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[Poetry] Legacy

  • 211
    A poetry thread, gathering what a certain someone wrote and left behind....

    "Even when this mortal shell is gone...My spirit...will live on..."
    ~Zemus, Final Fantasy IV

    Hello. The quote I posted may have come from an evil character that definitely meant something else, but the message itself resonated with my mind and heart all the same. Even after we die, even if we don't believe in God....all living things, especially humans, have the tendency to leave their footprints behind. Even the male black widow spider, cannibalized by its mate after mating, supplies her with the nutrients necessary for her to continue to live. Even though it didn't last, it made a difference.

    I guess what I'm trying to say is that no matter how useless we see ourselves because of our lack of self-esteem or how great we see ourselves because of our pride, we can still make a difference in someone's life. Maybe that's something outside the comfort zone for some of you, but kindness does keep the world afloat. What you do in your lives can inspire people to do the same for someone who truly needs it.

    "You can't change the world without getting your hands dirty."
    ~Lelouch Lamperouge, Code Geass

    Riddel was that person for me. Despite everything the world threw at her, she carried on and did not waver. She continued to be kind even after finding out she was going to die. All I could be for her was a misguided pillar of support. Years went by after she passed away, and gradually I began to grasp the kind of person she truly was. And over the past few years, I tried showing the world what she meant to me. And some of these things came from unfinished fan fiction works. I gave up many times because I lacked the motivation but recently I felt its spark turn on again.

    I already posted her poems in other forums, and now I want to show them here. Depending on the feedback, I might post many times throughout the day, once a day being the minimum amount. Comments are appreciated but not necessary. All I want to do is post her works and hopefully someone would be inspired to write. Her legacy will live on.

    Here is the first poem I wanted to post. And I thank the PC administration for letting me and all writers be exempt from the double-post rule.


    Frail as I am
    My mind is more so
    Though life is confusing
    I am more so

    I spout off words
    Hoping to reach anyone and then turn away
    Before giving anyone the chance to speak

    So standing before you now
    My eyes water up as I choke on my words
    Redemption for the poor girl that I am
    Redemption is what I seek
    For all the words of yours I never heard
    And for all the words of yours I now never will

    My foolishness gets the better of me
    I, the weaver of words
    I, the child of literature

    Just me

    Yeah I've screwed up bad
    Lied like it was my life
    And tried to get through
    Even though I missed you
    But don't forget
    I love you like my friend
    And don't forget
    No matter what
    I'll be there for you in the end
    Because I love you
    My friend

    Yes those mistakes
    They were quite rough
    I've lied before
    But not like this
    Because I cannot do this
    Cannot dismiss the feelings of woe
    The feeling I've wronged
    Beyond repair
    But now I give to you
    The promise that I'll do better
    Do it better for you

    Because I love you my friend
    I hope you love me through my mistakes
    Sorry for not posting one yesterday. I'll post two to make up for it...

    [The Fall of Icarus ]


    The sun rises slowly
    The ploughman ploughs
    The sheepherder watches his sheep
    The ships sail on
    The port town wakes


    Unnoticed to everyone
    Icarus is in the water
    The sun had melted
    Those wings of wax
    His struggle with death
    Caused amazing amounts of
    Fear to surface


    Screams in the distance
    The ship lets down its sails
    Screams in the distance
    The herder shrugs and looks away
    Screams in the distance
    The ploughman just has to finish
    Screams in the distance
    The port town lay quiet


    Death approached like a shadow
    Stealing away Icarus's last breaths
    The boy went limp
    Sunk low into the water
    All that remains are feathers
    Light on the water's surface


    [The Unnoticed Beauty]

    The lighting played part
    But certainly not much
    For the beauty displayed
    Was certainly her own

    Those cerulian eyes
    Soft porcelian skin
    Amazing velvet hair
    Pale and Beautiful

    She was one of amazing grace
    The way she moved...
    Simply amazing

    But tore herself down
    With acts of pain
    She held the blades close
    And watched the blood
    Such disdain

    The beauty unnoticed
    He vowed to protect
    With light in his eyes
    He balled up his fists

    Never again did the beauty hurt
    Never again did she dance with blades
    Never again was she alone​
    Once again I have failed to log in every day, so here comes two poems. Fortunately my vacation will arrive soon, so I'll have more time to post.

