I know, someone catching a mewtwo, not bothering to train it, and taking it into the collseum is unfair and it is lazy. I don't do that however, I don't use ubers caught at lvl 70, that's dumb. I raise mine from lvls 5 and 10, then I ev train them, then I put them on my team. I'm not like the people that have a team of lugia, ho-oh, mewtwo, giratina, rayquaza, and heatran, all of those are caught at high lvls, I only used those for the e4.
I do believe you are completely missing the point...
You catch a level seventy. you nature hunt, eve train it, raise it thirty levels. done. If you actually want to try to hunt for IVs with it, you're a brave soul.
Average pokemon. IV breed, nature hunt, EV train it, raise it 100 levels. Already, we can see that in your average pokemon, more work is required. But we're not done.
The base stats of Legendary pokemon, on average, are SIGNIFICANTLY higher than average pokemon. Which basically means less work for more power. He's not calling you lazy because of how you train them, Ichida is calling you lazy because you use them at all, and I agree. One or two legendaries is one thing, but a team of them is just a shortcut to power, promoting dependency and the idea that you don't need a proper strategy, your team is strong enough without it. That, to me, is lazy.
And you're also making yourself look the idiot by screaming and yelling and swearing you'd win in a battle, BTW. Especially since a battle challenge demands that it be met by someone who raises their team the right way.
I for one, nominate Ichida to face down Legendtamer's challenge. With Ichida's team EV trained with a strategy, we can see how it fairs against a legendary team dependent on raw power. Regardless I stand by my vote: legendaries are a cheap way to get stronger than your opponent, and produce a false sense of superiority. If you want to look superior, use pokemon that DON'T look like they're jacked up on steroids the second you catch them.