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[Other Question] Importing old pokemon essentials projects.

  • 37
    • Seen Mar 24, 2024
    Grown up and got educated and wanted to revive an old project which used Pokemon Essentials v13 I believe.
    I finished lots of events and all the way up to the 3rd gym and put hundreds of hours into the project when I was a kid.

    Anyone done anything similar and have any tips/advice?
    So, v13 is a really old version (obviously). So while I am linking the guide on the wiki, I can't suggest following it this closely.
    It may be better to effectively rebuild your game from scratch in v21, using v21 as a base, and your old project as a reference because a lot has changed.
    The PBS formats for one, completely different. and it's better to start from v21's PBS because it comes set up with all the required flags and what not, which you'd lose if you did a version by version upgrade (which I am unsure would work, as I've never seen it done on anything older than v16 forward).
    Events likewise would have changed. While the compiler should catch many of them, such as $PokemonBag becoming $bag, it's not perfect and if you had direct constants such as PBItems::POTION just being symbols (:POTION) in events for a while now, it wouldn't convert that.
    Thanks for the response. Unfortunate.
    I'm guessing I can still import my maps, correct?

    I'm not too bummed as it seems a lot of the custom scripts I had are redundant now due to being implemented in the newer versions of essentials.
    Thanks for the response. Unfortunate.
    I'm guessing I can still import my maps, correct?

    I'm not too bummed as it seems a lot of the custom scripts I had are redundant now due to being implemented in the newer versions of essentials.
    You can yes, though I figure a number of methods have been changed for that as well. Worth a shot, at the very least you'll likely find a lot of the stuff you need to fix