This reminds me of Naruto. It's a common stereotype nowdays, you see.
But that may be the way of doing his thing , if he is a shy boy. Boys aren't that good on communitation (thus they need to be kind of competitive and agressive) but , I think Silver likes Gold in his own way. He just doesn't show it as much as Crystal does . Or they would call him emo(tionally affective, what doesn't go for a boy).
And if he replied to Gold"you surfer-dude!"(cometomybeachpls) he'd say "I'm a skater, tiny-weenie-minnie." so he wouldn't have anything to defend himself. It's the tipycal "letmealone" behavior, just like Green without that much arrogance and maturity to actually like Red and watch over him(brotherly) ,but still, you see as boys , they still have relationship problems(no greenxred.not what you think.) (read the latest translated chapter of FRLG, they fight , Blue goes over to reunite them. Oh so classic from girls that actually are better with the way of thinking in adolescence ( proofed by science they mature earlier in all the ways,except the body. this may represent what's important for each gender in our social stereotyping.) and more open to words , but still ...
Anyway , I think it's his way of doing the things. But I don't want to disrespect your opion,keep that in mind . Just try to clarify with my view . But if I were you , I would stay far away from the Silverlovers around here. No, really. I like Silver too, but his shorts aren't as short as Gold's...hahah-nosebleed. Oh well,
Your so trying onily to help not to disturb anyone's opinion or trying to be sexist (which I hate), just trying to explain it by my view of the things -it's always nice to see different opinions,isn't it ? - ,
Miss Berlitz. < 3 (gold's shorts are even shorter than that. hell yeah. s2)