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[Gen 1] Jessica's Ultimate Nuzlocke


[b]Long time no see![/b]
  • 5,641
    Jessica's Ultimate Nuzlocke

    Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to my very first Nuzlocke Challenge! I've never done one of these things before, but I've been finding monotypes boring so I decided to try something new. And as the creator of the original Ultimate Challenge on PC, I feel like I have to do the same here. Thus I'll be traveling through all seven regions of the game(and maybe more) using the following rules.


    -The challenge starts when I get access to pok? balls
    -Once the first Pok?mon is captured, my starter will be boxed
    -Only the first Pok?mon encountered in each area may be caught
    -If I leave an area without catching a Pok?mon, I cannot return to catch one later
    -Any Pok?mon that faints is considered dead and cannot be used again in battle
    -Trading will only be permitted for evolution
    -No legendaries, gift Pok?mon, or hacks will be permitted
    -Battle style set to SET
    -Can only buy pok? balls and evolution items. Recovery items, repels, etc. can only be picked up from the ground.
    -Cannot run from wild Pok?mon encounters
    -Cannot use TM's or HM's on "living" Pok?mon. Required HM's will go to "dead" Pok?mon who have become HM slaves in the afterlife. If no "dead" Pok?mon can learn the HM, an HM slave can be caught instead, though it cannot be used in battle.
    -Every Pok?mon shall receive a nickname
    -Each game is completed when every area has been visited, including postgame areas, and every legendary Pok?mon has been captured
    -Soft resetting in order to revive "dead" Pok?mon will only(and I mean only) be allowed if all living Pok?mon were defeated in a battle that resulted in a black/white out. This is to ensure that I can keep going on rather than having a GAME OVER in the middle of the challenge, which I want to eventually finish :P
    -Use of the above rule will be recorded, with one point per usage. The goal of the challenge will be to have the lowest point "score" as possible, with zero obviously being the best possible outcome.

    Games Playing

    Gen I: Yellow Version
    Gen II: Crystal Version
    Gen III: Emerald Version
    Gen IV: Platinum Version
    Gen V: Black Version (possibly White 2 as well/instead of)
    Gen VI: Y Version
    Gen VII: Moon Version (possibly Ultra Moon as well/instead of)


    Click the badges to jump right into the gym battles! :)

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    Author's note: I'll be writing most of this in character, while adding game notes like this in Italics. New locations will be highlighted when first mentioned, and all new Pok?mon will get a short introduction. Likewise, all "dead" Pok?mon will receive a final-albeit brief-goodbye.

    And with that out of the way, welcome to...

    Chapter 1 - Beginning of a Journey

    [PokeCommunity.com] Jessica's Ultimate Nuzlocke

    Hi! My name is Jessica and I am a new Pok?mon trainer. I started my journey in Pallet Town just the other day. I have always wanted to travel the world with my Pok?mon, but didn't know if I would be able to take care of them properly. What if one of them died under my care? That would be the worst! D:

    But that wasn't enough to keep me at home, so I set out on my journey. An old man named Samuel Oak tried to stop me, saying it was too dangerous to go into the long grass alone. He even offered me a Pikachu! I politely declined the offer however, saying that I wanted to capture my first Pok?mon with my own power.

    I made my way to Route 1, walking through the long grass all alone before encountering my very first Pok?mon, a Pidgey. He kicked up sand to try to scare me away, but I was able to dodge, throwing a pok? ball and capturing him immediately! Hah! And to think Oak thought I'd be helpless. =P

    [PokeCommunity.com] Jessica's Ultimate Nuzlocke

    Very docile. If attacked, it will often kick up sand to protect itself rather than fight back.
    Concord the Pidgey, level 4

    I kept traveling through the route until I reached the first big city of my journey, Viridian City. It was here where I got introduced to the concepts of a Pok?Centre and a Pok?Mart, where I healed up Concord and stocked up on pok? balls respectively.

    There wasn't much left to do in town so I wandered off to Route 22 in the west, looking to capture my second Pok?mon. And it wasn't long before a tiny blue creature was rearing her horn at me, preparing to fight. Concord whipped up a Gust of wind, blowing his opponent back, at which point I threw my pok? ball. And...success!

    [PokeCommunity.com] Jessica's Ultimate Nuzlocke

    A mild-mannered Pok?mon that does not like to fight. Beware, its small horns secrete venom.
    Ivanna the Nidoran?, level 2

    Going back to Viridian and heading north this time, I arrived at Route 2. I let Ivanna lead my team as we waited for a wild Pok?mon to strike. While we were waiting I heard a small crunching noise coming from my bag...it was a Rattata! He was trying to steal my lunch! Ivanna Growls at him as the wild Rattata starts to get into a brawl with her. And when the moment was right I threw another pok? ball and added a third member to my now growing party:

    [PokeCommunity.com] Jessica's Ultimate Nuzlocke

    Will chew on anything with its fangs. If you see one, it is certain that 40 more live in the area.
    Loki the Rattata, Level 4
    -Tail Whip​

    Looking further north, I could see the trees getting thicker as the path headed deeper into the forest. I stood there somewhat nervously with my three new friends by my side, unsure if any of us were ready to go further. I eventually decided that we weren't, and returned to Viridian.

    The plan then was to train Concord, Ivanna, and Loki evenly, making them all stronger while learning their strengths and weaknesses in the process. They all learned new moves during their training: Concord perfected his ability to kick up sand, eventually becoming a full fledged Sand-Attack; Ivanna became able to use her claws to Scratch up her enemies; and Loki worked on his speed until he could no longer be out-sped with his Quick Attack.

    While training I encountered a boy who seemed oddly familiar. I eventually realized that it was Gary Oak, the son of the man who tried to give me a Pikachu. We had met before, but I didn't like the guy too much. He was very elitist, thinking he was some sort of modern Pok?mon god. Not my type at all. =/

    [PokeCommunity.com] Jessica's Ultimate Nuzlocke

    "Hey you!" he said, noticing me.

    "My name's Jessica," I reply, wishing that I was anywhere but there.

    "The Pok?mon around here are too weak. Let's have a battle, maybe my Pok?mon will grow faster when we defeat another trainer."

    "When?!" I repeat his word, obviously triggered. "You mean if. Loki, I choose you!"

    The little Rattata was up, facing Gary's first Pok?mon, a Spearow. Loki of course started with Quick Attack, knocking the little bird back as he prepared to...Leer. Loki laughed at the move choice as he lunged in for another Quick Attack, this time knocking the Spearow out cold.

    "You're stronger than I thought," Gary said with a mixture of surprise, disdain, and-though I was probably just imagining it-fear. Then..."Eevee, I choose you!"

    Eevee...so Gary had obviously taken the professor's offer of a free Pok?mon. No matter, Loki was still ready for more. Once again he let loose with a Quick Attack, and after a little back and forth Eevee too was no longer able to battle.

    "Wow, you sure are lucky," Gary finally said. "Under normal circumstances you'd be toast."

    I was about to respond, but he stopped me. "Well I've gotta go now. Smell ya later!"

    "Wait!" I yelled out, but it was too late. And also...did he say smell? O_o

    This was going to be quite the interesting journey indeed.

    Chapter 1 Round-up

    Money: $367
    Time: 1:24
    Badges: 0
    Living: 3
    Dead: 0
    Soft-Resets: 1

    I was hoping I could go further before having to reset, but it happened on the first chapter. >_< After catching Concord and Ivanna, I encountered a wild level 5 Pidgey on Route 1 in my VERY FIRST training battle, and both of my Pok?mon were killed. =/


    Pok? Ball x 8
    Potion x 1


    [PokeCommunity.com] Jessica's Ultimate Nuzlocke

    Concord the Pidgey, level 10
    -Sand Attack

    [PokeCommunity.com] Jessica's Ultimate Nuzlocke

    Ivanna the Nidoran?, level 10

    [PokeCommunity.com] Jessica's Ultimate Nuzlocke

    Loki the Rattata, Level 10
    -Tail Whip
    -Quick Attack​
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    Author's note: I added two more rules in the OP. I assumed both were common sense but I've noticed that they aren't part of every Nuzlocke, so I decided to make them official. ^_^

    Chapter 2 - Cotton's Tale

    After determining that Concord, Ivanna, and Loki were well-prepared for the road ahead, we finally made our way towards the Viridian Forest. The trees closed in around us, hiding the sky above from view as it got gradually darker. And it was far from quiet, as I could hear all sorts of Pok?mon rustling in the long grass. I knew it wouldn't be long before I encountered one of them, and I was proven right in the most unexpected way.

