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[PKMN FULL] (IC) Crossroads ; A Johto Story - ACT I

[PokeCommunity.com] (IC) Crossroads ; A Johto Story - ACT I
[PokeCommunity.com] (IC) Crossroads ; A Johto Story - ACT I
[PokeCommunity.com] (IC) Crossroads ; A Johto Story - ACT I

chapter 2 : Route 31

For having been one of the last trainers to enter the pokémon center last night, Aberdeen woke up at an ungodly hour. The sun was just up and the cafeteria downstairs was just starting to brew some coffee. The 14 year old boy waited rather impatiently for a hot cup to be served to him while he ate some breakfast in the still rather empty area. As he chugged the black liquid gold down, he bought some cans of food that was more suitable for pokémon wanting to grow healthy and strong than Ab's lunch sandwiches. It was also a lot more economically sustainable, even though he now had quite a lot of cash packed in his bag.

Leaving the pokémon center and walking west felt amazing. The morning sun on the back of his head, glimmering fields with flowers, corn and wheat in front of him. He hadn't felt this refreshed in a long time. His pokémon were soon let out of their pokéballs, so that they could experience the fresh morning as well.

But someone else thought it was a bad idea.

"Hey, would you calm down?" someone hissed to Aberdeen from the ditch beside the road all of a sudden, making the boy leap up in surprise. "The way you and your clumsy pokémon are bounding up and down is chasing away the morning bugs!"

"Sorry," Ab muttered, and looked closer. There was a middle aged woman with brown hair in a pony tail sitting there, staring into the field next to them, as if she was intently searching for a glimpse of something. In her hands she held two odd pokéballs, it looked like they were decorated with a net pattern.

"So, what are you doing?" Ab asked and sat down beside her, trying to sound friendly.

The woman looked back at him as if he was stupid. "Catching morning bugs!"

"And what are those?"

"Bugs that are most active in the morning!"

"Such as?"

"Would you- oh!"

She flung a hand over his chest as to make him stay down. As he looked up, he saw a lone butterfly flutter up from the field, just a few meters away. Although its silhouette was blackened in Ab's eyes from the sun being behind it, he could spot that it was pink and had big, glittering eyes.

[PokeCommunity.com] (IC) Crossroads ; A Johto Story - ACT I

"Cute..." Ab mumbled interestingly and let his pokédex take its reading. The patterns on this Pokémon's wings depend on the climate and topography of its habitat. It scatters colorful scales.

"Don't you dare," the woman whispered. Then she threw one of the pokéballs up into the air. "Taillow, Quick Attack!"

A blue and red little bird erupted from the pokéball and shot towards the bug, hitting it before it even saw it coming.

"Sort of unfair, no?" Ab said, raising an eyebrow.

"It's called strategy, you should learn it," the woman snapped while Vivillon flapped its wings harder and sprayed some kind of power towards the bird. "Taillow, fly up!"

Taillow avoided the powder and swiftly took position above the butterfly. "Now, Peck!"

Vivillon wasn't at all as quick as Taillow, and was hurt hard by the pecks from the beak above. It began to lose altitude.

"Now," the woman said in low tone, smiling. "Netball, go!" She threw the blue ball and hit the Vivillon skillfully in midair. Taillow zoomed down to pick the ball up from the field and return it to its trainer.

"Whoa, that was pretty cool! You're a good trainer, aren't you?" Aberdeen said, clapping his hands in praise.

"Shut up!" the woman said angrily, making Ab's smile falter. "You're still an annoying kid who scares away bugs! I am a bug catcher and I know how to catch pokémon in smart ways. You know nothing, obviously."

"That's harsh," Ab said, scratching his cheek. "I know some things. I'm a trainer too."

"A nooby one. Go home before you get into trouble," the bug catcher said, putting her new pokéball in a pouch on her belt before making Taillow sit on her shoulder.

Aberdeen wouldn't mope. He wasn't the one to mope; after Anabel's death he had done enough of that for a lifetime. Nowadays, he took risks and was a fool. On purpose.

"You're not really a good bug trainer either," he said, arms crossed, as the woman began walking away with her back to him. "If you need a Flying type to capture them. That's cheating."

The bug catcher stopped. Taillow stared with narrowing eyes back at the boy. "Say that again if you dare, ****."

"You're a fake. Fake!" Aberdeen cried, spurred on by adrenaline from wondering what would happen next. Would they battle it out?

"I'll have to teach you a lesson." The bug catcher turned around while picking up her recently used pokéball again. She let Vivillon out, quickly pet it to calm it down, and sprayed it with a Potion from her bag.

Meanwhile, Aberdeen's hand came to rest on the three occupied pokéballs on his belt. He had a team. He could fight. They would battle it out.

((OOC: will be continued shortly, in the same post unless someone posted in between that.))
[PokeCommunity.com] (IC) Crossroads ; A Johto Story - ACT I
Christina Langley & Melody Hughes – Route 30 Center
Chapter 2: Breakfast with company

Christina yawned, rubbing the last bit of sleep out of her eyes before raising the glass of juice in front of her to her lips to take a little sip of it. She and Sindy were currently seated in a little area of the center with a couple chairs and tables, where you could either eat food you had brought with you, or a light breakfast the center offered the travelling trainers. Chris' was in the middle of a few slices of buttered bread, and Sindy was sitting next to the table, happily nibbling away on some dry-food for Pokémon, which she was absolutely in love with.

Looking to her companion, Christina gave the Cyndaquil a smile, lifting her gloved hand to gently scritch the Cyndaquil at the neck-area. "Don't eat too much, or you're going to get tired. It's still a pretty long way to Violet and we need to keep up a good pace." The Cyndaquil raised her head a little, squinting, as usual, up at the girl before nodding lightly, taking in her words, before going back to her breakfast.

Morning for Melody had come a bit earlier than the trainer would have liked. After her battle with the boy and his Ledyba, the lack of sleep from the night before she started her journey had finally started rear its ugly head. Since it had been a rather busy and eventful day, Melody decided that stopping her journey for that day at the Pokemon Center was probably for the best. Thankfully, this was one of the branches that had a place for trainers to rest with some small bedrooms... and thankfully this time Melody did not have any issues falling asleep.

"Now I think it's time that both of us grabbed something to eat this morning. Wha'cha think about that, Blossom?" Melody asked with a yawn, glancing down at the small Chikorita that was bouncing along happily behind her. The Chikorita let out a rather loud, happy chirp in agreement for her size, causing Melody to giggle at the sight. "Well, I guess one of us is a morning person."

Turning the corner to where the center set up a small area for trainers and their Pokemon to eat, Melody's eyes widened as she suddenly stopped dead in her tracks. Blossom seemed to have almost the exact same reaction. The little Chikorita looked at the scene before them, before suddenly letting out another excited chirp and bounding forward. Blossom made a straight beeline towards Sindy, almost running into the Cyndaquil before she managed to stop and chirped happily again.

"Oh my Gawd, Chrissy!" Melody shouted, rather loudly at that for someone being inside a Pokemon Center. The short girl quickly bounded her way towards the redheaded trainer, relief and joy gracing her facial features to see that Christina had managed to make it out of the Spinarak and Ariados chase alive and okay. "I was so worried about you! Are you okay? You didn't get injected with spider venom or stuck in another web or anything did you? What about Blaine, did he and Derpy make it out okay?!"

As Melody and Blossom made it into the room and called out for the two, both Christina and Sindy raised their heads, almost in unison. Sindy looked overjoyed to see Blossom again, abandoning her food, if only temporarily as she ran over to meet her friend with a loud squeak, jumping a little on the spot in front of the Chikorita.

Chris', likewise, looked stunned to see Melody again, a bright smile quickly spreading on her lips as she stood up to meet the girl. "Melody, hey! I'm so glad to see you as well. I'm fine, yeah!" She paused, raising a hand to rub the back of her neck a little. "... I don't know where Blaine and Derpy went, but... Derpy's pretty strong from the look of things, so I'm sure they're fine."

She quickly abandoned the worried expression and instead looked up, smiling brightly at Melody, clapping her hands together. "But you made it here! That's great! Come on, sit down, have some breakfast with us. We were going to head out soon, but I think I can put it off for a bit to chat a little with you." The red-haired girl gave a little grin before nodding at the chair opposite the table while taking a seat again. Sindy meanwhile squeaked something out to Blossom and waddled on over to the foodbowl again, inviting her for a bite of food as well.

Melody nodded, a broad smile gracing her features as she went to fix herself some breakfast. The girl was delighted to see that the Pokemon Center had her absolute favoirte brand of cereal, Frosted Pika-Oh's. Pouring herself a bowl of the ceral, Melody followed it up by adding milk and then cutting up one of the bananas that were offered, before taking a seat to join Christina. Meanwhile, Blossom accepted Sindy's offer to join her. The Chikorita was happily nibbling away along side her friend, squeaking and chirping as she ate in what could only be assumed as the two having a conversation.

Melody smiled as she watched the two, before turning her attention to Christina. "So, what have you been up to? Our departure from each other was sort of sudden, yeah?"

"Heh, yeah, it kind of was." Christina replied, snickering a little as she raised a slice of bread to take a little bite out of it. She then proceeded to tell Melody about her newest capture, making sure to emphasize that she was -not- planning on making the Spinarak a permanent part of her team.

"Oh, speaking of which! I never got to ask you, have you caught any Pokémon on your trip so far?" Chris' suddenly asked, a look of curiosity moving over her expression as she brushed a strand of red hair behind her left ear, her right eye seemingly purposefully somewhat hidden behind her locks.

Melody felt a small blush rise to her cheeks at the question. Slowly, the shorter, brown-haired girl looked away from Christina, absentmindedly stirring her spoon around her cereal bowl. A small, weak sounding giggle escaped her lips as she slowly looked back up at her red-haired friend.

"Um... Well, truth is... N-Not exactly..." Melody finally answered. She glanced down at Blossom, the Chikorita seemingly unaware of the conversation the two girls were having as she continued to eat breakfast with Christina's Cyndaquil. "Blossom's still kinda all I have. I mean, we ran into a few wild Pokemon when we left Cherrygrove, but... She ended up fainting the few we ran into... then the whole Spinarak thing happened... and then we battled a trainer and his Ledyba, so... Um... No."

"Awh, you fought a trainer?" Chris' replied, her brows raising. "I haven't found one to fight yet. I fought a bunch of wild Pokémon, but Sindy's pretty strong." She glanced down at the two Pokémon on the floor, who were happily murmuring away with one another while eating and Chris' had the distinct feeling they were talking about their trainers. Shaking her head a little, she looked back up at Melody. "Myself, I caught that... spider-thing, and earlier, we had a really tough fight with a... Buizel, I think it was, and I caught it. But... it seemed a bit... rough. I don't think I'll be keeping it on my team. I might just let it go." She raised a hand to tug a little at the scarf around her neck before reaching down into her bag sitting on the floor besides her, to pull out her Pokédex, opening the page for Buizel, which she then showed to Melody. "There it is. It attacked with some kind of... blast of air, but it's definitely a water type."

"Ooooh..." Melody replied, her mouth unfortunately full of crucnched up banana and cereal at the time. Swallowing what was inside, the girl nodded at her friend and smiled. "I dunno, Chrissy. A water type sounds like it'd be a good balance to a fire one, you know? Plus, I bet he's probably a pretty speedy and durable guy!"

Snickering a little at her friend's ignoring of general manners, Christina shrugged a little. "Yeah, I guess so, but... I just don't want a Pokémon on our team that doesn't really... fit, you know? Besides, it's... well, I dunno." She shrugged, raising a hand to rub the back of her neck, looking off to the side with a distinct look of uncomfort in her expression. "... I still think I'll let him go."

"Can... I see him?" Melody asked. "I haven't even seen one yet... You know, just out of curiosity?"

"Huh? Oh, uhm... yeah, I suppose so." Chris' reached into her bag and pulled out the Buizel's Pokéball. Aside from healing him up and made sure it got fed, she hadn't really... done anything with him, so she was unsure of what was going to happen. Looking thoughtful for a moment longer, she aimed the ball at the floor besides the table, opposite of the two chattering 'mons, she opened the ball, sending out a beam of light, which quickly formed into the Buizel, blinking his eyes a little as he was finally out of the ball.

Melody glanced down at the otter-like Pokemon. She could not help, but smile as she watched Blossom glance up from the bowl she was sharing with Sindy, giving the Buizel a curious glance as she let out a curious sounding chirp to follow. Slowly, the Chikorita made her way over towards Buizel, before walking around him as if she was inspecting him for some sort of defect or something of the like. Following the Chikorita, Sindy made her way over to the Buizel as well, though she let her friend inspect this new Pokémon, staying a little over to the side.

"Does he have a name?" Melody asked, still staring and smiling at the Buizel.

"Oh, uhm... no, he doesn't. I mean, I haven't given him one, at least." Chris' replied, watching the two 'mon moving closer to the Buizel. The otter glanced up at Chris' and narrowed his eyes, letting out a little snort before turning his gaze to Sindy. A small amount of time went by before he gave a respectful, if reluctant little nod, as if acknowledging her fighting abilities, which only made Sindy squirm a little around on the spot embarrassedly. He looked surprised as Blossom began circling around him, his tails giving an agitated little flick, though instead of initiating anything, he simply folded his arms across his chest, unimpressed and uninterested in the Chikorita.

Christina looked back up at Melody, sending her a small smile. "What do you think we should name him?"

Melody looked thoughtful as she watched the Buizel's interactions with the two Pokemon. The Chikorita let out a small chirp of annoyance at the Buizel, one that reminded the girl of when her Chikorita had first met Sindy. Blossom jumped in place real quick, letting out another series of annoyed chirps before glancing away with a proud smirk on her mouth. The little leaf on her head spun around, as if it was hair she was swinging around in the process. Suddenly, Melody's eyes lit up.

"I know, let's call him Napoleon!" she exclaimed, with no real reason behind the name at all.

"Napoleon? Hmh..." Chris' mused as she looked back down at the Pokémon again. After Blossom's little tirade, the Buizel got an annoyed look on his face, tails raising up as if about to attack Blossom, but Sindy quickly moved in between them, raising up on her hind legs while squeaking out desperately to the Buizel, trying to be as diplomatic as possible. The otter gave the Chikorita another little glare, but lowered his tails while huffing again.

"... You know, I think that could work." Chris' said, smiling to Melody, before her smile was replaced with a thoughtful look. "Though it's a bit of a shame to name him, only for me to just let him go." Pausing for a moment, her eyes slowly moved up to Melody, Chris' lips twitching into a wry smile. "Say, since you don't have any other Pokémon with you... would you like to bring along Napoleon? He's -really- tough, I can tell you that for a fact."

Melody's eyes widened at the question. She slowly glanced away from the Buizel, staring at Christina as if she had just shot fireworks out of her fingertips or something of the sort. The smaller of the two girls bit her lip, seeming somewhat hesitant to reply.

"W-Well... I mean, I couldn't possibly... I mean, it'd be really cool, but..." she stammered, not sure of just how to reply.

Christina shook her head, smiling warmly. "No no, it'd be perfect! I mean, I would just go ahead and release him, but if you accept it, you'll both get a tough team-mate and... well, we'd prove to the world that we're friends, right?" The red-haired girl smiled brightly as she picked up a piece of toast and gave it a little bite. "But, you know, it's not like you have to accept him if you don't want him."

Melody nodded her head. "Yes, yes!" she exclaimed. Another blush climbed up to her cheeks, she noticed that several trainers at this point were looking at the two girls and their Pokemon, causing her to glance back down at the Buizel and smile softly. "I mean... I would like that... Friends and stuff."

Sindy lowered herself down onto all four again as the Buizel was pacified, letting out a little sigh as she stepped back again, moving over to the little bowl of food the two had been sharing, where she picked up a few bites, walking over to offer them to the newly named Napoleon. He glanced down at the Cyndaquil, looking just about ready to turn away and huff, but instead sat down and took the food in his arms, giving a solemn nod to Sindy as he started eating.

Smiling warmly once more, Chris' nodded, the excitement clear in her eyes. She really wanted to help out Melody, she didn't want to just leave Napoleon to his own devices in the wild after going through the trouble of capturing him, and finally, she was starting to like Melody more and more and was thrilled at the idea of having a friend out on the road with her, even if they wouldn't be travelling together all the time. "Mmmh. Friends." She nodded, looking down at the Pokéball in her grasp before extending it to Melody, holding it in her palm. "Here you go, then. From one friend, to another. Take good care of him, yeah?"

"Of course!" Melody said with delight evident in her voice. She took the Pokeball from Christina's hand, holding it close as if it was the most important thing she had ever received. Thanking Christina, she smiled down at Napoleon and Blossom. The Chikorita was not oblivious to this, her eyes watching Melody carefully. "Guess what, Blossom? We have a new friend that's gonna be going with us! Welcome to the team, Napoleon!"

Blossom's eyes widened at this. A small, worried chirp escaped her mouth as she glanced over at the Buizel, before shaking her head and jumping up and down furiously. Sindy raised one of her little arms to scratch the back of her head and you could almost see the sweatdrop moving down her head. After a moment, she waddled over to Blossom, squeaking out softly while waving her little arms around, trying to calm down the Chikorita and reassure her that Napoleon, who was blatantly ignoring all of them in favor of his food, wasn't such a bad guy.

Blossom sighed, slowly lowering her head in defeat. It did not take long for the little Chikorita to realize that her trainer was not going to be changing her mind about the Buizel coming with them, despite how fact she pleaded against it. Blossom slowly looked back over at Napoleon, letting out a small, sigh-like chirp. Melody returned her attention to Christina, smiling as she took another bite of her cereal.

