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  • 117
    • Age 34
    • USA
    • Seen Aug 26, 2015
    Pokemon: Frozen Flame

    [PokeCommunity.com] I'm Back

    Pokemon: Frozen Flame
    Hack of Fire Red

    You live in Pallet town, and have finally come of age to get your first pokemon. and at a time when your world needs protection from team rocket. Your Father will give you your first pokemon, and explain to you everything about what team rocket is doing, they are taking the only thing keeping the world from freezing, and threatening to destroy it, Charmanders flame. if they are able to freeze the flame. the entire world will go dark. and an unstoppable snowstorm will come upon the world you know and love. to stop them you will have to train hard and strengthen your pokemon. and when you are ready, defeat those leading the mission to freeze the flame. after the flame is frozen off the area surrounding it will be blocked off forever to prevent something like this from ever happening again. but you are the only one who can help save the world...

    maps and towns will be very familiar. but different at the same time. alot of the major buildings from the normal versions will not be accessible because this game takes place in the past. and not all of them make sense to keep. like prof oaks lab. but dont worry. the game will not be lacking in the amount of stuff to do in each town.

    Additions to the game
    -No choice of starters, you will get 1 one of a kind pokemon in the beginning, which will be a pokemon i make sure no other trainer has. (Probably going to be Growlithe, or if you can think of a better pokemon to start off with thats a fire type let me know. this was just an idea)
    -All pokemon will be available in wild, or in game trade.
    -Team Rocket will ditch their normal line ups of koffing ekans etc, for ice type pokemon to better suit the storyline.
    -New gym leaders
    -New Elite 4
    - yellow-like theme where old starters are given to you (not just red/blue starters. but all of them up to this game. theres 9 i believe, excluding pikachu)
    - some changes to caves and buildings to show aging/ time change from old game
    - Ash may be reintroduced as elite 4 leader, or gym leader.
    - As of right now the main legendary pokemon is:

    Maps: (using ROMbase from kyledove)
    Pallet Town:
    [PokeCommunity.com] I'm Back

    all the gym leaders have changed, some of them maybe show up in other places in the game. maybe they have a home in the town where their gym used to be, and in every town they give you something useful.

    all of the pokemon will be availible in the game, not all of the legendarys will be events. but they will be hard to get, and in a place you cant get to till towards the end of the game.

    if anyone would like to help me develop this game further let me know. and show me what you can do.



    ill post more things i need help with as i go. thankyou for helping if you can :D


    Join the team!! help me out! i actually want to be one of the people to finish a hack in this place!


    these ones i will need new overworlds and regular sprites.
    Hero boy/girl
    all 8 gym leaders (wait on this one, im going to put up names and descriptions for these first)
    elite 4 and champion (info coming later, but if you want you can throw up some sprites and ideas)
    at least 20 to 30 different random trainers. yeah its alot but they are going to be all over the game.
    Team Rocket
    Team Rocket leader. (i will also have a description for this one later.)
    if i think of any more that i need i will post it.

    only overworlds
    professor oak (younger version)
    younger versions of all of the leaders from red/blue/
    i.e brock misty lt surge, etc. i will be placing them in the game as children
    and i will also post more as i think of them.
    Last edited:
    maybe make it back like 50 years ago?
    No lamppoles , no roads , no tall buildings.
    And team rocket leader was giovanni's father?
    You woke up in the morning, feeling fresh and ready to get your first long-awaited Pokemon.
    Just as you walk out of your house, you realized that the atmosphere is different than before.
    Shocked, you rushed to PROF.??? lab.Realizing that the region is in danger, you decided to take on
    a journey to stop what team rocket is doing.
    that sounds good.
    and it works, cause i can still change up the gym leaders.
    but i liked the idea of having the old gym leaders giving you things in each town. i guess i can still do that. but just make up people who say they were the gym leader before if i want to do that

    thanks for the advice!
    yeah im going to try my hardest to give this hack a great authentic feeling.

    nothing that looks like it was made by some random kid. i want it to look great. so if i know i cant do something i wont, and i want help from as many people that can contribute. because i want to make an awesome game.

    anyone that is good at editing buildings and things like that feel free to offer to lend a hand!
    ive never heard of froslass before you just told me haha

    im really looking for something epic to put in. so it will be a little while before i make my decision on it., but froslass is definitely one of the choices.

    i definitely want to make it more simple though, more like red version instead of fire red. but im building it on the fire red because it looks better, and its in color and everything.

    if i take out all the extra stuff, like the contests and things, does anyone think it will affect the game?

    also i will be removing the trading and battling out of the game. the people at the desks will just tell you that there is a new technology being developed. and that they cant let anyone through
    since theres no need for trading anyway. if its taking place in the past. which will probably happen.

    ill come up with more ideas. theres alot of stuff floating around in my head right now
    im not really into editing the old games. i prefer the new ones. i mean i could start on the old ones to get the hang of it. but i really just want to jump in and make something great.

    and i will be starting on this tonight. im gonna need some help though. so if anyone reads this please offer your services! haha
    well, no one seems to be offering to help me yet. im not really that good at doing sprites or tiles. but it looks like i am going to have to try anyway.

    i have some new ideas for people to give feedback on

    new ideas:

    -areas like the safari zone, SS. Anne are closed. since it takes place in the passed, these places will still be "under construction" so there will be people guarding the entrances.