    I was walking along, minding my own business when I suddenly felt myself tripping and falling to the ground, I looked back to see a large cocoon with a set of eyes, which looked at me at yelled out its name in fury: "Metapod!" Ivanna jumped between me and the Pok?mon, Growling to hopefully scare it away. However Metapod stayed completely still, and began to...Harden. No attack, just a Harden. Ivanna began scratching the Bug-type, but the damage grew more minuscule with every passing moment. Eventually I threw a pok? ball, and...missed! I threw another, and...it missed too! And on my fourth try...success!

    [PokeCommunity.com] Jessica's Ultimate Nuzlocke

    Hardens its shell to protect itself. However, a large impact may cause it to pop out of its shell.
    Cotton the Metapod, Level 4

    I picked up Metapod's pok? ball off the ground and stared at it curiously. It was cool to have my first Bug-type and all, but how was I going to fight with it?

    I ultimately decided to cross that bridge when I came to it, and so-since there were no bridges that I could see in the forest-I continued on my way. It was getting kind of scary alone in the forest, but I knew I had my Pok?mon to protect me. Perhaps Oak should have considered offering Pok?mon to people up here rather than down on Route 1....

    But I soon realized that I actually wasn't alone, as I encountered a group of young boys collecting Bug-type Pok?mon.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Jessica's Ultimate Nuzlocke

    I think they were as surprised to see me as I was to see them, or perhaps even more as I swear I could see exclamation points erupting above their heads. One by one they challenged me to a battle, and I graciously accepted.

    Except...the Pok?mon I sent out was...Cotton. "Metapod!" she exclaimed, excited about having her first battle. i didn't have the heart to tell her just yet...

    The Bug Catcher sent out a Caterpie, the pre-evolved form of Metapod. "Caterpie, Tackle!" its trainer called out. Wait, what? How can the Pok?mon that evolves into Metapod have an attacking move, while Metapod does not? O_o

    I eventually recalled Cotton(much to her dismay), and sent out Concord who was able to easily route not only this boy, but all the Bug Catchers in the forest(with a little hep from Loki). And Cotton, despite not actually attacking herself, grew a little stronger in the process. She wasn't alone, as Concord also learned to use Quick Attack, just like Loki. Now I had two fast-attacking Pok?mon! ^_^

    With the Bug Catchers behind me I could finally see some signs of civilization as the forest came to an end. I was now looking at a sign welcoming me to Pewter City, the "Stone Grey City".

    Pewter was a much larger city than Viridian. It also had a Pok?Centre and a Pok?Mart(where I healed my team and stocked up on pok? balls respectively), but it also had a large building built into the back of a mountain: The Pewter Museum of Science! <3

    I decided to have a look around. I almost had to turn back when I found out there was an entrance fee(especially after wasting-ahem, spending wisely-all my money on pok? balls, but luckily enough I still had enough on hand. Yay!

    There were a lot of cool exhibits, particularly the fossilized remains of prehistoric Pok?mon! Just looking at the Aerodactyl remains made me imagine being a Pok?mon trainer back when it flew through the skies.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Jessica's Ultimate Nuzlocke

    There was also an exhibit on outer space, which included some Moon Stones(which Ivanna was oddly mesmerized by) in addition to a life-size replica of the Space Shuttle Columbia!

    After seeing everything there was to see, I departed from the museum and returned to the city's entrance. While I now knew that there was a lot to see and do in this city, my main mission was still to find the Gym and defeat the Gym Leader. And while I had confidence in most of my Pok?mon's abilities, there was still Cotton, who had no chance in any battle, let alone a gym battle.

    Cotton watched from the sidelines as Concord, Ivanna, and Loki gave it their all, practicing their skills against the wild Pok?mon of the northern end of Route 2 and Viridian Forest. Ivanna and Loki grew stronger, matching Concord's earlier growth. Ivanna even learned a neat new move in Double Kick!

    And all the while Cotton stood by, keeping her eye on the battles and wishing that she could participate in them. Perhaps it was this wish, if not some other unknown power, that finally gave her her wish.

    "Rattata!" Loki called out after one of his battles. I followed his gaze to see Cotton, it's shell glowing brightly as a large crack began running through it! Oh no, was she dying?! D:

    No, I soon realized. She was evolving!

    [PokeCommunity.com] Jessica's Ultimate Nuzlocke

    Its wings, covered with poisonous powders, repel water. This allows it to fly in the rain.
    Cotton the Butterfree, Level 10

    I wiped a tear from my eye as Cotton flew over the long grass, calling gleefully to her teammates. Not only was she finally able to participate in battles with her new Confusion attack, but she could now actually fly! It was a beautiful moment.

    And it was at that point that I knew we were ready to challenge the gym.

    Chapter 2 Round-up

    Money: $117
    Time: 2:16
    Badges: 0
    Living: 4
    Dead: 0
    Soft-Resets: 1


    Pok? Ball x 7
    Potion x 3


    [PokeCommunity.com] Jessica's Ultimate Nuzlocke

    Concord the Pidgey, level 12
    -Sand Attack
    -Quick Attack

    [PokeCommunity.com] Jessica's Ultimate Nuzlocke

    Ivanna the Nidoran?, level 12
    -Double Kick

    [PokeCommunity.com] Jessica's Ultimate Nuzlocke

    Loki the Rattata, Level 12
    -Tail Whip
    -Quick Attack

    [PokeCommunity.com] Jessica's Ultimate Nuzlocke

    Cotton the Butterfree, Level 10
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    Thanks for the feedback Knost. I am liking Cotton a lot myself. I was hoping I would catch either a Caterpie or a Metapod last chapter. I doubt I'll always get the Pokémon I want though. xD

    Chapter 3 - Pewter City Gym Battle

    Back in Pewter City, my teammates and I approached the gym. It was a large building that seemed to have been carved out of solid rock. The nearby sign read "Pewter City Gym. Leader: Brock, the rock-solid Pokémon trainer!"

    That gave me enough clues to figure out that this was a Rock-type gym. I had never battled such a type so far during my journey, but it seemed apparent that they would be more challenging than anything I have faced before. However I was confident in my and my Pokémon's abilities, so I stepped into the gym.

    Inside there was even more of a rock theme, with boulders lined up along the sides of the battlefield. And standing there before me, almost as if he was waiting there for me, was a young boy.

    "Have you come to challenge Pewter City Gym?" he asked me.

    "I have," I said, nodding.

    "Well you will have to battle me first. If you cannot defeat his underlings, you're still light-years away from beating Brock!"

    Obvious fanboy is obvious, I thought to myself as I took Cotton's poké ball from my bag. This would be her very first battle, and I could tell she was excited before even materializing. "I choose you, Cotton!"

    Cotton appeared above the boy, obviously anxious, as she waited for her opponent to appear. She didn't have to wait long before a small face erupted from the ground. "Diglett!" it said as it looked up at the Butterfree before it.

    "Diglett, use Scratch!" the boy shouted. Wait what? How can it...when it has no...but to my amazement, Scratch marks appeared on Cotton's side as she landed on a nearby boulder, startled. However this battle was far from over, as she quickly recomposed herself and unleashed a mass of psychic energy with her Confusion attack. It wasn't enough to defeat the Diglett in one hit, but after a few more rounds Cotton had won her first match by herself! ^_^

    The next Pokémon was Sandshrew. Cotton seemed willing to continue fighting, but I was not willing to let her, so I recalled her and sent out Concord. Sandshrew Scratched him up good, and Concord got a few Quick Attacks in, but I ultimately switched a third time, this time to Loki who finished off the battle with a Quick Attack of his own.