"So... What do you have planned after this? Still heading for Violet City, right? We should totally get each other's Pokegear numbers so we can keep in contact with each other, right?" she inquired. Not even waiting for the red-haired girl to reply, Melody reached into her backpack. After a few seconds of digging about, the shorter girl pulled out her phone and flipped it open, smiling warmly at her friend. "What's your number, Chrissy?"

"Oh, it's, uhm... 2-3-3-6-8-7." She replied after a moment of thought, smiling as she took a bite of her bread, afterwards placing it down while quickly reaching into the right pocket of her shorts, pulling out her flip-phone-like gear, which she opened, swallowing down the bite of breakfast. "What's yours? Oh, and, yeah, still heading for Violet! We'll probably be taking seperate paths there, but that'll give us that much more to chat about next time we meet!"

"Mine is 3-4-9-0-2-6," Melody replied to Christina after entering the redhead's number. Listening to her speak about her plans, a small, thoughtful look entered Melody's eyes. Messing with her phone, she flipped it sideways and opened up the map application. "Hmm... You're right. It looks like there's a fork in the road just ahead, both lead to Violet City though."

Chris' nodded and gave a bright smile, putting away her phone after having put in Melody's number. "Well, in that case, let's each take a different road. I'm already excited to hear what kind of adventure you got up to on your path!" Raising her arms, she stretched out and let out another yawn, rolling her head on her shoulder. "Mmh... anyways, I think it's about time Sindy and I get on the road. It was great seeing you again though!"

"Oh, yeah! It was... And thanks again for Napoleon. I promise, I'll take real good care of him," Melody replied. She glanced down at the Buizel as she spoke, who seemed to glance back up at her in the process. A rather neutral expression was on the Buizel's face. He was clearly not too sure just yet what to think of his new trainer. Smiling back up at Christina, Melody gave her a small nod. "Take care out there, okay Chrissy?"

The red-headed girl nodded with a warm smile as she picked up her bag and slung it over her shoulder, getting out of her seat. "Definitely. And you too! Can't wait to meet with you again!" Giving a bright grin at her friend, she looked down at the Cyndaquil and gave her a little wave. "Come on Sindy, let's get going! We've got lots to explore today!" The little Cyndaquil looked up at her trainer, then turned to Blossom and Napoleon, raising one of her paws to give a little wave, along with a squeak, waddling after Christina, whom gave Melody another wave before heading out of the center.

Heh, I hope Melody knows what she's getting into with Napoleon. Picking out her pokégear from her pocket, she opened it and looked at her 'Contacts'. Aside from her mother, father and brother, she now had Melody in there. Just the fact that her new friend's name was in her gear made her steps along the sun-beaten road all the more uplifting. Finally, she closed the gear, tucked it back into her pocket and smiled brightly down at Sindy. "Ready for second part of our adventure, girl?" The Cyndaquil responded with a cheerful squeak and did a little jump, causing Chris' to giggle. "That's what I like to hear!"

Current Team:
[PokeCommunity.com] (IC) Crossroads ; A Johto Story - ACT I
[PokeCommunity.com] (IC) Crossroads ; A Johto Story - ACT I
[PokeCommunity.com] (IC) Crossroads ; A Johto Story - ACT I
[PokeCommunity.com] (IC) Crossroads ; A Johto Story - ACT I
[PokeCommunity.com] (IC) Crossroads ; A Johto Story - ACT I
[PokeCommunity.com] (IC) Crossroads ; A Johto Story - ACT I

[PokeCommunity.com] (IC) Crossroads ; A Johto Story - ACT I
[PokeCommunity.com] (IC) Crossroads ; A Johto Story - ACT I
[PokeCommunity.com] (IC) Crossroads ; A Johto Story - ACT I
fter a morning of stocking up on rations for the journey ahead, such as potions and food, Nate headed out towards Route 31. He allowed Fang-Lin and Poliwag out of their Pokeballs as he walked.

The sun had risen halfway towards the middle of the sky, meaning that it was about ten in the morning. As he walked West of the Pokemon Center, Nate took a look back towards the East. He noticed the caution tape around the large mouth of a cave. This was probably Dark Cave, which has been closed off some time ago.

Nate didn't know the reason for it being closed, but he was happy that his journey didn't have to include the cavern. It was a known home to Dunsparce, a Pokemon that Nate despised.

The yellow snake Pokemon were known to be either annoying or super skittish. Their abilities gave them heightened ability to paralyze opponents, but they might just run away from a fight. Other than that, Nate was always weirded out by the Pokemon's ugly yellow color and ever-squinting eyes. He shuddered just thinking about them.

However, as Nate looked ahead, he realized how much of the route was actually covered in farmland. He thought that it would only be one, small farm, but the fields and flowers actually encompassed most of the route. The road ahead had an upward incline, so Nate could see a good amount of it.

As he walked through a field of flowers, Nate almost didn't notice the group of Pokemon playing amongst the natural garden.

"Yip!" A young Lillipup was sitting by, watching his friends play-fight, and Nate almost stepped on him because he was so small. He ran away from Nate towards the group of Lillipup and Bellsprout about ten feet away. A bold Bellsprout and the largest of the Lillipup immediately saw the trainer and other Pokemon as threats and took an offensive stance.

As the Bellsprout shot out a Vine Whip to strike Fang-Lin, Nate responded instantly. "Respond with Ember!" he called to Fang-Lin.

The Fennekin shot out some small flames at the incoming vine before it could hit, discouraging it from coming farther. The Lillipup followed up by using Tackle against the Fire Pokemon.

Nate couldn't respond before the attack landed, but he ordered up a Bubble from Poliwag. The Lillipup couldn't easily handle the onslaught and tripped over the wave of bubbles. After another order from his trainer, Fang-Lin scared off the puppy Pokemon with a Scratch. However, the Bellsprout was not so easily dismayed, preparing for the next attack with Growth.

"Bubble!" Nate called and followed up with calling Fang-Lin to strike with Thief.

Poliwag and Fang-Lin followed orders well, but they couldn't land both attacks without Bellsprout landing a Vine Whip on Fang-Lin first. It was a weak hit, even with the boost from Growth; simply because of Fang-Lin's resistance to Grass attacks.

Taking both hits, the Bellsprout fell over and couldn't easily get back up. Nate prepared to send another order, but before he said anything, he noticed the other Pokemon watching. Although one of the Lillipup was watching excitedly, the rest of them looked scared, fearing for their friend. Nate shook his head and hesitantly called back his two Pokemon.

He walked carefully to the young flower Pokemon while pulling out a potion. It was still defensive and tried to strike Nate with Vine Whip, though it was only strong enough to just wrap its vines around Nate's wrist. The trainer didn't resist in hopes that the wild Pokemon would stop attacking.

The Bellsprout seemed to get the message and released the tension of its attack. Nate bent down and carefully sprayed the potion on it, then gestured for it to rejoin its friends as it healed.

As Nate stood back up, the group of young Pokemon looked up to him, then to each other, then took off deeper into the farmland. Nate shook his head with a smirk and gestured for Poliwag and Fang-Lin to follow as he continued on.

Poliwag kept a few feet in front of Nate and Fang-Lin as the team moved on. She liked to be in the lead, even though she didn't know where they were going. Every once in a while, she'd look back to Nate to check that he was following, but otherwise, she skipped along joyfully. Fang-Lin shot a curious gaze her way every once in a while.

Nate wanted to investigate the farmhouse up ahead. First, though, he wanted to check out the barn. He turned off of the path he was following to enter wooden-fenced property. Poliwag took a moment to realize the change in course, but she quickly caught up with Nate again and regained her lead.

The team entered the large red-brown barn through the open doorway, the towering doors left open by the farmer, who was working some distance away. The interior of the building was well-lit by the multiple windows and open doorway. The barn was mostly filled with hay and drying crops, as well as some farming tools. Oddly, the left side of the barn had a lot of hay and crops scattered around under one of the large windows. Some Lillipup and a Herdier were inside as well, feeding from metal bowls at the front of the barn. They paid no attention, except for a single Lillipup that shot Nate a curious look before deciding that its food was more important. A Gogoat was laying in a stall, both the Pokemon and its shelter showing signs of age. It paid no attention to the intrusion either.

Nate looked around the building, trying to find something that might peak his interest. However, there was nothing of interest inside, other than the crops, maybe, but Nate had no interest in them.

While he walked by a bale of hay, he heard a rustling sound from behind it. Thinking that it was just another Lillipup, he ignored it, but the rustling was soon accompanied by a short, odd cry. It sounded like a strange grumble. Nate investigated, finding two pink eggs nestled in the hay. He continued to search the area, then was about to give up when one of the eggs fell over.

The egg quickly jumped upright, then faces were revealed on each of them. One showed a look of determination while the other seemed frightened. "Exeggcute!" they cried lightly.

Nate pulled out his Pokedex, assuming that this was a Pokemon. "The heads attract each other and spin around. There must be 6 heads for it to maintain balance." the machine read out."

"Where are the other four?" Nate asked the two eggs. The third of an Exeggcute shivered in response, unable to answer.

Nate shook his head. "I'll take you with me; maybe we'll find the rest of you." He picked up the Pokemon, which gave little protest. He placed the eggs in the large secondary pockets of his cargo pants.

Done with any hope of picking up something else that interested him here, Nate led his Pokemon out of the barn towards the farmhouse. The one-level building only had a screen door for an entrance, which was left open. Nate put Poliwag into her Pokeball as he and Fang-Lin entered stealthily.

Nate found some feathers scattered around the first room. He picked up a couple, admiring their sheen. They were all a light gray color, but one of them had a light blue spot at its base. Beyond the first room was a kitchen, and on the counter top sat a basket filled with berries of all kinds. Nate took a few minutes to look them over and grab one of each. He picked up berries of Oran, Pecha, Rawst, Cheri, and Persim.

As he placed the berries in his bag, there was suddenly a loud barking increasing rapidly from afar. The yapping was soon followed by the stern words of an older man.

"Come for my crops, eh? Well ya can't have any ya creep! Get out o' my home!" shouted the farmer as he entered the doorway with a barking Herdier at his heels and a Taillow on his shoulder.
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Blaine - Route 31​

Luckily Blaine had managed to catch up to his runaway mon and at least the run had burned out the Totodile's energy. For now Derpy just was calmly walking next to Blaine as the boy struggled to figure out this strange mon. So… Derpy wanted to be in control in a way… but also would let him give out commands during battle and not attempt to take initiative. He was very happy, but if Blaine did anything wrong then he could get moody or just look at him with some evil eyes. Just what as up with this mon and why was he like this? Blaine supposed he would never figure those questions out, but still, they kept bugging his mind and wouldn't go away. He would have to find a distraction of some sort, something like a battle. Only problem was that there were no farms out on this part of the route. He supposed the only thing that could be done was to find a wild pokemon and have Derpy battle against it. If anything he would need to catch some more, that was what trainers did right? Yet at the same time he didn't know if any other mon he would catch would be like Derpy… maybe even WORSE than Derpy. That caused a shiver to be sent down his spine. Well, Derpy did seem to be a one of a kind after all, so he would try and catch one and if that one was like Derpy he could just let it go and be on his way right?

He rubbed the back of his neck and frowned and looked down, "So… uh Derpy, do you mind if you get a teammate?" The Totodile glanced up with a curious gurgle and cocked his head. "Well… I mean we'll need help and stuff on the road, at least that's what I hear about. Trainers always catch other pokemon and all to help out."

The Totodile continued to stare up with that derpy smile and then glanced down at the ground. "Toootoooo…" He gurgled out. Blaine wasn't sure really how to interpret that, so he figured the water type was okay with the idea. Now the question was on who to find? Who really could help out his team? He wanted to find something that was… strong. Something that could be relied on and also, possibly, help keep Derpy in check. That was his main goal now that he thought about it, find a mon to balance Derpy out. That wouldn't be too hard right?

Blaine slowed down a bit as he began to scan around for moving patches of dirt or such. Anything could be hiding among the grass and if there was a potentially strong mon here, he didn't want to pass it up. Hopefully now that they were away from the farms and in basic grassland there would be more pokemon around. He soon got his wish as he saw a path of grass moving about and could see a flowing being moved about, no doubt probably being eaten by a pokemon or such.

"Alright Derpy! There's a mon over there! Go and sent out a Water Gun!"

The Totodile let out a happy gurgle and gathered some water in his mouth. He threw it out near the flower and actually scored a hit near where the mon should be. But surprisingly the flower turned around and Blaine could see a pair of eyes on the yellow face. "Bell?" The plant asked as it stared at its attacker. Suddenly a vine shot out and smacked into Derpy causing the Totodile to fall onto its back.

The plant grinned and withdrew its vine. Derpy was quick to get back up and and glared at the plant while Blaine pulled out his pokedex and scanned the entry that appeared. "Bellsprout… even though its body is extremely skinny, it is blindingly fast when catching its prey… Hm, I guess it's fast then." He put his dex back down and nodded at Derpy, "Uh… I know some stuff… water is weak to grass so I guess go in with a scratch?"

The Totodile jabbered and ran right at the plant, pulling his hand back and letting his claws rake across the grass type's yellow face. The Bellsprout cried out again and its body began to glow. In seconds its body began to grow in size. "Hit it again Derpy!" The Totodile jabbered and once more struck with some claw strikes at its yellow face. The Bellsprout cried out again and once more a brown vine whipped out and hit into Derpy's side. The Totodile staggered back and opened his mouth wide to bite into that vine. While the bite wasn't as powerful as a true Bite attack the Bellsprout still squirmed in pain. Derpy let go and stepped back a bit, panting from the powerful hits and Blaine took the clue. He grabbed a potion from his bag and quickly sprayed it over the water type, "Try to be careful." He cautioned his mon who only let out a jabber of words at him.

The grass type let its vine wave about in the air to try and intimidate the water type as its body glowed and began to grow once more. The Totodile angrily gurgled and began to rake it's claws around, managing to scratch at the waving vine. The Bellsprout in turn hit the Totodile once more with his vine and got him close yet again to a exhausted state. The Bellsprout likewise was looking weary but Derpy had the last laugh. He managed to hit the Bellsprout with one last rake of his claws and the plant went down. Derpy didn't gurgle happily this time, instead trudging over to Blaine and giving him an expectant look. Blaine sighed and pulled out another potion and saw that he only had two left, "You need to be more careful."

The Totodile gurgled and pulled away, wiggling his arms about and jumping up and down a bit. He glanced over at his downed opponent and proceeded to walk over and kick some dirt upon the plant. For some reason the scene was rather funny to Blaine. The trainer chuckled and pulled out a pokeball he had gotten from the professor and threw it at the downed grass type. It easily sucked the mon up as it offered no real resistance and he picked up the ball. "Well our first teammate." He said to the still recovering Derpy, "I guess we'll see if this guy can help us on our adventures huh?"

Derpy let out a gurgle and proceeded back to the road with Blaine following. Hopefully this grass type could help him with controlling Derpy, but for now it was just them and the road.
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chapter 2 : Route 31

"Vivillon, go!" the bug catcher said, and the pokémon, who seemed to trust her already, took flight.

Awesome, Aberdeen thought, completely fired up now. This would actually be his first trainer battle. "I choose you, Pidgey!" he cried and released his own bird into the sky. She flapped her wings hard a few times, stretching them out after a good night's rest. She was so ready for battle.

"You think you can win just because you have a bird? You know nothing," the woman said darkly. "Gust!"

Vivillon whipped up a wind that caught Pidgey off balance and sent her tumbling downwards. Aberdeen ran and only just caught her, softly. "You okay?" he asked. Pidgey seemed embarrassed.

"A bird who can't even handle gusts of wind. What are you even doing away from your mother's watchful gaze?" the woman teased.

"Don't listen to her. You're the best bird there is. Okay?" Aberdeen said and looked intensively into Pidgey's eyes. After a second, the bird chirped in agreement and flew up from his arms. "Okay! Show them your Tackle!"

Pidgey dodged another Gust successfully and Tackled the bug without problem. It wasn't enough to win though.

"Vivillon, Stun Spore!"

A yellowish powder filled the air beneath Vivillon and reached a flustered Pidgey. But Ab's brain was fast enough. "Fly up above your opponent!"

Pidgey looped and ended up above the bug in the air, where she could shake off what little spores had set themselves on her wings.

"Now, Tackle!" Ab shouted determinedly. The bug was hit even though it dodged out of being critically so, and Pidgey ended up below it again.

"Trying to use my own tricks against me? Sleep Powder, quickly!" the bug catcher cried. A blue-green powder was let out from the scales of its wings this time.

Pidgey had learned even before Ab's command came now, though. Being a quick, airborne pokémon let it evade the powders of bugs and grass types much more easily than a pokémon forced to walk the earth could. Within a second, the bird was above Vivillon again.

"Won't work this time. Gust!" the woman called triumphantly. Vivillon blew a gust of wind upwards, once again making Pidgey lose balance. As she fell, she flew into the cloud of blue-green powder that was still there.

"No! Sand-attack!" Ab shouted, in an attempt to try another strategy. Pidgey's eyelids fell from the force of the Sleep Powder, but she managed to whirl up a minor sandstorm before she hit the ground, and she actually stayed airborne from performing it. The rest of the powdercloud was doused by the sand.

"Tackle! Tackle!" Aberdeen was on his toes now.

"Tackle!" the bug catcher shouted too, and the two pokémon crashed into each other. The result was that both ended up on the ground, Pidgey as good as sleeping and Vivillion properly knocked out at last.

Ab ran up to his pokémon and lifted her in his arms, brushing away some powder from her feathers. She blinked sleepily at him. "Haha, you're okay! Does that mean I won?"

"Not yet, punk," the woman grunted and called back Vivillon to its pokéball. "Taillow, go!" Her other pokémon flew up from her shoulder, a cold glare in its tiny eyes.

"Really?" Aberdeen asked in disbelief. "Well, Pidgey needs to rest. I'll use Whismur instead!" With that, he sent the bird back inside her pokéball and instead sent out the bunny-like creature. He seemed a bit nervous to battle, but at least didn't try to hide behind his trainer or anything.

