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4th Gen Is it true?

The story I heard is that you had to get a Female Plusle and a Male Minun, give one a Sooth Bell and the other a Macho Brace, then hand them both over to the daycare center. And in order for the trick to work, they had to really like each other. I met all of the critera needed and was still short one Minusle XD Oh well.
35 of a pokemon in the grass, shinies of the pokemon will start to appear.
really in jsut diamond, because i defeat around 200 whismur perday on my ruby and i have not seen one shiny yet...
In emerald heal with your mum 100 times and she'll say "blah blah lets battle" (dont remember exactly)
your then able to catch all her pokemon, she has everyone
After you catch them all team rocket will apear and ask you to join them :D:D

wooo totally didnt try it out heeheh