    But anyway, these two poems came from a notebook that was found after Riddel's death. I hope you enjoy reading them.


    Your dark eyes are stark and alarming
    Your words sound drained and dry
    There's misery in your bones

    In life so long yet short you live conflicted
    Questioning reasons quite obvious
    And truths you find to be lies

    In this state I ask you
    I beg of you quite humbly
    To close your eyes and breath deep

    Miseries are temporary
    When they seem quite permanent you must see
    They are only as permanent as you make them to be

    I hope one day to see you smile
    I hope to hear your melodic voice once more
    Someday I will

    Let miseries pass


    [In due time]

    Loving as he was
    He held her hand quite delicately
    The ring in his pocket reminded him
    He had something very special to ask

    Worried as she was
    She could feel the change
    The odd tenseness in his actions
    She worried he wasn't well

    In due time they join
    Surprised and loving
    They belong
    I'm a little late but here's the next poem for the 20th of October. I'll post the one for today later.


    A curiosity with death so alarming
    You play about it with a blade
    Knowing somehow you'll stay alive
    But you always come out bleeding

    Suicidal is a dangerous word
    Things are assumed if you say it
    If you think it
    But maybe it's just
    Curiosity of the game of life

    What will happen when you lose
    Is it just a restart
    Or do you just fade away
    You think it is just a game
    [Staring through the eyes of death]

    Heart aching and pounding
    She stepped forth
    In the silence which once held screaming
    She found herself dying

    And you stood there

    Quivering hands covered in blood
    She reached out
    She tried to find words
    But her voice was already gone

    And you stood there

    To cause such pain was a pleasure
    Your smile and gleaming eyes
    It was apparent you did this
    And even more that you hadn't cried

    You just stood there

    Strength failing
    Life fading
    And blood draining
    She lay down to die


    [I watched]

    I watched her heart break
    As he said those words to her
    I watched her smile fade
    As he said he wasn't going to try anymore
    I watched her tears fall
    As he slowly turned and walked away
    I watched her hurt herself
    As he lived his life
    I watched her life change
    After she saw his grave

    Suicide will solve nothing
    But somehow she had to try
    So no more are these two people
    No more will they make each other cry

    I love her as my sister
    But now I am an only child

    We fear it
    We think of it always
    But how many of us
    Really expect it?

    I feel it now
    Deep in my soul
    A fear worse than every before
    The fear of losing her



    Just sitting around
    Not a word need be passed
    We were happy

    Laughing at those jokes
    That no one else understood
    And knowing we held a bond
    Unlike any other

    These memories are fond ones
    But somehow leave me sad
    Forever I'll hold them near
    Knowing they are your gift to me
    [Time] It was a silly time Laughing at nothing But laughing at everything All at the same time I wrapped my arms around you And we both gasped for breath Laughing so hard made it difficult To get the air we needed But somehow we didn't mind It was a sad time Watching all the pain From each other's eyes Knowing we can't help this time I wrapped my arms around you So we could cry together Crying so much made it difficult To see everything around us But somehow we didn't mind It was a loving time Feeling our connection Stronger than we had ever before And staying side by side I wrapped my arms around you And in silence we felt All of the emotions made it difficult To find words that fit But somehow we didn't mind[/Time]
    [The Girl]

    Something about her makes me uneasy…
    Maybe it's a slight fear or dislike,
    But in searching for words to describe it
    I manage to find none that work…

    As time passes I've noticed
    No one says a word to her,
    Knows her name,
    Or even seems to see her there.

    I swear she's just in my mind…
    A figment of my imagination…
    My guilty mind,
    Making up someone I once knew.

