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Greenlit: Interviews with YOU

But where do I insert "Interviews with YOU in the image then ?
Sorry for disturbing, but can I know what happens in this section of the forum ?

I am new member in the forum, hence sorry for lack of my incompetence of understanding this section !!
Sorry for disturbing, but can I know what happens in this section of the forum ?

I am new member in the forum, hence sorry for lack of my incompetence of understanding this section !!

No problem, we are happy to help you understand how the forums work!
This section here is to submit articles suggestions for PC Daily! Here, we suggest ideas, post first drafts, let PC Daily's staff review, ...
When greenlit, the article can be ported to PC Daily for final review before publishing!
As for your questions : I pick those I am interviewing depending on my interests at the moment, but everyone can also ask me for an interview. I am not picky! We then co-write a text based interview (with other things added depending on what they made), then update and shape it, back and forth until we are both pleased with the result!

But what if someone wants to interview YOU though? :p
No problem, we are happy to help you understand how the forums work!
This section here is to submit articles suggestions for PC Daily! Here, we suggest ideas, post first drafts, let PC Daily's staff review, ...
When greenlit, the article can be ported to PC Daily for final review before publishing!

Thanks for clarifying. It looks like I misinterpreted this !!
😃 😀 😄 😁 🤣 😂

I thought that this section has something to do with profile customization !!
But where do I insert "Interviews with YOU in the image then ?
Edit : I have embed the Infernal Cult theme, but for the other theme, Rock Bottom, I can't find a not extended version... though this one happens to be slow and soothing.
I don't think every cover image needs that text in it, tbh. Especially as it'd always be accompanied by the title (e.g. in the forum header, in article comment threads, on the Daily home page); while text on thumbnails does get downsized beyond readability.
Okay, article approved as someone else also looked over it.

Do you want to port it over before a final check and publishing, or someone else to do so? (I cannot do it this week quickly, I am overseas/busy).
I would like someone else to do it, as I have lost access (again) to Daily's dashboard. And it is alright, take care of yourself!
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This line of work seems fun! I might just try it out sometime soon lol! Would you mind? I feel as if I'd have to ask you first (you are the original interview person, as far as I can see)
As in, in character, surprising one with an interview ?
I am eager to see who it is!
Tbh I was going to do Alex_Among_Foxes, but I warned him ahead of time and he said no, so I thought you because that'd be fun, but there's reasons why not to (someone also wants to interview you, I just don't know if they asked you already or am going to surprise you :p), so idk. We'll see!