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☆ E N T E R T A I N E R
  • 6,493
    Hopefully the simple title will catch peoples' attention.


    Here at Yadda Yadda Boom!


    Series include Pokemon (anime, games, PokeSupe), Suzumiya Haruhi, Madoka, Angel Beats!, Umineko, and Nanoha. And if you're still reading this blog I'm thinking of opening a gallery to further advertise my graphics mostly icons. So in other words, I need opinions!

    Finally, I'd like input on this tag:

    Saved some Gary/Green icons. Hope you don't mind. I'll credit you if I use'em, of course. :] Love that they're mostly Pokemon Special btw~
    I like the tag but not too fond of font effects there. :x Everything else looks nice though.
    Regarding the tag, for beginners, I'd like to mention that you should try focusing your effects near the focal, instead of using them to create 'borders'. Basically, see what you get if you replace the white effects with the red one's and vice versa. The text being a bit smaller with its angle adjusted would also help.
    @Syd: I don't mind at all :D

    @Nica: Thanks for the input :3 Text on a tag is one of my weakest points, so I'm still trying to improve on it.

    @Kotov: Thanks for the advice! It's a good thing I actually saved the thing as a PSD for once.