    The boy, now defeated, allowed me to pass as I made my way to the back of the gym where the leader, was waiting. "Greetings," he said. "I am Brock, the leader of this gym."

    [PokeCommunity.com] Jessica's Ultimate Nuzlocke

    "I am Jessica, from Pallet Town," I told him in response. "And I am here to challenge you to a gym battle."

    "Very well, but you'll need a lot of rock-hard determination if you intend to win."

    I sighed. Another rock pun. "Let's, err...rock and roll," I finally said, knowing very well that I'd be beating myself up over it for the next decade, "Ivanna, I choose you!"

    "Good one," Brock said, actually showing a hint of a smile. "But I still won't be going easy on you. Geodude, go!"

    Geodude was another new Pokémon that I had never seen before. It resembled a boulder with a pair of humanoid arms, and had a very mischievous look on its face as it eyed up Ivanna, awaiting her first move.

    Ivanna didn't wait for long, leaping into the air and slamming her feet into the Rock-type, one after another. The impact was so strong that Geodude was sent slamming into the ground. "Geo...dude..." it muttered in shock. The attack was super-effective!

    He was not done for completely though, as he got back up on his hands, Tackling Ivanna and sending her falling back into a nearby boulder. "Ivanna!" I called out, worried that she had gotten hurt. But no, she was fine, quickly getting back on her feet and charging for Geodude with yet another Double Kick attack. Once again, Geodude was slammed into the ground. However, unlike the first time, now he was not getting back up.

    "I did not expect that attack," Brock said as he recalled his Pokémon. "But let's see if that strategy can work again. Onix, I choose you!"

    His second poké ball landed on the field. As it began to materialize I felt a large presence beginning to fill the room. What the...wait, just how big was this Pokémon?! Once fully realized, Onix filled almost half the arena, towering above both me and little Ivanna. In fact, Ivanna was shivering at the sight of her new opponent.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Jessica's Ultimate Nuzlocke

    "Ivanna, return," I quickly said as she returned to her poké ball. "Concord, it's your turn now!"

    With Ivanna now gone, Concord took to the air circling around the massive Onix. It had tried to Bind him, but the Pidgey was able to avoid the attack and instead shoot a Sand Attack into its eyes. "Onix!" it yelled in a loud, deep voice as Concord continued to throw sand at it.

    Finally..."Onix, use Bide!" Brock yelled as his Pokémon stopped its squirming, deciding to store up some energy for a future attack.

    Luckily for me, I had read up on Pokémon moves before starting my journey, and I knew a little about how Bide worked. As long as I didn't attack while it was storing up energy, my Pokémon would be fine.

    "Concord, one more Sand Attack!" I shouted as he quickly obeyed my command. I then recalled it and sent out my other Flying-type, Cotton. And the timing was perfect! Onix was now ready to unleash its stored up energy! Only...it had no energy to unleash. ^_^

    "Cotton, use Confusion!" I called out. Cotton, slowly getting over the shock that her now second battle was against such a colossus, kept her cool and set off a blast of Confusion in her opponent's general direction. Onix retaliated by grabbing for the Butterfree, but missing yet again. The Sand Attacks from earlier were working!

    Cotton got a few more Confusions in, and it was looking like she was going to get out of this unscathed, but...Wham! Onix's Tackle was a direct hit! Cotton cried out in pain from the massive hit, and was sent spinning to the gym floor.

    "Cotton, just one more Confusion!" I called out, hoping she could hear me. "We're almost done!"

    I don't know if she heard me, or if it was just pure instinct, but Cotton turned to Onix and unleashed one last Confusion just before she made contact with the ground. And to her surprise, that was more than enough. Onix's eyes began to glaze over as it began to fall to the ground itself...right on top of Cotton!

    "Cotton, no!" I yelled as I rushed onto the battlefield, clutching the Butterfree in my arms as the Onix continued to fall. Was this really it? Was my Pokémon journey going to end here?

    Brock recalled his Onix into his poké ball. Oh right. I thought. That's a thing.

    Then..."Butter...free?" Cotton was looking up at me, and I could tell from her expression that she was happy. And more importantly, she was alive! <3

    "I...I underestimated you, it seems," Brock finally admitted, walking over to me. He had something in his hand and was holding it out to me. I took it.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Jessica's Ultimate Nuzlocke

    "This is the Boulder Badge," he said. "What is likely the first of many for you. I wish you luck in your travels,"

    "Thank you," I responded, taking the badge and making my leave.

    "One more thing," Brock said, just as I was about to turn around. What could it possibly be? Suddenly he fell to his knees and-I know this is hard to believe, but I swear it's true-his eyes turned into little hearts. "Will you please be my girlfriend?"

    "Uhhh..." I didn't know what to say. Was I talking to the same person as a minute ago? "Anyway I've got to be going. Bye!" I turned away and made my way to the exit.

    Once out of the gym, I sat on one of the steps leading up to it. "I did it," I said, holding up my badge to the rising sun. "No, we did it."

    Chapter 3 Round-up

    Money: $485
    Time: 2:27
    Living: 4
    Dead: 0
    Soft-Resets: 1

    Badge Case

    [PokeCommunity.com] Jessica's Ultimate Nuzlocke


    Poké Ball x 17
    Potion x 3

    I sold the Bide TM and bought ten poké balls after the match. Hehe


    [PokeCommunity.com] Jessica's Ultimate Nuzlocke

    Concord the Pidgey, level 12
    -Sand Attack
    -Quick Attack

    [PokeCommunity.com] Jessica's Ultimate Nuzlocke

    Ivanna the Nidoran♀, level 13
    -Double Kick

    [PokeCommunity.com] Jessica's Ultimate Nuzlocke

    Loki the Rattata, Level 12
    -Tail Whip
    -Quick Attack

    [PokeCommunity.com] Jessica's Ultimate Nuzlocke

    Cotton the Butterfree, Level 10

    This still seems fairly easy, but I like how the story is progressing. ^_^ I forgot that Nidoran gets Double Kick early in Yellow Version, so that was a great help vs. Geodude. As for Concord's Sand Attacks on Onix, that is how I beat Brock during my very first playthrough of a Pokémon game, so nostalgia made me do it again. It turned out fine though. =D

    And in other news, it seems my entries are getting longer haha. I guess that means I'm having fun with this, so I hope you all don't mind. ^_^
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    Your writing style is fantastic. I'm truly jealous lol

    If you don't mind my asking, how will you handle soft resets and individual deaths?
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    Thank you so much! ^_^ I wasn't originally planning to write this much(the OP said once after each gym battle haha), but I like the way I'm doing it now so I'll stick with it.

    I already had one soft-reset in Chapter 1 that I am still mad at myself about. My very first training battle. >_< Anyway I just noted that one in the round-up at the end and didn't even mention it in the story part. If it happens again I might do the same depending on how significant the loss was.

    As for individual deaths, I'm thinking of adding a tomb-stone sprite along with a short message detailing my time with them, similar to the Pokédex entry I include when I introduce them.
    I like that a lot. I also thought you might pick a "Partner" Pokémon that would stay with you if you were to white out while the others would obviously be no more. It would keep your game going while keeping the "death" aspect of your Locke a threat.

    That said, I love it so far so if you keep going with what you have in place that would be perfect as well! Keep it up.
    Hmm, that's an interesting idea. I'm beginning to think that I've made it too easy with that rule, though on the flip-side I think it'll be too hard if I do it like you suggested. Remember it only goes into effect if I have zero Pokémon in the PC, meaning that in order to move forward I would have to be using only one Pokémon.