"Nooby," the bug catcher said and shook her head. "But they can pack a punch, I guess. Let's remedy that with Growl!"

Taillow chirped in a darkly tone towards its opponent, even making Aberdeen take a step back in horror... But Whismur didn't move an inch. Not even a facial expression.

"Haha, Whismur may be a newbie, but certainly not a whimp!" Aberdeen laughed. "Show 'em with Uproar!"

He had spent some time reading up on the attacks of his pokémon this morning, and realized that the horrible sound Whismur had been doing yesterday was actually a move. So now he put his own hands over his ears as the attack started. Whismur began crying in a high-pitched, pulsating manner that visibly disturbed the bird and made flapping its wings feel like a pain. It tumbled down onto the ground with a pained grimace. The bug catcher clapped her hands over her ears too.

"Quick Attack!" she called out despite that.

Taillow managed to hop half up into the air and shoot into the Whismur in a quick tackle. Whismur tumbled backwards but didn't stop crying out, and also immediately jumped back up and attacked Taillow with Pound before it could become airborne again. Confused, the bird hopped backwards and finally flew up into the sky again. But Whismur kept running its Uproar attack and it seemed to be too much for the tiny bird. Suddenly, it fainted in mid-air and fell down into its trainer's arms.

"What? How..."

"This attack is super special!" Aberdeen said gleefully. "You have to find a quick way to stop the noise, or your pokémon will be exhausted really quickly. Cool, isn't it? Sound-type!"

"I never heard of a sound-type..." the bug catcher said with a raised eyebrow.

"See? Some things I do know!" Aberdeen laughed, picking up the finally quiet Whismur in his arms. He knew very well that there was no such thing as a sound type. But details, details.

The bug catcher didn't really admit defeat in words; she just handed over some prize money to Aberdeen before turning around and hoping she'd never see the boy again. Ab was super happy - winning battles earned you money! This was a way to make a living. And it wasn't even hard to do!

If only he knew that bug catchers generally weren't as good at battling as they were at catching bugs... He'd face much stronger adversaries in the future. But for now, he was in bliss.

As he kept walking, Whismur back in his ball and instead Chespin walking by his side, something pink suddenly flew up from a bush beside him. Another Vivillon!

"Oh yeah! This one will totally be my own. Ready Chespin?"

The rodent smiled big and dorkily, and followed his trainer in a mad chase into a tree grove after a swift, pink butterfly...

[PokeCommunity.com] (IC) Crossroads ; A Johto Story - ACT I

Blossom the Chikorita
Female - Level 8
Tackle/Growl/Refresh/Razor Leaf/-/-

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Napoleon the Buizel
Male - Level 6
Sonic Boom/Growl/-/-/-/-

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[PokeCommunity.com] (IC) Crossroads ; A Johto Story - ACT I

Melody Hughes

Chapter 2 - Route 31

The Journey Continues

After finishing her breakfast, Melody departed from the Pokemon Center and resumed her journey once more. Walking by her side were both of her Pokemon. Blossom seemed to keep close to Melody as she walked. Occasionally the little Chikorita would give a glance over towards the direction of her new teammate and traveling companion, Napoleon. The said Buizel would not even bother giving the Chikorita a second glance. Rather, he kept at a comfortable space as he walked with the duo. His eyes were focused on the route before them.

"Let's see... According to the map on my Pokegear, we should be coming to that fork in the road... right now," Melody said with a smile. Sure enough, the map was accurate in its directions. It was a bit of a shame that Melody had not paid any attention to the phone-like device earlier. Doing so might have actually helped her and Blossom from getting lost. Then again, that might have kept them from meeting Christina, Napoleon, and Blaine. "I guess in some regard it was a good idea I forgot about it!"

Napoleon glanced up at the trainer, letting out a small huff before the otter Pokemon resumed his walking, taking the right path. Melody and Blossom quickly followed, before the girl resumed her lead of the two Pokemon. Route 31 was quite different than the previous route that Melody had explored. As far as her eyes could see, farmlands stretched out before her. Men and women could be seen hard at work, tending to the fields and crops.

"It's almost like a different region or something..." Melody mused to her two Pokemon as they walked. The girl gave a friendly hello to some of those who she passed, when suddenly Napoleon let out a small growl, catching the girl's attention. Glancing over in his direction, Melody noticed the Buizel was focusing intently on some rustling bushes. Her eyes lit up as she knelt down to the otter Pokemon. "Good work, Napoleon... What do you think it is?"

Napoleon remained still. His small tail twitching as suddenly from out of the bushes hopped a wild Lillipup. The little dog Pokemon barked and growled at Melody and her Pokemon, trying its best to look as intimidating as possible. Melody quickly scrambled for her Pokedex, scanning the dog in an attempt to get more information about it.

"Lillipup, the Puppy Pokémon. The long hair covering Lillipup's face is an excellent radar, which senses conditions in the surrounding area."

"It definitely looks like a tough little thing..." Melody mused, as she glanced up from her Pokedex and back at the wild Pokemon. She nodded, glancing down at Blossom with a smile. "Alright, Blossom! I say we make another addition to the team! Let's show Napoleon how it's done, yeah?"

The Chikorita let out a happy chirp. Glancing proudly over towards Napoleon, Blossom began to make her way to take on the Lillipup as Melody said, only to be blocked as Napoleon dashed to take her spot instead. The Chikorita let out a surprised and somewhat annoyed chirp, glaring at the Buizel as fiercely as she could. Melody was quite surprised as well.

"Um... Well, I guess it's alright. He seems eager enough, so why not?" Melody said, scratching the back of her head slowly. "O-Okay then, Napoleon! It might be a bit stronger than you, so use Growl to take it's power down some!"

Napoleon nodded, growling fiercely at the Lillipup. The little puppy admittedly did shudder a bit from the Buizel's growl, but only for a moment before it began dashing towards Napoleon. The little dog quickly slammed into the Buizel, causing him to stagger backwards.

"Napoleon, are you okay?" Melody called out in concern. The Buizel only responded with a single nod before he began to run towards the wild Lillipup. Melody nodded, seeing the determination of the water Pokemon and resumed the battle. "Alright, Napoleon! Let it have a Sonic Boom!"

The Buizel followed through with Melody's command. He slapped his paws together, sending forth a shock wave of energy towards the Lillipup. The wave collided straight with the Lillipup, causing it to fall back and onto its side. Melody was in awe at the strength her Buizel seemed to show. She readied a Pokeball, sure that it would only be a matter of time before the dog was ripe for catching. Blossom remained silent, watching the battle intently as the wild Lillipup staggered back up to its feet.

"Good job, Napoleon! Let it have another Sonic Boom!" Melody ordered.

The Buizel nodded, preparing to use the attack once more. However, the wild Lillipup was not about to let that happen. Quickly, the dog dashed forward surprising the trainer and both her Pokemon at the moxie it seemed to have suddenly gained. The dog pinned Napoleon down and then chomped down on the otter Pokemon's right paw. The Buizel let out a loud howl of pain as Melody stood there, wide-eyed at the sight. It was Blossom's worried chirps that caused the girl to snap back to reality.

She quickly took Napoleon's Pokeball, aiming the device at the Buizel. "Napoleon! That's good come on back!"

A beam of red light shot out from the ball in her hand. Napoleon managed to glance up as the light came for him. He growled, quickly managing to use left paw to sock the Lillipup off of his right one and then roll out of the way from the light. Melody honestly did not know what to think of the display.

"He... refused...?"

Napoleon glanced over his shoulder, giving his trainer an annoyed glare before returning his attention back to the wild Lillipup. Melody stood speechless for a moment, before slowly nodding at the Buizel's determination to win this battle. Both Pokemon looked as if they were about ready to collapse from their little scuffle. Yet neither one looked as if they were going to back down. The wild Lillipup growled at Napoleon, before suddenly barking and charging at the Buizel once more. Napoleon remained focused on the charging Lillipup. Blossom could not take her eyes of the scene.

"...Now, Napoleon! Dodge to the side and use a Sonic Boom!" Melody suddenly ordered.

Napoleon nodded, the Buizel managing to dodge off to the side by rolling. Quickly, the otter Pokemon clapped his paws together, letting out another shock wave of energy towards the wild Lillipup. The small dog crashed right into the attack, falling to the ground as a result. It attempted to climb back up to its feet once more before falling back to the ground and fainting shortly after.

"Great job, Napoleon!" Melody cheered, clearly impressed with the Buizel's efforts. Blossom gave a cheerful chirp as well. Both the trainer and Chikorita ran over to meet the Buizel and congratulate his well fought battle. However, the Buizel only gave both of them a small glance before he resumed his walk down the main path of Route 31. Blossom and Melody both gave each other a small glance... although the Chikorita was clearly annoyed with the Buizel's behavior. "He's... different, that's all. He's just not used to us. Give him time, he'll warm up."

The Chikorita did not look too convinced. Still, she gave Melody a small nod before she and the trainer moved to catch up to Napoleon...

Blaine - Route 31 - A hidden darkness​

"-so, that's really it to be honest."

Blaine frowned as he looked at the face of the plant, "Uh… you DO understand right?"

The Bellsprout cocked his head and Blaine let his head bend down, "Well great. Just… great." He stood up and rubbed his forehead, "Another mon that doesn't understand… why me?" He knew that probably none of his mon cared if he was going through a stressful even right now as they stared on.

Derpy had been standing off to the side and finally came up to the plant and began to jabber about while wildly waving his arms about. As was done with Blaine the plant just stared at the water type, almost as if it didn't understand what was being said to it. "Bell…" She said slowly as her eyes stayed trained right on the Totodile.

Blaine groaned at the scene and turned away, "Okay… I need a moment you two. Just… yeah." He began to walk around and he put his hands on top of his head. He took in a few deep breaths to calm himself down as best as he could. He was already on this journey right? His parents had spent cash to get him here, and he didn't want to already give up now. Well, he would have to do his best he supposed. He had already won a battle, so maybe he had a bit of talent for this? It was that or he was lucky to run into that specific boy. In the end though he hadn't done anything. It had been Derpy who took initiative and dealt the last blow to that bird.

Maybe Derpy would be a better trainer… oh dear had his thinking turned so quickly? Derpy being a better trainer! The blasted Totodile would eat all the pokeballs! He kept on rubbing his head forehead as he felt a headache coming on. Oh no, not now! He didn't want physical pain as well! He would just have to keep calm and take deep breaths. He paced back and forth all the while as his new headache throbbed in his skull.

As Blaine was having his mini crisis Derpy looked over at the plant. It seemed in an instant his whole demeanor changed. He reached out with a hand and grabbed the green leaf of the Bellsprout and twisted the leaf. The Bellsprout cried out and tried to pull her leaf away, only for Derpy to twist it even harder. The Bellsprout soon found herself on the ground with the Totodile holding her down. "Toto…" He gurgled out as he twisted the leaf just a bit more, "Tot, totodile?"

The Bellsprout whimpered and looked away from the water type, only to feel her leaf being twisted more and then she quickly nodded. Derpy held that grip for a bit and leaned in a bit closer as he whispered something to the grass type before he let go and pulled her up. He happily patted the grass type on the back just as Blaine turned back to them now that his headache was dying down.

"Okay, that didn't help. Let's just get to the next town." He let out a sigh and looked at the two, "At least you two are getting along okay."

The Bellsprout shivered as the water type patted her back and she slowly nodded while Derpy gave off his trademarked large smile. Blaine recalled the Bellsprout and looked at Derpy, "Will you stay in your ball or should I just not try?"

The Totodile happily shook his head and Blaine sighed, "I thought so. Might as well get moving right?" He returned to the path with Derpy gurgling happily next to him and jumping about happily in the air.
Aberdeen, Christina, and Nathan
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[PokeCommunity.com] (IC) Crossroads ; A Johto Story - ACT I

"Come on, Chespin, it's getting away!"

Aberdeen and his pokémon were running between trees and jumping over bushes to try and keep up with the Vivillon who actually floated forward pretty lazily; it just hadn't noticed the frantic trainer behind it.

"Grab it with your Vine Whip!"

Chespin jumped over a log and fired its vines to ensnare its opponent - but the butterfly sensed the vibrations in the air. In the nick of time, it dodged, and was now painstakingly aware of that it was being chased by a boy and his pet. Silly imbeciles. The butterfly merely sighed mentally, turned around and rose higher up into the sky where they, hopefully, couldn't disturb it.

"Oh no, you're not getting away that easily!" Aberdeen said and quickly began climbing the tree closest to the rising bug. Chespin followed suit, passed his trainer easily with the help of his vines in the climbing and skittled out onto a tree branch that sat just where Vivillon was passing by, believing that it had shaken the followers off its tail.

Chespin jumped, remembering how it had surprised Pidgey from above yesterday, hoping for a reprise of his success. Alas, again the Vivillon was too aware of the vibrations in the air around it, and dodged just in the nick of time. Chespin fell down and landed in a flowery bush near the road. Vivillon laughed at the sillyness, not bothering to rise or fly away for a moment.

That was the moment Aberdeen needed.

"AHA!" he cried as he leaped out from the same tree branch as Chespin had, arms spread wide and his lips wearing a huge smile of triumph. Why throw a pokéball from which an unharmed pokémon could escape, when you could throw yourself and grasp your victim tightly?

Clearly, Ab had learned nothing over the past few minutes. This Vivillon couldn't be attacked physically easy. A little flutter to the right, and Aberdeen fell just as helplessly as his starter pokémon down towards the ground below. The difference now was that there wasn't a bush on the road where he landed. Instead, there was a girl.

Approximately five minutes earlier, Chris had been wandering along the road with her hands folded up behind her, humming out a tune while glancing left and right for signs of any Pokémon or, hopefully, trainers to battle. Sindy waddled along happily next to her, seemingly making a lot of little noises herself, quite content with the bright sun shining down on them.

"After that talk with Melody, I really feel like we should get another team mate..." Sindy glanced up at Chris, causing the girl to blink a little before smiling, waving her hand dismissively. "It's not like I don't think you're great, Sindy, because you are. But... we need some other types on our team, you know? Plus, making more friends never hurt anyone." The Cyndaquil gave out a little squeak and nodded, seemingly not having taken offense from Chris' comment. "We need to be sure they'd be a good addition to the team, though. Can't just have any old Pidgey joining us, you know? And we need to grow stronger too, so maybe we should get fighting against some trainers before we reach Violet..."

The trees had started thinning out a bit, giving way for farmland, fields of flowers and generally flat land. Christina had just come to the edge of a slightly forested area, on the border of a farmer's field, when she heard a quiet little bleating off to the right. Coming to a stop, Chris turned to blink lightly at a small Skiddo laying in the shade of a large tree by the road, next to a bush. It was laying on top of its legs, looking up at Sindy and Chris rather calmly.

"... Aaawh, look, it's a little Skiddo!" A bright smile quickly adorned the girl's lips as she took a few steps closer and knelt down, holding her hand out for the little goat to sniff. It was completely unafraid, which made her think that it probably belonged to the farmer that lived nearby. Sindy waddled a little closer and had a sniff of it as well, and the Skiddo was soon being happily petted by Chris, bleating out again.

"Well, as adorable as you are, probably a good idea not to try and catch a Pokémon owned by someone already." She gave a little grin and gave the goat a final little pat on the head before standing up. "Alright Sindy, let-" Christina was suddenly cut off as... something came flying from the tree's branches above her, landing in the bush next to the Skiddo, who promptly lept to her feet and bounced away into the field behind her.

"AHA!" was the only words she heard before she managed to glance upwards, startled as she saw a boy flying towards her. Unable to do anything to react, he slammed straight into her, sending the both of them to the ground with a loud "OOF!" of surprise and pain.

After a bit of tumbling off the road and into the field, further startling the Skiddo, they came to a stop. Christina let out a quiet groan of pain after the rough tumble, slowly raising a hand to rub the top of her chest with a wince and her eyes shut tight. "Nngh... ow... what the hell was...?"

Ab got up on his elbows and blinked. It took about two seconds of staring before his eyes widened and he realized what position they were in. Aberdeen practically laying on top of Christina, little straws of grass raining down on her face from his roughed up hair.
She paused, suddenly feeling the added weight on top of her as she opened her eyes, blinking up at the boy laying on top of her, staring straight back at her.

"Oops," was all Ab could think to say, and no reflexes made him immediately move.

It took a few moments to register what had actually happened, from the crash, to the fall, to the tumble, to now laying there. Christina's face quickly grew red and her expression rapidly changed from confusion and pain, to shock, to anger, bordering on fury.

"W... what the hell do you think you're doing?! G-get off of me!"

"Wah! Sorry!" Aberdeen said, crawling back fast as lightning to sit on his butt in front of her instead. "I meant to catch a pokémon, not a girl. Eeeh, I mean, not that I'm trying to catch you, I just mean that I would never do it on purpose. Ah, no, I mean, not that you're ugly or anything, I just mean-!" He spoke very rapidly until the girl cut him short.

"Shut up!" Christina shouted as she shuffled a little back, moving to sit up as well, with her hands resting on the ground behind her, her expression a mixture of anger and embarrassment. her face completely reddened by now. "What do you think you're doing, crashing into people like that?! Do I look like a Pokémon to you? I should- rrgh! What's wrong with you?!"

"No, I just said I didn't mean to! I tried to catch... Oh no, it's gotten away," Aberdeen said with a sad face as the Vivillon just fluttered by them out over the field, many meters above their heads. "Pity."

He got back up on his feet and reached out a hand to help the bothered girl up. "I'm really sorry, okay?" he added with what he hoped was an apologetic smile.

Sending the guy another annoyed glare as he went on about something else, staring off into the distance, Chris was just about ready to go on another tirade, before his last comment, which visibly eased her up, if only a little bit, although she still looked rather angry.

