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Japan's New International Shipping Regulations


Hourai NEET
  • 4,638
    • Age 34
    • Seen Mar 12, 2018
    Not sure if many of you have heard, but due to a recent bombing via mail from Yemen, Homeland security is regulating stuff a lot more closely now. A very notable point is that they will no longer accept foreign ink cartridges that weigh over 1 pound (453 grams). Now, I'm not sure whether Japan misinterpreted that or what, but for whatever reason, they are shutting down all international shipments as of (Today) 11-17 that weigh over a pound. From what little research I did on this, it seems most retail services operating out of Japan are unaffected. Hobby Link Japan (hlj), Shopping Mall Japan, and J-List have all express that they're unaffected by the new restrictions. I haven't gotten confirmation on sites such as Hobby Search, AmiAmi, YesAsia, PlayAsia, HimeyaShop, and other such online stores, but I imagine that they're fine. eBay sellers are gonna be hosed like no other though.
    All international shipments over a pound? Wtf? That's ridiculous. O_o

    I think Play Asia is actually Hong Kong based so idk if it'd be affected.
    Mhmm, Play Asia is located in Hong Kong.

    I have faith they'll get their Japanese merchandise in one way or another. BD
    That's.. just.. ugh. Someone really needs to set them straight. xD; If they misunderstood, I mean.