    I think I'll keep it the way I have it for now. And speaking of which, I was a little over-productive tonight so the fourth chapter's already up and ready to go. :O Though as a result I probably won't have any updates tomorrow. ^_^ EDIT: It's already tomorrow here at time of posting, so I guess I lied. xD

    Chapter 4 - A Song of Fire and Fury

    After my Pokémon and I had a short rest at the PokéCentre, we continued on our journey, this time heading east towards Route 3. This route was more open, and reminded me more of the suburban feel of Route 1 than the wilderness that was Route 2.

    I was not the only trainer on the route either, as I met a number of different people as I traveled along the path. There was a Lass, a Bug Catcher that remembered me from Viridian Forest, and most preculiar of all, a Youngster who had a strange fascination for shorts.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Jessica's Ultimate Nuzlocke

    "I love shorts!" he exclaimed with the same level of passion one would expect from a trainer towards his or her Pokémon. "They're comfy and easy to wear."

    "Good for you," I replied, before defeating his Pokémon in battle.

    After defeating several other trainers as well, I was finally alone with my thoughts for awhile. My Pokémon had all grown stronger during their recent encounters, especially Loki, who was a little down after not having participated in the recent gym battle, and Cotton, who had finally caught up to her teammates in terms of strength. She had even learned a new move, Poisonpowder.

    It wasn't long however before I found myself in someone's presence again. Though rather than coming from in front or from behind, it can from above.


    It was a wild bird Pokémon, just like the one that Gary had used back on Route 22. Though this one seemed stronger. "Let's catch it," I said as I sent out Loki from his poké ball.

    "Use Quick Attack!" I called to my partner as Loki leaped into the air, Tackling the bird in mid-air. As the two fell to the ground I grabbed a poké ball from my bag and threw it. It rolled once, twice...three times! Spearow was caught!

    [PokeCommunity.com] Jessica's Ultimate Nuzlocke

    Inept at flying high. However, it can fly around very fast to protect its territory.
    Feathers the Spearow, Level 9

    I welcomed Feathers to the group, though note that he has a little catching up to do. Thus I continue on with him in the lead, expecting to get some easy training out of the way as I continued down the route.

    But all that stopped when I heard the sound of another person ahead of me. I soon realized it was a another trainer, a Lass this time.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Jessica's Ultimate Nuzlocke

    "Hi there! I see you're a Pokémon trainer so...do you mind having a battle with me?"

    "Sure," I said. I sent out Feathers, with the hope that he could gain some valuable experience for the road ahead.

    "Great," the Lass said. "I want to try out my new Pokémon. Jigglypuff, I choose you!"

    From the poké ball came the Jigglypuff, a pink balloon-shaped Pokémon that I had never seen before. How many of them are there really? I thought to myself as Feathers prepared to attack.

    "Jigglypuff, use Sing!" the Lass shouted. Wait, is that an attack?

    Indeed it was. Jigglypuff began to Sing in a soft, soothing melody that instantly lulled Feathers to sleep.

    Oh no! "Feathers, return! Ivanna, I choose you!"

    But Ivanna also fell flat to the Jigglypuff's lullaby.

    My next Pokémon was Cotton, who fell victim not to Jigglypuff's Sing fortunately, but rather to her Disable, which conveniently-for Jigglypuff, that is-prevented her from using Confusion, her only attacking move. Also fortunately was the fact that she had recently learned a new move, which was now going to be tested out for the first time.

    "Cotton, use Poisonpowder!" I called out as my Butterfree took to the air. As she flapped her wings, small purple powders fell from them and onto the Jigglypuff below. She had been poisoned! But she was also preparing to use her ultimate attack again, and moments later Cotton became the third incapacitated Pokémon on my team of five.

    Concord was next, managing to get a single Sand Attack in before he too had fallen asleep. But now the clock was ticking as the poison slowly whittled away at Jigglypuff's health. Concord finally woke up, and after one more Sand Attack for good measure, finished his opponent off with a Quick Attack.

    I had won the battle! Though it didn't feel like I had much to celebrate. If the battles ahead were to be as intense as that, I was going to need a lot more training.

    "You have a strong Pokémon there," I said to the Lass before we went our separated ways. I didn't think it'd be long now before I reached the end of the path.

    I soon turned out to be right as I came across a conveniently located PokéCentre. I quickly went inside and used it to heal my team of mostly fast asleep Pokémon.

    Once everyone was back to normal and we were preparing to depart, a creepy old man came up to me and offered to sell me a Magikarp for only 500. It reminded me of my conversation with Gary's grandfather...Oak, I think? Although at least Oak wasn't trying to sell me anything. Anyway I declined the Magikarp just as I declined the Pikachu earlier, and continued on my way.

    Returning to the end of Route 3, I could see the entrance to a cave. I headed toward it, eager to continue my journey.

    Chapter 4 Round-up

    Money: 1,655
    Time: 2:50
    Living: 5
    Dead: 0
    Soft-Resets: 1


    [PokeCommunity.com] Jessica's Ultimate Nuzlocke


    Poké Ball x 16
    Potion x 3


    [PokeCommunity.com] Jessica's Ultimate Nuzlocke

    Concord the Pidgey, level 14
    -Sand Attack
    -Quick Attack

    [PokeCommunity.com] Jessica's Ultimate Nuzlocke

    Ivanna the Nidoran♀, level 13
    -Double Kick

    [PokeCommunity.com] Jessica's Ultimate Nuzlocke

    Loki the Rattata, Level 13
    -Tail Whip
    -Quick Attack

    [PokeCommunity.com] Jessica's Ultimate Nuzlocke

    Cotton the Butterfree, Level 13

    [PokeCommunity.com] Jessica's Ultimate Nuzlocke

    Feathers the Spearow, Level 9

    I was hoping for a Sandshrew, but a Spearow was great too, finally adding a STAB Flying-type move to a team that ironically has three Flying-type Pokémon now. With any bad luck I'll be adding a Zubat to the team next chapter. xD
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    Chapter 5 - Flying Through Mt. Moon

    I made my way to Mt. Moon, the large cave that I needed to get through in order to continue my journey on the other side. There was a large open space inside that I wasn't expecting, and I could see that it had been well traveled. There were also quite a few items lying on the ground that I proceeded to pick up and add to my bag.

    While I was picking up one of these items-some Technical Machine that I would sell when I found myself at a PokéMart again-I began to have a strange sensation fall over me. You know, that feeling you get when you know someone is watching you.

    I turned around, looking to see who was there. And...there was nobody. I looked all around in every direction, but nothing could be seen. Then...wait, this has happened before, I suddenly realized. There was one direction I hadn't looked in yet, and that was up. And so I...


    "Ahhh!" I responded in shock as the Pokémon cried out the moment my eyes made contact with its...uhh, face? It didn't have eyes so I don't know what it was doing to sense my presence. However it definitely knew I was there, as it began to fly down toward me, fangs dripping with poison...

    Suddenly..."Spearow!" Feathers, still leading my team, jumped between the Zubat and I, flying into the air and Pecking at its opponent until the two were directly over my head. It was then I decided to throw a poké ball. The Zubat entered the ball, which began to fall to the ground with him inside. It didn't even have a chance to roll, as by the time it was at my feet, I had already captured my sixth Pokémon!

    [PokeCommunity.com] Jessica's Ultimate Nuzlocke

    Emits ultrasonic cries while it flies. They act as a sonar used to check for objects in its way.
    Damon the Zubat, Level 8
    -Leech Life​

    I made a quick detour to the PokéCentre to heal my new friend along with his teammates before returning to and venturing further into the cave. There were trainers here as well, including a Lass that reminded me a lot of the one I had recently battled on Route 3. This one had a Clefairy however, and that same devastating move, Sing. I fared better this time, perhaps due to my recently-found experience, and continued on my way.

    I encountered a few more wild Zubat who were easily defeated by Feathers, and also a number of Geodude, the Rock-type that had been Brock's first Pokémon in my recent gym battle. They were more difficult to defeat, as my only teammates who had a chance against them were Ivanna and Cotton, with everyone else barely scratching them with their attacks.