"... Fine." She took his hand and pulled herself to her feet, but quickly pulled her hand back as she began dusting herself off, making sure everything was as it should be in her bag and nothing had flown out during their tumble. "Just... be more careful about where you leap from, okay? I could've gotten really hurt! What -were- you doing up there anyway?"

"I've told you, I was trying to catch a pokémon. But I guess I'll do without it." Ab suddenly leaned his head to the side and eyed Christina a bit more closely. "Say, you don't happen to be a trainer too, do you?"

"... You were trying to catch a Pokémon -with your hands-?" Christina asked, a brow quirked and her arms folded across her chest, looking rather skeptical of his methods. "As a matter of fact, I am! Just started on m-" Suddenly, her face lit up in realization and she spun around, peering up the hill they had tumbled down, sighing in relief as she saw the Cyndaquil peeking down at the two of them with... some kind of rodent right next to her, his mouth open in a sort of O-shape with one, big tooth in the middle of the hole. "And... I'm guessing that's your Pokémon?"

"Ah! Chespin! There you are," Ab laughed.

"And another thing-" The voice of an old man echoed from a farmhouse directly North about 50 yards away from the two trainers. From out of the house, a teen stumbled backwards out the door, his Fennekin following similarly.

Following him was a man in his late 40s or early 50s. He was bald except for some blonde hair on the sides of his head. He stood about 5 and a half feet tall. A Herdier was barking at the teen from the farmer's heels, and a Taillow on the farmer's shoulder glared ahead.

As he waved his straw hat around at the teen, the farmer was yelling something about his crops and his property. The teen turned his head, then turned back to the farmer, then quickly back to Aberdeen, whose eyes and smile widened.

"Hey, isn't that Nate?" he said, 48% to Chespin, 50% himself, and maybe 2 rather weird % to Christina.

"How should I know...?" Christina muttered to herself as she watched the farmer dragging the other boy out from the house. Seemed to her like the both of them were as much trouble as the other.

Nate had a look of shock on his face as he recognized the trainer he's just seen the day before. He showed an embarrassed smile before he turned back to the man that was scolding him. However, the farmer was silenced when he saw the other two trainers. The Herdier continued its barking, however.

"My berries!" He yelled. Along the hill that the two trainers had just tumbled down, there were multiple young bushes that had been flattened. "Those were my Starf bushes ya little creeps! That was the only crop I planted! Now I've got to go out and get more Starf berries. Do ya have any idea how hard they are to get in your own hands? Pretty hard!"

Chris blinked softly at the accusation, turning around to look at the devastated bushes along the hillside and around where Aberdeen and she were standing. Her eyes widened a little as she realized just how badly the crops had been trampled, quickly turning back to the farmer, calling out to him. "H-hey, no, it wasn't my fault! It was-" But she was cut off by the man.

Nate was trying to back away, but the farmer noticed him. "You! Sit on the ground!" the man shouted. Nate obeyed. The farmer turned back to the two other trainers. "What's gonna happen now, hm? I've got a hill full of flattened berry bushes and no way to restock for at least a week!"

"Maybe you can try eating something else for a while?" Aberdeen suggested with a huge, innocent smile, promptly landing him an elbow in his side from Christina, followed by a 'Not helping!' look.

The face of the farmer turned redder, and Chespin facepalmed with Sindy shaking her head besides him.

"You godawful rascals! I oughta let my pokémon whip the guts out of you!" he growled as the Herdier continued its yapping.

"H-hey, look, there isn't any need for that!" Christina pleaded, sending the farmer an apologetic smile. "Maybe we can... uhm, work out some sort of deal? We could... I dunno, pay for the damages?"

The farmer's face seemed to continue to grow redder by the minute, opening his mouth to shout out something at the three again as a voice was heard behind him. "Are you bullying some kids again? Oh Harold, I really don't know what to do with you."

Out from behind the farm house, a short, somewhat stout little woman came walking up to the scene while the farmer flailed his arms, gesturing at the three. "They ruined our crops, Magda! I can't just let them walk off without some kind of punishment!" His wife smiled as she stepped up besides him, placing a hand on his arm to try to calm him a little down before looking to the kids. "Only a few of the bushes are gone as far as I can see. And, well, maybe we'll take the young lady up on her offer and make a deal of some kind. I'm sure you could use a farmhand or three for a couple of hours?"

"Yeah, we can find new berries for you!" Aberdeen suggested eagerly. "If we find and pick berries from the same number of bushes we, uh, squashed, it should be okay, right?"

"You think it's easy to find these berries out here?" the farmer grunted. "There's a reason we're growing them with care! And you, ya little creep," He turned to Nate, who was obediently sitting on the ground, with Fang-Lin in the same position. "Those berries are going to cost you too! And don't you say you'll just give them back; you got your grubby little paws on them already."

"There, there," Magda said, pulling his arm a bit again, managing to pacify the farmer before he reddened up again. "There are some rare, odd, edible berries in the hills to the north where we don't really bother venturing too often. They would make up for the loss of Starf. The other can help them to make up as well."

Nate nodded quickly. Fang-Lin nodded in sync as well. The farmer mumbled in agreement. Nate stood up and walked over to the two trainers.

"There, now you three get to work, you hear? Herdy here will be watching you. Same with Low." She gestured towards the Herdier, then the Taillow. She then turned and nudged her husband to follow her into the house.
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[PokeCommunity.com] (IC) Crossroads ; A Johto Story - ACT I
[PokeCommunity.com] (IC) Crossroads ; A Johto Story - ACT I

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[PokeCommunity.com] (IC) Crossroads ; A Johto Story - ACT I
[PokeCommunity.com] (IC) Crossroads ; A Johto Story - ACT I

[PokeCommunity.com] (IC) Crossroads ; A Johto Story - ACT I
[PokeCommunity.com] (IC) Crossroads ; A Johto Story - ACT I

Aberdeen, Nathan, Christina
chapter 2 : Route 31

The three trainers walked on a dirt road leading north between fields and more fields, leaving the main road on Route 31 behind them for the time being. The first minutes, they walked in silence, unsure of what the Herdier trotting on a few meters behind them or the Taillow soaring in circles above them would think if they chatted "at work". But only a few minutes had passed before Aberdeen couldn't stand it anymore and broke the awkward silence.

"So... Nate! It's nice to see you again," he therefore suddenly said, deciding to converse with the person he somewhat knew first. "Did you catch some more pokémon since yesterday?"

"Uh, no..." Nate trailed off as he remembered the egg Pokemon in his pockets. He quickly reached down and pulled the two eggs out. They seemed groggy; they had fallen asleep.

"Hah! That's adorable," Aberdeen commented.

"Crud, I forgot about this. I found this Exeggcute in the barn. I meant to look for the other four parts." He bent down while he was walking to let the Pokemon bounce along beside Fang-Lin. The fox greeted the eggs questioningly, but cheerfully. "I hope I can find them when we get back to the farm. The one egg seems pretty frightened."

"Okay. Don't worry, we'll help you look for them," Ab said with a quick pat on Nate's shoulder.

Nate also remembered that he had put a Pecha Berry the same pocket; he liked snacking on them himself. He reached into his pocket to grab it. "What's happened on your journey since yesterday? I see you've bumped into another trainer." As he grabbed the Pecha berry, he realized that there was a second in his pocket. I could have sworn that I only took one of each berry...

"'Bumped into', yeah, exactly..." Christina mumbled, walking on the other side of Nathan, still looking rather annoyed, with Sindy waddling happily along a little behind the trainers, seemingly engaged in a cheerful conversation with Chespin, regailing the story of her, Chris' and the others' adventure into the dark, spider-filled part of the forest.

"Hehe... I guess I did," Aberdeen said and scratched his head somewhat nervously. Then he seemed to realize something and spun around to face Christina. "Oh, right, I don't even know your name! I'm Aberdeen. And yeah, this is Nate. We're both trainers travelling the region, I guess. What's bringing you to Route 31?"

Meanwhile, Chespin was colorfully describing his part in battling the frightful Loudred yesterday for Sindy. He might have added a few parts that weren't really there in truth, but Sindy would never know, so.

"Oh, uhm... my name's Christina. Hey there." She nodded at Nate before looking back to Aberdeen, lifting her left hand to scratch her cheek lightly. "And... I guess I'm travelling around too. I'm looking to become famous." Her face brightened a little bit at the mention of this, putting on a confident smile. Nate held back a scoff.

"Famous?" Aberdeen said, as if tasting the word. "Good luck with that, there are so many trainers in the world so to become famous I guess you'd have to be really good. Or really odd!" He smiled widely.

"Don't you worry." She replied, now grinning as she jabbed her thumb against the top of her chest. "When I say I'm going to do something, I'm not going to stop for anything, just you wait and see! In a few years, everyone'll know the name 'Christina Langley'!"

"Langley?" Ab said, raising an eyebrow and waving his hand in the air as if he suddenly frantically tried to remember something that was on the tip of his tongue. "Ah, like that trainer guy from TV? You know, if you want to be famous, you should probably pick a name that isn't already well known."

Chespin nearly facepalmed again, where he was walking slightly behind the trainers now, but Sindy gave him an understanding pat on the back instead.

Christina's confident disposition disappeared quicker than the air from a ruptured balloon, her cheeks quickly reddening and her expression becoming annoyed once more as she gave Aberdeen a little semi-glare. "... Marcus is my brother."

Nate didn't watch television, or even read newspapers, for that matter, so he didn't know much about what happened in the media. He didn't know anything about the name Langley, se he didn't comment, he just kept scanning the road for any rare-looking berries. Every once in a while, he looked down at Exeggcute to keep an eye on it.

"Haha, ow, too bad then!" Ab laughed, but then realized that maybe he shouldn't push it after all. "Well, good luck. You don't seem like the person to just be a cute TV-face, I bet you have more smarts than your brother and will beat him soon enough!" He smiled towards the girl in an attempt to turn the convo around.

Her semi-glare softened somewhat at his compliments, though it was clear that she was still a little iffy about him. She did, however, manage to force up a half-genuine smile at him. "... Thanks. By the way, Aberdeen is kind of... long to say, would you mind if I just called you Ab, or Deen?"

"Um... I've never been called Deen before, I think," Aberdeen said, hesitantly.

"Deen it is then!" Christina exclaimed, nodding her head before giving a little glance over her shoulder at the dog Pokémon following behind Sindy and Chespin. She wrinkled her nose a little, lowering her voice as she looked over to the two boys. "... And is it just me, or does being watched over like this make you feel a bit... cramped? I kinda feel we'd get done quicker if we didn't have a ball and chain with us..."

Ab's... Deen's smile returned and he put his arms around the shoulders of the other two trainers as he walked in between them, earning himself a little sigh from Christina. "Exactly my thought," he said, also with a lowered voice. "So, how do we get rid of them?"

Nate froze up when Ab's arm hit his neck, and he quickly slipped himself out from the grasp. When he stopped though, he realized something. Both Ab and Christina's eyes turned to Nate all of a sudden, as if he looked like someone with a plan.

"First of all, don't do that." Nate stated plainly. "Second, I think..." Nate trailed off as he looked at a bare shrub within the row of Persim plants that the group was walking by. The blue shrub was a little bit shorter than most of the other plants. Exeggcute had bounced curiously towards the plant. For some reason, the two eggs were spinning, though they struggled to stay upright, as if they were excited.

After a joyful cry, the larger of the two eggs somehow flipped a pink star-shaped berry up onto itself, turned to look at Nate, and give another joyful cry. Nate stooped down to grab the berry from the Pokemon and recognized it as a Lansat Berry. Fang-Lin sniffed the berry to inspect it and Nate had to swiftly stand up so that the Fennekin didn't gobble down the berry in his excitement.

"This... is a Lansat Berry!" Nate exclaimed to the other trainers. "This is one of the best-tasting berries that exist! Someone must have accidentally gotten a Lansat berry mixed in with their Persim crop and planted it here. Harold will definitely want this!"

"Really?" Chris asked, her brows widening as she stepped a little closer to look at the berry in question. "Oh, I've heard about these! My b- I've heard they're pretty rare and can actually be really expensive."

"It's a pretty great berry. I ate a couple once when I was younger. I too-" Nate paused for a second. "I got some from some tenants in my family's building." Nate figured that only bringing this berry wouldn't be enough. "This won't satisfy him though. If we just bring him this, it'll take weeks for him to grow a crop as large as the Starf crop he had."

Aberdeen smiled as he walked up to the others. So berries could make the quiet boy excited? Interesting to know!

"Can your Exeggcute... eggs find more, you think? Maybe Chespin could search too! He's bound to be a berry eater. And I mean, if the farmers didn't mean to plant Lansat berries on their fields, they sure won't miss them if they're gone, right?"

Christina nodded in agreement with Aberdeen, looking back to the Cyndaquil, who had hopped on over to squint up at Nathan, her long nose/snout wriggling into the air. "Good idea! Sindy's got a pretty keen sense of smell too, from what my Pokédex told me. So if we spread out around this area, we're bound to find a good amount of Lansat berries to bring back to the farmer!"

Nate figured that it was just a lucky find for the Exeggcute. Fang-Lin might be a help, however. The fox Pokemon probably had a pretty good sense of smell. "Let's look around this area, then." Nate stated. "My Pokemon and I will search around one of the rows deeper into the field."

"Will do! I'll go around the edge, in case we're lucky again," Ab said and motioned for Chespin to follow as he dove into the bushes but followed the road. "Meet here in a while, eh?" he called back.

"Alright, Sindy and I'll look around this area, see if we can find anything. Good luck guys." She raised a hand to wave at the two as they headed off in seperate directions, smiling down at the Cyndaquil, now looking up at her. "Let's do this Sindy. The sooner we're done here, the sooner we'll get to Violet."

Nate picked up Exeggcute and place it in his pockets again so that he wouldn't get lost in the vegetation. Nate then pushed through the first few rows of Persim plants with Fang-Lin following.

"Alright, Fang-Lin. Sniff out any of those Lansat Berries that you can find. You remember how they smell, right?" Fang-Lin nodded. "Sweet. Let's look then." Nate crouched down and started looking under each berry plant for Lansat Berries. Fang-Lin walked farther down the row to start tracking.

Christina was standing with her top half partially inside of a bush, the leaves and berries hanging off of the branches wriggling as she moved about. "Mrgh... this is harder than I thought. Are you finding anything, Sindy?" The Cyndaquil squeaked out quietly from a few bushes down the line, shuffling about the feet of the nearby bushes.

Pulling herself out, she huffed a little and raised her hands to move a couple of leaves out of her hair, glancing over at Sindy to see how she was doing. Just as she did though, a Pokémon lept through the bush she was standing next to, causing the Cyndaquil to squeak out in surprise, toppling over onto her back. Chris' eyes widened as she saw a Rattata standing, staring up at her with not just one, but TWO Lansat berries hanging from his mouth. "... Sindy! Get him!"

Meanwhile, Aberdeen and Chespin were running along the road in the bushes just at the edge of the field, looking hard for any bushes that seemed out of the ordinary and had been missed by the farmer for being so far out.

Suddenly, Chespin gave up a squeak and Aberdeen came to a halt to look back at him. The rodent had been tackled by a tiny dog pokémon! Aberdeen got his pokédex up and identified it as a Lillipup. The pup growled at them as Chespin got back up and went to stand with his back against his trainer with an angered look.

"Maybe it belongs to the owner of these fields," Ab theorized. "Hey you, we're not after the Persim plants. We'll only touch the berries that aren't meant to be here, yeah?"

Lillipup's response was to jump forward in another Tackle, but Chespin dodged this time.

"Alright then, your choice," Ab said with a bitter grin. "We'll do it the hard way."

Nathan searched for about ten minutes before Fang-Lin appeared again, walking back towards Nathan while continuing to try to sniff for berries. As Fang-Lin walked past Nate, it yipped excitedly. Nate looked behind him to see the Fennekin skipping towards a Lansat Berry hanging from a bush.

"Great find, Fang-Lin!" Nate started to reach for the berry, but Fang-Lin had already reached the berry and couldn't help himself from eating the delicious fruit.

"No!" Nate fell over as he tried to grab the berry in vain. He should have remembered the fact that Fang-Lin tried to gobble down the last berry. "Dagnabbit, Fang-Lin!" The fire Pokemon just gazed back at Nate with a look of innocence. Nate put his hand on his face in frustration.

"You... you can't do that again, buddy." He stood up and began to look over the bush. He found another Lansat Berry, so at least it wasn't a complete loss. He was about to put the berry back in his bag when Exeggcute started wiggling in his pocket and calling to him.

Meanwhile, Chris' came to a skidding halt with her arms spread wide and a wicked grin on her lips as she cut off the escape route of the Rattata, the little rat-Pokémon slowly backing a little away before turning and starting to make a run for it again, only to be stopped by Sindy blocking his path.

"We've got you now, you little-" The Rattata then made a break for it to the left, Chris quickly raising a hand to point at it while shouting out "Sindy, tackle him into the tree next to him!" The Cindaquil obeyed and since the Rattata was trying to run around her, she quickly managed to slam into him, sending him flying into the tree, emitting a yelp from the attack, which caused him to drop the berries.

Realizing that he'd dropped them, the Rattata began making his way towards them, but Chris smirked. "Smokescreen, don't let him find the berries!" Sindy hunched over as, instead of flames emitting from her back, a thick, white smoke quickly billowed out, covering an area in the smog.

Nate was about to take one of the two eggs out of his pockets when he felt something soft inside. He pulled it out and realized it was another Lansat Berry.

"What? How did this get here?" Nate questioned. He figured that he must have accidentally pulled it off a berry shrub when his pocket snagged it. He proceeded to pull the Exeggcute egg out of his pocket, but it just looked at him contentedly, so he put it back and placed the berries in his bag. He coughed as he smelled smoke, then looked over the berry plants to see smoke rising about twenty feet away inside the berry patch.

