tho so I just forfeited the large sum of 1 dollar to the cashier). I then bought sushi (inside-out roll box was yum) and a water and proceeded to my vehicle.

    Shopping center #2 is where it all went down. I was full off sushi and hyped for a Switch. Beeline to EBGames, got the special edition Animal Crossing Switch, a screen protector and a 3 pack of Pokemon TCG booster cards, then went and bought some incense and an incense holder, and finally got myself a lightbulb that can change colour and whatnot. Very successful haul! Drove home, quickly made and ate some dinner (turkey mince and kale, yum, leftovers for tomorrow) instead of ordering a pizza like the lazy gal I am, then set the Switch up! I preordered Legends: Arceus (which I can play in probably 25 mins of publishing this blog post!) and Shining Pearl, as well as installing Animal Crossing, New Super Smash Bros U Deluxe and Let's Go Eevee (was a toss-up between this, or Hollow Knight), and that brings us to now, where I am patiently waiting for my games to install. My body is going to hate me tomorrow when I've only had 3-4 hours sleep, but it'll be so worth it.

    I think tomorrow I'm going to go for a skate, I finish work at 2pm (an hour and a half early!) but have to start an hour earlier at 6am. Still, can walk my dog down to the park and have a bit of a mess around on the board. Been a while since I've had a good skate session. But other than that, I'll be spending all weekend eating pizza and playing Legends/Shining Pearl! I also am visiting my mum and dad on Saturday, having a ginger beer and Matrix night, Mum has ordered the new Matrix movie on Foxtel! Dad has also hinted that they are buying Chinese food for the night, which helps me a lot because all of my money will be gone on Friday night pizza.

    Checking out now, this has been tenfrogs, your local amphibian conglomerate, wishing you a good day/evening/night!​
    Ivysaur;bt108212 said:
    Bad: Casual racism
    Neutral: Looking like a troll
    Good: Yay videogames

    "Casual" -_____-

    They aren't the most well mannered lot in the factory, but they generally mean well. Gonna try and strong arm one of them into buying me my lunch tomorrow because poor now lol. And maybe more gremlin than troll, I'm not tall enough to be a troll 😂

    But yay videogames and manga and incense and glowy colourful lightbulb!