    Along the way Damon learned a second move in Supersonic, while Cotton also added a new powder move to her repertoire, learning Stun Spore.

    We finally came upon one of the strongest trainers in the cave, if not our journey so far, when we battled a Hiker who was traveling with two Geodude and an Onix.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Jessica's Ultimate Nuzlocke

    I chose Ivanna to lead the way, as she was the only one capable of landing a super-effective hit on any of her opponents. And it turned out to be the right choice, as she took out the Geodude one after another with her Double Kick. And once the Onix was fully materialized in the cave, her kicks proved just as powerful. After only two hits-or four depending on how you look at it-Onix was down! And as for Ivanna, she was...she was glowing!

    [PokeCommunity.com] Jessica's Ultimate Nuzlocke

    When resting deep in its burrow, its thorns always retract. This is proof that it is relaxed.
    Ivanna the Nidorina, Level 16
    -Double Kick​

    I knealed down and hugged Ivanna, now much larger than she was before. "You did great," I told her, feeding her a Potion to restore some of her health. And I meant it to. I didn't want to admit it, but we were having a tough time making it through that cave. Ivanna wasn't the only one in need of a Potion, but she was the only one who got one because I was now counting on her continued strength moving forward.

    I found a few more interesting items, including a shiny silver stone that thanks to my earlier visit to the Pewter Museum of Science I was able to identify as a Moon Stone. I stored it in my bag, not sure whether I would be selling it yet or not. Who knows? Maybe it could serve some other purpose.

    Traversing deeper into the cave, I stumbled upon another trainer, this time a boy with glasses. He was blocking my way forward so I had no choice but to challenge him. Two of his Pokémon were Poison-type so I let Cotton deal with them using her Confusion. It was an easy win, and Cotton even learned another powder move: Sleep Powder! Oh I wished I could run into those Lasses again, so Jigglypuff and Clefairy could get a taste of their own medicine! ^_^

    Upon beating the trainer, he said something about Pokémon fossils, encouraging me to choose either the Helix Fossil or the Dome Fossil. I eventually took the Helix and moved forward.

    It wasn't long before I could hear someone else racing up to confront me.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Jessica's Ultimate Nuzlocke

    "Hold it there, brat! That's our Pokémon Fossil!"

    I turned around to see a pair of trainers, a boy and a girl, both wearing weird uniforms, each with a giant red "R" on the front.

    "Prepare for trouble, and make it double!"

    "To protect the world from devas-"

    "Is there something you want?" I interrupted them, not caring to listen to any more of their banter.

    "She...she...she interrupted us Jessie, what shall we do?" the boy said, obviously distressed.

    "Just take the girl's Pokémon from her James. Then she can't...wait, where'd she go?"

    While they were busy bickering I managed to make my escape. The cave's exit was near, and I was more than eager to get back into the open air.

    "Come baaaack!" the pair, who I now knew as Jessie and James, yelled as I made my way to the exit. Along with them were two Poison-type Pokémon, Koffing and Ekans, along with a Meowth, a feline Pokémon I was seeing for the first time.

    "Cotton, use Confusion!" I shouted as Cotton materialized from her poké ball. She was weakened from all her fights in the cave so far, but she had enough energy to unleash some super-effective attacks. Koffing and Ekans were dealt with fairy quickly-with the former actually hurting itself in confusion and knocking itself out-and Meowth not long afterwards.

    "Oh no, we've run out of Pokémon!"

    "Let's get outta here. Team Rocket's blasting off agaaaaaaain!" I could hear them shouting as they disappeared further into the cave.

    But I was heading in the opposite direction, cracking a smile as I saw the first rays of sunlight since entering Mt. Moon. The next chapter of my journey was only a few more steps away.

    Chapter 5 Round-up

    Money: 4, 815
    Time: 4:00
    Living: 6
    Dead: 0
    Soft-Resets: 1

    Badge Case

    [PokeCommunity.com] Jessica's Ultimate Nuzlocke


    Poké Ball x 15
    Potion x 3
    Rare Candy x 1
    Moon Stone x 2
    Escape Rope x 1
    HP UP x 1
    Ether x 1
    TM's x 2
    Helix Fossil x 1

    I'll sell and/or use a bunch of these in the next chapter.


    [PokeCommunity.com] Jessica's Ultimate Nuzlocke

    Concord the Pidgey, level 15
    -Sand Attack
    -Quick Attack

    [PokeCommunity.com] Jessica's Ultimate Nuzlocke

    Ivanna the Nidorina, level 17
    -Double Kick

    [PokeCommunity.com] Jessica's Ultimate Nuzlocke

    Loki the Rattata, Level 13
    -Tail Whip
    -Quick Attack

    [PokeCommunity.com] Jessica's Ultimate Nuzlocke

    Cotton the Butterfree, Level 16
    -Sleep Powder
    -Stun Spore

    [PokeCommunity.com] Jessica's Ultimate Nuzlocke

    Feathers the Spearow, Level 14

    [PokeCommunity.com] Jessica's Ultimate Nuzlocke

    Damon the Zubat, Level 12
    -Leech Life

    I definitely jinxed it last time lol. It was more of a challenge than I thought it'd be, traversing through Mt. Moon with four Flying-type Pokémon, especially when only Cotton and Ivanna stood a chance against Geodude. They were definitely the stars of the show this time around, hence their higher levels. ^_^
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    Solid story telling. It's too bad you didn't get Sandshrew as I prefer his raw power over Diglett's speed. Considering your prowess for story telling, it's worth wondering if you've given a thought of doing Pokemon fan fiction, such as a story involving Ash's companions(like Serena and May in Hoenn for example).

    *Edit* Figure I'd add that a good way to spice up a Fan Fiction is to give readers an extra sense of realism by allowing them to experience "audio" in the form of Pokemon OST like the following to open your story :) Intro Music. Have it to introduce Serena landing in Hoenn only to meet May coming home from Johto after winning the Grand Festival there. Then suddenly out of nowhere her trophy is snatched by a thief and escapes in a waiting vehicle. Cue Battle Music Serena uses her Pancham to block the escape route with Stone Edge while her Sylveon grabs the thief from the vehicle and liberates the stolen trophy.

    and so on.... There are so many fan fiction options with Pokemon that it amazes me that they(aka TPC) haven't done it by now. Even the much despised Iris could have a few stories written about her. Anyways, I wish you luck in your Nuzlocke challenge. I try to spice things up in Yellow too but seeing as its the only one I own, there are only so many things I can do lol.

    Edit#2: This would be great to add to the end of your Nuzlocke Chapters if you want to give a Pokemon Anime feel to them lol. To be Continued
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    Thanks CodeHelmet! Though if you were disappointed about Sandshrew, wait until you see what happens next! xD

    I have done fanfic writing before; quite a lot actually. Among other things I've written an 80+ chapter fic about Pok?mon in the real world, though it mostly has OC's. I've already began working on a sequel which I'll be posting later this month. :) Writing about Ash and his companions does sound like fun though. I've never done that but I might like to try sometime.

    And the music does sound like an interesting idea. Thanks for the suggestion! ^_^

    Chapter 6 - Smell Ya Again

    I took my first breath of fresh air after leaving the cave, glad to once again be under the open sky. I was now on Route 4, and I had a little bit further to go before reaching the next city.

    The path was still sloped, and I hopped over a number of ledges as I continued on my way. None of my Pok?mon were faring that well after our excursion through Mt. Moon, so I was hoping for a clear path to the next Pok?Centre.

    Fortunately there was. However on the way I spotted a patch of grass and decided to look for some more Pok?mon. There must be some new creatures wandering about, right?

    Wrong. My first encounter on the route, while exciting, was not of anything new.


