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It's been a while since I posed one of these...


karp karp karp
  • 134
    • Age 25
    • Seen Mar 15, 2017
    Well, I remembered that I have a blog xD So... new things... Lets see.
    Pedro donated me to Tier 5 \o/
    I kinda, sorta learned how to skin \o/
    erm.. school's back :(
    And I overuse smilies...

    So, what's up, guys?
    You learned how to skin? :/
    You good sir, still have a long way to go, speaking of course as being your mentor/teacher...
    PEDRO12;bt81039 said:
    You learned how to skin? :/
    You good sir, still have a long way to go, speaking of course as being your mentor/teacher...

    I kinda, sorta learned how to skin

    I know some of the basics that you taught me.
    No, you don't. You sir, have barely scratched the surface of the basics. I really can't help that much if you refuse to learn html. I can't even think about how it'll be when I try to get you to learn JS and PHP ;___;