"Vine whip!" Ab shouted, jumping away from a Tackle directed at himself this time - this Lillipup really meant business in keeping intruders away, pokémon or not!

Chespin sent out his vinest and smacked the pup hard, making it stop for a moment.

"Now's our chance! Tackle!" Aberdeen exclaimed and ran alongside his pokémon between the bushes as it prepared a Tackle attack. Chespin slammed into the pup, making it roll several times on the ground before finally giving up a yelp and running away, leaving the berry thieves alone.

"Phew. Lucky he didn't have a Herdier," Ab said, wiping his brow and patting Chespin on his head... Before he remembered something. "Herdier..." he mumbled and turned around slowly. Behind him, another growling dog stood. And even though this one belonged to another farmer, their employer, it clearly hadn't approved of Ab's beating its kin.


Squinting into the white smoke, Christina wrinkled her nose a little. "Uhm... Sindy? Did you make it? Where's the Rattata and the berries?" Not long after, Sindy came waddling out of the smoke, carrying one berry in her little arms and another in her mouth. Just then, the smoke dispersed, revealing a Rattata that had definitely recieved at least one more tackle, looking confused as to what had happened. Noticing the two with the berries, it semi-hissed at them before running off.

Chris smiled brightly and knelt down, patting Sindy on the head before gently taking the berries from her. "Well done! Awh, that Smokescreen is definitely going to come in handy. Need to figure out a way to see where you are though..." Shaking her head, she pocketed the berries, noticing Sindy's longing look. She smiled and pulled out a little treat from her pocket she'd gotten from the nurse at the center, winking and handing it to the Cindaquil, who happily devoured the snack. "For a job well done."

Loud barks came from the other end of the field, audible to both Christina and Nate. Looking up, they spotted the Taillow that had been watching over them, flying away from above their heads where it had been for the last minutes, towards the source of the barking. Seems like one of the three trainers were in trouble.​
[PokeCommunity.com] (IC) Crossroads ; A Johto Story - ACT I
[PokeCommunity.com] (IC) Crossroads ; A Johto Story - ACT I

[PokeCommunity.com] (IC) Crossroads ; A Johto Story - ACT I
[PokeCommunity.com] (IC) Crossroads ; A Johto Story - ACT I

Melody and Hien
Chapter 2: Route 31

Hien stretched in the morning light, his red hair glinting as he moved. He'd never truly appriciated the service that Pokemon Centre's provided trainers before, as he'd never had a reason to use one. But, such a good night's sleep commanded his respect of the red roofed building. He raised a hand, cutting out the sun's light, to try and peer along Route 31, when something crashed into his leg, squeeing with joy.

"Woah, slow down there Scout!" The teenage boy yelped, noticing the incredibly creatively named Sentret cuddling his leg. Maura hopped after the two of them, looking a little worse for wear. Hien thought this was slightly odd - he'd made sure that they'd all gotten healed, and had had plenty of rest, but then the thought occured to him - she probably wasn't a morning Pokemon, and seemed rather grumpy. Considering her personality, it would probably be best for him to tred lightly, as he did not wish to incure her wrath.

Route 31, from what he could see, appeared to be picturesque farm land. The whole land just gave of this beautiful, calm ambience, and the air was wonderfully sweet, Hien noted, and he inhaled. He considered that, maybe instead of travelling to Violet Town, he could just stay here and sketch this lovely scene before him. Maybe even Maura could look somewhat cute if she was asleep in the su-

Hien cried out in pain as his shiny Froakie punched him in the ribs, a somewhat murderous look in her eyes. Scout leapt behind the boy, cowering from their rather intimidating co-mate. Her expression seemed to read that she'd gotten up early for this - she didn't want to waste time she could have spent asleep just taking in the landscape around them.

Not really wishing to spend the morning with a cranky Maura, Hien held out her Pokeball and withdrew her, saying that she could sleep as much as she wanted within there. Suddenly, the trek ahead seemed a lot more pleasant.

A bit further down the road, Melody hummed a small tune as she continued her trek towards Violet City. After she had managed to catch up to Napoleon and heal him with a Potion, she recalled the Buizel into his Pokeball so he could get a bit of rest after the battle. Blossom seemed to be perfectly content with this decision on Melody's part. Melody did not know why, but she seemed to notice her Chikorita was always a bit on edge when Napoleon was about.

"I guess she just needs to get used to having him around... I'll let him out of his ball for a bit once we get to Violet City and let 'em get some more time to get used to each other."

Melody was suddenly snapped from her thoughts by the sound of someone calling for help. The girl and her Chikorita paused in their walking, taking a look about for the source of the sound. Her eyes widened as she spotted a middle-aged man standing on the side of the road and waving his arms as he shouted. He was a slightly heavier-set man. Melody was able to determine him to be a farmer of sorts based upon his attire of a red flannel shirt, brown work gloves and boots, and a pair of bib-overalls. He even completed the look by wearing slightly worn strawhat. A rather large, bushy, brown mustache rested under his nose.

Melody immediately found herself curious about what the farmer could be in such a panic for. Glancing down at her Chikorita, she offered Blossom a somewhat impassive shrug before making her way over towards the man. Melody figured that since she and her Pokemon were making somewhat good time across Route 31, it probably would not hurt them to take a small break and see if there was a way that they could assist the man. Besides, it would be rude to just ignore him.

"Gah, what a young hooligan!" The farmer muttered to himself, giving up waving his arms having noticed the young girl approaching, and crossing them over his chest. His eyes quickly focused upon the Chikorita by her side, rather than taking in Melody as a person. It would seem that the prescence of having a reasonably strong looking Pokemon was an important factor in his impression of her.

"Hey, young lass!" He called out, with a slightly desperate edge to his tone. "You're a trainer right? You've gotta help me - some red haired lad just ran off with my prized Victreebel."

Melody's eyes widened as the farmer spoke. She had heard about this sort of thing before, that is Pokemon thieves. Although she had never actually had personally dealt with this sort of matter before, just the thought of helping someone who was having a problem with them seemed to strike a chord within the girl. Her eyes began to shine with excitement as she tried to retain a serious expression... something that was sort of hard to do as an excited smile was starting to form across her lips to match her eyes.

"That's absolutely terrible!" Melody exclaimed, stomping her left foot for emphasis. "Criminals like that need to be dealt with and punished as soon as possible, and I think that I'm totally the girl for the job!"

Melody pumped her fist in the air as she spoke, causing Blossom to look up at the girl curiously. She gave a small squeak in response to the girl, deciding to try her best to muster up a rather determined looking face... which failed to do anything, but look absolutely adorable on the small grass Pokemon.

"Can you tell me anything else about the guy? Was he tall? Short? Fat? Muscley? Bald? Ugly? Did he have a zit?" Melody replied, rambling off one question after another.

Seemingly slightly overwhelemed, he took a small step back, and raised his hands defensively. "Hey, I didn't get that good of a look, lass. He seemed to be kinda young, wearing a fair bit of black as well." The farmer paused, and looked beyond where Melody was, "Sorta like that kid over there." He jabbed his finger towards a red haired boy who was walking along the Route, not far from them.

From a little way away, Hien glanced to look at the farmer, and the brunette standing with him, then bit his lip, wondering why on earth this rather intimidating man was giving him such a murderous look. He couldn't recall having seen him before in his life, but his mind quickly started flicking through a large number of scenarios in which he could be blamed for something. He had accidently stepped on a few wheat crops earlier - perhaps this man had seen him do that, and wasn't overly impressed at the destruction. Or maybe he'd accidently wandered onto private property, although he'd never seen any signs or a fence indicating that he shouldn't be in here. Nevertheless, he sort of figured that judging by the farmer's expression, he really didn't want to be around here for much longer.

He raised one hand in a sort of timid greeting, then quickly picked up the pace of which he was walking, hoping that that look had been come kind of accident, which wasn't aimed at him at all.

Melody glanced over in the direction that the farmer pointed in, analyzing the features she could make out of the boy. Her eyes fell upon his red hair. She noticed the boy's mostly black attire. Then there was the way he suddenly began to quicken his pace, as if he was trying to get away from someone.

"Guilty if I ever saw guilt!"

Melody nodded, glancing down at her Chikorita. "That's him, alright! I can tell! Let's go, Blossom!" The Chikorita let out a chirp of anger and the two began to chase after the boy. Melody was glaring daggers at the boy as she sprinted. "Hold it right there, you thieving, running, cowardly... thief!"

The teenager jumped in shock, upon seeing the girl and her Chikorita start to run after him. He'd never seen her before in his life! What possible reason could a random stranger have to chase after him, especially when he wasn't entirely sure what he'd done in the first place? Hien broke into a run, with Scout happily bouncing beside him, seeming to miss the notable threat of a rather angry teenage girl. He could feel the icy daggers of her stare stabbing through his back as he ran, and heard her yell out to him.

Wait, a thief? He hadn't stolen anything, not that he could recall anyway. While he picked up his pace, he turned his head to try and speak a bit of reason into her, "H-Hey, wait, I'm not a thief! I didn't do anything!" Although, he didn't really think that would do much to change the situation, but stranger things had happened.

"Ha! Rule number one of being a thief is never telling the truth!" Melody shouted at the boy, trying her best to quicken her own pace to match his. "Just give up now and return that farmer's Victreebell before I have to get really mad!" Blossom let out another angry chirp as she trailed a bit behind Melody. Her stubby little legs were not doing her any favors in trying to keep up with the chase that was playing out.

Victreebell? Hien couldn't even picture what that Pokemon looked like - he couldn't recall reading about it at all. This girl seemed to have mistaken him from someone else, or he'd somehow stolen the Pokemon in his sleep, which frankly would have been a rather difficult feat to pull off, considering that he didn't sleepwalk at all.

"I never took a Victreebell! Stop chasing me, its really weird!" He yelled back, trying to push his legs harder, all the while mentally cursing the fact that he was rather terrible at running. Hien wouldn't be able to keep up this pace for too much longer.

"The farmer said it was stolen by a boy with red hair wearing mostly black! And you fit that description perf-ah!" Melody began, only to shout suddenly. As she running, the girl suddenly tripped over a rock on the path, causing her to faceplant directly onto the dirt path with a thud. Blossom screeched to a halt beside the girl, concern evident on the Chikorita's face. "Ow..."

Hien glanced behind him, feeling himself slow down. His mind screamed at him to run now that he had his chance but he had a feeling that he could possibly clear his guilt in her mind another way. After all, she had seemed to react badly to him protesting his innocence - perhaps a gentler approach was needed. He spun on his heels, and walked back to her, holding out one hand to help her back up. Scout bounded up beside him, and sniffed the Chikorita curiously, before wiggling his ears happily.

Blossom blinked slowly, staring at the Sentret as he began to sniff her curiously. A small blush made its way to the Chikorita's cheeks as she was being inspected, before she quickly backed away from Scout.

"Hey, um, are you okay?" He asked, half expected her to resume her chase of him.

"I-I'm fine..." Melody said quietly, her face flushed with embarrassment. Slowly, with Hien's aid, the girl climbed back up to her feet. She took a moment to brush some of the dirt off her clothes before suddenly realizing who it was that had helped her up in the first place. "Hey! Wait a minute!"

"I didn't, um, steal that Victreebell," Hien told her, trying to sound as confident and calm as possible. He thought it was a reasonable attempt, his usual manner of speaking considered. "The only other Pokemon I have on me is a um Froakie."

Blossom, who had been distracted by the Sentret up until now paused to glance up at the two trainers. Melody narrowed her eyes at the boy, as if thinking deeply about what he said. Suddenly, she smiled brightly at the boy... a facial expression that was quite different than the one she had just moments ago.

"No doubt! There's no way a thief would come back to help me!" she exclaimed. "You're innocent alright... which means the real culprit is out there somewhere..."

Hien blinked in surprise at the sudden change in the girl's attitude towards him, although he was kind of pleased that she seemed to believe him now. Perhaps running away from all of your problems wasn't the greatest idea all of the time. He moved his glasses back into place, having fallen down slightly during the chase.

"Um, I take it that you're looking for a stolen Pokemon, and the thief, um, looks kind of like me?" He mused, the events of the situation slowly starting to make sense. It would explain why the farmer had seemed so angry at him, if the Pokemon belonged to him. "Sorry for ah, putting you off the trail then."

"Mhm... The farmer said the thief was young, had red hair, and wore mostly black," Melody replied, glancing at the boy as she spoke. Suddenly, an idea sprang to her mind. "Hey, do you have a twin brother?!"

"A twin?" He seemed slightly confused at how exactly she'd made that mental jump, but he wasn't her so he couldn't really comment. "I have brother's, but not a twin." The comment however, started Hien to mentally freak out a little bit - what if Xuan was the thief? He also had the red hair typical of his family, but he didn't tend to wear too much black. He shook his head slightly, feeling ashamed that he'd even considered for a minute that his own brother would fall so low, and so quickly.

"Well, my brother is around here, although I doubt he would have anything to do with this..." He paused, again feeling a slight amount of guilt at having inconvienced the girl. "Um, how about I help you with this search of yours? I, um, my name is Hien."

"Of course you can help! That would make things totally easier!" Melody replied with an excited tone in her voice. Putting her hand forward, the girl gave Hien a bright smile. "I'm Melody! And this Chikorita by my side is Blossom! It's nice to meet ya!"

He couldn't help but smile a little at this girl's seemingly bright and cheerful nature. "Nice to um, meet you too. My er Sentret's name is Scout."

Hien glanced around the group, taking note of the vastness of the Route they were standing on. They were looking for one person in this entire place? Where exactly would they start anyway? He supposed they could always go back and ask the farmer, but the more time they wasted, the further away the thief could run. However, was there something he could deduce from how the circumstances had played out so far? For one, there was the position of the farmer. Had he run after the thief, and thus was indicating the direction he had fled from the farm? Also, Hien was willing to bet that he would have headed towards Violet City - after all, it was a fair bit closer, plus heading past the Pokemon Centre could draw unwanted attention if he looked suspicious enough.

Wondering if Melody had any ideas, he voiced his thoughts to her, and then added, "What do you think? You interacted with the, er, farmer, and um maybe you'd picked up on um something of note?"

"Not really... I mean, once he saw you he pretty much thought that you were the thief..." Melody thought with a sigh. She glanced back in the direction that would lead them back to the farmer, slowly rubbing the back of her head. "I guess the only choice we have is to back track to him and see if he can tell us anythin' else... It's better than flyin' by the seat of our pants, you know?"

The red haired boy nodded, understanding the obvious logic behind it. It was probably a better idea, really - perhaps there were some clues that Melody had missed in her haste to catch him. "That sounds probably like the um, best idea, I um guess." Hien noted, starting to walk back towards where the farm was, his eyes scanning the landscape around them for any sign of a red haired boy in black clothing, who may or may not look highly suspicious.
chapter 3; VIOLET CITY

Violet City is just about the same size as Cherrygrove, but has some more special buildings. There is a Pokémon Academy, useful for trainers as well as people working with people in other ways. There is of course a Pokémon Center and there is the Gym. And there is Sprout Tower, where monks train hard and follow secret beliefs.

In the PokéMart, there is a special item on sale: a super-foldable TENT that can fit in your pocket when not in use! You will only afford it if you chose the event in Chapter 1 where you were rewarded with the spare money from the siblings, though! So unless you did, you'll have to keep hurrying to Pokémon Centers or sleep under the stars. The latter which isn't really recommended in these shady days, thieves going around and all. This tent comes with an intruder alarm connected to the police, and route marauders usually know that. Usually...

Weather - WINDY with a chance of CLOUDS

Violet Gym:

This isn't an "event", gyms are available for everyone, as long as you read other players' posts and make sure the leader isn't occupied when you want to challenge them. If you want to, the GM can play the gym leader in a JP, otherwise you can control them yourself.

Falkner is an honorable young man who has inherited the role of the gym leader from his father. He uses flying type pokémon so the battle can be tricky, but he is ranked the lowest of the gym leaders in Johto so if you've trained well, you should be able to win.

[PokeCommunity.com] (IC) Crossroads ; A Johto Story - ACT I
Falkner | Age 26

Pokémon used in gym battle, any order:
[PokeCommunity.com] (IC) Crossroads ; A Johto Story - ACT I

Pidgeotto | Lv 12 | Female
Tackle | Sand-Attack | Gust | Quick Attack
[PokeCommunity.com] (IC) Crossroads ; A Johto Story - ACT I

Wingull | Lv 11 | Female
Growl | Water Gun | Supersonic | Wing Attack
[PokeCommunity.com] (IC) Crossroads ; A Johto Story - ACT I

Murkrow | Lv 10 | Male
Peck | Astonish | Pursuit | Feint Attack

This time, you actually have to choose between these two events! However, you don't have to do it tightly together with another player unless you want to, since you could sit through the same meditation/lecture and battle monks/students alongside each other without interacting. Or at least without joint posting.

NOTE: the odd/exotic "wild" pokémon here can be of nearly any existing species, but the monks/teachers won't allow you to capture them.


1) Train in the Sprout Tower. If you agree to sit through a meditation and battle monks as you go through the floors up to the master on the top, the master will give you a QUICK CLAW to hang around a pokémon's neck, if he is pleased with your training. The Quick Claw will make your pokémon much faster with a mysterious power, and even other players have to recognize and put up with that when you battle them. Careful though, there are odd pokémon living in the tower, declared sacred by the monks...

2) Train in the Pokémon Academy. If you sit through a lecture and manage to defeat some students, the principal will give you an ULTRA BALL if he is pleased with your performance. This ball is stronger than the ones sold around here and might come in handy in a close future. Careful though, the student battles are carried out in the large academy garden, where some strange exotic pokémon live, just to give the students more of a challenge as they move around...