    - Im adding a new mountain like area where the charmanders flame will be. this space maybe be located above bills house. like you go through his house to get to it (like in the rumor cheats from the old games.) and you wont be able to get there until you beat the 8 gym leaders, or the elite 4, havent decided yet. also. the main area in this new place will hold charmanders flame. and the offshoots may contain legendary encounters. havent decided on that though.

    - Prof Oak making an appearance as a random trainer in the game? but something more important than just a random encounter.

    -this ones not definite. but i may just eliminate the Pokedex from the game, since it takes place before Oak, it wouldnt make sense to have the pokedex in the game. because it was "his invention". if i make oak in the game, you may be able to find him way later in the game, like when you save the flame. he will show up and give you the Pokedex. claiming that he just invented it and he wants you to be one of the first to test it.

    -ill be adding more things to this later. and making more sense of it to. like putting events in chronological order obviously lol

    let me know what you think of my ideas.

    and also. PLEASE if you can help me with the graphic editing. that is a hugeee part of this. i may also need help adding the new areas. PLEASE HELP ME IF YOU CAN. thankyou :D
    another thing i am a begginer what about you and i am learning to sprite how do u want the sprite to be
    my famous sprite is ash and gary mix it is awesome that is what all my friends say
    i will send it to u okay but where

    and i no1 gary fan he is so cool i hate ash i like gary
    wat about u
    Last edited:
    My comments are in bold.
    [PokeCommunity.com] I'm Back

    Pokemon: Frozen Flame
    Hack of Fire Red

    You live in Pallet town, and have finally come of age to get your first pokemon. and at a time when your world needs protection from team rocket. Your Father will give you your first pokemon, (no choice between starters), and explain to you everything about what team rocket is doing, and how they are planning on taking over the world by freezing charmanders ancient flame and causing the world to go into an ice age! he will then send you on your journey to stop them. (i will add more as it progresses) [That sounds pretty good so far. However, I suppose that later on you should tell us why team rocket would want to do that, since this plan sounds a lot like magma/aqua's one.]

    The maps and towns will be very familiar. but different at the same time. alot of the major buildings from the normal versions will not be accessible because this game takes place in the past. and not all of them make sense to keep. like prof oaks lab. but dont worry. the game will not be lacking in the amount of stuff to do in each town. [That makes sense. Still, it's a bit weird to see grass in the first town, especially if you encounter problems (like not having a pokemon, etc.)]

    Additions to the game
    -No choice of starters, you will get 1 one of a kind pokemon in the beginning, which will be a pokemon i make sure no other trainer has. [Which is? (no spoil mens? =D)]
    -All pokemon will be available in wild, or in game trade. [You mean 386? By trade I suppose it's doable.]
    -Team Rocket will ditch their normal line ups of koffing ekans etc, for ice type pokemon to better suit the storyline. [Good, good! I was tired by that theme.]
    -New gym leaders [typical, but fine, as long as they are worth the change]
    -New Elite 4 [same as above]
    - yellow-like theme where old starters are given to you [;o]
    - some changes to caves and buildings to show aging/ time change from old game [sounds good, maybe a more untoucheb-by-human mt. moon for example]
    - Ash may be reintroduced as elite 4 leader, or gym leader. [0_0 that would be something new, he must have discovered how to travel in the past...]
    - As of right now the main legendary pokemon is:

    [Uhh...a shiny one?]

    Maps: (using ROMbase from kyledove)
    Pallet Town:
    [PokeCommunity.com] I'm Back

    all the gym leaders have changed, some of them maybe show up in other places in the game. maybe they have a home in the town where their gym used to be, and in every town they give you something useful.

    i may also add a new legendary pokemon to the game.

    but i will need to know how to get rid of 1 of the starting pokemon. so i can choose 1 pokemon that you have to get, and 1 pokemon that your rival gets. much like yellow. where he gets eevee and you get pikachu. [I have a suggestion here. How about you get a Bellsprout and he gets a counter for that pokemon. To make it hard.]

    all of the pokemon will be availible in the game, not all of the legendarys will be events. but they will be hard to get, and in a place you cant get to till towards the end of the game. [Looking forward to.]

    if anyone would like to help me develop this game further let me know. and show me what you can do. [Spriting, maybe, once I have time. You stalked my profile already, didn't you?]

    thanks, CJ
    Good luck, mister.