    The Pok?mon turned its head sideways at me as I put it to sleep with Cotton's Sleep Powder. Moments later it was resting peacefully in its new pok? ball.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Jessica's Ultimate Nuzlocke

    Inept at flying high. However, it can fly around very fast to protect its territory.
    Drumstix the Spearow, Level 9

    I reached down to collect Drumstix's pok? ball, but before I could...it vanished! It took me a minute before I realized that my team was at capacity, and that Drumstix must have been transferred to the PC automatically.

    It only took a few more moments before I had arrived at my next destination, Cerulean City. It was also a large city, comparable to Pewter at least. And like every city before it, it has a Pok?Centre and a Pok?Mart, which were still my first two stops.

    I gave my team members some much deserved healing at the Pok?Centre while making my way to the PC to collect Drumstix. In exchange, I deposited Ivanna into the storage system. Now my strongest Pok?mon after her near-soloing of Mt. Moon, she deserved a little rest while I brought my other Pok?mon closer to her level.

    My next stop was the Pok?Mart, where I made some decent cash selling the three useless TM's that I had picked up since leaving Pewter City. The Ether, HP UP, Rare Candy, and Escape Rope were good to keep on hand, as were the Moon Stones for the time being. As for the Helix Fossil, it was already deposited in the PC.

    After leaving the Mart I intended to leave for Route 4 again in order to do some training, but a second shop caught my eye: a bicycle shop!

    [PokeCommunity.com] Jessica's Ultimate Nuzlocke

    I decided to go in and see what they had to offer. Eventually I found a cute pink bike with a basket in front, which would be perfect for my journey moving forward. The only problem was the price...ONE MILLION! I'm not even kidding! I sighed and left the shop empty handed.

    Back on Route 4 I put Drumstix in the lead and began to train. Feathers seemed to be enjoying her company greatly, as the two teamed up during quite a few encounters. I couldn't help but wonder their apparent friendship was already blossoming into something more. ^_^

    Anyway, I didn't spend too much time training, just enough to allow for Drumstix to catch up to the pack. However I did get a nice surprise as Loki finally learned another new move in Hyper Fang, which would definitely prove useful in the coming battles.

    As I returned to the Pok?Centre I went to the PC and switched Drumstix with Ivanna. I didn't know what was ahead, so I wanted some strength on my side even if I didn't have to use it.

    And it was good that I did, as not long after leaving the Centre a boy came up to talk to me.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Jessica's Ultimate Nuzlocke

    "So we meet again," he said. It didn't take me long to recognize him. It was Gary! That elitist punk, what was he doing here?! He thought for a moment and then smiled. "You're that girl from before. Vanessa, was it?"

    "Jessica," I replied.

    "Whatever," he said. Then..."Why are you standing so far away?"

    "You said you wanted to 'smell me' earlier, so I'm keeping my distance," I said, sticking out my tongue.

    He paused for a moment, not knowing how to respond to that. "Okay, well...let's have a battle. I want to see how much stronger I've become!"

    I of course agreed, because the thought of beating him again was too tempting to ignore. "Damon, go!" I shouted as the Zubat fluttered onto the ground, just as Gary's Pok?mon, a Spearow, did the same.

    "Oops," I said as I recalled Damon, replacing him with Ivanna, who fainted the Spearow after a number of Double Kicks.

    Gary's next Pok?mon was Sandshrew, whom I switched in Concord to fight. The two traded strong attacks with each other, with Concord ultimately coming out the winner thanks to his Quick Attack.

    The final two Pok?mon, Rattata and Eevee, were both left to Ivanna and her super-effective Double Kick. All the while I was sighing with relief over the fact that had Gary and I encountered each other just a few minutes earlier, Ivanna would not have been on my team. And if that were the case the battle would have turned out very differently.

    "Pfft, they're still not any good," Gary said after losing the match. "Even if you got lucky."

    I tried to respond saying luck had nothing to do with it-while knowing fairly well how that it actually had-but he stopped me. "Anyway, I should be going now. Smell ya later!"

    And he was gone. And...and...he said smell again! Why, just...why?

    I guess I would have to wait until our next encounter to find out.

    Chapter 6 Round-up

    Money: 7, 710
    Time: 4:42
    Living: 7
    Dead: 0
    Soft-Resets: 1

    Badge Case

    [PokeCommunity.com] Jessica's Ultimate Nuzlocke


    Pok? Ball x 15
    Potion x 2
    Rare Candy x 2
    Moon Stone x 2
    Escape Rope x 1
    Ether x 1
    Helix Fossil x 1

    I used the HP UP on Ivanna


    [PokeCommunity.com] Jessica's Ultimate Nuzlocke

    Concord the Pidgey, level 16
    -Sand Attack
    -Quick Attack

    [PokeCommunity.com] Jessica's Ultimate Nuzlocke

    Ivanna the Nidorina, level 18
    -Double Kick

    [PokeCommunity.com] Jessica's Ultimate Nuzlocke

    Loki the Rattata, Level 14
    -Tail Whip
    -Quick Attack
    -Hyper Fang

    [PokeCommunity.com] Jessica's Ultimate Nuzlocke

    Cotton the Butterfree, Level 16
    -Sleep Powder
    -Stun Spore

    [PokeCommunity.com] Jessica's Ultimate Nuzlocke

    Feathers the Spearow, Level 14

    [PokeCommunity.com] Jessica's Ultimate Nuzlocke

    Damon the Zubat, Level 13
    -Leech Life

    Other Pok?mon


    I'm used to playing Blue Version, and I thought Gary's lead was Abra. I wouldn't have used Zubat otherwise, heh. At least it caused him to level up though, :)

    Oh yeah, and I now have FIVE Flying-types. This might end up as a monotype challenge after all. xD
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    Heh another Spearow. I thought about creating my own challenge for Yellow. I wouldn't be as restrictive as limiting catching Pokemon to the first encounter, wherein everything is based on chance(which I despise). Instead, I'd limit it based on Type. Since each Pokemon has a corresponding Type, once you catch a Normal type for example, that Type is thereby locked for the remainder of the game. Therefore if you want that powerful Snorlax, then hold off in capturing that cute Rattata early on. The other limitation is that the maximum amount of Alive Pokemon you may have is six. Meaning once you hit that mark, you can't catch or acquire any more Pokemon until one "dies" and is deposited in the PC. Furthermore, if you have a Pokemon die, it's Type is still locked. Meaning if a Grass Pokemon dies, you can't catch another Grass Type to replace it. Pikachu counts as your Electric type so Jolteon, Magneton and all other Electric types are out from the get go.

    As such, teaching HM moves to Alive Pokemon is permitted and TM's can only be taught under the following condition. 1) It's a STAB move and 2) Pokemon doesn't learn a STAB move naturally. An example of this is teaching Dig to Sandshrew. Since Sandshrew doesn't learn any Ground moves naturally, one may be taught to it. Therefore selling TM's or banking them is your only recourse if neither of those conditions are met.

    Buying Pokeballs is your only means of spending cash. Antidotes, Paralyz Heal and Potions are self-found and can be used at any time(Use wisely!). Pokemon may not be higher than highest level Pokemon of Gym Leader. Hence 12, 21, 28, 32, 50, 50, 54 and 55 respectively. For E4, you can go as high as 65 since Gary's Jolteon is that high. Also, to spice things up further, you can optionally do the Anime route of doing a Gym Battle on equal terms. Namely if a Gym Leader has 2 Pokemon, it's a 2v2 Pokemon battle(wherein you'd deposit your Alive Pokemon for the sole purpose of doing an even Gym Battle). Meaning Lt.Surge is 1v1 but I'm sure a level 28 Ground Type would win no?

    What makes this challenge interesting is that you have to decide carefully what Pokemon to catch. Do you grab the sure thing Mankey for Brock(and write off all other Fighting types), grab Nidoran(for Double kick and writing off Muk and other Poison types), or getting Caterpie for Butterfree(thereby writing off all other Bug types).

    Edit* I should add one more thing. If you plan to do Fan Fiction involving Ash's past companions, it's good to know what they've been up to post series. Here's a list, which may or may not be 100% correct(purely off memory).