[PokeCommunity.com] (IC) Crossroads ; A Johto Story - ACT I
Christina, Aberdeen and Nathan – Route 31
Chapter 2: A fistful of berries

Taillow flew down from above, to Tackle Chespin, sending the rodent tumbling ahead of the running boy. Aberdeen grabbed Chespin's tail and just picked the pokémon up while he kept running.

"That was unecessary!" he shouted back to his followers. "I said I'm sorry! We'll get your berries, okay?"

The bird rose again, thankfully, but Herdier barked and didn't stop.

"Chris! Nate!" Ab called, hoping that he was running towards the center of the field, where he had seen Nate go earlier.

Nate turned toward the sound of Ab's voice as he heard his name. "What's going on?" He could see Harold's Taillow flying in and out of the crops as he heard the sound of barking. Both the bird and the bird and the noise were heading towards Nathan.

"We might have to do some battling here..." Nate mumbled to Fang-Lin, who was looking up to him with curious eyes. "You probably shouldn't fight, buddy. We don't want to accidentally start a fire with these crops."

Nate returned Fang-Lin to his Pokeball and called out Poliwag. "Better get ready to use Bubble." The tadpole nodded joyfully in return.

Sindy pulled her head out of one of the bushes at the sound of the barking and Ab's cry for help, Christina looking down as she was in the middle of standing on her tip-toes with a stick in an attempt at poking at a berry that for some reason had grown on a tree. "... That sounded like Deen, didn't it?"

Sindy gave a little nod, followed by Chris sighing, tossing away the stick. "What's he gotten himself into now...?" She looked down at the Cyndaquil who was already on her way towards the sound of the barking, causing a smile to light up her face for a moment before she grasped her bag's strap in order to keep it from flying all over the place, as she set off in a run, quickly followed by Sindy.

Aberdeen kept running until he thought he saw bushes moving in front of him. Nate and Chris suddenly both turned up into the little clearing in the field, pokémon ready in front of them.

"What should we do? I made Herdier angry!" he called out and finally came to a stop, panting. Chespin was still in his arms, but breathed quickly all the same.

The dog jumped out into the clearing where Ab was standing, and growled menacingly before jumping towards him, teeth bared. A Bite attack! Aberdeen tossed Chespin one way and jumped the other way himself, and the Herdier landed in between them, chomping thin air instead.

Just then, Christina came rushing out of the undergrowth between a couple of bushes, quickly followed by Sindy. Noticing Ab and Chespin lying on the ground and the Herdier turning around, growling angrily, Chris managed to quickly put together what the problem was. "Quick Sindy, try to calm down Herdier!"

The Cyndaquil didn't look excited at the prospect of standing between Ab and an angry Pokémon, but she quickly ran over to stand in front of the downed Aberdeen, just as Herdier was ready to attack again. Sindy rose up on her hind legs, squeaking out while waving her arms all over the place in an attempt at calming down the dog, whom had stopped right in front of her, still growling angrily.

As this was going on, Christina had been rummaging through her pack and managed to fish out the berries she and Sindy had found not long ago. Running up to the side of Herdier, she stopped a little ways away from him, kneeling down and holding out the berries in her palms, smiling. "Hey Herdier! Look what we found for your master!"

Following Christina, Nate quickly rummaged through his backpack and then his pockets to find all of his Lansat Berries. One, two, three... four? He didn't realize that he had found so many. He held them out for the Herdier to see as well.

The dog sniffed a bit, picking up the clear, sugary scent from the rare berries. It then backed down, finally, away from Sindy, and merely let out a huffing noise. Taillow came down from above and perched itself on Herdier's back.

"They've calmed down..." Ab breathed. "So berries. Great. Can we go back now?"

Taillow chirped with dark eyes and flapped its wings sort of menacingly towards the talking boy. As menacingly as swallow wings can flap, at least.

"Okay, so that's a no then. More berries? How many did you guys find?" he asked, turning back to Christina and Nate. "I didn't find any yet... Hm."

Suddenly, a squeak came from Chespin, making Ab spin around. His pokémon was pointing excitedly into a thick grove of bushes. Without another word, Aberdeen darted after the rodent, before Taillow or Herdier could understand what was going on.

It turned out they had been running right past a bush with two large, colorful berries growing on them. They sure didn't match the rest of the berries growing in the field.

"Great find, Chespin!" Ab said happily and picked the fruits hastily, barely managing to not squash them. Just a minute after dashing off, he arrived back at the scene, where Herdier had begun to growl at Chris and Nate again.

"Here! This should be enough, no? Look, they're huge!" Ab said and held out the two new berries.

Nate gestured towards Ab with a thumbs up as he grasped his berries with the other hand. "These will make a great replacement for the lost berries." Nate said to Harold's Pokemon.

Taillow and Herdier shared a glance, then looked back at the kids and nodded. Then, they turned around and started walking out from the field again, Taillow perched on the back of the dog still.

"Phew," Ab let out. "Pure luck. And a great nose," he added and gave Chespin a pet on the head. "You guys okay?" he asked the other two.

Christina let out a sigh of relief as the wardens began heading back towards the farm, nodding her head lightly. Nate nodded as well. "Phew... yeah, I'm alright." Christina said. She then sent Ab a little semi-glare and raised her hand to punch his shoulder. "How in the world did you manage to piss off the Herdier?"

"I, uh... Well, nevermind, we better hurry back, yeah?" Deen said with an overly excited voice and started walking briskly out from the field again.

A while later, the three trainers and their guards were back at Harold's farm. They could hear some swearing from the barn and glanced at each other as to try to decide who would want to apprehend the grumpy man. Luckily, the wife emerged from the Torchichouse before anything was said.

"Oh, that's lovely! Even Harold will smile at this," she said in delight as the trainers handed over the large berries. "Off you go," she added to Herdier and Taillow, who gave the troublemakers one last glance before running off to the barn at last.

Magda glanced after the two Pokémon hurrying off to their master and gave a light smile before looking back to the kids. "I think it might be best if you kids just give me the berries. Harold's been in a foul mood all day." She held out a basket she was carrying for the three teens to put the berries into.

After the basket was filled by the berries, Magda gave the three a bright smile. "Such helpful youngsters. It's nice to see young people actually taking responsibility for their actions. I think that deserves an extra reward." She rummaged around in the basket once again and after a short while, she pulled out three yellow-y crystal-shaped items and offered it to the three of them. "There you go kids, as a show of good faith. Keep your noses clean from now on, okay?" She added with a knowing smile and a wink.

Christina's eyes widened as she took one of the small crystal-shaped items into her hands. "W... wow! This is a revive!" She looked from the item to the other two standing besides her, before smiling up at the woman. "This is a really rare item! Thank you ma'am!"

Aberdeen's eyes glimmered as he looked at the item in his hand. "Revive," he tried the word. "Sounds useful. I'm gonna save it for some important situation. Thanks ma'am!"

Turning her head to Aberdeen, Christina gave him another '-Really-?' look, though it was by far more overbearing than most of her other glances his direction. "It's an item you can use in combat on a fainted Pokémon, Deen. It'll give them another fighting chance."

Nate looked down at the familiar item in his hand. "Yeah, thanks a lot. This will help in the future." Nate pocketed the healing item. His mind went back to the Exeggcute, though. I still need to find the other four eggs. I can't just leave these two here...

As Magda went back to her farm business, Aberdeen turned to face his fellow trainers. "So what now?" he asked, cheerfully. "Violet City's pretty close, right?"

Nate pulled the Exeggcute out of his pockets, kneeled down, and placed it on the grass. "I should look around the farm; the other four eggs should be around here somewhere. I can't leave this guy alone in this state." Nate stood back up. "You two should continue on while I'm here. We'll probably meet again somewhere along our journeys." Poliwag nodded agreeingly.

Christina turned to Nate and offered him a smile, nodding her head. "Awh, that's really nice of you. I guess we might as well head to Violet together if we're both headed that way anyways." She added, glancing briefly at Aberdeen before turning back to Nathan. "See you around, Nate! And good luck!"

"Yeah, that's really nice, Nate. Good luck!" Aberdeen said and then leaned his head a bit, studying Christina briefly while she was turned away.

She reminded him of someone. Oh, she reminded him of Rachel. Or rather, how Rachel used to be like... When his sister, Anabel, was alive. Nowadays, Rachel was different. Christina still had her spirits up. If Ab couldn't travel with Rachel on this pokémon journey, Christina wasn't a bad second choice. Maybe she wouldn't even be a second choice, if he had that choice. Wait, what was he thinking now? And why was he even thinking? He didn't want to be the pondering kid anymore. He was a doer, not a dreamer. Now.

Throwing all norms out the window, Ab reached out an open hand towards the girl standing beside him, as if urging her to take it.

"Let's go, then?" he said with a bright smile.

Christina turned to Aberdeen after Nate had left, looking a little surprised at him holding his hand out towards her, as if he was expecting her to walk hand in hand with him to Violet. Her cheeks flared a little up and she had a look of confusion in her eyes for a few moments, until she seemed to soften a little up and sent him a wry little smile. "... Alright. Let's do this, Deen." She reached out and took his hand, quickly focusing her direction down the road. Chespin and Sindy had already began walking ahead, seemingly getting along well, as Chris raised her left hand to point ahead of them, smiling brightly as she exclaimed.

"To Violet!"

Current Team:
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[PokeCommunity.com] (IC) Crossroads ; A Johto Story - ACT I
[PokeCommunity.com] (IC) Crossroads ; A Johto Story - ACT I
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[PokeCommunity.com] (IC) Crossroads ; A Johto Story - ACT I
Nate returned Poliwag to her Pokeball as he walked towards the barn that he had found the two Exeggcute eggs in. He hoped to find the rest of the pack inside somewhere.

As Nate strolled across the field towards the large building, the two eggs bounced confidently by his heels. Nate was beginning to feel a connection with the Pokemon, but he knew that it had to belong to the farmer, so he only planned to help the Pokemon become whole again and was going to leave it on the farm.

When he entered the barn, the band of Lillipup and their mother were nowhere to be found. The Gogoat was still laying in her stall, though. The hay strewn about the barn was untouched. Nate took about twenty minutes to look through the barn, keeping a close eye on Exeggcute so that it wouldn't wander off.

Nate searched everywhere in the barn. He even searched the Gogoat's stall. He was somewhat afraid that the Pokemon would be angered by his approach, but she hardly paid him only attention, though she bleated affectionately when Nate patted her on the head as he left. He couldn't find the rest of Exeggcute anywhere.

"Now yer lookin' around my barn as well?" shouted Harold, standing at the entrance to his barn.

Nate stumbled as Harold entered; he had hoped to not run into the farmer again. He thinks that I'm trying to steal something! He raised his hands and replied. "No! I'm not looking for anything! I-I mean I'm not trying to steal anything! I'm trying to find the other four eggs for this Exeggcute!" The two eggs at his heels chanted in agreement.

"Eh?" Harold looked down in surprise at the Pokemon with the intruder. "Oh, I was wonderin where the rest of my harvester went off to." He took a Nest Ball out of his pocket and shot out a red beam from it. The beam took the shape of four orbs and the remaining two thirds of Exeggcute appeared. The four eggs cried cheerfully and bounced towards the other two, and the reunited bundle happily bounced together as one entity, then marched a circle around Nate, cheerfully chanting at him.

"You had them this whole time?" Nate said to Harold? "That's a relief." He looked down to the posse below him. "I guess it's time for us to part ways, then."

Exeggcute responded by spinning around and looking intently at Nate, then it chanted cheerfully again. Nate shook his head. "No; you're Harold's Pokemon!"

Harold walked up to Nate, watching his Pokemon with interest. "That there is my special Exeggcute. I received it from a professor. I saw it in a dream when I started my berry-growin farm. In the dream, Exeggcute helped me to multiply my berries to make me a good fortune! The professor helped me to get back to my dream and meet with my helper, and she helped me bring him to the real world. I ain't got a clue about the science and whatnot, but this here Pokemon can reproduce any berry I give him."

That must be why I kept finding Lansat Berries in my pocket! Nate realized. The Exeggcute had been holding the original Lansat Berry, so it must have reproduced it while in Nate's pocket.

"This un' has never taken a likin to me." Harold said. "He's given me a good crop, but it keep getting scattered around the farm. However, it seems to be content with you. The eggs have a mental connection with eachother, so the two you had must have communicated to the other four. Tell ya what, if you can beat me and my Pokemon in a double battle, I'll let you take the feller with you." Harold offered. "How's that sound?"

Nate looked down at the eggs below him, which hadn't moved an inch and continued chanting in multiple, low, synchronized voices. Nate looked back to Harold. "Sure thing!" He pulled out his two Pokeballs.

They moved out of the barn and into the open field by the farmhouse. The sky was just starting to change hues from blue to orange outside. After the two trainers took their battle positions, Nate called out Fang-Lin and Poliwag. The two Pokemon cried joyfully as they readied themselves for the fight. Harold called his two Pokemon, Herdier and Taillow. The Herdier came running from the house while the Taillow flew down from a tree that shaded the house.

The Taillow came in fast, taking the first move with Quick Attack, knocking Poliwag back. "Fang-Lin! Strike back with Ember!" Nate called. The Fennekin struck the Taillow's tail feathers with searing bits of flame.

"Herdier! Bite!" Herdier came up immediately, chomping down on Fennekin's tail. Poliwag shot out a stream of bubbles at the dog, coaxing it to let go by making it sneeze.

The Pokemon went back and forth with physical attacks, except for Poliwag, who could only shoot bubbles at her opponents. Soon, both of Nate's Pokemon were looking weak, but Taillow was also pretty hurt. Nate called for Poliwag to finish off the bird Pokemon, and Taillow was soon laying on the ground, knocked out, with some bubbles still stuck to its feathers.

Nate then realized the thin string around the Herdier's neck. It was holding an Oran Berry that was partly hidden by the Herdier's blue fur. Good tactic, but I've got a better one. Nate thought. "Fang-Lin! Use Thief!" Fang-Lin struck out at the Herdier with great speed, knocking his side into the dog, and chomping on the Oran Berry at the same time.

Fang-Lin was looking healthier from eating the berry, but Poliwag was on her last breath. Harold called for Herdier to strike the Tadpole with Tackle. Nate was about the call for Fang-Lin to intercept, but the Pokemon were too spaced out for the tactic. Poliwag's Bubble wouldn't be strong enough to deflect the larger Pokemon's attack. Nate couldn't figure out the best strategy.

Before he could choose the right attack, Poliwag's swirl started glowing pink and she started doing cartwheels, shooting out a swirling pink beam towards the incoming Herdier, which slowed it down until it eventually fell over in sleep. Fang-Lin finished off the opponent by shooting it with another round of Ember.

Realizing his loss, Harold pulled out two Pokeballs and called back his Pokemon. He walked up to Nate, who was congratulating his Poliwag on her new Hypnosis attack.

"You've got a solid team being made there." he commented. "My Exeggcute will certainly grow while he's with you." He smiled as he handed Nate the Nest Ball. "You should take this as well." He pulled out a Lansat Berry from his pocket. "I can spare one for you. You might want to save it for later, though. Exeggcute's ability doesn't always work the way you want it to."
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[PokeCommunity.com] (IC) Crossroads ; A Johto Story - ACT I

Blossom the Chikorita
Female - Level 8
Tackle/Growl/Refresh/Razor Leaf/-/-

[PokeCommunity.com] (IC) Crossroads ; A Johto Story - ACT I

Napoleon the Buizel
Male - Level 6
Sonic Boom/Growl/-/-/-/-

[PokeCommunity.com] (IC) Crossroads ; A Johto Story - ACT I


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[PokeCommunity.com] (IC) Crossroads ; A Johto Story - ACT I


[PokeCommunity.com] (IC) Crossroads ; A Johto Story - ACT I

Melody Hughes

Chapter 2 - Route 31

Chase Through The Fields! Melody Meets Team Rocket!

As she had decided, Melody and Hien made their way back to the farmer to see if they could gather more information about the Pokemon thief. While the farmer did not have much more information about what he looked like, Melody was able to get the farmer to accept that Hien was not the the thief... or at the very least to doubt that he was. The problem was that now the duo still needed to locate him.

"Anythin' you could tell us would be totally awesome," Melody told the man. "Do you remember which way you were chasin' him, maybe?"

The farmer sighed, meaning that they were wasting time standing around, and pointed to the south. Into the tall corn fields. Chances were, the thief was still in there. It was more probable than him just walking around on the roads, the farmer said, admitting that Hien probably wasn't the one they were after. Unless he was really really clever. But it hurt his head to think about that, really.

Melody nodded, thanking the man before leading Hien towards the field of corn. As the duo neared it, the girl frowned looking at just how tall and wide the field seemed to be. Splitting up seemed like it would be the best route. However at the same time Melody felt that making such a choice may not prove to be the best idea on her part, as it may have been easy for them to get lost in there.

"I don't guess you got a Pidgey or some other bird on your team, huh?" the girl questioned, glancing over at Hien. A look of surprise took over her features as there was no sign of the boy anywhere. Melody frowned before turning back to face the cornfield. "How am I supposed to track down a person in this mess on my own...?"

She stood there for a moment, thinking over just how to proceed in the hunt for the Pokémon thief. She glanced down at the ground, her eyes widening as she found a small, black scrap of cloth, one that looked as if it belonged to an article of clothing. Suddenly, an idea flashed in the girl's head. She quickly reached down on to her belt and took off Napoleon's Pokéball, letting the Buizel out of the capsule, much to Blossom's dismay. Napoleon glanced over his shoulder in a rather lazy fashion, glancing up at Melody.

"Okay, Napoleon! I know you're totally not a tracking type Pokémon or anythin' like that... But here's the plan," Melody began. She knelt down close to the Buizel, beginning to talk in a much more quiet tone. "Somewhere in this cornfield, there's a jerk who thinks it's okay to go around stealin' Pokémon... We can't just wander around the field aimlessly lookin' for him! It'd take way too long. So, what I need ya to do is to try and sniff him out."

