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I've been so inactive lately.


the princess without voice
  • 6,316
    Yeah I haven't been here much at all lately.I'm sorry.. And it's not that I have been busy, it's just lately I have been wanting to visit other places more. And I feel more interested in looking at my Tumblr or Facebook than coming on a forum on a daily basis. Right now I'm free from school and everything. I won't be in school for another few weeks. So that should mean I would come to PC more often right? Oddly no.I just haven't felt like checking this site as much anymore. I think I've kind of lost interest. Or I'm just spending more time on Tumblr than anywhere else now cause my blog has been getting more attention lately and I've made a good amount of friends there.

    So maybe I've somewhat lost interest in PC for now at least. I really don't know. This blog has been pretty much a long ramble of thoughts. I'm not leaving by the way. I just thought people should know why I haven't been here so often. But anyway, if I I don't make a blog entry before Christmas I just want to say Merry Christmas to everyone here! May you get everything on your wish list and enjoy whatever you do with your family and friends. And just enjoy the all the love and joy of this season!

    I'd be kinda sad if you left... given how well we bond but yeah it's easy to get distracted. Just remember to balance everything.
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    Hikamaru;bt100811 said:
    I'd be kinda sad if you left... given how well we bond but yeah it's easy to get distracted. Just remember to balance everything.
    Balancing things is very difficult for me. Once I go to one place or do one thing, I get so intent into that into/place I forget about everything else. Maybe I need more self-control too. And more reminders that other things on the internet exist haha. But I should try to balance my time and activity online more.