    Brock: Leaves Sinnoh to go become a Pokemon Doctor. Arrived in Johto to begin his residency or training and befriends a green haired man who he didn't even learn what his name was(aka Cilan). After treating a wounded Gyrados, Brock goes on his merry way to begin his career as a Doctor.

    Misty: Left for Cerulean Gym after a brief visit to Hoenn and has been Cerulean City's Gym Leader ever since. Overcame her fear of Gyrados and has been inviting Tracey over for visits(potential backdoor romance or does she simply like the company?).

    May: Traveled with Ash through Hoenn and Kanto. After which she traveled to Johto and then to Sinnoh for the Wallace Cup. After losing to Dawn in the finals, she travels back to Johto(whereabouts afterwards unknown).

    Max: Traveled with May and Ash through Hoenn and Kanto. Training with Norman at the Petalburg Gym to become its Gym Leader someday.

    Dawn: Accompanied Ash through Sinnoh before deciding to travel to Hoenn for more Contests. Ended up tagging along with Cynthia to Unova to have a chance meeting with Ash. After which she travels to Johto for the Wallace Cup there(whereabouts afterwards unknown).

    Iris: Traveled through Unova with Ash before hopping on a Magnet Train in Saffron City for Johto. Battled Clair in Blackthorn City and befriended a Gible. Still traveling, hence whereabouts unknown.

    Cilan: Traveling all over the place after accompanying Ash through Unova. First went to Johto and then to Kalos for Fishing competitions(meeting Brock, Clemont and Bonnie in the process).

    Clemont&Bonnie: Traveled through Kalos with Ash but have remained there since his departure. Met Cilan while participating in a Fishing competition.

    Serena: Traveled through Kalos with Ash and left for Hoenn after giving Ash a goodbye kiss. Plans to compete in Pokemon Contests to improve her skills as a Trainer.

    If you read the post-series outcomes of the characters so far, it is possible to have Serena, Dawn and May all meet up in Hoenn. Trust me when I say that people would kill to have a story involving all three. Heck they could do a spin-off series involving them that would do as well, if not better than the main one I would think lol.
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    Whoa, that last chapter lol I thought the whole time you were going to walk into the Rival battle without Ivanna. That would have been terrible. Oh, and speaking of Ivanna, when are you going to evolve her?! That said the battle with Misty would be easier if you didn't let he evolve into Nidoqueen so I can see why you're waiting.

    Keep up the awesome work. Really like your interactions with in game characters so far (cutting off team Rocket and walking away made me laugh out loud harder than I'd like to admit lol)

    P.S. - How come you aren't using the dupes clause? Just curious. :)

    That's an interesting type of challenge that I've never heard of before. Is there a name for it, or did you come up with it yourself? I'm not exactly thrilled with randomness either, though I mostly feel that way when battling competitively. With a Nuzlocke like this it's purely for fun so a little randomness to up the difficulty is fine by me.

    The leveling restrictions do sound interesting, but I usually keep Pok?mon underleveled anyway so I don't really consider it a drawback. I see that I met the limit with Brock without trying to already, and I doubt any of my Pok?mon will crack 21 before Misty, with the possible exception of Ivanna who along with Cotton are the only ones capable of dealing with Geodude and Onix.

    And you have a lot of good ideas for fanfics. ^_^ You could write that story about the girls in Hoenn yourself if you wanted to. I for one would love to read it. :) I have a few ideas for stories to fit into my own fics as well, such as Max finally becoming a trainer and going on a journey.


    Thanks! Nidorina learns Poison Sting at 19 and Nidoqueen learns Body Slam at 23, so I'll be timing it so that I can get both moves. I'll probably wait until 23 exactly and treat Body Slam like a pseudo-evolution move.

    As for the Dupes Clause, I have noticed it in other Nuzlockes, but ultimately decided that I wasn't going to have it in mine. My reasoning is that after you catch a few of the more common Pok?mon in a region, the clause will allow you a greater chance of catching rare Pok?mon, which in effect decreases their rarity for the challenge. Does that make sense? It made more sense when I was reasoning it out in my head when I started this thing. xD

    I'll be playing more this afternoon and I'll likely have a new chapter up late tonight or early tomorrow. ^^
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    I don't know if anyone's noticed or if it's just been my computer, but a lot of the images in my previous chapters were no longer working. I think I've corrected the problem however, so it should be better moving forward.

    Chapter 7 - The End of the Road

    I returned to the Pok?Centre after my battle with Gary to heal my Pok?mon. While there, I couldn't help but overhear a group of kids talking about Bill, the Pok?maniac who lives on the cape just north of town. Intrigued, I decided to take my next training trip in that direction.

    However since my primary mission at the moment was training, I put my strongest Pok?mon back in the PC in favour of Drumstix again, who needed a little bit more experience.

    I then headed to the only path that I could find leading out of Cerulean City to the north, where Route 24 was. I could see a bridge there with a group of five trainers lined up in a row.

    The first one, a Bug Catcher, informed me that I had reached Nugget Bridge, where I would have to defeat five trainers in a row in order to win a prize. I wasn't really interested in whatever they were peddling, but I wanted to get through to the cape so I decided to play along.

    The Bug Catcher wasn't too difficult to defeat, mostly due to my team of birds, but the rest grew progressively more difficult. My two Spearows and Concord did most of the battling, but I would consistently switch Damon in on Ekans so that I could avoid getting my other Pok?mon poisoned. Cotton-the strongest member of the team while Ivanna was away-showed her face a few times to knock some Nidoran into oblivion.

    The fifth(and presumably last?) trainer had a single Mankey, a Pok?mon whom I had previously only ever seen in the wild. This one was considerably stronger than those though, and nearly killed Concord with a critical Karate Chop! Luckily he survived however, and was able to spam a few Sand Attacks before letting Cotton come in to finish the job with Confusion.

    At long last, I had won! :D

    "Congratulations!" I turned and saw a man coming over over to talk. He handed me a shiny gold Nugget as a prize. Wait...that was the prize they were talking about all along?! Sweet! Now I could sell it and get a few more pok? balls! ^_^

    But then the man revealed his true colours.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Jessica's Ultimate Nuzlocke

    "Team Rocket," I said, recognizing his uniform as the same as Jessie and James' from earlier in Mt. Moon.

    "Oh, so you've heard of us," the man said in response, obviously pleased. "Our organization is looking for promising young trainers such as yourself. What do you say about joining us?"

    "I'm sorry," I say to him after a moment. "I just couldn't join an organization whose members wear such silly uniforms. I have my pride, you know? And some fashion sense, at least more than whoever designed that."

    "But...but..." the man mumbled a bit, apparently unsure of what to say next. "But we have free dental!"

    "Good for you," I responded, continuing on my way. "Thanks for the Nugget though. Bye!"

    I felt a little bad for leaving him like that, but I really wasn't interested in joining them. What did Team Rocket even do anyway? It didn't matter really, as they seemed like bad news regardless.

    So back to my journey...I finally came across a patch of grass by the water, and thought it would be a perfect place to do some training. I might even find a new Pok?mon! In fact, after just a few steps a wild Venonat had appeared, and after a Sleep Powder and a pok? ball...

    [PokeCommunity.com] Jessica's Ultimate Nuzlocke

    Its large eyes act as radars. In a bright place, you can see that they are clusters of many tiny eyes.
    Toxika the Venonat, level 16

    I continued over to Route 25 to do a little more exploring, and as a result I added yet another Pok?mon to my growing team:

    [PokeCommunity.com] Jessica's Ultimate Nuzlocke

    Very docile. If attacked, it will often kick up sand to protect itself rather than fight back.
    Aria the Pidgey, level 13
    -Sand Attack
    -Quick Attack​

    With these two new Pok?mon in the PC, I returned to Cerulean City to collect them before doing some training on Route 24. Damon was the star in this area, taking minimal damage from the Grass-type attacks from Oddish and Bellsprout while 3HKO'ing them with Leech Life. By the end of his training he had finally learned Bite, which would improve his chances against a greater variety of Pok?mon.