Melody took the scrap of cloth she had found and held it out for Napoleon to sniff. The Buizel looked at the cloth slowly, as if he was thinking over whether to actually go along with the trainer's plan or not. Blossom took a nervous step towards the Buizel and suddenly began to chirp and cheep at him. Napoleon looked at the Chikorita as she spoke, before he let out a small grunt and then began to sniff the cloth as Melody had asked. The trainer was a bit curious as to what her Chikorita had said to Napoleon, but she did not have long to wonder before the otter Pokémon took off into the fields, hot on the trail. Melody quickly recalled Blossom into her ball up before chasing after the Buizel.

Keeping track of Napoleon through the cornfields was even more tricky than Melody thought it was going to be. Pathways were narrow, with stalks of corn constantly at both of her sides to block her view of anything except for Napoleon who was dashing along right in front of her. Keeping up with Napoleon proved to be a bit tough as well. Whoever he was on the trail of had definitely worked their way deep into the cornfields. The Buizel would constantly turn to charge down a different path, causing his trainer to constantly have to be on her toes for any change in his direction.

Eventually, Melody and Napoleon came to a small clearing in the middle of the cornfield. It was of a circular design, with tall stalks of corn surrounding it on all sides. There was no sign of any Pokémon to be seen... only a strange looking man in a solid black uniform with short, red hair. He wore a pair of gray boots and gloves with his uniform, along with a cap covering most of his hair. Melody stayed quiet as she watched the man from the edge of the cornfields, Napoleon standing close by and quiet as well.

"Heh... I can't believe what an easy pick that was!" the uniformed man sneered. "That farmer didn't know what to think when I came charging by and swiped this Victreebel! This thing will make a great present for the boss to add to his arsenal, and it'll probably get me a juicy promotion to go with it!"

"There's no doubt about it this time. He's definitely the guy I'm lookin' for!" Melody thought with a frown. Just listening to the man gloat and celebrate his victory made the trainer angrier by the second. Glaring daggers at the man, Melody boldly stepped out of the cornstalks and faced the thief head on. "Hold it right there, ya creep!"

The man jumped at the sudden sound of her voice. He quickly spun around on his heels, turning to face the girl with shocked expression on his face. He had expected to find himself face to face with an officer of the law. The last thing he expected to see was a teenage girl that was a good two heads shorter than he was. A small smirk quickly made its way to his face as he started to laugh.

"You're... you're just a kid!" the man exclaimed, laughing her off. "Do you know how much you just scared the crap out of me just now? Go on home kid, before you're late for dinner."

The man waved Melody off, before turning to head on his way. Melody widened her eyes. She quickly grabbed a small rock she found on the ground and tossed it at the man, pelting him right behind the shoulder blades.

"I said hold it! I'm not just some kid, either!" Melody exclaimed, glaring at the man in annoyance. "That Victreebel you stole! Gimme it so I can return it to its proper owner!"

The man began to laugh again. "You? What could you possibly do against someone like me?! Don't you know who I am?!"

Melody gave the man a blank look. "I know you're just a lowly thug of a thief..."

The man sighed, rolling his eyes at the girl's lack of knowledge. He turned to face her once more, pointing to a rather large, red "R" that was stitched onto the front of his shirt. "I'm a member of Team Rocket, kid!"

"Team... Rocket...?"

The man sighed. "You gotta be kidding me, kid... Team Rocket! We're an organization devoted to obtaining rare Pokémon in order to strengthen our place in this world!"

"So... you're a thief?" Melody asked.

"N-No! I'm not just some thief!"

"You stole that Victreebel, so that makes you a thief."

The Rocket groaned in annoyance. Melody was quickly wearing his patience down, and he needed to deal with her quick. Taking one of the Pokéballs by his waist, he gave the girl the fiercest glare he could possibly muster.

"Look kid, you're barking up the wrong tree if you think you can deal with me. If you back off now, I might be nice enough to let you leave unharmed," he threatened.

Melody stood her ground. "I'm not leavin' without that Victreebel!"

"Have it your way, kid... Don't say I didn't warn ya!" the Rocket declared.

The man tossed the ball forward with a grunt. The ball snapped open, revealing a Meowth to be awaiting inside. The Meowth lurched forward on its paws, hissing at Melody and showing off its sharp claws in the process. Melody prepared to send Blossom out against the cat, but was stopped once again as Napoleon made his way forward with a rather unimpressed look in his eyes.

"What a pathetically weak looking Buizel," the man sneered. "You better just do yourself a favor kid and give up now."

"Not a chance!" Melody shouted. "Alright, Napoleon! Let's show this thug what ya got!"

GM: I'm finding it difficult to remember at what points I've given out levels, so I think from now on I'll make these posts in the IC instead of in the OOC. Might disturb the flow a bit, but I think we'll live.

Greiger has already gotten his levels for Chapter 2 and Tixen and Alby haven't finished their event yet.

Aberdeen (RHCP)
Pidgey grew to Lv 8!
Whismur grew to lv 7!
Chespin grew to lv 8 and learned Rollout!

Christina (Bastian)
Sindy grew to lv 9!

Nathan (Cooper)
Fang-Lin grew to lv 10!
Poliwag grew to lv 9 and learned Hypnosis!

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[PokeCommunity.com] (IC) Crossroads ; A Johto Story - ACT I

Blossom the Chikorita
Female - Level 8
Tackle/Growl/Refresh/Razor Leaf/-/-

[PokeCommunity.com] (IC) Crossroads ; A Johto Story - ACT I

Napoleon the Buizel
Male - Level 6
Sonic Boom/Growl/-/-/-/-

[PokeCommunity.com] (IC) Crossroads ; A Johto Story - ACT I


[PokeCommunity.com] (IC) Crossroads ; A Johto Story - ACT I


[PokeCommunity.com] (IC) Crossroads ; A Johto Story - ACT I


[PokeCommunity.com] (IC) Crossroads ; A Johto Story - ACT I


[PokeCommunity.com] (IC) Crossroads ; A Johto Story - ACT I

Melody Hughes

Chapter 2 - Route 31

Save Victreebel! Melody VS Team Rocket!

"Alright, Meowth! Attack with scratch!"

The Meowth charged forward. It's razor sharp claws taking a swipe at Napoleon, who just barely managed to dodge out of the way at the last moment. Melody quickly followed through with an order for the Buizel to attack with his Sonic Boom. The Buizel obeyed the command, slapping its fin-like paws together to send a quick energy wave at the Meowth. It slammed right into the cat, surprising both it and the member of Team Rocket.

"Well... Looks like you're not just some little kid. At least, you seem to know what you're doing!" the Rocket jeered. "But it's you gotta do better than that!"

Melody was starting to get somewhat angry with the man. "Napoleon, follow up with another Sonic Boom!"

The Buizel grunted in response, preparing another round of essentially his only attack. However, the Rocket grunt was ready for this. He smirked as he waited for just the right moment, before suddenly shouting a new order at his Meowth.

"Now, Meowth! Use Fake-Out!"

The Meowth hissed and dashed straight for Napoleon. The energy wave of the Sonic Boom sailed right for the cat. However in a surprising turnabout, the Meowth completely jumped over the attack! It landed right on top of the Buizel, slapping both of its paws against the sides of his head before jumping back with a small hiss.

"Now, give it a quick Bite attack!" the Rocket ordered.

Meowth gave a nod, dashing forward at Napoleon as the Buizel was trying to regain his senses. Melody's eyes widened. She quickly gave orders for Napoleon to dodge the oncoming attack, but he just was not fast enough to do so. A small howl of pain echoed into the cornfield as the Meowth's sharp, fang-like teeth latched onto Napoleon's left arm. Melody watched as the Buizel managed to shake the cat Pokémon of his arm and then quickly jumped back to put some space between himself and his opponent.

"That's enough, Napoleon! Come on back and let Blossom handle it from here!" Melody shouted, trying to recall the Buizel back into his Pokéball. Rather than return to the ball-like capsule as he was told, Napoleon ignored is trainer much like he had previously, giving her only a small glare before returning his attention to the Meowth. "Why won't he listen to me half the time?"

"Heh... I think your Buizel could use a lot more training!" the Rocket grunt sneered. "Something you might wanna consider after I finish him off! Use Bite once more, Meowth!"

Melody watched as the Meowth lunged for Napoleon once more. The trainer shouted for her Pokémon to do something, rather it was to come back or dodge out of the way. However, the Buizel simply watched as the Meowth got closer and closer. Suddenly, Napoleon unleashed a Sonic Boom attack right when the Meowth was at pointblank range. The Meowth released a loud, painful screech as it fell back, landing on his back and fainting on the spot.

The Rocket grunt sighed as he recalled Meowth. "This is what I get for starting off with a weak piece of garbage like you..." He put Meowth's ball back on his belt before picking a second ball and tossing it forward. Much like before the ball bounced into the air, releasing another Pokémon with a flash of bright red light. "Alright, Sandshrew! Time to finish this runt off!"

Melody bit her lip with apprehension. She knew that chances were that if she attempted to call back Napoleon, the Buizel would simply refuse much as he had before. With a sigh, she began the next phase of the battle.

"Napoleon, give it a blast with your Sonic Boom!"

The Buizel released yet another wave of energy towards the Rocket's Sandshrew. The Rocket only chuckled in response, eyeing his Sandshrew and Melody's Buizel with a smirk. "Counter with a Defense Curl!"

The Sandshrew curled itself into a small ball as the Sonic Boom arrived to its destination. The wave of energy collided with the balled up Sandshrew doing very little, if any damage to it. As soon as the attack was over, the Sandshrew uncurled. The Rocket smirked as he gave the creature the next order.

"Alright, Sandshrew! Smash it with Rollout!" he shouted.

"Napoleon, blast it with another Sonic Boom!" Melody ordered.

Napoleon gave a quick nod in response and released another Sonic Boom as he was commanded to. At that same time, the Rocket Grunt's Sandshrew curled up again and began to suddenly roll towards the Buizel. Napoleon's attack collided right into the rolling Sandshrew, doing little to impact the Pokémon. Napoleon was helpless as the Sandshrew slammed right into the Buizel, sending the otter Pokémon falling onto his back. Napoleon began to slowly stagger to his feet only for the Sandshrew to plow right into the Buizel once more.

"Napoleon! Please, that's enough!" Melody shouted to her Buizel. The said Pokémon picked himself back off the ground again. Fatigue was evident on the creature's face, yet the little Buizel still refused to give up. Fearing for his safety at this point, Melody quickly took his Pokéball and forced the Buizel to return without a word. Thankfully, she had managed to pull him back before he fainted. "Sorry, Napoleon... There's just no way you can beat this one in your current shape..."

"You might as well give it up, kid! My Sandshrew has never lost a fight yet!" the Rocket grunt taunted.

Melody glared at the man. "Then you better get ready..." Taking the second Pokéball on her belt, Melody tossed it forward releasing Blossom from the capsule device. The Chikorita glanced over her shoulder, noticing the determined look on her trainer's face. "You can do it, Blossom. We have to win this! Napoleon would never forgive us if we lost after he fought so hard."

The Chikorita chirped with a nod before turning to face her opponent in the Sandshrew. The Rocket grunt began to laugh, shaking his head at the girl's words. As if it had been rehearsed, the Sandshrew did the same.

"That little weed? What's she gonna do, cute me to death?!" the Rocket grunt exclaimed. He shook his head with a sigh. "Whatever... Finish this thing quick, Sandshrew. Poison Sting!"

The Sandshrew curled up into a ball and began to roll towards Blossom. Such an action confused Melody, as she was not expecting the Sandshrew to roll around like that again. At the last moment, the Sandshrew quickly turned, rolling behind the Chikorita and suddenly shooting a strange, needle-like object at her. Chikorita let out a small cry of pain as the needle was injected into her backside. The Chikortia staggered forward with a familiar, sick looking feature gracing her face.

"B-Blossom!" Melody cried out.

"Poisoned, just as planned..." The Rocket Grunt gloated.

"Damn it, this sucks..." Melody thought with a sigh. "I don't have any Antidotes on me either... There's no way I can heal her... Unless..."

The girl's eyes widened as she remembered something very important. Slowly smiling, Melody looked up at Blossom and the Rocket grunt's Sandshrew.

"Blossom, Refresh!" Melody commanded.

The Chikorita nodded and began to glow with a faint light. Slowly the light faded, and Blossom seemed to be feeling much better, as if she had never been poisoned to begin with. The Rocket grunt cursed his luck at this development, glaring fiercely at the girl.

"Just because you could heal the poison from that weed doesn't mean you're going to win! Sandshrew, Rollout!" he commanded.

The Sandshrew curled up into a ball and began to roll straight towards Blossom with incredible speed. Melody smiled, she had the ground type right where she wanted it.

"Now Blossom, Razor Leaf!" she shouted. Blossom chirped as sharp, circling leaves began to fly in the direction of the spinning Sandshrew. Like razors, each leaf cut into the spinning Pokémon. Its spinning began to slow down, the leaves clearly having an effect against the Sandshrew. Melody was not about to let this opportunity slip by. "Quick, finish it off with Tackle!"

Blossom dashed forward, slamming into the Sandshrew for all she was worth. The Pokémon fell back towards the grunt, attempting to pick itself off the ground. However, it had taken too much damage from the combined force of Blossom's Razor Leaf and Tackle. It fainted shortly afterwards, much to the Rocket grunt's dismay.

"Are you done yet?" Melody asked, glaring at the man. "Or do you want more?"

The Rocket grunt took a step back, calling his Sandshrew back to its Pokéball. "W-Whatever... Here, just take the damn Victreebel. They don't pay me enough for this anyways!"

The Rocket grunt through a Great Ball on the ground before turning tail and running. Melody watched as the man fled, before sighing in relief. She congratulated Blossom for a job well done, the Pokémon chirping happily in response, before the trainer quickly made her way towards the Great Ball that was laying on the ground. She carefully reached out for the ball, checking it for any damage before releasing the Pokémon that had been resting inside. Much to the girl's relief, it was the farmer's Victreebel, alive and well.

"That was such a rush... Still, we're not done just yet. I better make sure to get ya back to your trainer." Melody sighed in relief.

She recalled the Victreebel back to its Great Ball, before making her way back towards the farmer. Blossom followed close behind the girl, staying on guard just in case the Rocket grunt came back for a round two. She did not make any stops along the way. It was more important to get the stolen Pokémon back to where it belonged. The farmer was absolutely overjoyed to get his prized Victreebel back. He took the Great Ball from melody with great haste upon its delivery, celebrating a happy reunion with the grass type Pokémon.

"I'm happy I was able to help ya out, sir," Melody said with a smile. "I don't think you'll have to worry about that thief again, but it would probably be a good idea to let the police know about him."

The farmer nodded in response. "You don't have to worry 'bout that. I have every intention of letting them know about that thug." Melody gave the man a smile and turned to leave. However, before she got far she was stopped by the farmer. "H-Hey, wait a second, girl!"

"Hmm...? What is it?" the girl questioned.

"You really did me a huge favor, helpin' me out like that. Truth be told, I'd feel lower than Skuntank with a gas problem if I let ya just leave empty-handed like this," the farmer answered.

Melody offered him a smile. "Don't worry about it! I'm just glad I was able to help ya out!"

The farmer shook his head. "I insist!" Melody watched as the man reached into his pocket, pulling out a small Pokéball. The older man smiled as he held it out for the girl. Melody offered him a somewhat confused look. "I want ya to have this Pokémon."

"I... I couldn't possibly sir," Melody replied.

"I insist!" the farmer replied. He tossed the Pokéball into the air, releasing a Tailow from inside of it. The bird Pokémon looked up at Melody, chirping as it began to peck at the ground some. "This here Tailow I hatched from an egg I found in my barn. Truth be told, I'm not much of a trainer. Fightin' really ain't my specialty. But my boy, Hawk, just loves to fight. Truth be told, I think he'd be much happier with you. He even knows a strange move that most don't know right away... Um, Steel Wing, I think it was?"

Melody's eyes widened in surprise. "A-Are you sure?"

"I am," the farmer replied. "Consider it a gift for all you did for me."

Melody smiled, thanking the man in the process. She slowly made her way towards the Tailow. "Hey there, Hawk... I'm on my way to Violet City to become an amazin' Pokémon trainer. I don't have much expereince yet, but... Do ya wanna tag along with us?"

The Tailow gave a questioning glance to Melody as she spoke. Hawk gave off a happy chirp, before he flapped up and took rest upon Melody's shoulder with glee.

"Wow... He's really friendly, yeah?" Melody asked the farmer.

He nodded. "I think he can tell what a great trainer you are. Take care of him for me. I'll be lookin' out to hear more news about you and your team, girl!"

Melody thanked the man once more and bid him farewell, making her way towards Violet City once more. It had been quite an adventurous day. She tracked down a Pokémon thief, battled against him and won, saved a Victreebel, and made a new friend. Still, one thought still stirred in Melody's mind as she traveled. Just who was Team Rocket... And what did they actually want? For some reason, the girl had a feeling this was not the last she would see of them...

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Nice conclusion of the event, Alby!

Napoleon grew to lv 8 and learned Water Sport!
Blossom grew to lv 9 and learned Poison Powder!
Melody received a Taillow at lv 8!​
Blaine - Surrounded by education​

It was inevitable he assumed. It was why others caught pokemon anyway, to battle and challenge each other and just find another way to assure themselves that they were good at something. It was just how humans were, and he was human so of course he would be forced to eventually reach this route. He had walked into Violet City just a few minutes ago, but he had been essentially lectured by every single adult he came across to go to the academy since it was what every single trainer did. Even when he went into the pokemon center to heal up his mon the nurse herself asked if he had seen the academy and recommended that he go ahead and try it out before he had even responded to her question. He figured that he could skip the academy and find some trainers in the town instead. He could show he was a good trainer by beating some kids and that would be the end of it. He could only groan when he was told by one man that every single trainer in Violet City was in this academy. Great… just great.