    I see her when I turn away
    Out of the corner of my eye…

    She sits in the shadows
    And watches silently…

    Don't you see her?
    The girl of my guilty mind
    The girl I once was
    The girl I left behind



    I'm drowning in them
    But still I'm drawn to them

    My memories

    So close,
    But never to be touched again
    Never to be relived
    They are only remembered
    Only to be replayed in my mind

    Seeing you reminds me
    Of the times we used to laugh
    We used to smile
    We used to love to be together

    Only memories now
    I think I'm sinking again…
    [The Happiness]

    Happiness he'd never seen before
    Rest in her eyes
    Sparkled in her smile
    And danced in her laughter

    Such happiness he'd never known
    It seemed as if it was unreal,
    As if she was unreal

    He wanted to pinch her
    Just to see if she felt pain,
    To see the smile fade away

    Her wonder and beauty
    Untouched by the world
    And all of its flaws
    He just couldn't believe


    Soon he could do nothing
    But tear her down,
    Cause her pain,
    And give her scars

    All for happiness he'd never know
    [The Shadow Girl]

    Behind her I found my place
    At her side whenever she needed
    Whenever she wanted me there

    Desperate to be someone
    I watched her every step of the way
    To try and understand what set us apart
    To understand why she was someone
    When I was no one

    Day in and day out I observed
    I made myself useful
    And served as a good friend

    Often when she was not around
    People would come to me
    Asking where she was
    But not even knowing my name

    I became her shadow then
    For over a year I would be such

    Watch The Shadow Move

    On my own for once
    I had no one to shadow
    And I began to create myself

    At first I was lost
    Not sure what to do
    Or who to be
    But I tried anyway

    I made mistakes of course
    But they were my mistakes
    And I made sure to learn from them

    The Sun Flushes Out The Shadow

    No longer is there a trace
    Of the weak and forgotten girl
    In her place I now stand
    Making myself known as who I am

    But never will I forget
    The Shadow
    [Too Much]

    Overwhelmed by feeling
    Circuits fried and overloaded
    Too many feelings
    Too much pain
    Too much fear
    Too much hurt

    I just want to scream
    So everyone will know
    Just want to scream
    To let it all out

    But my voice is small
    And my lungs wish not to grasp the air
    So silently I suffer this overload

    The feelings burst
    And on tear soaked pillows I lay
    Waiting for someone to come
    And wipe the tears away



    Hated for loving
    Hurt for caring
    And yelled at for being

    I cannot take another scream
    Not another harsh word
    Not another glare from across the room

    I just ask that you leave me be
    And let me live as me

    I will always love
    I will always care
    I will always be
    So why not let me?


    [Heavy Heart]

    She held her hand to her heart
    The strings had begun to break
    And the feelings had begun to burst

    Overwhelmed so quickly
    By every little emotion
    She screamed and cried out
    Looking for some escape

    But her heavy heart would remain
    And the bonds in which it was once held
    Would prove worthless

    She was one of a heavy heart

    Complications keep us working
    Our head spinning to think
    Of all that lies before us
    We'd like to believe that the clear road ahead
    Goes on until the end
    But somewhere along the way
    We find the branches have fallen down
    Maybe a tree or two
    And suddenly things look so overwhelming
    But through these complications
    We walk through life
    Looking for joy
    And we live off of it
    And while my life has it's complications
    Remember you are my joy
    I'll always smile for you
    You'll always keep me alive
    Even if thing get
    A little more complicated


    [Stolen Stars]

    I could feel it
    Her eyes were on me again

    Then we made the connection
    My eyes and hers
    Locked together

    A color I'd never seen before
    And a sparkle in her eyes
    I'd only seen in the night's sky

    Somehow she had stolen the stars
    I've been reading through most of these poems over the course you have been posting them, but just really couldn't think of anything to say because poetry isn't exactly my forte. However "Stolen Stars" really stood out to me somehow. I think it was because of the last line.
    Somehow she had stolen the stars
    It's just what the poem needed and the perfect ending for it as well. It stands out on its own and the extra gap just makes it stand out even more. It just really struck me. I don't have much of an explanation, but there you go.

    I would love to comment on the others, but as I said before I'm still working on poetry, so I really can't think of much to say. Just thought I would drop by, give my two cents, and let you know that there is someone out there reading through these.