everyone knows the mew is under the truck, huh?
also, ive heard thaqt in fushia glitch city in R/B you could catch mew lvl 270
oh, also if you catch all unows in crystal suicune would appear in your box =0
another, if you use walk through walls cheat on firered/leafgreen and go west of pallet youll reach jotho
even another, if you go to fushia glitch city (R/B), save the game, turn off and on, you would have mystery gift
lets see... any other?
oh, yes, of course. if you keep fishing in a statue (R/B; dont even know if you can fish in a statue) you would find mew and get to a glitch world with an item called "??gift??" and two master balls. what an imagination, huh?i think my friend was a bit crazy...
just one more i can remember: if you defeat all the three birds in R/B, very strong and rare pokemon (like nidoking, clefable) would appear in mewtwo cave
uff... all i can remember