    Loki and Aria also grew somewhat, but it was the pair of Spearow, Feathers and Drumstix, who were to be fighting in my next battle. It was a wild Pidgey, stronger than most in the area, who was in a one-on-one fight with Drumstix. Drumstix was just getting used to being a member of the team, and was anxious about getting stronger for the road ahead. Just one more Peck and she'd be able to-

    Pidgey used Quick Attack! It's a critical hit!

    I stood there in shock as Drumstix fell to the ground, unable to handle such a strong hit. "No..." I started to say as I suddenly felt one of my Pok?mon desperately trying to escape from his pok? ball.

    It was Feathers. He quickly materialized and hopped over to his friend's side. He turned his head a little, Pecking at Drumstix's lifeless body trying to find any sign of life. There was none.


    I could tell that Feathers was devastated. He and Drumstix has bonded very quickly, being the only two Spearow on my team. In fact, I had already begun to suspect that their relationship had begun to blossom into something more. And now...

    Now Feathers' tears had stopped, and he had instead turned his gaze to the wild Pidgey before him. The one that had done this to his dear friend.

    "Spearow! Spearowspearowspearowspearowspearow!"

    It was done in an instant. Feathers had charged the Pidgey with his beak raised, attacking the bird with a fury of consecutive attacks. I would later discover that he was using a newly learned move, Fury Attack, but at the time all I could see was an act of pure vengeance. That poor Pidgey never stood a chance.

    "Feathers, it's over," I said, grabbing the Spearow, still in a mad fury, in my arms and holding him close. I stayed there, sitting on the grass by the water, until Feathers had calmed down and fallen asleep.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Jessica's Ultimate Nuzlocke

    Was just getting used to being a part of the team. Will be missed, especially by her dear Feathers.
    Drumstix the Spearow, Level 13
    Chapter 6 - Chapter 7
    Rest in Peace Little Bird​

    I sat there with Feathers for a little while longer, but I did eventually get up, and continue on my journey. After all, it's what Drumstix would have wanted.

    Chapter 7 Round-up

    Money: 9,600
    Time: 5:47
    Living: 8
    Dead: 1
    Soft-Resets: 1

    Badge Case

    [PokeCommunity.com] Jessica's Ultimate Nuzlocke


    Pok? Ball x 13
    Potion x 2
    Rare Candy x 2
    Moon Stone x 2
    Escape Rope x 1
    Ether x 1
    Helix Fossil x 1
    TM x 1
    Nugget x 1


    [PokeCommunity.com] Jessica's Ultimate Nuzlocke

    Loki the Rattata, Level 15
    -Tail Whip
    -Quick Attack
    -Hyper Fang

    [PokeCommunity.com] Jessica's Ultimate Nuzlocke

    Cotton the Butterfree, Level 16
    -Sleep Powder
    -Stun Spore

    [PokeCommunity.com] Jessica's Ultimate Nuzlocke

    Feathers the Spearow, Level 15
    -Fury Attack

    [PokeCommunity.com] Jessica's Ultimate Nuzlocke

    Damon the Zubat, Level 15
    -Leech Life

    [PokeCommunity.com] Jessica's Ultimate Nuzlocke

    Aria the Pidgey, level 15
    -Sand Attack
    -Quick Attack

    Other Pok?mon


    Since this is my first Nuzlocke, it is also my first death. I have to be more careful in the future. =/

    And of my eight living Pok?mon, only four types are covered: Normal, Flying, Poison, and Bug. I hope I can add a fifth type to the mix soon. Maybe Ground? :P
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    I was unsure how the tone of your story would handle a death, but kudos to you for handling it beautifully. It's hard to write a death scene in these things knowing that you will continue to put your other Pok?mon in harms way because you have to battle to progress.

    Great job again. I'm looking forward to more. :)

    That's an interesting type of challenge that I've never heard of before. Is there a name for it, or did you come up with it yourself? I'm not exactly thrilled with randomness either, though I mostly feel that way when battling competitively. With a Nuzlocke like this it's purely for fun so a little randomness to up the difficulty is fine by me.

    The leveling restrictions do sound interesting, but I usually keep Pok?mon underleveled anyway so I don't really consider it a drawback. I see that I met the limit with Brock without trying to already, and I doubt any of my Pok?mon will crack 21 before Misty, with the possible exception of Ivanna who along with Cotton are the only ones capable of dealing with Geodude and Onix.

    And you have a lot of good ideas for fanfics. ^_^ You could write that story about the girls in Hoenn yourself if you wanted to. I for one would love to read it. :) I have a few ideas for stories to fit into my own fics as well, such as Max finally becoming a trainer and going on a journey.


    Thanks! Nidorina learns Poison Sting at 19 and Nidoqueen learns Body Slam at 23, so I'll be timing it so that I can get both moves. I'll probably wait until 23 exactly and treat Body Slam like a pseudo-evolution move.

    As for the Dupes Clause, I have noticed it in other Nuzlockes, but ultimately decided that I wasn't going to have it in mine. My reasoning is that after you catch a few of the more common Pok?mon in a region, the clause will allow you a greater chance of catching rare Pok?mon, which in effect decreases their rarity for the challenge. Does that make sense? It made more sense when I was reasoning it out in my head when I started this thing. xD

    I'll be playing more this afternoon and I'll likely have a new chapter up late tonight or early tomorrow. ^^

    I created the challenge on the spot. What makes it difficult is the restriction on TM and Pokemon Type. If a Pokemon can't naturally learn a move you need(like Ice Beam or Blizzard), then you'll be forced to go with a specific Pokemon rather than using a different one that you can acquire and train much earlier and then teach them the corresponding move via TM(like a normal game would be). As for the level restrictions, I love to grind in Viridian Forest and the patch of Grass just prior to Mt.Moon. By raising Pikachu to level 20, you can acquire Bulbasaur before you face Misty(which in your Nuzlocke challenge, you boxed Pikachu so you'll be without the proud Kanto starter until later).

    As for fan fiction writing, I'm not a writer. In fact, writing was something I just disliked and I never truly mastered it in school(favored Math, Science and other subjects). I do have fan fic ideas but when it comes to putting pen to paper I just freeze or go into sheer Brain lock. If I did manage to write something it was generally a summary or outline rather than something specific and to get something even remotely readable takes me numerous drafts. Writing dialogue and other quIrks of story telling just don't come naturally to me and any Editor who would be proofreading/Editing my work would cringe like Ash in Sun and Moon.

    Also, I'd do Bonnie before I'd do Max. Max just came across as an unneeded third wheel in AG while Bonnie kind of held her own and actually contributed to the story of XY. Plus her goals are far more appealing frankly(not to mention trying to find a wife for Clemont).

    I did post a raw outline of a fan fic idea in the creative writing section. I haven't updated it since I just don't have the time but the crux of the idea was skipping ahead in time with Ash turning like 17 or 18(hence several years after Kalos and enough time after SM and any 8th region he should happen to visit). At a BDay celebration in Pallet Town, he is surprised by all his former travel companions. Ash learns what each companion has been up to, their triumphs, struggles and their "relationships"(I have May dating Drew, Dawn dating Kenny and Serena is Ash's OTP. Might even create a new shipping in Bonnie x Max). I give Serena the role as Ash's latest rival because Serena has worked tirelessly to be more like Ash, often competing in Pokemon Contests and in Pokemon Leagues like Nando did in Sinnoh. In doing so, she's filled out her team and becomes incredibly formidable. Serena's aim is to compete in both Kanto Grand Festival and Indigo League and invites Ash to join her(along with Clemont and Bonnie). The problem is, what goal do I give Ash aside from trying to win the Indigo League again?

    Anyways, sorry for spamming your Nuzlocke lol. When you get to Diglett cave, you'll get your Ground type. Might get lucky with a Rock type in Rock tunnel too.