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[b]Long time no see![/b]
  • 5,641
    After working a lot on this Physics lab, I have decided to do something for only the second time in my university career: hand in an assignment late. XD

    I lose 20% as a result, but I believe I have a better chance of getting 80%(ie. perfect before deduction) in a week than I do getting an 80% now(ie. losing 20% with stuff done wrong/not at all). So umm....yeah.

    If I wasn't so logical I'd have handed this thing in now the way it is, but instead I'll be proceeding to get the best mark I can possibly get. lulz
    I wish I had that option in some of my classes...

    You either turn in what ya have, or you get nothin' around here. :|

    Have fun with your lab though. o/