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Indexing Images

  • 1,309
    • She/Her
    • Seen Nov 24, 2023
    Indexing Images
    Seeing as many old guides no longer have pictures and some contain outdated methods requiring multiple tools, I felt we were in need of a new tutorial! In short, many images in the third generation of games have a 16-colour limit which is why indexing is required. For the purposes of this tutorial, we're going to index a trainer sprite so that it's ready to be inserted. You'll need an image you want to index and a tool named GraphicsGale which you can download here.


    The first thing you'll want to do is open your sprite in GraphicsGale, highlight "All Frames", then hit "Color Depth".

    [PokeCommunity.com] Indexing Images

    We want to set this to 4bpp as seen above.
    When you've done that, you'll notice that your palette has been trimmed down to 16 colours.
    Select your entire image at this stage, and hit Ctrl+C to copy. Don't forget to do this!
    Even though your image now has a total of 16 colours - technically, your image can only use 15 of those.
    Why? The first colour in the palette index will serve as our transparent colour, as per the GBA requirements.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Indexing Images

    Notice that in the above image our first colour is black; not the green that we want to be our background colour.
    How do we fix this? Simply click on the colour, in our case black, drag & drop the values around with our green. We'll end up with this:

    [PokeCommunity.com] Indexing Images

    Paste/Ctrl+V over it, and boof, it now looks normal again! Sorted.
    Export, insert into your ROM, and test.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Indexing Images

    Last edited:
    You didn't end the post with an "x"
    This is the worst tutorial of all time.

    In all seriousness though, it's nice to have some more up to date tutorials on how to do things like this. I'll definitely be referring back to this when I work on whatever it is I'm working on ^^
    I've re-written this post entirely since some of the images were lost in the server change!

    Also @Disturbed, I've done the right thing and added "x" to the end of the post to make up for my wrongdoings and relive myself of eternal shame.
    Hello, I've been trying this method of indexing, however, I feel it isn't indexing it right, because when i open it up in GG, it appears like if it wasn't indexed, I haven't tested it ingame yet because I haven't made pal file yet due to that.
    Hello, I've been trying this method of indexing, however, I feel it isn't indexing it right, because when i open it up in GG, it appears like if it wasn't indexed, I haven't tested it ingame yet because I haven't made pal file yet due to that.
    Checked on GIMP and, for some reason, GraphicsGale does not index my file when I export it, any help?