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In case you're wondering...

Elite Overlord LeSabre™

On that 'Non stop road'
  • Team Aqua (GT 2024)
  • 10,165
    ... in light of the epic flooding in the Carolinas...

    I AM SAFE.

    I live in a part of North Carolina that was spared the worst of the storm - we had days of continuous rain, but nowhere near the amounts that fell in central and coastal South Carolina that's currently wreaking havoc.

    Still, I know many people, both family and friends that I frequently meet up with at anime conventions, who do live in the hardest hit areas, and I do constantly worry about their safety. The main rain event may have ended, but water is still rising and dams are bursting. So far, nobody I know has had any catastrophic loss, but the danger is far from over. I urge everyone who clicked on this blog entry to keep the victims of this horrific weather disaster in their thoughts.

    And yes, this is probably the most serious blog post that I've made on here. The situation in North, and especially South Carolina is deadly serious.