So here he was now with Derpy out and running around him happily. The Totodile was happy and Blaine wanted to keep him that way. At least in such a state he wouldn't try to bite off his hand again. Blaine made his way up to the front doors and went inside. There was a small desk set up with a girl stationed behind it who was busy with her phone. "Um… hello?" He asked.

The girl put her phone down and smiled at him, "Hello, here to register for the academy?"

He nodded, "It's just for a day right?" He asked warily, "I'm just passing through, not sure if I have to be here for a week or something."

She shrugged, "It depends on you. You can leave whenever you want, but there are many experience teachers here too. It would be wise to listen to their wisdom. Name?"


She tapped a few keys and handed him a laminated piece of paper, "That's your keycard to let you into the rooms. I hope you enjoy your stay here."

He nodded and glanced down at the paper as Depry began to jump up and down next to him. Well… if there were experienced trainers here then he could give the place a try. Just for an hour or two really. As he walked along the halls he did pass some other trainers who stopped and stared at him, well at first he thought so. Then he realized most of them were looking right at Derpy. What was the matter? He was just a Totodile, nothing special. He did find some signs that pointed new students to a class and so he stepped in, having to reach down to try and get Derpy to be quiet. He rubbed his forehead and walked on in to see a man at a chalkboard.

"Now, if such a status does happen what does that mean for the Marowak?"

He waited for a bit as the room remained silent, "It means that it STILL won't be affected. No matter how much water is on it, a ground type cannot be affected by electric type moves, no matter how wet they are."

Blaine picked up Derpy and moved in past some other students to find a seat. Derpy waved his arms as he was let down and Blaine pulled out the moving wooden slab to rest his elbows on only for Derpy to jump up and snap his jaws tightly around the edge of the slab. Blaine stared on as drool slowly began to drip from the wood as well as from Derpy's jaws. Just breathe Blaine, breathe.

Some of the surrounding students stared as Derpy let out muffled gurgles and drooled even more while his jaws sunk deeper into the wood. A few soft chuckles were being stifled around Blaine as the teacher suddenly paused, "Young man, you DO have a reign on your Totodile do you not?"

Blaine paled and looked over at Derpy, "Uh… I'm sorry sir." He tried to tug Derpy off but the Totodile just clamped his jaws together against the wood, almost as if it was but a game for the water type. Blaine gave another tug but Derpy just waved his arms about as he let out a muffled gurgle.

"I would suggest recalling him. That is what pokeballs are for." The teacher advised as some students finally let out chuckles. Blaine pulled out the Totodile's ball and hit the button. For an instant he disappeared but he soon reappeared back on the desk as the ball opened once more. Derpy sat down and before Blaine could react his jaws opened and his tongue struck out to lick over his trainer's face. Blaine groaned as Derpy let his tail happily wag behind him and the teacher sighed as the class laughed some more, "Well, seems your mon has quite a lot of energy. I would suggest heading out to the gardens and draining that energy from him young man. Now, we shall discuss the effects of how covering a grass type with water-"

Blaine picked up Derpy and did his best to lower the desk without touching the drool and he was soon out of the room. "You know, you're a burden." He said pointedly to the Totodile as he walked him out of the building. The Totodile just stared at him with those eyes and his wide smile. He set the water type down and shook his head, "What will I do with you?" He muttered. He caught sight of a sign and looked it over, "So… no catching? That's stupid." He saw other trainers out in the gardens, "So… what now?"

Derpy jumped up and gurgled as he raced on out. "Hey come on! Not this again!" Blaine cried out as he chased his Totodile down the paths. He finally turned a corner and gasped as he saw that Derpy had stopped in front of some girl who was petting him. "H-Hey! He… bites!" Blaine gasped out.

The girl looked up in confusion and happily resumed petting, "Doesn't seem to be getting bitey around me!" She said with a chuckle.

Blaine quickly moved up and was about to Grab Derpy when the Totodile turned and gave him that stare. One move, and he knew his hand would be gone. He took a small step back and the Totodile turned back around and pressed his head against the girl's hand once more. The student smiled softly and soon stood up, "I take it this is your Totodile then? You must be lucky to have a shiny one!"

"Shiny?" Blaine asked as Derpy came on over to his side once more. "What do you mean?"

The girl frowned, "You… you haven't seen a regular Totodile before? Most Totodile are a deep blue color, you're is actually more greenish and that means he's a shiny version. Shiny pokemon is just a nickname for pokemon like your Totodile, but it really means that they have special genes. Your Totodile was born with such genes that affect the look of his skin so if you sent him into a swarm of other Totodile you could pick him out easily since he would be the only one that would be differently colored. It's something I learned last semester."

"Uh huh…" Blaine looked down as Derpy suddenly raised his head and gained a proud smile.

The girl nodded, "You should be careful though as well. I really don't know why, but lost of people like shiny pokemon. Some may be willing to trade for him simply based on that alone."

Blaine snorted, "Then they don't know what kind of mon he is then. He's a heavy enough burden."

She chuckled, "Totodile can be that way, you just have to raise him well. Raise him with love and you'll get a fine mon out of him. So, want to battle now?"

The last question threw off Blaine, "Uh… what?"

She smiled and held up a pokeball, "You DID come out here to train yes? Well let's train then. I want to see what that Totodile can do. Does a two versus two sound fine?"

Blaine looked down at Derpy whose smile had only widened and he nodded, "Yeah. A teacher in there said I had to drain his energy or something?"

The student tossed her ball up and down, "That is what battling is for. Pokemon live in the wild and live by instincts. If they are kept in a pokeball for too long or if they are bored then the energy usually expended by battling is contained in their bodies. They get energetic, can disobey commands when you DO send them out to battle, or they can just go wild trying to find a battle. I can see your own Totodile is a bit energetic. Have you battled with him often?"

Blaine nodded, "Well, not every second… but I did get into some battles on the way here. He fought well enough, listened to me and such."

The girl thought and smiled, "Well I have heard some species of pokemon are more energetic naturally. Could be that your Totodile is just one that is naturally energetic. I have heard though that if those pokemon do evolve they gain different mindsets after the evolution, their personality in a way becomes more mature. It could be you have to get him to the point where he'll evolve."

Blaine nodded and looked down yet again, "Okay… I'll start off with Derpy here." The Totodile jabbed as he ran on up and the girl had to stifle a laugh, "D-Derpy?"

He nodded, "He's a derp. You'll find the name suits him when you really see him in action."

She sent out her own pokeball as a Buizel appeared. "I select my Buizel for this." The Buizel grinned as his two tails twitched behind him.

Derpy just stared on with that vacant look in his eyes and after a while Blaine figured he was allowed to send out the first command. "Derpy use Leer!" The Totodile narrowed his eyes at the Buizel as they glowed a bright red. The otter like pokemon took a step back as a bit of sweat formed on his forehead, but the female trainer smirked, "Buizel you know what to do! SonicBoom!"

The Buizel snapped out his fright and turned about and slapped his two tails out. A gust of wind flew out and slammed right into Derpy, causing the Totodile to be pushed back. "Derpy use a Scratch attack!" At the same time his opponent called out as well, "Buizel use Quick Attack!"

Before Derpy could raise his clawed hand the Buizel dashed forward in a blur and punched Derpy in his gut. If anything that made Derpy even more angry and he slashed his claws along the Buizel's chest. The Buizel cried out and tried to pull away but Derpy still kept to his advantage. He moved his jaws forward and sealed his teeth into the Buizel's shoulder as the Buizel fell onto his back. He tried to push Derpy off but Derpy just reaffirmed his grip. Blaine looked at his dex and pointed it at Derpy, "Heh… guess he learned Rage some time ago."

The two rolled about on the ground as Derpy gnawed on his furry shoulder. "Buizel use Growl! Get that attack down!" The Buizel snarled as loudly as he could at his opponent as the Totodile dug his teeth in, but his opponent was still conscious. "Buizel use a SonicBoom again!" The water type's tails flipped up and slapped against the Totodile's back. Derpy bit in deeper as his eyes glowed orange and thanks to the attack his attack only surged.

The Buizel looked to be a bit desperate as the fangs dug in deeper and he let out a shocked cry of pain. A few tears formed at the corner of the Buizel's eyes and at the sight Derpy formed a smirk along his jaws. The Buizel gritted his own teeth and rolled about with the Totodile, trying to break the jaws off of his shoulder, but it only ended with Derpy on top of him once more as he rubbed his teeth against the Buizel's flesh. The otter like creature tried to push Derpy off one last time before he finally fell silent. Buizel was recalled and Derpy got up as he panted a bit.

The female frowned and then threw out another ball, this one containing a Pidgey. Derpy snarled and snapped his jaws as his rage kept him going. He ran at the bird as the other trainer nodded, "Tackle!" The bird cried out as it flew forward and slammed into Derpy, knocking the water type over as swirls appeared in his eyes. Likewise Blaine recalled him and held out his other ball. From it the Bellsprout appeared whose eyes widened at the sight of the bird pokemon.

"Tackle again!" The female called out as the Pidgey flew forth and hit into the Bellsprout's large yellow head." The plant wiggled about as it let out a small groan with the girl chuckling, "This will be easy that's for sure."

Blaine frowned and looked down at his dex, "Okay, Bellsprout use Vine Whip!" The large plant sent out a extended root to slam into the Pidgey, but the bird barely budged in the air. "Again tackle!" His opponent called out and the Pidgey obliged, flying down low and slamming into the grass type.

"Vine Whip!" Blaine cried out again but once more the Pidgey barely budged. His chuckled, "Use Gust now!" The Pidgey cried out as it began to quickly flap its wings to send out a gust of wind at the plant. Bellsprout cried out as the winds hit into it and sent it flying back a bit as it rested on the ground. Blaine recalled it as the female shook her head, "You need a bigger team in my opinion. though you can't catch any here and if you want to beat Falkner then you'll need to train up that Totdile."

"Falkner?" He asked with a frown.

The girl nodded, "Yeah, he's the gym leader here. I suggest getting that Totodile strong and then challenging him. He's no push over that's for sure."

Blaine shrugged at that, "I suppose. So, what is a gym leader?"

[PokeCommunity.com] (IC) Crossroads ; A Johto Story - ACT I

Blossom the Chikorita
Female - Level 9
Tackle/Growl/Refresh/Razor Leaf/Poison Powder/-

[PokeCommunity.com] (IC) Crossroads ; A Johto Story - ACT I

Napoleon the Buizel
Male - Level 8
Sonic Boom/Growl/Water Sport/-/-/-

[PokeCommunity.com] (IC) Crossroads ; A Johto Story - ACT I

Hawk the Taillow
Male - Level 8
Peck/Growl/Focus Energy/Quick Attack/Steel Wing/-

[PokeCommunity.com] (IC) Crossroads ; A Johto Story - ACT I


[PokeCommunity.com] (IC) Crossroads ; A Johto Story - ACT I


[PokeCommunity.com] (IC) Crossroads ; A Johto Story - ACT I


[PokeCommunity.com] (IC) Crossroads ; A Johto Story - ACT I

Melody Hughes

Chapter 3 - Violet City

Arrival In Violet City - Back To School!

After all the excitement that Melody had faced along her travel across Route 31, the last stretch that led to Violet City felt like a much needed rest. The girl managed to avoid any trainers that might have been itching for a battle as well as any wild Pokémon encounters. Normally, Melody would not have gone through such great lengths to avoid these, but seeing as how Blossom and Napoleon had already had quite a busy morning, the last thing either one needed was another battle at the moment.

Violet City had quite a different vibe to it compared to that of Cherrygrove. The buildings all had a much more olden times look to them. The paints used on the various buildings in the city were all that of a much more calm and somber color. Even the rooftops of the Pokémon Center, Gym, and Mart were painted with that in mind.

Speaking of the Pokémon Center, it was this exact building that Melody made her way to as soon as she managed to arrive at Violet City. She was quite thankful that it happened to be one of the first buildings in the town.

"It looks like your Pokémon have definitely been through a bit," the nurse said as she took the balls which held the creatures to treat them.

"Somethin' like that, yeah," Melody replied, deciding to leave out any information about her encounter with the man from Team Rocket. "There were a lot of trainers on the route, plus the wild Pokémon."

"I can imagine so," the nurse replied with a light giggle. "After all, Violet City is a popular first stop for those who decide to try their luck at the Johto Pokémon League."

The mention of this caused Melody to perk up quickly. "Johto League...? Ya mean there's a gym here?"

The nurse nodded in response. "Yes, it's run by Falkner. Many trainers consider his gym and his flying type Pokémon to be a good place to start climbing those steps to become the next champion of the region," She paused for a moment, taking the time to place Melody's Pokémon inside the device that was commonly used to heal whatever ailed them. The nurse glanced over her shoulder curiously at the trainer. "Are you thinking of taking on his gym by any chance?"

"Of course!" Melody replied with with a bright smile. "Takin' on his gym would be a good way to see how strong my team has become so far!"

"That's a lot of enthusiasm you have there," the nurse said with another giggle. "But if I may be so bold... Your team currently isn't ready to take on Falkner and his gym."

"What do you mean?" Melody asked curiously. "We've been workin' really hard so far!"

The nurse rubbed the back of her head slowly. "Hear me out... There's a school of sorts in the city, one that could probably help you get that last leg of training you could use to help defeat Falkner. I'm not saying you have to do it, but why not give it a visit at least?"

Melody seemed hesitant for a moment. She personally did not think she really needed some form of extra training to handle the gym in this city. However, the nurse seemed to really recommend her at least giving it a quick check out. The girl slowly nodded in response. It probably would not hurt to at least give it a quick check out...
Blaine and some Derps​

Blaine was thankful enough that the the academy had a healer on the campus, it made sense in his mind at least, but that female was tagging along now. He tried to shake her off by asking if she had classes she needed to go to, but somehow she always managed to change the subject. It wasn't a simple 'oh how was the weather along the route' style change either. It was more along they would chat and somehow, Blaine still wasn't sure HOW, they would suddenly be on a different subject and he would realize five minutes in what they were talking about and he would have to reassert his previous question. After a few minutes about this he just gave up entirely. Fine, so this girl was interested in shiny pokemon and practically drooled over Derpy, so what? Well, he supposed if anything this was giving Derpy a bit of inflated ego as he was more inclined now to puff out his chest proudly and in the hallways it seemed that the other students were also drawn to him. Seriously he had just come out of the healing center and everyone was snapping a picture of him or were asking to hold the shiny mon and other ridiculous things. If he was getting this much attention was seriously considering an alternative. If STUDENTS got this worked up over a shiny pokemon how much would one sell for?

On the one hand, it might work out flawlessly… on the other Derpy might just bite him all over. For some strange reason the Totodile wanted to always come back to him and lick him. It was this combination of Blaine shuddering and wishing that one of these other trainers would just take him. He could make it along with a flower on his travels, right? Well in any case by the time he was finally outside there was still a bit of a crowd following and now they were more than eager to battle. Blaine gave in finally and did one quick battle with a weaker Pidgey, but as soon as that ended there were others wanting to see his Totodile in action. Just who the hell obsessed over shiny pokemon so much!?

Well he saw either one of two things that could happen. One, he gives in battles for the whole day and that would be it… or he could try running away. The problem with running away was NOT to be noticed, and unfortunately Derpy was doing EVERYTHING he could to be noticed. The Totodile was being more than overly energetic as he would pose with students or just be as wild and crazy as he could be should they request it. What did prove to be his saving grace was after a second battle, this time with a Caterpie, Derpy was showing a bit of weariness and so Blaine had to start holding him as the crowd began to disperse. As he did look down at Derpy again he saw the water type quickly give him a wink of sorts before he went to play acting tired. Wait… was Derpy being devious here? Okay, who the hell had taught this Totodile how to act? Some mastermind must have been training him before or something!

As the crowds were finally gone Blaine let Derpy down once the coast was clear and immediately the Totodile burst into a dance of sorts. Blaine had to chuckle at the sight, "Man, you're devious aren't ya?" The Totodile gave him a wide grin and ran along the paths as Blaine followed along. He still only had one potion left, but those two previous battles hadn't really done that much to Derpy, the Caterpie had really only used String Shot after all.

The Totodile ran on through, disappearing behind some plants before crying out and falling backwards. Blaine was quick to meet up with him and saw a Spinarak hanging from some string, laughing loudly at the effect it had on the Totodile. Derpy was quick to stand up and jabbered angrily at the bug. The Spinarak began to slowly rise up it's string, but Derpy moved his claws faster, slicing at the string as the bug fell onto the ground. It tried to crawl away but Derpy placed a foot and let out a growl as the bug began to shiver there.

Derpy looked at Blaine and jabbered a bit as he jumped back and assumed a battle position. "Oh… uh, use Water Gun." Derpy jabbered and opened his jaws as a gush of water flowed out and hit into the spider, sending him spinning around. The spider at the point saw it was escaping and so sent out a String Shot that wrapped around Derpy's foot and stuck it to the ground. The Totodile growled and without Blaine's command he sent out more water at the bug. The insect was thoroughly drenched and shivering in the cold now. It tried to spray out another strand of silk but the silk drooped onto the ground thanks to the water. Derpy grunted as he pulled his foot free and soon was before the shivering but, his jaw forming into a curled smile. He opened his mouth to show off his teeth and finished off his opponent with one last Water Gun.

Blaine stared as Derpy placed a foot on the unconscious but and held up a hand in the air, holding his head up high as well. Blaine frowned as Derpy got off and began to make his way along the sidewalk yet again. "Well feisty as always." Blaine commented.